Qingye Supernatural Office

Chapter 55: No. 077-Cabinet Blood Claw 1


Xiao Gu knew about Uncle Wang and asked me to wait. Then I heard the sound of keyboard tapping on the phone. After a while, he told me that he could not send me the dossier. I went to the police station.

Xiao Gu is a young man in his twenties, with short hair and a short stature. He has tendons all over his body and his skin is bronze. He looks very strong. I heard that he joined the army when he was in college and received some medals. He originally wanted to stay in the army, but because his father died suddenly and he was worried about his mother being alone, he retired and returned home and became a small policeman at the police station.

Xiao Gu let me into the office and gave up his seat for me, "Brother Qi, take a look, this is it."

After I thanked him, I quickly looked at the file.

After Aunt Wang disappeared, the police station here first handled the case as a missing person case, and called nearby surveillance cameras to search, but no one was found. After a few days, I suspected that Mrs. Wang was not missing normally, so I transferred her to the Shangtou Police Station.

The police's suspicions were reasonable. There is no sign of Aunt Wang in the nearby surveillance cameras. People don't disappear for no reason. They either get into a certain car or enter a certain place. No matter which case, the person is in danger.

The police's key investigation area is Kam Tin Road. The shops there have been investigated by the police, but no clues have been found. They searched around Kam Tin Road and found nothing. They couldn't even identify a suspect, and the case became unsolved.

I looked a little disappointed and a little confused.

To be honest, I originally thought the ghost I saw in the cooked food shop was Aunt Wang, but if it was really Aunt Wang, how did they dispose of Aunt Wang's body? Ghosts can disappear out of thin air, but people can't.

Looking at the testimonies, transcripts, and investigation records, people from the police station inquired about all the shops along Jintian Road on the day Aunt Wang disappeared. People from the police station also came to investigate after that, but found nothing.

Maybe the ghost I saw was not Aunt Wang? I saw those eyes. Aunt Wang disappeared there, so she wasn't necessarily murdered in the delicatessen shop, right

I was hesitant, and after thinking about it for a long time, I asked Xiao Gu: "Can you check out a store on Jintian Road?"

Xiao Gu was puzzled, "What store?"

"The processing point of Old Li's cooked vegetable shop is surrounded by a canteen and a small restaurant." I didn't remember the house number of the cooked vegetable shop, so I gave the names of the two shops on the left and right.

Xiaogu checked it for me.

"Is there any case?" I asked.

"There is a case where someone died last year." Xiao Gu replied, "It was Sun Juxiang, the lessor of the store, and Old Li from Old Li's cooked food shop was her husband."

"How did you die?" I asked hurriedly.

"She was smashed to death. The shelves in the house collapsed and she was hit on the head. She was sent to the hospital and died after being sent to the hospital. The police investigated and found that it was an accident." Xiao Gu turned to look at me, "Brother Qi, why did he suddenly remember Check this?"

"Oh, it's nothing, I just think that store... is the most suspicious." I said vaguely.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Gu actually nodded after hearing this.

"They are the most suspicious. I heard that the veteran policeman who investigated this case was also the first to suspect them."


"Because their store is the earliest to open on that road. They open early every morning to deliver semi-finished products to the market. At that time, other stores have not opened yet." Xiao Gu said, "They are most likely to meet Aunt Wang, but if you ask, , they said they didn’t see it. Looking at other monitoring times, it’s indeed possible that they just didn’t see it.”

I'm not sure now.

Is the ghost I saw that Sun Juxiang or Aunt Wang

I thought about whether I should check again, but I felt unsure.

Let's not talk about how I go there and ask someone to open the door for me to confirm. If I actually go to confirm, will it be dangerous? When that ghost stared at me, my whole body was frozen like a popsicle and I couldn't move at all. That might be an evil spirit that wants to harm people.

"However, I think they are fine." Xiao Gu said suddenly.


"That store has been open for many years, and there is no entanglement with Aunt Wang, so there is no motive. Besides, if it were them, how could they be so calm and continue to open the store?" Xiao Gu opened Aunt Wang's file again and pointed to a name on it. He said to me, "This is the old detective from the police station. His eyes are more powerful than a lot of evidence. At first he was suspicious of the store, but after questioning him, he didn't see any problems."

I nodded, gradually letting go of my doubts.

Guo Yujie is not a detective, and I don't seem to be one either.

The eyes I saw were probably those of Sun Juxiang, who unfortunately died in her own shop and became a ghost unwillingly, which makes sense. She might have had some strong wishes during her lifetime. However, that is their family's business, and I, an outsider, have nothing to do with it.

I thanked Xiao Gu and let the matter go.


Incident number 077

Event name: Cupboard Blood Claw

Client: Zhang Deyi

Sex: Male

Age: 29

Occupation: Company employee

Family relationship: married

Contact address: Room xxx, No. xx, Zhongxin Road, Minqing City

Contact number: 63xxxxxx


On August 12, 2013, the client visited for the first time. Audio file 07720130812.wav.

"Hello, Mr. Zhang."


"Can you tell me what happened to you?"

"Yes. My wife and I moved into a new home at the beginning of this year. It was an old house, but it was renovated and the furniture was all brand new. Not long after we moved in, we heard strange noises at night."

"What kind of sound is it?"

"There was a sound of fingernails scratching from inside the cupboard. It wasn't very loud, but you could barely hear it when it was quiet at night. My wife accidentally heard it and woke me up after hearing it. We thought it was a mouse that had entered the house. .”

"You looked in the cupboard?"

"When I tried to look for it at night, there was no sound and I didn't know where it came from. We looked around the house during the day the next day and found no mice, and there was no sound at night. After a few days, We heard the sound again. It came and went, and we never found the mouse."


"My wife is more afraid of mice. When she can't catch them, she gets very nervous when she hears the noise. She can't sleep well. That night, my wife stayed up very late, and she heard where the noise came from. …”

"Mr. Zhang?"

"Oh... She, she heard that the sound was coming from the closet, which is the closet in the bedroom, right next to our bed. When I was woken up by her, I thought she was suspicious and was scared by the mouse, but Immediately I also heard the sound, it was... coming from the closet next to it."

"Did you check it?"

"I looked. I turned on the light, opened the closet, and looked carefully. There was nothing there, not even a mouse droppings, and no scratch marks. I was the one who looked. My wife was scared and stood at the door of the room. She suddenly pointed at me. My whole body was shaking and I couldn't speak. It was only after she pointed that I saw that there were a few nail marks on my chest on the wardrobe door panel, and they were a little red. They looked... Like blood…”