Qingye Supernatural Office

Chapter 85: Another dead person


Chen Xiaoqiu said that he would take Li Ruolan to the temple to pay homage, but he did not feel at ease.

The investigation was handed over to Chen Xiaoqiu, and I warned Guo Yujie again, sternly ordering her not to mess around, and she agreed impatiently. The thin man and the fat man and I knew Guo Yujie's temperament well. The thin man and the fat man took the initiative to apply to supervise Guo Yujie, and escorted her home despite her threats with fists.

I told those four people what happened, but I never thought of telling my family anything about Qingye. During dinner in the evening, looking at the peaceful smiling faces of my parents and sister, I just hope that the three of them will never encounter this kind of thing. I started to want Aoba's amulet. In the incident of "Ghostface in the Water", the amulet was burned by the female Ghostface, but in other incidents, the amulet played a great role. It would be great if I could get the amulet to give to my family and friends.

When I fell asleep at night, I still entered that terrifying dream.

This time the girl moved her fingers and arms, and sat up from the ground unsteadily. After several repetitions, she successfully stood up. Her headless body turned around gropingly, holding on to the handrail of the stairs, as if she wanted to go downstairs. I couldn't move, I could only watch as she missed the mark and rolled down the stairs, feeling a throbbing pain in my heart. The sound of the collision of flesh and blood echoed in this silent dream. After it disappeared, a new reincarnation began.

I think she went to get her own head. But on this night, I couldn't wait until she came back with all her hair and tail.

Chen Xiaoqiu's amazing mobility, or maybe her family's amazing mobility, quickly found out about Zhang Shanmei's acting situation.

"The crew that Zhang Shanmei participated in was a small-cost TV series that was filmed in Xuzhou Film and Television City. There were a total of three deaths after the establishment of Xuzhou Film and Television City. One was a suicide. An actress jumped from a hotel near Xuzhou Film and Television City and died on the spot. "One was an accident. When two actors were filming a martial arts scene, the wire broke. One of them died and the other was injured. The other accident was a fire on the set, killing three people."

"It seems to have nothing to do with the two cases at the School of Drama." Guo Yujie said after hearing this.

Chen Xiaoqiu nodded, "There are no particularly critical art workers among the deceased, they are all ordinary celebrities and staff."

"Maybe he didn't die in the movie city." I touched my chin and analyzed, recalling the evil ghost's tone. "When he said 'perfect', he was filled with admiration and satisfaction. I suspect that he may have directed such a scene before his death. , but the filming was not satisfactory.”

"It's not easy to check this way." Fatty analyzed, "I don't know how many movies are filmed every day in the studio. In many movies, only the crew knows what is being filmed. And what exactly are we looking for? A scene of hanging, or a scene of murder and strangulation. play?"

Chen Xiaoqiu said: "Let's check everything. Go to whatever step you can find."

We are not the Aoba Paranormal Agency. We investigate paranormal incidents just because we happen to happen upon them. We still cannot be lazy in our daily work.

Guo Yujie and I went to Gongnong Sixth Village to look for Tao Hai that day, but he was still not at home. We had no choice but to go find Director Mao.

"I don't know where he will go. Except for coming to the neighborhood committee to receive subsidies, he will not interact with us." Director Mao poured tea for us and sighed.

"Where are his relatives? He went back to his hometown to visit relatives before. Do the people in his hometown know how to contact him?" I asked.

Director Mao shook his head, "This is what his neighbor Aunt Xu heard from him. We don't know where his hometown is."

"So is there any place he usually goes to when he lives here? Didn't he say he used to gamble? Would he go to chess and card rooms and the like?" Guo Yujie asked.

"He has never been to the chess and card room near the community." Director Mao said apologetically, "I can't really help you with Tao Hai's matter."

"You don't have to say that. It's us who are troubling you in the first place." I said quickly, "Let's find another way to deal with Tao Hai."

When I returned to the office, I called Xiao Gu and asked him to check on Tao Hai's situation. Tao Hai's behavior of avoiding the demolition office seems weird no matter how you look at it. I thought for a while and then said to Xiao Gu on the other end of the phone: "Check his current address again, the one in the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants."

"The place where he lives also needs to be checked? Do you suspect there is something wrong with the property rights of this house?" Xiao Gu asked.

"It's possible."

There is a problem with the property rights, so Tao Hai cannot sell the house and does not want to demolish it. This makes sense.

When I think of the word "reasonable", I feel a little bit weird.

The nightmare progressed within days. I don't want to use the word progress, but it is progress. I couldn't move, and I didn't know how the girl's headless body, dripping with blood, found her head, but in the new dream, I heard her clear footsteps.

She came up from downstairs, and through the handrail, the first thing I saw was her broken neck and shoulders. Her head was held in her hands, with the frightened expression still on her face. Because she had no head, she staggered a little when she walked. She stepped on a pool of blood and left bloody footprints along the way, and finally stood in front of me.

The head was facing me, as if it wanted to speak, but it couldn't control its facial nerves at all. Her face seemed to be necrotic, and her expression was forever frozen in the moment of death.

The dream was frozen and never repeated again.

I stopped struggling and started again, trying to liberate this girl's soul, but I still couldn't resist the power of the evil ghost.

One night passed, and I gained nothing. When I sat up from bed, rubbing my face, I felt exhausted both physically and mentally.

When I got to the office, I heard another bad news.

"Someone died in the police station." Chen Xiaoqiu said in a low voice.

"What? Could it be... again?" The thin man gestured to his neck.

Chen Xiaoqiu nodded.

"What's going on?" I asked tiredly.

Chen Xiaoqiu explained the matter in detail.

It turns out that there was an arrest operation at the police station last night, and a group of criminals were arrested and brought to the police station for detention and record keeping. Unexpectedly, during this period, a prostitute had a dispute with her client, and the client grabbed the prostitute by the throat. According to the police who were present at the time, the prostitute seemed to be going crazy and would not let go. Several police officers tried to pull him away. Later, they tried to knock him out with a baton but failed. By the time the police were about to use some extreme measures to stop the prostitute, the prostitute was already out of breath. Without the need for forensic identification, everyone could see that her neck had been strangled, not suffocated to death.

"The whole process took less than five minutes in total." Chen Xiaoqiu added, "The client was originally a strong man and a fitness coach."

In other words, he can easily break a person's neck.

"What's the reason?" Fatty asked.

"A straight man has cancer and blames a prostitute for seducing him, causing him to go to jail." Chen Xiaoqiu sighed.

Although it is strange, it is also considered "reasonable".

I think I will dream about something different tonight. But before that, I had to go to drama school. Announcement: Biquge app Android, Apple version, say goodbye to all ads, please follow the WeChat official account to download and install: appxsyd (press and hold for three seconds to copy)