Qixiu Royal Sister [Comprehensive Sword Three]

Chapter 11: Never hold a grudge


The incident happened in a blink of an eye, and the other three present only realized it when Yang Xiao fell down.

Ma Xiuzhen and Ye Xiuzhu panicked immediately, one called "Third Sister" and the other "Fourth Sister", they rushed towards them together.

But Gu Hongzi, I don't know if it was because he lost to Yang Xiao in the martial arts competition before, and he was thinking about it. Even though the night was dark and Yang Xiao was in such a mess, he still felt that this figure was extremely familiar from a distance away. Unable to remember who it was, he froze for a moment.

"Fourth sister, how are you doing?"

After hearing Ye Xiuzhu's trembling voice, Gu Hongzi came back to his senses, secretly ashamed.

Gu Hongzi felt that he was the only man present, and he was also a senior brother. It was already quite embarrassing to be relieved by Emei Sixiu before, but now that something happened to his junior sister, he didn't rush over immediately, but Lost my mind, I really shouldn't have done it, I hurried over and said, "What's the matter?"

"Senior Brother! My hand... I have no feeling in my hand." Shi Xiuyun was terrified, and her voice was sobbing.

At this time, Gu Hongzi didn't care about the defense of men and women, and grabbed Shi Xiuyun's arm to have a look. Shi Xiuyun was stabbed in the right arm, with a wound of more than three inches. It wasn't too serious at first, but at this moment, the skin and flesh of the wound had changed color. It seemed that the dagger was poisoned, and an abnormal bruise was spreading upwards along her arm.

The toxin spreads too fast!

Gu Hongzi didn't dare to delay, he tapped Shi Xiuyun's arm a few times, trying to stop the toxin from spreading further by cutting off the veins.

However, the effect does not look good, the cold green is still tenacious, moving forward at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if it is about to reach the shoulder position, once it spreads to the whole body, then the trouble will be really big .

Gu Hongzi was helpless, gritted his teeth, and said: "There is no other way, the poison is too powerful, I'm afraid the only way to do it is to cut off Xiuyun's arm."

Shi Xiuyun was shocked, she even forgot to cry at this moment, and said loudly: "No... I don't want it! Don't cut off my hand!"

Ye Xiuzhu has a weak temper and has never had any opinions. It was Ma Xiuzhen who said what, but at this time, she nodded when she heard Shi Xiuyun's words and said: "Brother, Xiuyun is still young, so she just cut off her hand. You How do you let her live in the future? Why don't you think of another way? "

Gu Hongzi said helplessly: "If there is another way, why would I be willing to cut off Xiuyun's hand?"

At this time, Ma Xiuzhen showed her majesty as the eldest sister among the four Emei talents. Although she felt sorry for Shi Xiuyun, she had no intention of giving in on this matter, and said sharply, "It's better to lose an arm than lose your life!"

Ye Xiuzhu had always been a little afraid of Ma Xiuzhen, and after hearing what she said, she didn't dare to answer.

"Second sister and I hold fourth sister down, senior brother, please do it." Ma Xiuzhen's voice trembled a little when he said this.

Gu Hongzi nodded, without further delay, he drew out the Yitian sword.

Ye Xiuzhu sighed, and stretched out her hands to cover Shi Xiuyun's eyes.

The Yitian Sword was extremely sharp, but in the blink of an eye, Shi Xiuyun's arm fell into Gu Hongzi's hands, probably because of the toxin, she didn't feel any pain. Just thinking that since then, she lost her right hand and could no longer hold the sword, so her tears seemed to flow uncontrollably.

"If there is a chance in the future, I will take Xiuyun to see a doctor. This arm may be extended." Gu Hongzi explained, and as he spoke, he took out the wound medicine he carried with him and bandaged Shi Xiuyun to stop the bleeding.

Ma Xiuzhen nodded, at this moment, she suddenly noticed that Sun Xiuqing hadn't made a sound for a long time.

Yang Xiao attacked the two before, but because Shi Xiuyun was crying too hard, the attention of several people was attracted to them for a while, so Sun Xiuqing would be ignored if he didn't say a word. Just as Ma Xiuzhen was about to ask how Sun Xiuqing was doing, she found that Sun Xiuqing's eyes were closed, her face was pale, and she passed out.

Yang Xiao came aggressively, and Sun Xiuqing subconsciously stood in front of Shi Xiuxue, so Shi Xiuxue was less injured, but Sun Xiuqing was more miserable. She was stabbed in the right arm first, and then she was injured in the abdomen. The poisoning was far deeper than Shi Xiuxue, and the poison quickly penetrated Her internal organs made her speechless. Seeing that Ma Xiuzhen noticed her, Sun Xiuqing fainted in relief.

Ma Xiuzhen finally panicked, she asked: "Elder brother, what can...Xiuqing do?" Sun Xiuqing's injury was not only on the arm, but also a knife in the abdomen, which Shi Xiuyun could break. arm, but it's impossible for Sun Xiuqing to hollow out her abdomen, right

Shi Xiuyun was originally sad that she lost an arm, but when she thought of Sun Xiuqing who blocked the knife for her, her thoughts faded away, and she cried and called "Third Sister".

Gu Hongzi had no choice but to press Sun Xiuqing's acupoints reluctantly, saying that there are many famous doctors in the city, so he had to knock on the door all night to have a look.

Having said that, without further delay, Gu Hongzi carried Sun Xiuqing on his back and prepared to leave.

Before leaving, Shi Xiuyun kicked Yang Xiao's corpse with resentment, pulled out the sword awkwardly with his remaining left hand, stabbed him a few times to vent his anger, and then chased after him. In the night, the visibility was extremely low, and she didn't pay attention to who she was hitting.

From the beginning to the end, no one seemed to realize that it was Yang Xiao who was lying here, and no one noticed that Jiang Li had been standing on the roof, watching all this happening leisurely.

"You're poisonous... you're not very good." Jiang Li said after several people had left, with a long ending, but judging by her expression, she seemed so careless that it was impossible to tell whether she meant what she said. Still careless.

If the dagger is coated with poison that seals the throat when it sees blood, then from now on, not only the future bright left envoy of the Mingjiao will have to be replaced, but the Emei Sixiu will also have to go halfway. It's a pity that Yang Xiao did go, the Emei Four Talents, no matter how much less they will be in the future, at least they are still the Four Talents now.

The acupoints of the gray-clothed man have not been unlocked, and he is still unable to move, but Jiang Li has not sealed his dumb acupoints, so he can still speak. He knew that based on her behavior just now, it could be seen that Jiang Li was definitely not an ordinary person, no matter his martial arts or heart, he should not be taken lightly. Otherwise, Yang Xiao's fate might be his fate.

Hearing Jiang Li's words, he said calmly, "I still have some of this poison. If the girl thinks about it, I'll give it to you."

What Jiang Li said before was clearly "blaming" the poison. The effect of the medicine was so poor that no one was poisoned to death, but this person still proposed to give this thing to her. Hearing this, Jiang Li felt that he was really interesting.

Before Jiang left his mouth, the man in gray continued, "However, the poison is not so bad."

Jiang Li didn't refute, and said, "Oh?"

"According to the pharmacist, the toxicity is second to none. The most useful use of this poison is to destroy the meridians of the victim." The internal force of martial arts practitioners swims through the meridians, so that they can perform martial arts. Once the meridians are abolished, basically Humans are useless. Killing people is nothing more than nodding their heads. In Jianghu, abolishing people's martial arts is to make life worse than death, even more sinister than killing people.

"That's interesting." Jiang Li couldn't deny it, and said, "You came here for the same purpose as him?" He was naturally referring to Yang Xiao.

"Being ordered by others. The young master has saved my life, so I should be driven by him."

Although he didn't mention the name of Prince Nan, as long as he is a smart person, he can already guess these four words.

In any case, Jiang Li should not and will not be a fool.

"What's your name?" Jiang Li asked suddenly.

"No life." He didn't expect Jiang Li to ask this, he was taken aback, and then said calmly.

Jiang Li said, "You owe him a life, so it's called lifeless, and you owe me another life, shouldn't you change the name to owe life? Then what should you do if you owe someone else?"

Lifeless: "..."

"Thank you girl for letting me go." Wu Ming quickly reacted. Since Jiang Li said this, the implication is that he will not kill him, otherwise why would he owe her his life

Hearing his words, Jiang Li said: "If I spare your life, then you not only owe him a life, but also owe me a life. In this case, who should you drive?"

"Wait for this subordinate to repay the young master's life-saving grace. If there is still life left, as long as the girl can use it, I will serve you." Wu Ming said firmly without thinking.

This answer has to be applauded.

Chivalry prevails in Jiang Hu, and nine out of ten people who hear this will definitely praise him, what a loyal man.

The night was getting dark, and Jiang Li was a little sleepy. He went to bed early these days and returned to his previous night owl routine for a while, but he was not used to it. Not wanting to delay any longer, Jiang Li said calmly, "Forget it, leave one arm behind, and you can go." But as soon as the words fell, Jiang Li waved his sleeves, using his internal energy to release the acupoints.

Compared with Yang Xiao, who had an evil heart and died without guilt, this person was ordered by the son of the Southern King to investigate Jiang Li's whereabouts. Of course, there were mistakes, but the crime did not end with death. Jiang Li was not that kind of bloodthirsty person, so he decided to punish him That's enough.

Without hesitation, Wuming picked up the broken sword blade that fell on the roof, and swung the knife towards his right arm.

Jiang Li watched him stop the bleeding indifferently, and held the severed arm in one hand, and presented it to her.

She said, "You can do it."

Wuming did not make a sound.

Jiang Li took the broken arm, took out some medicine powder from the package, reattached the severed arm and bandaged it, and then ran around the wound with the unique Yunshang mentality. For these, she said: "In three days, it can recover 50% of the body, and within seven days it can be cured."

In the rivers and lakes, it is not without people who can reconnect broken limbs, and they don't even need people. The famous black jade intermittent ointment can have this miraculous effect, but no one dares to boast that Haikou will recover in seven days, let alone seven days. Day, even January, I am afraid it will be difficult. But for Jiang Li, this speed was too slow for her. If she worked hard, she could solve it in less than half an hour.

"Now, you owe me an arm and a life."


"The one with the most wins, do you understand?" One arm plus one life is obviously greater than one life.

Jiang Li's fallacy, but the fallacy is obviously reasonable, and it is especially easy to fool those who believe in death.

Another long silence followed.

Jiang Li waited for a while before he opened his mouth and said, "Jing Wuming sees the girl."

From then on, the primary and secondary were switched, and Jiang Li should be the first.