Qixiu Royal Sister [Comprehensive Sword Three]

Chapter 130


After the man left, the ships on both sides parted ways because of their different purposes.

Jiang Li heard the guards of Baiyun City sigh and said: "As expected of the black spider of 'the god spider soars through the sky, the silver thread crosses the void', this lightness skill is really amazing."

There are many black-clothed people in Jianghu, and there are also many short black-clothed people, but this lightness skill is really too rare to find a second one.

Seeing that she didn't recognize this person, Jing Wuming explained: "That person should be 'Black Spider'."

It's not easy to mix in the rivers and lakes. You have to remember many names and nicknames. Black Spider is obviously not a name, but a nickname.

Black Spider is a strange person. He is short in stature, likes black clothes, and doesn't like to show his face. Few people know his name. They only know that he doesn't like people calling him small, even though he is really short. He is very loyal and likes to be called big brother.

Therefore, the Jianghu people gave him a nickname, "Black Spider".

However, compared to Qinggong, his martial arts are not so outstanding, and he has no fixed place, wandering in the rivers and lakes all year round, so his whereabouts are always secretive. Moreover, he didn't do anything of theft, on the contrary, among the three masters of lightness kung fu, he had the best reputation among the six sects. At least Chu Liuxiang and Sikong Zhaixing had criminal records.

Of course, being weak definitely refers to being compared with Jiang Li. In Jianghu, at least ordinary people in their 30s and 50s can't do anything to him. Even if his martial arts are higher than him, if he can't show his lightness kung fu, he still won't be able to keep him.

But compared to martial arts, he is very famous in lightness kung fu. Because he, "The Thief Commander" Chu Liuxiang, and "The King of Thieves" Sikong Zaixing are known as the three masters of light kung fu in the Jianghu. Moreover, there is a specialization in art, and in moving in a straight line, even Chu Liuxiang can't do it like a black spider, leaping tens of feet.

However, the black spider can do this by relying on external objects. He had experienced adventures, so he obtained a strange spider silk, which could not be burned by a knife, and was extremely flexible and stretchable. Therefore, the black spider specially made a mechanism on the cuff, entangled the spider silk in it, and shot out the jets tied with the spider silk when needed. At the longest time, the spider silk could reach thirty feet.

With the help of the spider silk, the figure is mysterious and swift, as if flying through the air. Therefore, people in the Jianghu later learned of the tricks, and described his lightness kung fu as "the god spider flies through the sky, and the silver thread crosses the void".

But not long ago, Black Spider married Murong Jiu, the youngest daughter of the Murong family, and moved into the Murong family. He will be thrown into the sea by Jiang Li because of his rude words. But now, they will respectfully greet "senior" and ask for directions.

"There is the symbol of the Murong family on that boat." Jing Wuming continued, "It should be representing the Murong family."

The nine daughters of the Murong family, known as the Nine Talents in the World, are all extremely extraordinary, but it is a pity that the first eight have all married off, and of course the ninth must marry, otherwise the Murong family is so dignified that it does not even have an heir. After the black spider got married, it was natural that their husband and wife would inherit the Murong family.

Jiang Li didn't have much memory of "Black Spider", but she still remembered Murong Jiu.

Murong Jiu is married, that is to say, the story of the peerless twins in this world is over.

This was beyond her expectation, Jiang Li had never heard of this before. However, Yihua Palace and her have no grievances in the past, and they have no vengeance in the present. Although the name of Evilman Valley is the same as her birth name, it is far from her. It is not her home, and Jiang Li does not intend to participate in the drama of the peerless twins. Go, it's over when it's over, it doesn't matter.

Jiang Li nodded and stopped mentioning it.

Then all the way was calm and quiet, and the boat docked. However, it wasn’t Wuyang City. According to Baiyun City, Wuyang City has been in chaos recently and it’s not easy to go. Therefore, after consulting Jiang Li, seeing that she didn’t ask for a landing location, she deliberately detoured some places and changed to Zaitong Port. login.

Jiang Li's geography is not very good, but roughly calculated, Wuyang City is in Guangzhou, and they walked northwest for a while, so they should have landed at the port of Fujian, which is not far away. However, that's all there is, there is no map, and Jiang Li is helpless.

After getting off the boat, Jiang Li parted ways with the guards of Baiyun City.

After receiving the order, they will do some shopping here before sailing back, but Jiang Li has no target for the time being, so he plans to take a stroll.

She has been wandering in the sea for a long time, but at this time she is down-to-earth, and she has a different feeling.

The two walked for a while on the street, and Jiang Li caught up with a circle of people as usual. Before Jiang Li was angry in Wuyang, it was obvious that he was not strong enough to spread to Erythronia City. But this time Jing Wuming had a cold face and looked like a god, but no one dared to talk to him. This place is far away from the Central Plains, it is considered a remote place, there are very few people in the Jianghu, but most of the ordinary people, the two are not easy to mess with, so naturally they will not get together.

Jiang Li is used to being the focus. Under such circumstances, she went shopping very freely. On the way, she stopped at a dim sum shop and bought a lot of dim sum. She really likes melon and fruit snacks. She spent too long at sea before, and she didn't replenish them. The stock has long since run out, so this is a good time to replenish them.

The dim sum shop door was ajar, but it was not closed tightly. I walked in through the gap and saw that the things were neatly arranged, as if it was open for business, but the boss was not here at this time, so I didn't know what to do.

Jiang Li gently knocked on the door panel, signaling to the boss that someone is coming.

If the door was closed, she wouldn't bother, but since it was half-closed, it was supposed to be for business.

There was a bang bang sound inside, and after a while, an old man rushed out in a hurry.

He stood inside the house without looking outside, and said directly: "I'm not doing business today, let's go, come back tomorrow."

Jiang Li didn't force it, he turned around and left.

Jing Wuming followed behind her.

The old man only noticed that the two of them were extraordinary at this time, he was stunned for a while, quickly grabbed the door panel, told the door to be closed tightly, and then went back with a sigh of relief.

The two walked to a tea stand not far from the road and sat down. The owner of the stall was a teenage girl, thin and small, with red spots on her face, she looked extremely scary. But take off the erythema, you can see a bit of beauty. Presumably it was because of this that he dared to show his face on the street. If she is really pretty and has no power to protect herself, she may end up miserable.

Jiang Li took a look and thought that this girl is really smart. She must have a special constitution and is allergic to certain herbs, so she deliberately applied this herb on her face. In this way, the erythema would not disappear for several days, and no one would harass her with such a strong taste. If it is no longer needed, just stop using the herbs, and it will heal naturally without medicine. Just like this, some pain is unavoidable.

"Tea for the two of you." The little girl carried a kettle and filled a cup for Jiang Li and Jing Wuming.

Then, he retreated to the stove.

Jiang Li spoke first, and she whispered, "Did you hear that too?"

Jing Wuming nodded.

It turned out that when they were at the door of the pastry shop just now, when the old man came out to chase the two away, intermittent and indistinct voices came from inside. There should be two people speaking, one high and one low, two men's voices.

Jiang Li's eyes and ears are extremely sharp, and he even caught two key words, Fuwei Escort and Evil Resisting Sword Manual.

The people inside kept their voices extremely low because someone was coming, but they obviously didn't expect that, with such a distance and the noise on the street, the two people who came from the door could just be able to hear them under such circumstances. She is a clear top expert, so she was careless to let her see the flaws.

Jiang Li didn't buy any snacks, because this group of people seemed to be planning to make an idea of the evil sword manual, and they didn't have time to do business.

So she wanted to meddle in her own business.

Thinking about the mastermind behind this incident, if he knew the truth, he would have to vomit a few mouthfuls of blood, thinking about it, he would rather give the dim sum shop to Jiang Li.

Jiang Lidao: "The evil swordsmanship is well-known, and is known for its secretiveness and quickness. Although your swordsmanship has been finalized, it may be used as a reference."

Of course, it can't be said that she didn't buy the snacks, she must find an excuse.

The first sentence of the evil-disciplining sword technique is quite scary. Jiang Li didn't intend to kill Jing, but his sword technique does have some similarities with the evil-disciplining sword technique. They are both world-class martial arts. way, so refer to it. To improve the speed of swordsmanship, in addition to practicing drawing the sword, practice makes perfect, how the internal force runs through the meridians, this can be used as a reference.

Jiang Li's martial arts were born out of Jiansan, and they are fundamentally different from those in this arena, so she felt that she should not be used as a standard when looking for references.

Of course, Jing Wuming has never seen the Evil Resisting Sword Technique, nor the Sunflower Canon, so he doesn't know the first eight characters, so Jiang Li's expression is normal, and he speaks seriously. A small improvement will improve in the future, so there is no need for Jiang Li to get involved in this muddy water.

Jiang Li smiled and said, "Let's see."

"Let's find an inn first, and don't rush to go elsewhere."


After all, the two didn't drink any tea, left the money and left.

After the two left, the stall owner came over to collect the cups and money. She poured the tea into the bucket next to her casually. When she passed by, she whispered to a tea customer sitting next to her: "They went to that shop just now. The shop, but it seems that they are passing by. Both of them are very strong in kung fu, it is really hard to see through, I did not dare to get too close."

It turned out that this was actually one of the layouts of the six doors.

The Fuwei Escort has nothing to do with the Six Doors, life and death have nothing to do with them, but the skill of warding off evil swordsmanship, the legend was first handed down from the palace, and it is a remnant of the Sunflower Book. So the fathers-in-law at the top moved their minds and wanted to see what this kung fu looked like, so when the top moved their mouths, the bottom ran and broke their legs.

However, Fuwei Escort's seventy-two-way evil swordsmanship is really mediocre, it can only be ranked at the bottom of the rivers and lakes, and the kung fu of any small sect is better than him. Therefore, it is generally believed in the Jianghu that the real evil swordsmanship should be hidden somewhere, not the one made by Lin Zhennan.

Therefore, Six Doors had to monitor not only the Fuwei Escort, but also the people who were in charge of the Escort, and by the way, even Jiang Li and Jing Wuming who went shopping by mistake during the past two days. But Jiang Li didn't feel any hostility, that's why he didn't notice.

The author has something to say: Jin Jiang is unhappy if he doesn’t smoke every day, he is really drunk.