Qixiu Royal Sister [Comprehensive Sword Three]

Chapter 126


The gold is yellow and orange, exuding an intoxicating atmosphere in the firelight. Although any silver bills on the table are worth more than this ingot of gold, they are now only a pile of waste paper compared with gold. No one doesn't like money, especially when it's right in front of them and within reach.

The voice of the speaker is also like ice jade, cold and beautiful, like a bowl of crystal clear, aged wine that has gone away from the smoke and fire, and drinking it slowly, there is a kind of smoky charm that makes people rather drunk to death. No matter whether it is a wine drinker or a lustful person, neither can resist this compelling beauty. This is really a beautiful scene, just like a dream, the beauty is not real at all.

Especially Xuanyuan Sanguang, he is the banker, so Jiang Li's words were naturally addressed to him. But what about people? Only the voice, one can imagine what a beautiful woman this is, but where is she right now? Is it a human or a ghost? He only heard his voice, but he couldn't see him. He looked around and forgot, but he saw a complete silence, the grass and trees were whirling, and there was no one there

On the nameless island, there are quite a few maids, but the only ones who really occupy high positions and are qualified to come here are beef soup and sandman. They are not here now, and the other maids would never dare to come here to seek death without orders. Even if they were killed, Gong Jiu would only praise the killing, and would not seek justice for them.

Therefore, even if they had ten courages, they would never dare to come here, let alone open their mouths, not to mention why their voices are so beautiful and unique? Although this room is not small, it is not big either. Apart from the brazier and the gambling table in the middle, there is nothing else. After all, this room was built for gambling. Since it only has this function, there is no need to put other things.

In addition, these people are very angry, and if they say something wrong, they will fight, and they simply don't let go. With just a glance, you can be sure that there will be no one else here except them. If there is, it can only be a ghost.

Xuanyuan Sanguang can be selected as one of the top ten villains. Although his temperament can be said to be bold in the arena, this evil word cannot be escaped. Of course, such a person cannot be frightened, he is extremely courageous , do not believe that there are ghosts in the world, even if you are not afraid of ghosts, would you still be afraid of living people? But at this moment, a little surprise really appeared in his heart.

The sound could only come from outside, but the drunkard and He Shang were still beating in the dark at the door, blocking the entire door by 80%, and their figures were constantly staggering. How much skill does it take to pass between them and land firmly in the middle of the table

What's more, he didn't even hear the slightest sound of breaking through the air, as if the ingot of gold belonged to him in the first place, and it was lying there quietly all the time. However, Xuanyuan Sanguang's heart was like a stormy sea, at least he didn't show it on his face. In contrast, the remaining three are not very good at it.

They stared at each other, feeling as if they were playing tricks on the other side. Unfortunately, after careful consideration, none of the people present knew ventriloquism. After all, even the little old man Wu Ming hadn't practiced this skill. Not much more. Moreover, no matter how miraculous ventriloquism is, can it really imitate such and such a voice

The fight between the drunk and He Shang continued. It's not that they are brave, it's not that they are deaf, it's just that at this time, they can't stop. Their martial arts are almost the same, and their combat power is between equals. Whoever dares to stop will be seriously injured. Unless Gong Jiu comes in person at this time, Otherwise, the Heavenly King and Lao Tzu would not be able to stop them.

However, the Heavenly King Lao Tzu did not come, but Jiang Li did.

These people bet on the size of the dice before. If no one beats the leopard, the dealer will take it all.

Two people compete, the dealer wants to take all, but it is not so easy.

It is very easy for a clever banker to roll out a leopard, at least Lu Xiaofeng's ability to play dice can be said to be perfect. But in a fight between two people, the outcome is very simple, but a tie is absolutely impossible. Even if both losers will suffer, there will always be someone who will be injured more lightly. This is uncontrollable.

Unless, they are all dead, if they all die at the same time, there is nothing wrong with the dealer taking all. No one will die seriously, it must be said who dies first and who dies last. If this can be achieved, whoever talks too much, then the person who wants to talk will definitely not mind letting him follow in his footsteps.

Therefore, such an ordinary sentence from Jiang Li seems to have a strong murderous intent in the ears of these Jianghu people. It's not just murderous intentions, of course, there are actual actions. Because Jiang Li seemed to have overestimated them, she spoke up, and these scumbags were still looking for her position. If it was Gong Jiu, by the time Jiang Li said the second word, his weird sword must have come over.

The drunkard and He Shang were fighting to the death at the last moment, but now they are lying on the ground at the same time. The expression on his face froze for a moment, like two sides of a mirror. Although they were still breathing weakly, but in desperation, the rest of the people didn't notice, they all felt that they had become corpses.

In the Jianghu, killing people is not a strange thing, not killing is a strange thing, that's why Chu Liuxiang became a famous weirdo.

The martial arts of the few people present are similar, and winning or losing is always up to the sky. If they can deal with these two people so easily, they will naturally be able to deal with them.

Sure enough, the dealer takes all! That mysterious female voice actually did what she said.

With vigilance and fear on their faces, they glanced at Xuanyuan Sanguang, and then looked at the door in unison.

Jiang Li finally appeared.

It was only at this time that several people discovered that there was a bright red in the original Wengweng green. This red is so conspicuous and gorgeous, but they didn't see it as if they were blind before. As for the black mass behind Jiang Li, Jing Wuming was completely ignored by them.

She just walked over one step at a time. Neither fast nor slow, neither hurried nor slow, walked to the gate, as if walking on everyone's heartbeat.

They just felt that their hearts were no longer under their control, and their blood boiled little by little. This is a deeper application of rhythm, which can disrupt the opponent's blood vessels and internal energy. For example, when playing the flute, the effect will be better and the range will be larger. This is exactly what Jiang Li developed when he was playing the Snow Phoenix and Ice King flute. This will be replaced by the sound of footsteps, which is enough for such a few people.

The drunkard and He Shang were less than three feet away from Jiang Li's feet.

The remaining three were less than ten feet away from Jiang Li.

Xuanyuan Sanguang was still eleven feet away from Jiang Li.

These three people couldn't bear the pressure, when Jiang Li was about to cross the threshold, their bodies softened and they collapsed to the ground.

"It's not necessary to do this big gift." Jiang Li said quietly, "This place is nice, it's mine, okay?"

Several people's faces turned red, and sweat dripped from their foreheads, and they didn't know whether they were anxious, ashamed or angry.

But no one dared to say no.

Xuanyuan Sanguang is considered the best.

He slapped the table, and finally brought everyone back to God, saying: "Although you are talking about gambling, I haven't started yet."

"This round doesn't count?" Jiang Li asked.

"Of course not." Xuanyuan Sanguang said firmly. He is not good at gambling, but his character can be seen. Since he promised Gong Jiu to be a banker here, if someone bullies him at this time, he must do his duty. After saying this, he shot his eyes, but saw that the three people were still lying on the ground and did not dare to get up, looking like a puddle of mud.

On weekdays, everyone bragging, drinking, and fighting is awe-inspiring. When killing people in the rivers and lakes, they are also neat. Xuanyuan Sanguang couldn't count on them, he just said: "I'm not the master here, and I can't stop the girl, but the real master will come back sooner or later."

Jiang Li nodded and said, "But people will always die."

It was a bit strange that she spoke without beginning or end, but Xuanyuan Sanguang's words sent chills down the spine.

Will Gong Jiu die? It was literally the biggest joke they'd ever heard.

At this time, the three people who were originally lying on the ground, plus the drunk man and He Shang who were pinned down before, the five people had a tacit understanding, and attacked from five directions, from east to west, from north to south.

Although they were indeed frightened before, they didn't act that badly. Instead, they decided to use their tricks, thinking that one person might not be able to deal with this stubborn problem, so they didn't care about the embarrassment of teaming up. After all, they were trained killers. Of course, the goal is to achieve the goal First, the purpose.

Xuanyuan Sanguang didn't make a move.

He disdained to participate in the siege, and he also felt that Jiang Li would never have an accident that easily.

So watch it that way.

Jing Wuming's sword also came out of its sheath at the same time. He had been using a single sword before, but now there were five people, and obviously one sword was not enough, so his right hand came out of its sheath a moment later than his left. The two swords were fierce, one move was aimed at the monk who was flying up into the air, trying to suppress Jiang Li from top to bottom, and the other was aimed at the mustache who was about to slap Jiang Li's back with Hua Gu Mian Palm.

But the two of them didn't care about it, they didn't back down at all, even risking their own injuries, they also wanted to hurt Jiang Li.

However, there are only five of them.

If there were more than eight people close by, Jiang Li would find it troublesome, but if there were only five, it would be to deliver food.

One Dixie Longxiang and one Sword God Wuwo are enough.

The five people hadn't used their special skills yet, and their bodies were suddenly torn apart by the sword energy, dripping with blood.

Xuanyuan Sanguang was very sensible, he stopped talking, took out a rope, tied himself up like this, and then sat next to the five people. The meaning of this is obvious, it's not that I don't work hard, it's that I really can't beat it.

Jiang Li took out a broken sword, which was cut off by Gong Jiu before.

Seeing this thing, their faces showed horror.

She said: "Your ninth son is dead, and those who want to accompany him can stand up now."

Jiang Li waited for three minutes, but no one spoke.

She said: "It seems that you don't want to die... I need a map here..."

Before the words were finished, the five people said in unison: "The map is in Jiu Gongzi's study."

Don't care about him, Gong Jiu is really scary, if he is caught betraying, then life must be worse than death, but they don't want to die now. This white-haired woman's martial art is so high, I'm afraid she is not inferior to the Ninth Young Master, and with his half weapon, she might really beat the Ninth Young Master.

If the Ninth Young Master is not an opponent, how can they deal with it? It's better to pretend to surrender first, and then make other plans if the ninth son comes back.

The author has something to say: I want to give you Amway a magical mobile game.

It is the world of swordsmen from Xishanju. The time seems to be the Song Dynasty. It should be in the same line as Sword 2, a bit similar.

Anyway, the painting style is almost the same.

The magic of this game is that after you create a protagonist, buy one and get one free, you can choose a man if you are a girl, and you can choose a girl if you are a man.

Anyway, your Sippy is about to be taken away by bad guys, and then you go to rescue him non-stop.

Anyway, CP can be rescued after the plot task in Chapter 5. This is not a magical place. The magical thing is that it is the first time I saw Xipi marrying in the game, and then gave birth to a baby. I raised one Cute and cute loli, but she is a little young, and it seems that she can't help me fight monsters now. The family of three happily ran around in the dungeon, and I was dumbfounded all the way here.

There is a saying that is good, it is better to have a boy than a girl, what the hell.

I have to say that Xishanju won and GWW won.

Do you want to come and play together? Although I will never tell you my ID, hehe, I am much smarter than Chen Ruidi.

PS: I confiscated the money from Xishanju, but I spent a lot of it, probably the legendary tap water.

PSS: I am in the second district

PSSS: My name is not Jiang Li, this name has already been taken, please don’t kill the wrong person