Qixiu Royal Sister [Comprehensive Sword Three]

Chapter 124


The cave looks like only two or three feet from the outside, but the inside is very wide. Since the sky is not visible, the inside is extremely dark, and even in daylight, the visibility is very low. Jiang Li has deep internal energy, day and night make no difference to her, it can be seen that there are candlesticks on both sides of the cave wall, but the fire is not lit. It looks like the wax oil inside has also dried up, as if it hasn't been used for a long time.

Jing Wuming opened the way ahead, Jiang Li followed, the two walked for a while, about half a stick of incense, there was a faint light, and after walking for a while, after leaving the cave, they came to another world. With pavilions, towers and pavilions, rockery and flowing water, Jiang Li did not expect that on this deserted island, he could actually see such a beautiful garden scene.

Compared with Baiyun City, which is magnificent and densely populated, it is only suitable for a small number of people to live in. If there are too many people, the beauty will be destroyed, but in terms of exquisiteness and beauty, it is even better. Sea transportation is inconvenient, and the cost of the same thing is at least several times higher than that on land. Being able to build such a place here shows that Gong Jiu is really rich and willing to spend money.

Jiang Li was quite satisfied.

Her favorite place, of course, is Qixiufang by the Slender West Lake. But in this world, it is obviously impossible to have Qixiufang, so she has to build it herself. Jiang Li plans to go to Yangzhou Slender West Lake in the future to see who owns the land there. Anyway, there is a lot of money, so it is not a bad idea to buy it and build a Qixiufang.

In this way, the next best thing is to go here.

Anyway, Gong Jiu is dead, this place is ownerless, and whoever grabs it will own it.

Jiang Li originally planned to compare Nameless Island with Bat Island before deciding to choose one, but now that there is nothing to criticize about this island, he is too lazy to change it, so let it be.

After listening carefully, Jing Wuming said softly to Jiang Li, "Girl, someone is here."

Jiang Li nodded, she also heard footsteps.

After a few breaths, a patrol team of five people came over from the path, casually teasing and laughing. Their internal breath is stable and long, which shows that their martial arts are good, and they can be regarded as second-rate in the world. Compared with the guards of Baiyun City, they can fight three or four each. But if Jiang Li could be found, it would be absolutely impossible.

"Boss, it's almost time to patrol here, right? Brothers still want to play a few more times." One person complained.

"Yeah, I'm so lucky today, I'm sure I'll win." Another said, "But I'm here on patrol."

"In the previous team, they didn't patrol at all, they just went to play, and nothing happened." The third person complained "tactfully".

The fourth person didn't speak, but it was only because his teammates had finished what he could say, and he could only nod his head.

"Shut up!" The guy in the lead said with a sullen face, "If you don't patrol well, wait for the ninth son to come back, and you will have a good fruit to eat. It's useless to play now, and you will have to play with your life in the future."

Jiang Li said: "No life, let's go out."

If someone else sneaks in here, they must be more careful, avoid these people, and quietly inquire about the situation.

But Jiang Li won't and doesn't need to do this.

Anyway, I decided to grab it, so let's save some trouble and solve it at once.

As soon as her voice fell, she appeared in front of this group of people.

"... there is... someone!"

The five of them were all taken aback. They never expected that someone really came, and it was such a beautiful woman.

At first glance, they thought Sharman had returned. Although she is under the control of Gong Jiu, except for Gong Jiu, she is regarded as under one person on the island and above ten thousand people, and she has always been angry with them and never polite. Therefore, although Sharman is beautiful, he is not popular.

But at the next glance, they denied it. Where is Sharman as beautiful as this girl? It's not enough to be a foil to her. They couldn't imagine that there was such a beautiful person in the world. Moreover, Jiang Li's expression was very natural, as pure as the ice and snow on the distant mountains. For such a person, they only think that she should be invited here, and the guests who enter the room will never think that she broke in without authorization.

Most importantly, they all know that their ninth son has some eccentricities in some aspects... If he invited this girl here, they would not be surprised at all. But, why didn't they see Mr. Jiu, or the person who led the way? No matter what, Young Master Jiu will not let this girl come alone, will he

At this time, they still didn't realize that Jiang Li was the enemy.

"This...girl," the leading guard asked politely, "You..."

They still had some discernment, knowing that Jiang Li should not be offended, so they were very polite.

However, before he finished speaking, he stopped suddenly as if his throat had been choked.

Jing Wuming's movement skills were slightly inferior to Jiang Li's, so he was a second late, but before they could react, they blocked all five people's acupoints.

At this time, they realized the "enemy attack", but it was too late.

Jiang Li said calmly: "The Ninth Young Master is dead." If other people said this, the five people would naturally think it was nonsense, but when it came out of Jiang Li's mouth, it was heavy. Although they didn't quite believe it, their hearts sank three points, especially now that they were restrained and couldn't open their mouths to refute.

"Wu Ming, I'll leave the interrogation to you." Jiang Li didn't like to talk, so she was too lazy to do interrogation. "If they cooperate, let them live."

Although you have to fight in, knowing yourself and the enemy is the only way to win every battle, so there is nothing wrong with asking for some information in advance.

Jing Wuming nodded.

After an incense stick of time, Jing Wuming was done. The five people were knocked out and fell to the ground. There was no danger of their lives, but they couldn't wake up for a while.

He then explained to Jiang Li the content of the interrogation.

On this island, formations are arranged outside. Those trees all over the island are actually part of the formation. Just like Huang Yaoshi's Peach Blossom Island, these plants, after being planted in a special order, have the effect of a maze. The building is hidden in it, and it looks like a deserted island from the outside.

Before Jiang Li was outside, he didn't see anything strange, it was thanks to the formation.

It's just that compared to the trapped formation on Peach Blossom Island, this formation is more inclined to concealment and illusion, but it doesn't have the ability to trap or kill the enemy. After all, the formation method depends a lot on talent, and most of them have been lost to this day. Even if they know one or two, they are all self-taught, without the guidance of a master. For example, Huang Yaoshi is like this.

Therefore, the two of them searched all the way and were not attacked.

As for the people on the island, Natural Palace Jiu is the first, Beef Soup is the second, and Shaman is the third. But they were all dead, and there were only four people left on the island worth caring about.

The little old man Wu Ming has collected a lot of extraordinary kung fu. He claims to be a genius, and his martial arts talent is even higher than that of Gong Jiu. A martial art can be mastered after three months of practice, and then it is thrown aside. His subordinates are not as capable as him, so most of them choose one of them to practice.

Finger Saber, Hunyuanyi Qigong, Ruyi Orchid Hand, Seven Killers of Zuiwo Liuyun, Tiancan Thirteen Styles, and Mahamudra are the six famous martial arts skills that have been lost in the world. Ruyi Orchid is gone, and there are five more. These five people have practiced one of them. If they are placed in the Jianghu, they can be compared to first-class masters.

They are all killing time in the casino at this time, and they will catch them all in one trip.

When Jing Wuming said this, he paused, and said: "Maybe it may be exaggerated, but the girl should be more careful."

He went on to explain the ways to deal with these kinds of martial arts.

This is naturally not something that the guards can know, and their eyesight can only be described as great. However, Jing Wuming has been in the world for a long time, and he knows a lot of martial arts. Although these martial arts have been lost, it is not that there is no news at all. With some things asked from the population, we can roughly know how to deal with them. .

Jiang Li nodded.

"Let's go."

After walking along the path for a while, I saw a very conspicuous hall. The door of the hall was wide open, and it was still daytime, but there were countless candles brightly lit inside, and there was a brazier in the center. The candlelight and firelight complemented each other, making it very bright. It can be clearly seen that there is a group of people inside, surrounding the gambling table in the middle.

Sharman likes to gamble very much, so this house was originally built by her, but she is not here now, so it is the turn of others to enjoy it.

Their bet is very simple, it is dice, bet big or small, if there is a leopard, they will be killed immediately.

A group of people were so ecstatic that no one noticed that two unexpected guests had arrived.

However, compared to these gamblers, the most conspicuous one in Jiang Li's eyes was the one lying at the gate. He was wearing a Confucian robe, but after such a toss, it has become crumpled, like dried pickles. At this time, he was lying at the gate, holding a jug in one hand, and was pouring wine into his mouth, making a snoring sound.

If anyone wanted to enter or leave this room, he had to step over him. But with his martial arts, anyone who can cross over, except Gong Jiu, can't be unscathed. In this way, it acts as a gate, and it is better if the gate is closed.

The martial arts practiced by this person is exactly the drunken Liuyun Seven killers who need to be drunk to exert their maximum force. The more drunk you are, the more skillful you are, the more unfathomable and unfathomable your moves will be. The reason why he lay at the door drinking instead of gambling, of course, was not because he was not good at gambling, but because he had already lost all his money, and no one was willing to lend him money to recoup his money, so he had to come and see the door.

The rolling of the dice and the yelling of the gamblers made the alcoholic growl in his throat, and he shouted impatiently, "Hush your voice, it's too noisy!"

The people inside didn't know that he was taking advantage of the topic, so they didn't bother to perfunctory. They shook their heads and smiled and said, "I don't know what to do here, and lie down in another place. Wait, I'll buy a big one."

The drunkard lying down was ridiculed, and suddenly became angry, saying: "He Shang, are you looking for death?"

"Call me He Shangshu, a grassroots person who dares to offend the court officials." He Shang is naturally the speaker, and his martial arts are not bad, but he is a bit crazy. , I like to be promoted to settle cases, and I think that the master of Qingtian is also a strange flower.

"Go to your imperial court and order the officials," the drunk suddenly turned upside down and said, "If I don't teach you a lesson, I don't know how many eyes Prince Ma has."

Before Jiang Li could make a move, they started fighting.

The author has something to say: Jinjiang smoked again, and I can't get in the backstage

But why should I use again

Because Jinjiang smokes every day!

I can't stand it anymore!

In order to wait for Jinjiang to come back, I stayed up all night and collapsed.