Qixiu Royal Sister [Comprehensive Sword Three]

Chapter 109


Lu Xiaofeng looked at Jiang Li.

He wanted to know whether Jiang Li's words were casual, or if there was something real.

After all, it's not the first time. It's the third or fourth time Jiang Li took him into the ditch with a word. Lu Xiaofeng is not only not stupid, but also a very smart person. Of course, he has to "think twice." "Then do it.

But he really couldn't see it.

If Jiang Li didn't want to, no one could see any emotion on her face.

Therefore, Lu Xiaofeng could only extend the invitation dryly, saying: "Then Miss Jiang...may I go the same way?" After saying this, Lu Xiaofeng froze and regretted it a little. What he said was true, and he agreed, but he still hoped that she would refuse.

Jiang Li didn't seem to be interested, he just said: "Let's talk." Her expression seemed to form a shocking shadow in the dim sky. Lu Xiaofeng couldn't see her specific expression clearly, but felt that pair of cold and penetrating eyes, like a cold light, directly penetrated into the most ugly part of his heart.

Lu Xiaofeng stopped talking.

Jiang Li walked past him and out of the courtyard.

Lu Xiaofeng only felt that white hair gently brushing against his ear. He had just washed his hair, and his hair was a little damp. Jiang Li didn't tie it up, but casually draped it behind his back, waiting for it to dry naturally. Unconsciously, he stretched out his hand to touch it, only to realize that Jiang Li was still a full foot and a half away from him, and it was just the wind.

Jiang Li was walking on the street.

It was too early at this time, and there was no one on the street. She walked quietly from the street to the end of the street by herself. When the sky became slightly brighter and there were voices of people, she turned outside the city. That group of people were all stationed outside the city at night, and she was going to leave, so she had to ask their opinion. Moreover, she was going back to the Central Plains, so it was one thing to ask if there was a convenient ship.

After such a few days, Jiang Li felt that if she didn't want to take the boat halfway, something happened and the boat collapsed, and then she summoned the strange mount called Hundred Years Cangyu, and sat back to the Central Plains. It's best to choose a boat that looks more reliable, let's forget about that kind of boat.

When they arrived at the port, there was already some movement there, and it seemed that they got up very early.

One of the guards recognized Jiang Li and saluted her a little excitedly.

What happened yesterday, the guards of the Southern Palace did not hide anything, and they didn't feel the need to hide anything, so they all explained to the people in Baiyun City one by one. If one or two say that, it will definitely make people feel that they are out of their minds, but if a hundred or more than a thousand people say that, then it has to be taken seriously.

In particular, each of them looked extremely devout, and they spoke vividly. Seeing who disagreed, they seemed to be desperately trying to maintain Jiang Li's reputation, even though they had never lived with Jiang Li before, and they didn't even hear their names. Never, let alone seen. In this way, even those who don't believe will believe it to a certain extent.

Besides, Jiang Li's medical skills are superb, and his appearance is also unparalleled. Among the guards of Baiyun City, he already has a very high prestige. Back then, Ye Gucheng asked Lu Xiaofeng to lead the team. In the end, Jiang Li only said one sentence, and the guards subconsciously obeyed. order, thus ignoring Lu Xiaofeng, the real "temporary boss".

Therefore, in their minds, the first reaction was that it was impossible, and then they slowly accepted it, and then they thought, if it was someone else, it would be absolutely impossible, but if Miss Jiang did it, although those people might be exaggerating, it may not be impossible ah? Is there anything a person like Miss Jiang can't do

Although they didn't see it in person, they couldn't treat Jiang Li like a god like the soldiers of the Nanwang Mansion, but after this incident, they had a little awe of her again. Fans are surprised and flattered to see their idols.

The news later reached Ye Gucheng's ears, and he listened expressionlessly without saying a word.

Ximen Chuuxue was at the side, and he also listened.

The two looked at each other, and they both saw subtle surprise in each other's eyes.

Ye Gucheng said: "Is it possible?"

This is a question sentence, and he is not sure how much exaggeration there is in the report.

After all, Ye Gucheng was one of the parties exaggerated by rumors.

Tianwai Feixian is indeed unparalleled in the world, with extremely beautiful and dazzling swordsmanship, but everything will change in the world, even Ye Gucheng can't escape it.

Later, after he became famous, the description of the Flying Immortals outside the sky was exaggerated by storytellers. Because those who have seen this move are either not talkative people, or they are already dead. And Ye Gucheng never talked too much, so naturally the storyteller gave it a shot, so he just talked nonsense.

However, it is not without reason. There is this rumor, which means that there may have been "snow". It's just that compared to the heavy snowfall in the rumors, perhaps the area where the snow fell was only around Jiang Li's body. In this way, ordinary people who don't know the details will naturally feel that they have seen a miracle.

Although Jiang Li has white hair, people who met her for the first time, such as Ye Guhong, misunderstood her because of this, and thought she was the "mother" of the "Shaman" with good looks, but Ye Gucheng's eyesight Naturally, people don't look at their appearance, behavior, etc., as evidence of their age. She is only about twenty years old, and she is definitely not much older.

Moreover, Jiang Li's internal force is icy cold, as long as she gets close to her, she will feel it. If such internal force is released, it can cause ice crystals and snowflakes within a certain area. This is theoretically possible. Thinking about it this way, the miracle that others talked about was immediately discounted a lot.

Ye Gucheng started talking one by one, he is not a talkative person, but he is definitely not a mute, and when it is time to speak, he will not begrudge a few words.

Ximen Chuuxue listened carefully.

He looks cold, but he is still a person, not a god, and has friends, although most of the time, he doesn't give Lu Xiaofeng face.

But Ximen Chuuxue will definitely give Ye Gucheng face.

Although they are swordsmen, they are not disinterested in anything, and they are not hesitant to discuss such interesting things.

After Ye Gucheng finished speaking, Ximen Chuuxue thought about it, then nodded and said: "It makes sense."

Ye Gucheng's explanation was reasonable, and Ximen Chuuxue couldn't think of a more reasonable explanation for a while.

After all, it is impossible for them to have played Sword Three.

Ye Gucheng also nodded.

Ximen Chuuxue's swordsmanship went a step further, which inspired him a lot. The two of them were demonstrating the way of swordsmanship before.

Now that Ye Gucheng doesn't have Baiyun City as a fetter, Lu Xiaofeng will return to the Central Plains to settle the last matter with him very soon, there is no more concern, and naturally he is on the verge of breaking through.

Ximen Chuuxue was of course willing to help him, not only would he have an extra opponent, but also an extra confidant.

It was Lu Xiaofeng who paid the most attention to this matter. Because of his best friend Hua Manlou's eye problem, he hesitated all night, and he was no longer curious. Now that the news had spread, he hadn't heard a word of it, and even completely ignored it. I forgot about this matter, even when I looked at Jiang Li before, I didn't think of it.

Facing the longing eyes of the guards in front of him, Jiang Li shook his head slightly, first told him to keep quiet, and then let him lead the way after he calmed down, saying that he wanted to see the situation of the soldiers of the Southern Palace.

The guard nodded with great honor, turned around to say hello in three steps, then ran back to lead the way with Jiang Li, and explained the situation to Jiang Li by the way.

After what happened before, and Jiang left the mouth, the soldiers of the Southern Palace became very honest.

At the very beginning, because the city could not afford the accommodation for so many people, the plan was to let the soldiers rest on the ship, and the steward also urgently dispatched some food for the soldiers. The arrangement was quite orderly at first, but later The weather was not beautiful, and it was raining. As a result, some people had to sleep in the open air and rain on the boat, which was too tortured.

Nan Wang went crazy and ignored everything, but Baiyun City is still more rational and has a more humanitarian spirit. Although they were enemies before, it was not the soldiers who were at fault. Before, each was their master. Now the war is over , They also surrendered, so they are naturally a family.

Therefore, they can only be divided into teams urgently, and some of them took shelter from the rain in the cabin to rest, and the others rested in the warehouse not far from the port. It was originally a temporary storage of supplies, but it happened to be empty, so crowded. Then, hundreds of them were stuffed in a large warehouse, and it was barely solved like this.

Fortunately, these soldiers were all limped by Jiang Li, and she kept silent with just one look, so naturally she was not picky about the living environment.

Speaking of this, the guard's admiration for Jiang Li almost overflowed.

Jiang Li didn't care, he just nodded and walked to the big warehouse.

Although it was already dawn and there was some light, most people were still immersed in sleep, the door was half-closed, and there was a lot of snoring inside. After such tossing, even people with slender nerves will be exhausted and have no time to think about other things, not to mention that most of the people here are probably not educated.

At this time, a little leader who was sleeping at the door was woken up. For the convenience of management, he deliberately let the leader sleep outside. He looked at Jiang Li, his eyes sparkled, he ran over quickly, knelt down, and said: "Shangxian."

Jiang Li didn't come yesterday, he remembered what the little princess had said in the crowd before, and he was afraid that it was because of their disturbance that made her bored, so he abandoned them, so he didn't show up? Fortunately, Baiyun City tried their best to appease them, and they calmed down temporarily. At this time, Jiang Li came, and he was naturally relieved as if he had received an amnesty.

Never liking to waste time, Jiang Li went straight to the point and asked, "How was your day yesterday?"

Although Jiang Li felt that Baiyun City and Ye Gucheng should be very moral compared to Nanwang, but they can't just listen to one side, they have to listen to both sides.

The little boss explained everything in detail. He didn't say good or bad, but just explained to Jiang Li in detail. What happened between when she left and here.

Seeing that what he said to the guards of Baiyun City was the same, Jiang Li said, "Since this is the case, you should stay in the city well. City Lord Ye won't let you down."

The little boss was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly kowtowed three times, and said, "I just want to follow Shangxian."

The author has something to say: I was so angry today.

When I went to the bathroom, I put my mobile phone on the workbench. When I came back, I found my colleague was reading it with my mobile phone, and said that I finally knew what novel you wrote. Because they vaguely knew that I wrote novels before, but they didn’t know the name.

I asked her not to publicize, but she also said something to me with a serious face and went to the WeChat group to help me spread the word. One dollar per person is hundreds of dollars, what do you think of me? I was so angry that my lungs burst and I almost went to the hospital.

There is only one watch, I need to take it easy, otherwise I really want to raise a knife and kill her.

Waiting for me to calm down in the small theater, I can't write the feeling of cuteness now.

Finally, there is an IOSAPP girl who said that she can’t see the replacement chapter, because Jinjiang sometimes smokes, especially IOS smokes very badly, so I suggest that you can’t see it, and if there is a new chapter, it must be replaced by me. Refresh and download it. Clearing the cache should do the trick.