Qixiu Royal Sister [Comprehensive Sword Three]

Chapter 12: I see


Jiang Li took a deep look at the big hole in the roof and asked, "Can you repair the roof?"

Jing Wuming hesitated for a moment, obviously inexperienced, and answered after a while: "Your subordinate can try his best."

"That's all." After saying that, Jiang Li didn't bother to walk around to the door, and jumped into the house from here.

Jing Wuming sat silently on the roof, motionless.

Jiang Li looked up at him and said, "Do you still want to stay up there for the whole night?"

"Yes." Jing Wuming bowed to accept the order, but he didn't do the same as Jiang Li, but jumped into the yard outside the door.

Jiang Li didn't care about him, he just tidied up the house, went to the backyard to fetch a basin of water, just to fulfill what he promised before, to give Han Ji a "bath". When passing by Jing Wuming, Jiang Li suddenly said, "You want to go?"

Jing Wuming nodded.

Jiang Li said: "Go."

After all, she began to clean up Hanji carefully, even though there was no blood on the sword at all, she didn't seem to care about it at all.

Jing Wuming was stunned for a moment, and after a while, he bowed slightly to salute Jiang Li, and then sank into the night.

After taking a bath, Han Ji was finally satisfied, stopped making noise, and said goodnight to Jiang Li.

Jiang Li smiled and replied, "Good night."

Sleeping with eyes closed, nothing to say all night.

In the early morning, when Jiang Li returned to the door in Jing Wuming, she woke up with a start.

Jiang Li was too lazy to get up and open the door, so he said via voice transmission: "Come in."

Jing Wuming then entered the yard, and stood in the same position as last night, the only difference was that he had an extra box in his hand.

Through a door, Jiang Li asked, "Are you back?"

Jiang Li didn't ask what happened, he just came back with a simple sentence, and thinking about the behavior of Nan Wang's son before, Jing Wuming's heart was complicated for a while.

Although Nan Wangshizi said to wait for Jing Wuming for three hours, but he didn't have a beauty, so of course he wouldn't stay up all night for Jing Wuming, so he said hello and went to rest on his own. When Jing Wuming went back to return, he was fast asleep. However, there was an explanation in advance, and seeing Jing Wuming come back, the subordinates also called Nan Wang Shizi.

If not, they would never dare to disturb them.

Jing Wuming had cut off his own arm earlier, although Jiang Li picked it up, the injury was still obvious, but Nan Wang Shizi ignored it and hurriedly asked: "Can you find out where Miss Jiang lives?"

Jing Wuming replied truthfully.

After Jing Wuming briefly told the story, knowing that he had "offended" Jiang Li, disturbed Jiang Li's peace, and was even hurt by her anger, the first reaction of Nan Wang Shizi was to scold: "Idiot! As I said before, don't disturb Miss Jiang, let's see what you've done!"

He was so full of eyes on how the beauty should be angry, he didn't even care about the injured Jing Wuming, and even Nan Wang Shizi felt that he dared to come back after offending Miss Jiang? Why not die? If Miss Jiang knew that such an idiot was sent by him, what would she think

Nan Wang's son has never waited to see Jing Wuming. His pair of faintly gray eyes, which seemed to be completely silent, always made him feel panicked. The crown prince ran around, but failed to get promoted, so he could only stand outside as the guard at the gate.

At this time, seeing Jing Wuming "broken his arm" and offending Jiang Li, he is already a useless person. He pays very little attention to Jing Wuming, and he doesn't even remember much at this time. What he is good at is the left-handed sword, not the broken sword. He lost his right hand, so he said angrily: "Go and apologize to Miss Jiang, if Miss Jiang is angry, don't come back!" After finishing speaking, he drove Jing Wuming out of the house.

In normal times, Nan Wang Shizi would not be so heartless, but now it is about Jiang Li, he had just suffered a soft nail from Jiang Li before, it was the time to put her in his heart, and it was in the middle of the night After being quarreled, and Jing Wuming's arm was crippled again, he felt that in his own capacity, there was no need to talk to crippled people, so he showed such an attitude.

Jing Wuming originally planned to repay the favor of Nan Wang Shizi for saving his life, and then go to Jiang Li, but now that Nan Wang Shizi opened his mouth to drive people away, he would naturally not stay. Therefore, following the last order of Prince Nan, he personally found a gift for Jiang Li, packed it carefully, and left without taking anything with him. It was like this when he entered the Nanwang Mansion, and it was naturally the same when he went out.

Hearing Jiang Li's words, thinking about the past, he seemed relieved now.

Now that he has found his next family, Prince Nan has nothing to do with him.

"Yes." Jing Wuming replied. "My son asked me to bring this thing to the girl." He used to call Nan Wang Shizi the young master, and he was a subordinate, but now he changed his name to the son. After saying this, he paused, and then explained to Jiang Li: "This subordinate last night..."

"There's no need to say that." Jiang Li interrupted. "You haven't slept all night, there is an empty room next door, go and rest." After finishing speaking, Jiang Li paused, and then added: "If there is anything else, just wake up and talk about it."

"...Yes." Jing Wuming stopped arguing, put the box where it was, and went to rest.

At this time, it was not yet dawn, Jiang Li slept late, and the sleepiness was still there, he turned over and fell asleep again.

This time, he fell asleep until it was dawn before waking up.

After getting up, washing and dressing, Jiang Li walked out of the room and came to the front yard.

The box that Jing Wuming brought back was placed on the stone bench in front of the door.

At this time, the gongs and drums outside were noisy, and there was a lot of hustle and bustle, and there were several loud voices yelling, for fear that no one would hear them.

Naturally, Jiang Li would not fail to hear, she could hear clearly.

From the words of those people, it seems that the young master of the caller's family is talented and knowledgeable... Five hundred words are omitted below. Not long ago, he was selected as a Jinshi, and now he is returning to his hometown in rich clothes. This person has been ordered by the old matriarch to throw money in the streets. Speaking of which, Chunri is still in trouble now, and the month before last was the time of the Chunwei Examination. Forget it, one month is enough to rush back from the capital.

As a Jianghu person, these things are far away from her, and Jiang Li doesn't plan to dress up as a man to take the imperial examination one day, so he doesn't care much, he takes off the door latch, opens the door and prepares to go out for breakfast. Although she bought a lot of snacks and fruits, these things can't be eaten as a meal.

Recently, Jiang Li's breakfast is basically settled at a chaotic stall. The taste of that restaurant is really good, so Jiang Li plans to go there.

As soon as the door was opened, there was a gust of wind, Jiang Li combed his hair, and happened to see an acquaintance walking over.

The man didn't expect such a coincidence, he was taken aback for a moment, then bowed and said, "I've met senior."

It turned out that the person who came was none other than the scholar who had mistaken Jiang Li for the white-haired witch practicing neon clothes in Fulin Building. Jiang Li only asked him to investigate the matter of the house yesterday, and he came early this morning, so it can be seen that he has his heart set on it, and he probably left all his own affairs behind and devoted himself to this matter wholeheartedly.

Jiang Li was a bit more patient with him than he was with Nan Wang's son because he wanted something from others, and said, "Come in.

Hearing Jiang Li's words, he ordered his two attendants to wait at the door, and followed Jiang Li into the front yard and into the main room by himself.

Jiang Li went into the room and sat down at the table. The sky was bright now, but because she hadn't opened the window yet, the light in the room was not enough. In the semi-darkness, her appearance looked a bit blurry, only her snowy hair was very conspicuous. It seems to be the only bright color in this small world.

As soon as Wang Shusheng entered the door, seeing such a scene, he immediately remembered the past that he had learned from his father. Lian Nishang Senior Lian was originally a very free and easy woman, but no matter how free and easy she was, she couldn't escape being trapped by love. Since then, her hair turned white all night, and finally she became disheartened, and she lived in seclusion in Tianshan Mountain, often with ice and snow as companions.

In the past, he had thought about it more than once, what exactly should Senior Lian look like? I thought about it countless times, but now that I see a "real person", I feel that the imagination is always false, and it is far less than the "real person". There is nothing wrong with practicing neon clothes and practicing seniors, everything is good, far beyond his imagination.

He thought: "If I were Zhuo Yihang, I definitely wouldn't let Senior Lian suffer so much."

It's a pity...he was born twenty years late. Thinking of this, he suddenly became a little crazy.

It wasn't until Jiang Li's eyes fell on him that Wang Shusheng came back to his senses, and quickly apologized to Jiang Li, saying: "Senior, I was distracted for a while..." Because of those random thoughts before, when he said this, there was a trace of confusion for no reason. Feeling guilty, he subconsciously avoided Jiang Li's sight.

Jiang Li knew that since the other party came to disturb her early in the morning, it must be because of the result of what he asked for yesterday. She just wanted to know the reason, and was not curious about what the other party was thinking. Hearing what he said, he said politely, "It's okay, can we have breakfast? I don't have any food here, but snacks are enough."

Wang Shusheng couldn't eat at this time, shook his head, and just said: "Thank you for your kindness, senior. I have already eaten when I came." By talking, he finally adjusted his emotions and cleared the complicated thoughts in his mind. All his thoughts were put away, and he calmed down completely. With a light cough, he said to Jiang Li, "Senior, the matter you asked me to investigate yesterday has already become clear."

Jiang Li knew this earlier, so he nodded slightly, showing an attitude of listening attentively, and stretched out his hand, "Sit and talk, what are you doing standing?"

Wang Shusheng seemed a little nervous, he took a breath, and then started to tell Jiang Li what happened. He was eloquent, but in a few words, he made things clear.

His father was Wang Zhaoxi, and as the leader of the Sichuan-Shaanxi Green Forest, he was always very busy. He came here to "negotiate business" with Nanwang Mansion under his father's orders. The Southern Prince's Mansion is focused on the throne of the Son of Heaven. In order to succeed in the rebellion and prevent the Son of Heaven from discovering their arrangements and actions in the capital, something needs to happen to divert the Son of Heaven's attention.

So the Nanwang Mansion spent a lot of money to lobby the Quartet, and finally got on the line of Wang Zhaoxi, hoping that they could start an incident in the Sichuan-Shaanxi area, or make some big disturbances, so as to draw the attention of the court to that side. If things come to fruition, the King of the South has already promised, and from then on, Wang Zhaoxi will be made the King of the Northwest.

Therefore, they have been in frequent contact with Nanwangfu recently, Jiang Li wanted to inquire about news, so he took the way of the local snake in Nanwangfu. It's also a coincidence that Jiang Li's house happens to be the property of Nan Wang's mansion.

After hearing his words, Jiang Li suddenly said, "So that's how it is."

Wang Shusheng said: "If the seniors have nothing to do, but the younger ones have important things to do, let's leave first."