Qingye Supernatural Office

Chapter 61: confirm


I went to Jintian Road again the next day, almost desperate, and went straight to the cooked vegetable shop.

The door was opened. The person who opened the door was a young man in his early twenties. He had yellow hair, was short, and had a strong build. He looked very unruly.

"What's the matter with you?" He was shorter than me and looked at me with his eyes hanging, a cigarette dangling from his mouth.

I only glanced at him, then looked away and looked straight into the house.

In the middle of the room is a large round table with meat, vegetables, chopping boards and knives. It seems to be their workbench. To the right of the round table is the wall with an LCD TV hanging on it. On the left is a space where a large bag of vegetables and meat that they buy every day is stacked.

My eyes fell on the freezer.

The freezer was waist high, completely sealed, and had a bag of cauliflower on top. An old lady stood there strangely, staring at me without blinking.

"Hey, what are you looking at!" Huang Mao shouted, pushed my chest, and pushed me back two steps.

"Ali, don't do it, don't do it." The old man who was sitting at the round table watching TV and chopping vegetables quickly put down his kitchen knife and apologized to me like a good and honest man, "My son has a bad temper, I'm sorry. Is there anything you need?"

I looked out again and saw that the old lady had disappeared from the cauliflower.

"I asked you something, didn't you hear me?" Huang Mao shouted again, rolling up his sleeves, "What do you mean? Are you here to cause trouble?"

"Ali, don't be like this, go back to the house." The old man stopped Huang Mao and asked me kindly, "Sir, what on earth do you want?"

"No... I'm looking for the wrong place..." I left the words, turned around and left quickly.

Huang Mao was still shouting something behind my back, but I couldn't listen to him anymore.

I started running as I walked and rushed to Building 6 of Gongnong Liucun. I climbed to the sixth floor without stopping. My hands were trembling as I opened the door of Qingye Office. I entered the room and closed the door. I was in the quiet office. Listen to your own heartbeat as loud as a drum.

I took a few breaths and dragged my feet to sit down on the sofa. It took a long time to regain my strength.

"Do you... know Wang Hongzhang? The uncle Wang in Building 8 lives here with his wife. His daughter moved to other places a few years ago and worked and got married and settled down there. They are the only ones who stay here." I started chatting. He rubbed his face, "Two years ago, you should have already... Two years ago, his wife disappeared, and the police couldn't find her. Now, just now, I found it. Ha! I found Aunt Wang. The ghost!"

The old lady standing among the cauliflower, her lower body fused with the freezer, is Aunt Wang!

Why is she there? Why didn't the police find any clues back then? What should I do now...

I really don't know anymore.

Qingye's people can get a fake photo to deceive Yan Xinyu and make him tell the truth. And me? That Huang Mao was impulsive and irritable, but he didn't look like a rational person who could patiently listen to me tell a lie. That old man must be Old Man Li. His attitude suggests that he is either really cunning or cunning, or he is completely ignorant.

Call the police? I didn’t have any evidence to call the police, so it was impossible for the police to search that store. Besides, would there really be evidence there? It's been two years, they should have dealt with Aunt Wang, right

"What should I do?" I asked softly.

The chaotic thoughts in my mind left me with no idea for a while. You can’t just ignore it, you have to manage it, how can you manage it? How can the truth about Aunt Wang’s death be revealed? What is the truth


I was startled and turned to look at the office door.

The sound came from there.

I thought for a while, got up and walked into the office.

There was nothing strange in the office. I continued walking forward and found nothing in the dormitory, kitchen, and bathroom. I entered the corridor and opened the door on the left first. The cartons were piled up. In the door on the right, there was a carton lying on the ground.

I was startled, quickly picked up the carton and opened the seal. There are many strange things in the box, including bells, small bones inside the box, and a hand-sewn rag doll that looks like a glove box. I patiently took out all the things inside, but just by looking at them, I couldn't suddenly understand what they were for.

Will the people from Qingye give me another hint

I sat cross-legged, put my hands on my knees, and waited for a while, feeling embarrassed again.

Do you want to give them a medium? There is a pen fairy in the East and a spiritual board in the West. Should I bring something like that

Just as I was thinking this, I raised my right hand.

This is definitely not my own action!

Just like the time when I burned the kimono, I didn’t move, my right hand moved on its own!

His right hand reached out and grabbed the iron box containing a small bone.


The power disappeared, my hand lost its strength and fell automatically, and the iron box knocked on the ground.

"Are you going to use this box? Or the bones inside?" I asked.

The people in Qingye gave me no further response.

I packed my things, stuffed the box in my pocket, held it tightly with my hands, and left Aoba Office.

To be honest, when I walked to the gate of the community, I was still a little dizzy. Looking for Qingye was a subconscious move, but trusting them seemed to have become my instinct.

After I got home, I checked online. I was so dizzy that I realized that the bones in the iron box were cat bones.

Are the people in Aoba asking me to use witchcraft? Grind it into powder and eat it? Or chant some incantation

I was really confused. That night I searched like crazy on the Internet for "witchcraft" and "spells". However, it seemed impossible to learn this magical method by myself on the Internet. I stayed up all night and gained nothing.

I don’t know whether it was because I stayed up all night, or because I went to see Aunt Wang, but I didn’t hear her voice again that night.

The next day, I went to work with two dark circles under my eyes, and I took the iron box to the office.

The four of them looked at me and expressed some concern.

I thought for a long time and took out the iron box and put it on the table.

"What is this?" The thin man reached out to take it, but I stopped him.

The iron box is very old and rusty. There should have been prints on the surface, but now they are all polished off.

I suddenly took out something like this, and the four of them didn't understand what I was going to do.

I opened the box and showed them the cat bone inside, "I got this from Qingye yesterday."

The thin man stared at me in horror, while the fat man looked solemn.

"What are you doing with their things?" Guo Yujie was still confused.

"This is theft." Chen Xiaoqiu said.

I smiled bitterly, "It wasn't stolen, they gave it to me."

"Them? Are Qingye's people back?" Guo Yujie asked innocently.

"Brother Qi, what are you thinking about?" The thin man asked me in a low voice in disbelief.

"I saw Aunt Wang." I said without any expression on my face. Before Guo Yujie could say anything else, I told her exactly what I had experienced in the past two days. Announcement: Biquge app is online, supporting Android and Apple. Please follow the WeChat official account to download and install: appxsyd (press and hold for three seconds to copy)