Qingye Supernatural Office

Chapter 5: No. 091-Face in the water 5


On July 9, 2015, the circumstances of "Fat Head" Zhang Hongda and "Little Xu" Xu Li were found out. They committed suicide in 1992 and 1993 respectively. The causes of death were pesticide poisoning and lying on the train respectively. Xu Lishen’s family has all moved away from this city, and their contact information cannot be found yet. All Zhang Hongda's close relatives have passed away, and he can only contact his niece Lin Juan.

On July 11, 2015, I met Lin Juan. Audio file 09120150711.wav.

"Actually... I don't know much about my uncle's incident. I was very young at that time, just in elementary school, right? And I didn't live with my uncle, so I don't know exactly what happened."

"It's okay, just say what you know."

"What I know is that my uncle encountered a ghost at that time and was possessed by an evil spirit. My grandma and grandpa were taking my uncle to move, so they asked my parents to find a new house. There was no house buying and selling at that time, and my dad was more well-connected. He was in Pingnan We found an earthen house with a separate courtyard for them to live in the city and countryside. My mother was running around at that time, which was very hard. Later, after seeing that my uncle's condition had stabilized, my mother took me to visit him once. "

"Yes. Have you met Mr. Zhang Hongda?"

"Yes... I saw him. He... He was really evil at that time. He looked like a lunatic, but I can't say he was a lunatic..."

"Ms. Lin, can you tell us as much detail as possible about what happened that day? Details are important to us."

"To elaborate... Oh, yes, yes. To elaborate... It was a sunny day and the sun was very bright. My mother took me to Pingnan and took me on a tractor passing by. The place was very remote and the rural dirt roads were not good. Let's go. I sat on the tractor for a long time and was jolted so hard that I vomited as soon as I got off the car. After I vomited, I had to keep walking. Then I saw my grandma's new home... I can't remember what that house looked like now, but I remember I was scared to death when I saw it. The house was alone, far away from the surrounding houses, and behind it was the dark mountain forest... Now speaking of it... Grandma and the others were looking for a house like this, far away from other people. Stay far away…”


"When I got to the door, my mother called out. I can't remember whether it was my grandmother or my grandfather who came out to greet me. Anyway, I didn't see my uncle. My mother was talking to my grandmother and grandfather, and I sat next to them. I didn't care what they said. Listen in. I was very naughty when I was a child. When I saw chickens and ducks raised in the yard, I ran to chase them. Then, I saw someone standing at the window of the house. It was someone I didn’t recognize. He stared at me with that look in his eyes, It was as if he wanted to eat people. It was sunny, and I felt cold all over from being stared at by him. I must have screamed at that time, and wanted to find my mother, so I rushed into the house. He also moved and looked out of the window. As I ran away, I saw him suddenly turn around from behind the wall, stand in front of me, block the door, reach out and push me to the ground, and start tearing off my skirt!"


"Yes, it's a skirt."

"and after?"

"Later, my mother jumped over to protect me. My grandparents were pulling him, but he wouldn't let me go and was tearing my skirt... That skirt... That skirt was my new skirt. I remember this very clearly. My dad bought me a very bright red skirt after I passed the double hundred test. It had small floral flowers on the hem... He almost tore the skirt to pieces and was yelling and screaming. In the end, it didn't work. Then my mother let me go, went to get something, and hit him on the head, and then subdued him."

"Is that person your uncle?"

"Well, yes, it's my uncle. He seemed to have changed. He was completely thin and out of shape. I didn't even recognize him."

"He thought your dress was a ghost?"

"I don't know. I cried at that time. My mother hugged me and left quickly. She never took me to see my uncle again. When my uncle passed away, I didn't go either."

"Didn't you hear about it from your mother?"

"No. I was really too young at that time, and I forgot a little bit when I got older. Well, maybe I forgot on purpose. I still don't wear skirts. When I see those clothes with large red patches, I feel a little uncomfortable too. Hey, I'm sorry, I've been talking about my own things and haven't been able to help you much."

"Where, this has been a great help to us."

"I have another question to think about."

"Excuse me."

"Has your mother ever mentioned anything about your hometown?"


"As far as we know, the people in that area were not very mobile before the factory closed down. When the factory was established, they changed from farmers to workers, and their living areas did not change. Your mother was one of the few who moved away. Did she Did you mention something about your hometown? Is there anything special about your parents’ marriage?”

"Well...it doesn't seem to be the case. My parents' marriage...was special in that era, right? They were in free love. My mother met my father when she was doing business in the city. The two of them saw each other and became friends. Then get married."

"Well, okay. If you remember anything else, you can contact us at any time."


On July 14, 2015, a total of 14 members of the former Jiao County Rural Commune and the former Red Star Factory were investigated, but no clues were found; the history of the Jiao County Rural Commune was investigated, but no clues were found.

On July 17, 2015, I received a call from Lin Juan. Telephone recording 201507171109.mp3.

"Hello, are you Reporter Ye from "Strange Stories"?"

"Yes, you are Miss Lin Juan, right?"

"Ah, yes! It's me. I just remembered something that might be helpful to you."

"Please tell me."

"Yeah. I heard this from my mother when I was a child. I forgot what I did at that time. Anyway, when she was training me, she scared me and said that she would lock me in an empty house no matter what. That empty house The house seems to be a courtyard in my hometown. It has been empty for decades because no one has lived in it or taken care of it. The old people in my hometown scare the children by saying that if they lock people in the empty house, monsters will come and kill them at night. The child eats it.”

"That's it... are there any practical examples?"

"How is this possible? Haha. It's just a local legend, or maybe someone made it up. Your magazine should be interested in this, right?"

"Yes, this is interesting, thank you for the content."

On July 17, 2015, the "empty house" was investigated. Audio file 09120150717.wav.

Sand… sand…

"... Empty houses, you know, there is indeed such a place. But is it just an abandoned house? I have never been there."


"...Oh! That house with the monster! Isn't it just something to scare children? I've been there before, but I have no impression of it. Many people have been there!"



"Oh! As soon as you mentioned it, I remembered that Captain Li went to an empty house with others when he was a child! Many people went there together. They didn't go home after dinner. Everyone was chased and beaten by their family members. That's called a lively!"

"Auntie, are you sure it's Captain Li?"

"Who else could it be besides him? Hey, isn't Captain Li a ghost? Is he being targeted by a monster?"

On July 19, 2015, contacted Li Aimin. Audio file 09120150719.wav.

"Empty house? That... I went with my brother, and there were many other people. I forgot why we went. I just remember that we came home late and everyone was beaten."

"How much do you remember about that empty house?"