Qixiu Royal Sister [Comprehensive Sword Three]

Chapter 128


Jiang Li got up early.

This night can also be regarded as a good rest.

The wing room here is obviously specially used for entertaining guests. It is very beautifully furnished and very comfortable. It is always cleaned by a special person, even in the corners, there is not even the slightest dust. Even if Jiang Li was ten times pickier, he couldn't find any mistakes.

The most exquisite one is a treasure box placed in the room, it can be seen that it was made by exquisite craftsmen, and it is specially used to store jewelry, even Jiang Li is used to seeing good things, and thinks this box is really beautiful. But Jiang Li just took a look, anyway, he was born with no makeup, and he never put on makeup, so naturally he couldn't use it.

There were two maidservants in the courtyard. When they heard the movement in the house, they carefully knocked on the door and asked Jiang Li for instructions. They are equipped with martial arts, and when they walk, their feet don't touch the ground, as if they are floating, and they can hardly hear the sound. Before staying in the courtyard, because of the distance, Jiang Li miscalculated the width of the courtyard and thought it was someone from outside the courtyard, but he did not expect to be waiting at the door.

After a long time, Jiang Li has gradually gotten used to sensing outsiders while sleeping, as long as the other party is not murderous or malicious, or is too close to her, exceeding Jiang Li's psychological safety range of twenty feet. Because most of Jiansan's long-range skills are released at twenty feet, Jiang Li usually chooses to ignore them. Otherwise, all martial arts masters would not have to sleep.

Before, they were maids trained by Gong Jiu, but now, Jiang Li has changed her position to become the island owner, of course she has the final say.

"Island Master, I don't know what you want?" They changed their name to Jiang Li Island Master very naturally, as if they were really her subordinates, and they had been calling for a long time, without any apparent reluctance. If an outsider comes here at this time, he will definitely be bluffed. This effort alone is worthy of praise.

Jiang Li's voice was still piercingly clear, without the slightest hoarseness of just waking up, she said: "Wu Ming asked you to come here? Or someone else?"

"The servants have been on the island and have nowhere to go. I just ask for a lenient so that the servants can continue to serve on the island."

A strange look crossed Jiang Li's mind, and he said, "He agreed?"

With Jing Wuming's temperament, if the maid dared to answer yes, they would probably not be willing to try the consequences.

The facts were as Jiang Li expected, it was indeed the little bosses who made their own decisions, and they probably wanted to curry favor with Jiang Li.

"Bring me a bucket of hot soup, I want to wash up." Jiang Li said after getting the answer. "Let's prepare another breakfast."

"Yes." Two well-trained maids, one entered the room, took out a large wooden barrel from the inner room,

The other bowed and left to inform the matter.

Jiang Li went to Huang Yaoshi's room next door.

She got up early, but Huang Yaoshi got up even earlier. When Jiang Li woke up, he clearly felt that he was no longer in the room. But Huang Rong was still sleeping soundly in the next room, and Jiang Li could still hear a small whirring sound, so he went over to check for Huang Yaoshi to see if there was anything wrong with this little girl.

Of course Huang Rong was fine, she slept soundly and drooled a lot.

Putting his daughter here, Huang Yaoshi also took great care. After all, Jiang Li is next door, with her kung fu, even if there is any trouble, she can feel it, which is safer than him leading the drill in the woods.

Huang Yaoshi left this time because he thought of Jiang Li's previous words.

He felt that he owed Jiang Li a favor, and he didn't know how to repay it. What he said yesterday made him feel a little bit worried. Since Jiang Li was going to use this island as his base, it happened that the formation was a bit damaged, so it wasn't a big problem. He could repair it, and it didn't take much time, so it might as well take this as a way to repay favors.

Therefore, I went to the field trip early in the morning.

Although Huang Yaoshi was full of words, he was confident, not conceited. Of course, he had to examine the specific situation before deciding how to fix it, and he would never mess around. There was still a letter on the table, saying that if he was late and didn't come back by noon, Lao Jiangli would take care of Huang Rong.

Jiang Li checked Huang Rong's pulse.

Huang Yaoshi, a master of medicine and Taoism, naturally tried his best for his daughter, Huang Rong generally had no problems. But after all, she is too young and has experienced a lot, so she may fall into the root cause of the disease, which can only depend on recuperation. Babies are too weak, and some medicines are nothing to adults, but they are medicines for tigers and wolves to babies. Huang Yaoshi never dared to take risks.

Therefore, he planned to wait until he returned to Peach Blossom Island to recuperate slowly, confident that nothing would go wrong.

Jiang Li thought for a while, and simply used his own method to drive away the cold air remaining in Huang Rong's body, saving Huang Yaoshi this step and saving the little girl from suffering.

Waiting to finish all this, the water happened to be ready.

After Jiang Li washed up and had breakfast, he went to check the resettlement situation.

Everything is in order, Jiang Li is quite satisfied.

They met Huang Yaoshi on the way, and he discussed with Jiang Li about repairing the formation.

Jiang Li is an outsider to formations, so he delegated the power to him.

Huang Yaoshi was also very straightforward. He only said that it could be completed in two days at most, and he also drew a new diagram of the entry and exit of the formation.

Time passed quickly, and after the formation was repaired, Huang Yaoshi left with Huang Rong on the boat from Baiyun City and returned to Peach Blossom Island.

When parting, Huang Yaoshi asked Jiang Li if there was anything he wanted, and he brought it with her when he arrived on the island.

Jiang Li thought for a while, and said, "I heard that Peach Blossom Island is a rare peach blossom. If the owner of Huang Island is interested, please give me a peach blossom."

Jiang Li arranged for these people to take root on the island. After the ship came back, she planned to return to the Central Plains and didn't want to worry about these things.

Jing Wuming didn't want to care about these nonsense anymore, so he told Jiang Li that he wanted to practice swords.

Jiang Li agreed, let him leave it alone, and chose another leader to take care of it.

After this trip, she didn't plan to come back in the short term.

In the past few days like this, Jing Wuming's sword became more and more manageable.

Those people on the island had very hard bones, and felt that if they surrendered to Jiang Li and settled accounts with Gong Jiuqiu later, their lives would be worse than death, and they would rather die now for pleasure. Jiang Li was very happy to fulfill them, so he gave them a good time. Some people thought that they would wait for Gong Jiu to come back, and if they surrendered for the time being, Jiang Li would let them ignore them for the time being.

However, none of the killers who were trained by the former island owner Wu Ming and later accepted by Gong Jiu can't stay. They are not fuel-efficient lamps, and they can be regarded as high-level masters in the Jianghu. If they want to make trouble, especially if they unite, trouble will definitely happen.

So Jiang Li didn't come to make any impact, and just let it go once and for all.

Xuanyuan Sanguang was the most forthright and straightforward among them, so Jiang Li kept him.

He said that the one with the best martial arts is the uncle, since he can't beat Jiang Li, then he should just stay there. Sure enough, he was honest, except that he still couldn't help his own hand, wanted to gamble a few times, and forced others to gamble. But with Jiang Li, he can only bet with willing people. It's a pity that under Jiang Li's threat, Xuanyuan Sanguang couldn't find anyone willing to do so.

So Xuanyuan Sanguang couldn't hold back anymore, so he had to come to Jiang Li to gamble.

Jiang Li asked, "You want me to bet with you? What are you betting on?"

"I won, you let me go." Xuanyuan Sanguang said. He wasn't afraid to stay in one place, but if he stayed in a place where he couldn't gamble, he would be very uncomfortable, it was more uncomfortable than killing him. Before losing to Gong Jiu, he promised to be the banker here, but now the island belongs to Jiang Li, so of course it should be replaced by her.

Jiang Li said: "What if you lose?"

Xuanyuan Sanguang said without hesitation, "The conditions are up to the island owner."

Jiang Li thought about it, and was willing to gamble, she said: "If I win, will you continue to be the banker here?"

If she leaves here, she still needs someone to sit in the town, Jing Wuming can't stay here, this "evil gambler" Xuanyuan Sanguang's kung fu is superior to the others on the island, so it can be regarded as suitable. Moreover, most of the people on Wuming Island are skilled in martial arts, if there are only some mob soldiers, something will definitely happen if Jiang Li leaves.

By the way, Jiang Li also made three agreements with him. Naturally, he can't force others to gamble with martial arts, and he needs to be a coach to teach the islanders martial arts, etc., and so on.

Xuanyuan Sanguang was under the eaves, even though he was unhappy, he agreed one by one. His credit value is quite good, and since he agreed, he would not go back on his word.

Jiang Li let him decide what to bet.

Xuanyuan Sanguang said: "There is nothing else to bet on the island, just bet on size."

From nowhere, he took out an exquisite dice cup, showed Jiang Li three of the dice, and then rolled them casually. As a gambler, Xuanyuan Sanguang's tactics may seem unremarkable, but they are comprehensive in every aspect, making it impossible for people to take advantage of it, and they can only rely on it.

"Island owner, please." Xuanyuan Sanguang put down the dice cup, and in order to avoid suspicion, he also took his hand away from the dice cup, expressing that he would not cheat.

Xuanyuan Sanguang had a look of enjoyment on his face. He hadn't gambled for a long time, and he felt extremely satisfied at this moment.

Big, small or leopard.

If Xuanyuan Sanguang wanted to make Jiang Li guess incorrectly, he might deliberately shake out a leopard, but it is also possible that he did not shake a leopard. This is a psychological game, and it is possible to see both sides. of.

Experts with smart ears and eyes can judge the size based on the sound of the dice colliding with the dice cup and the sound at the end, but if the dealer changes to Xuanyuan Sanguang, even if he grows eight ears at once, he will never be able to hear it. Of course Jiang Li has no such skills, she never gambles.

Jiang Li said: "I bet no."

When Xuanyuan Sanguang heard this word, he was stunned for a moment, and there was no such option in the bet.

But the next moment, he suddenly realized something, and suddenly looked at Jiang Li.

He suddenly changed color.

It is clear that Jiang Li has been there since he rolled the dice, and his whole body has never moved at all, so how did she do it.

"not open?"

Xuanyuan Sanguang's hand trembled, and he put it on the dice cup. Even if he already knew the result, he couldn't skip this process. He suddenly opened the dice cup. The original three dice inside had turned into three piles of powder at this time, and they stayed there neatly, isn't that what Jiang Li said

"You lost." Jiang Li said.

Xuan Yuan Sanguang stood in place, thinking about it all the time, but still didn't know when Jiang Li made a move.

He might be better at gambling than Jiang Li, but with his martial arts, Jiang Li beat him twenty blocks.

That being the case, I can only be willing to admit defeat.

The author has something to say: Well, the replacement was successful.

I stayed up all night yesterday, and only squinted for two hours during the day, and now I feel exhausted, so I went to write today's update.

Sorry to keep you waiting.

I have to go today, and I have to stay for three days, but I should go after the code word, it is the middle of the night.

Let's see if I have the spirit, I feel like I'm going to collapse.

Silently, I came to make an advertisement. A new article was published a few days ago. It is a fast time travel in the form of one chapter and one passage. It can be regarded as a short and medium story.