Qixiu Royal Sister [Comprehensive Sword Three]

Chapter 13: What's up with me


Wang Shusheng seemed to have something to do, he left in a hurry after talking to Jiang Li, wishing he could grow two more legs.

It would be impolite for the host to leave with the guests, so Jiang Li sat down for a while and waited until he was far away before going out to have breakfast.

The wonton stand was not far from Jiang Li's home, only one street away, and it took about five or six minutes to walk there.

The stall owner there is an honest man. He gets up early every day and starts to boil big bones to make the soup. But Jiang Li came to pack, so he didn't have to worry about the seat.

On the contrary, when the guests sitting here saw her coming, they were amazed, fearful, and accustomed to it.

"Two bowls of wontons." Jiang Li said, usually she only wanted one bowl, and this other bowl was ordered for Jing Wuming.

"Miss, do you want two bowls this time?" The boss waved the spoon with a smile, and said, "This bowl has just been put into the pot, and it needs to be cooked. You can wait a little bit."

The boss was very impressed with her, because when Jiang Li first came here, he was rich and self-willed, so he threw down an ingot of ten taels of gold with a wave of his hand, and finally exchanged it for silver, so he almost couldn't find it. In the end, it was Jiang Li who asked him to keep it as a deposit in the future. In this way, she also got the right to jump in the queue, and no matter when she came, she could get something to eat as soon as possible.

Jiang Li nodded and waited aside.

At this moment, a young man beside her stood up, stammered to Jiang Li with a blushing face, "I've run out of niches, aunt... girl, come and sit here."

Before Jiang Li could reply, at this moment, a person came out from the side alley. Although his clothes had no holes, they looked crumpled, his eyes were not clear, and he looked downcast. But for such a down-and-out person, he has four eyebrows. In addition to the two eyebrows, there are also two beards that are trimmed as beautifully as the eyebrows.

There are many down-and-out people, but not many have four eyebrows.

Who else besides Lu Xiaofeng

Lu Xiaofeng likes to meddle in other things, especially the more he is not allowed to meddle, the more he likes to meddle. But recently, the Nanwang Mansion has taken great actions in order to rebel, which made Lu Xiaofeng aware of the clues. So curious and idle, Lu Xiaofeng followed Wang Shusheng's route and chased him all the way to Wuyang City.

It's a pity that after Wang Shusheng arrived in Wuyang City, he called friends and friends every day, gathered people to drink for fun, and didn't do anything serious at all. After following for a few days without gaining anything, Lu Xiaofeng was finally distracted by the yelling from the casino. Passing by every day and hearing the familiar and evocative sound of dice, Lu Xiaofeng's soul is finally gone from his body.

Now, Lu Xiaofeng just came out of the casino. Wuyang City has a rule that places like casinos cannot be opened on the street, so there is such a deceptive alleyway. It's just that Lu Xiaofeng's luck is not very good, he was very good at gambling, but he lost all night today, and lost in a row, and now he has nothing of value on him.

You can't gamble without money, so Lu Xiaofeng was kicked out. The night passed without eating anything, and his stomach was growling with hunger.

Jiang Li looked over.

Her gaze was as bright as the moonlight, shining on people with a slight coldness.

Feeling Jiang Li's gaze, Lu Xiaofeng raised his head and looked back, seeing her face, his heart trembled slightly.

Even though Jiang Li has snow-white hair, apart from that, she doesn't show any sense of age at all, as if time can't bear to stop on her body, as if she is always in her twentieth year. On her, you can use any modifier to praise this beauty, but you can't express its true nature.

Lu Xiaofeng has seen countless beauties after so many years of wandering around the rivers and lakes, but Jiang Li is the most beautiful woman he has ever seen. It wasn't until I saw her that I realized that those vulgar fans before couldn't even be regarded as a beautiful word. If it was normal, Lu Xiaofeng would have joined him long ago. If you don't get to know such a beauty, it seems like your life has been wasted.

But this time is an exception.

Everyone in the world says that beauty is delicious, but in fact, no matter how beautiful a woman is, she can't fill Lu Xiaofeng's hungry stomach. At this time, Lu Xiaofeng would rather see pig's trotters and chicken legs than a woman, even a unique beauty. The more beautiful a woman is, the more thorny she is, and often brings a lot of trouble, but food can fill her stomach.

Lu Xiaofeng, who likes to make trouble, always has a moment when he dislikes too much trouble.

At this moment, the boss put two bowls of wontons in front of Jiang Li and said, "Girl, your wontons are ready."

Jiang Li nodded and said, "Deduct from the account."

"Okay." The boss replied with a smile.

Lu Xiaofeng first looked at Jiang Li. When he couldn't fill his stomach, looking at the pleasing beauty would undoubtedly calm his mood. But when the wontons were served, Lu Xiaofeng's eyes instantly moved to the wontons. The wontons just out of the pan gave off a tantalizing aroma, and his saliva was almost drooling.

Jiang Li originally planned to pack and go home to eat, but at this moment, he changed his mind. He thanked the person next to him for giving up his seat and sat down.

The young man who was answered didn't expect Jiang Li to talk to him, he felt overwhelmed and flattered, said "It's okay, I just want to leave" three times, and then left in a daze.

Sitting in his seat, Jiang Li slowly started eating wontons.

She is eating, and the people next to her are looking at her. No matter what a beauty does, it is naturally pleasing to the eye.

All of a sudden, the place was overcrowded.

Originally, there was one person at the same table, but he couldn't bear the fiery stares from everyone, as if eating with Jiang Li was really lucky, he couldn't wait to pay and left before he finished eating. Although a beauty is good, she has to live with it. Being stared at by so many people will kill half of her life.

So Jiang Li was the only one left, surrounded by a circle of spectators.

Lu Xiaofeng's eyeballs moved up and down with Jiang Li's chopsticks. Looking at it, his eyes drifted to the untouched bowl of wonton next to him, and then moved to the empty seat at Jiang Li's table. As a thick-skinned person who can't be splashed with water or cut with a knife, he certainly doesn't care if others watch him eat.

But the biggest problem is that this bowl of wonton belongs to Jiang Li, not Lu Xiaofeng. No matter how Jiang Li looked at it, she was not a fuel-efficient lamp, and her wontons were not that delicious. Is it worth selling yourself for a bowl of wontons? Lu Xiaofeng can live without food, but he can't live without wine, but this time he knows that if there is wine without food, it will be fatal.

Jiang Li finally finished the bowl of wontons.

She looked at Lu Xiaofeng, didn't speak, and waved her hand lightly. Except for Jiang Li himself, no one knew what this meant.

But Lu Xiaofeng felt that he knew, without further ado, he rushed to the table immediately, holding the bowl and started to gobble it up. After leaving the wontons for a while, they had already turned warm. Lu Xiaofeng finished eating them in two or three bites, but he didn't feel full. He waved his hand and said, "Boss, have another bowl." At this time, other things were completely thrown away by him. In the back of my head.

Seeing Lu Xiaofeng's nonchalant and carefree appearance, the boss also said that he and Jiang Li were old acquaintances, and that this bowl of wontons was called for him, and he responded, and soon served another bowl. After two bowls, Lu Xiaofeng finally felt full. He hiccupped and thought about it. Although he could still eat, he didn't order the third bowl.

"Are you full?" Jiang Li finally opened his mouth.

Lu Xiaofeng's stomach was full, and he felt relieved for a while. He cupped his hands and said, "Thank you for your hospitality, miss."

Jiang Li had an incomprehensible smile on his face, and said, "I didn't entertain you."

Lu Xiaofeng was taken aback.

Jiang Li continued, "A bowl of wonton here costs eight cents."

Needless to say the rest, eight Wen a bowl, Lu Xiaofeng ate two bowls, she should pay sixteen Wen. It is only right and proper to pay for meals.

Lu Xiaofeng is now a poor phoenix, and can't afford a penny. Sixteen pennies stumps a hero, and of course it stumps Lu Xiaofeng.

His face twitched, and he said with difficulty: "Didn't you ask me for this?"

Jiang Li's eyes seemed to have frozen into ice, as if it was the first time she saw that eating the overlord's meal so confidently, of course she had reason to be angry. She looked around, and after a circle, she showed a questioning look, and asked softly: "There are so many people present, did anyone see me asking you?"

Lu Xiaofeng was immediately overwhelmed by the crowd, and everyone present firmly said: "This girl didn't invite you, you were the cheeky one to come along." After all, Jiang Li is a beauty, and what he said was the truth. Reason, if everyone doesn't favor her, can they still favor Lu Xiaofeng who eats the overlord's meal

Even the stall owner, who was originally very kind, showed a murderous expression.

Sure enough, the beauty's wontons were not so delicious, Lu Xiaofeng really wanted to run away at this moment. Run to a deserted place where no one knows him. At this time, Lu Xiaofeng suddenly missed Sikong Zhaixing, and he felt that even this thief was hundreds of times better than Jiang Li. At least he won the star against his superior Sikong and rarely suffers.

Sikong Zhaixing, who was very far away from here, sneezed, he couldn't save Lu Xiaofeng.

Jiang Li said, "Isn't it natural and righteous to pay off debts?"

Lu Xiaofeng nodded.

"So, you have no money now?"

Lu Xiaofeng continued to nod, he didn't know what else he could do besides nodding

Jiang Li still wants to talk, but Lu Xiaofeng has never been a person who can calm down, even if he doesn't make trouble, trouble will find him.

At this moment, there was a sudden noise in the distance.

Lu Xiaofeng is usually afraid of trouble, but at this time, he suddenly felt that trouble is cute sometimes.

At this moment, a sharp female voice came from a distance. She said in a hoarse voice: "My third sister likes you so much, yet you refuse to save her? Why would she like someone like you? Ximen Chuuxue, are you really so heartless?"

When Lu Xiaofeng heard the words Ximen Chuixue, it seemed that there was an extra spring on his buttocks, and he jumped up all of a sudden. He quickly ran towards the direction where the sound came from, he could ignore other people's bustle, but Ximen Chuuxue's bustle was a once-in-a-thousand-year event. In particular, this matter seems to be a romantic debt

Jiang Li didn't stop him this time, and she followed closely behind, also chasing towards that side.

The next moment, Jiang Li heard a calm and indifferent male voice, he said indifferently: "What does it have to do with me?"