Qixiu Royal Sister [Comprehensive Sword Three]

Chapter 133


"Brother Lin, why are you so polite?" Yu Renyan couldn't hold back anymore, and hurriedly said: "Go straight in, don't give that demon girl any face! This kind of people, the more face they give her, the more arrogant they will be. When the time comes to capture that demon girl and kill that servant, Brother Lin will be able to eliminate harm for the people? Hehe."

Lin Pingzhi was stunned and looked at Yu Renyan in surprise.

Yu Renyan is actually not suitable to be a conspirator. Before he provoked Lin Pingzhi, he wasted a lot of saliva, and in the end he almost wanted to fuck him. Is it you who want me to go? I won't go up, I will bb. But Yu Renyan is too lazy to bb, so I'll go straight to it, alas, I'm not good enough, what should I do if I can't do it

Therefore, he only had one idea for the previous idea, most of which were followed by his Jia Laoer.

Jia Laoer's original name was Jia Renda, and he was a disciple of Yu Renyan's father Yu Canghai, but Yu Canghai treated him indifferently, and his status in the Qingcheng faction was not high, and he didn't even rank among the "Four Beasts of Qingcheng" . In order to get ahead, Jia Laoer has been currying favor with Lin Pingzhi this time, and he works hand in hand with him.

However, for a while, Lin Pingzhi took the lead, and Yu Renyan joined him. As a result, Jia Laoer was squeezed to the back, and he had nothing to say to Yu Renyan at this moment, without this dog-headed military commander. It didn't take long before Yu Renyan couldn't pretend anymore, and he reverted to his old ways, revealing his true nature.

When Yu Renyan talked to him before, his posture was extremely low, and he praised Lin Pingzhi, the young escort of Fuwei Escort Bureau, in high spirits. Even if you talk privately with him, what you talk about is in broad daylight, bright and clear, someone is so arrogant on the street? Others don't care about him, but Fuwei Escort Bureau is a well-known Escort Bureau in Fuzhou, as a young bodyguard head, can this kind of thing be tolerated? Can't.

Lin Pingzhi was a little hesitant at first, and with the pull of the four guards around him, he didn't dare to cause trouble, he was afraid that he would not be able to explain to his father Lin Zhennan, but Yu Renyan's instigation, the spirit of justice in his heart The fire was blazing, whether it was tolerable or unbearable. Immediately, a burst of anger came to my heart, and a group of people came over.

But now that he has changed his face, how can he still look like a righteous knight? Rather like a bandit hooligan.

Yu Renyan also realized that he had lost his composure. He didn't dare to explain too much, for fear of saying too much, so he took a step back and said, "That chivalrous man has suffered a lot in there. I was in a hurry..."

Several escort heads looked at him more and more unkindly.

Lin Pingzhi paused, then reached out to knock on the door again, and was about to speak when he suddenly stopped.

Because they heard the sound of breaking through the air.

A cold light flashed, I don't know what it was, it seemed to be something the size of a stone, with great force, it broke through the door panel, pierced into Yu Renyan's chest accurately, and even flew him several meters away, hitting him directly on the ground. up the wall. The people around were forced to lie on the ground in disarray, looking at Yu Renyan's miserable state, felt a chill in their hearts. It's terrifying to still have such strength and accuracy through the door panel.

"Speaking rudely, damn it!" It was an extremely indifferent and cold voice.

The next moment, the door in the hall burst open.

Jiang Li sat at the table naturally, with white hair hanging over his shoulders, as quiet as a painting.

She holds a sword in her hand.

It was Jing Wuming's sword. Jing Wuming planned to throw it with the long sword, but Jiang Li pulled the sword back.

There is no need to use a sword to kill such a person.

The door here is made of high-quality hardwood, even if it is injected with internal force, it will hurt the sword too much to pass through like this.

So Jing Wuming casually threw out the peach pit of the previous peach as a hidden weapon.

Peach pits are small in size and relatively hidden. It is of course acceptable to punch a small hole in the door.

Although Jing Wuming is best at swordsmanship, but at such a short distance, with his kung fu and Yu Renyan's three-legged cat kung fu, of course it is impossible to open too much.

With Jiang Li's casual move, the huge internal force formed a suction force, and Yu Renyan suddenly flew upside down, then fell to the ground in embarrassment, almost hitting Lin Pingzhi.

Only then did she return the sword to Jing Wuming.

Jing Wuming took the sword and held it in his hand, without taking the sheath back.

The fight is about to start, of course there is no need to bother to take the sword back.

The window was wide open, because of the previous incident, there were occasionally two or three people on the street at this time, but it didn't seem noisy, on the contrary, it was very quiet. There were only two people in the room, and there was no place to hide. Everyone looked around, but they didn't see the unconscious little man who was brought in by Jing Wuming before.

Lin Pingzhi was stunned, he had already forgotten what he wanted to say just now. This is even more so for the people behind. They were originally following the trend. If they stayed together, they still had some motivation. Now that a person is dead, half of their courage is gone. If there is any trouble, some people may run away.

Jia Laoer glanced at Yu Renyan, and went up to help him, but Jing Wuming's eyes fell on him, and his limbs were suddenly cold.

He dared not move.

Yu Renyan could only breathe a sigh of relief, and he probably couldn't be rescued. Of course Yu Canghai wouldn't let him go, and the Qingcheng faction probably wouldn't be able to go back either. Since it's all like this, it's better to protect yourself. At that time, stay away from the Qingcheng Mountain in the Shu area. If you want to come to the Qingcheng faction, you may not be able to find him. Thinking about it this way, Jia Laoer felt a little bit of retreat in his heart.

Jiang Li said: "Good job."

Jing Wuming said: "Yes."

However, even he didn't think of Jiang Li's next words.

"Damn it for being rude. But next time, be gentle. This way, the pain will last longer." Jiang Li said flatly.

Death is not scary, many people die every day in Jianghu, but life is worse than death, obviously few people are not afraid.

Yu Renyan was going to die anyway, it didn't matter whose hands he died at.

"...Okay." Jing Wuming replied.

Lin Pingzhi finally spoke, his eyes showed heavy disappointment.

He said: "I don't want to disturb the girl's meal, but the girl has such a murderous heart. Although that brother offends a bit, but the crime is not worthy of death... It's too much for the girl. I saw the knight just now disappeared. , she has always been let go by the girl, in this case, the girl is not a heinous person, it is really chilling to do such a thing."

"My martial arts are low, so I may not be able to keep the girl, but I think about it, the previous incident has been reported to the official, and it should be here now."

Lin Pingzhi's youthful disposition, seeing that Jiang Li's color is unparalleled, he had five parts of justice and three parts of love, so he bumped up his courage and walked up, but seeing this scene, he felt mixed emotions in his heart. After hesitating, he finally decided to That chivalrous spirit prevailed, and the last words were really just words.

At this moment, there was a commotion downstairs.

Sure enough, the people from the government have arrived.

Because the "offender" is said to be a member of the Jianghu, so the leader wears the official uniform of the six sects, instead of the usual headhunter.

The leader had a standard face in Chinese characters, and he looked like a righteous person at first glance. After asking, his expression changed slightly, and he looked a little anxious, and asked again: "You said, the person who committed the crime was a man with a good-looking face. A beautiful white-haired woman? There is a man in black next to her, is that right?"

The shopkeeper nodded repeatedly and said: "If you go back to the official, yes."

The man nodded and led the man upstairs.

When the onlookers saw the manager coming, they made their own way and allowed him to go in. However, when this man saw Jiang Li, his first reaction was to bow and salute, saying, "I've met Miss Jiang." Immediately afterwards, he ordered, "This is the one who offended Miss Jiang? He deserves to die, so drag him down." Bar."

Everyone was shocked, they never expected such a development. Lin Pingzhi immediately gritted his teeth and wanted to scold the officials for protecting each other. No wonder Jiang Li didn't take it seriously when he heard Wang Fa before. But his mouth was covered by the bodyguard next to him. These bodyguards feel that they have not lived as thrillingly as they have been through for decades.

My own little bodyguard, what a good child he was before, why is his head not bright today, and he keeps trying to cause trouble? If the move just now was a bit crooked, and it wasn't that Yu Renyan who hit them, but their young escort, the Fuwei Escort would be wiped out, not to mention whether the chief escort would forgive them, they themselves would not be able to forgive themselves.

Before, they wanted to persuade Lin Pingzhi to restrain himself, but now that the situation was wrong, they stopped trying to persuade him. They just covered his mouth to make him speechless. Wait until the limelight passes a little later, and pull away the head of his own young escort, and then don't let the wind and rain get on them.

Please don't provoke these villains.

Jiang Li was also somewhat surprised. She originally thought that she was going to do it again, but who expected such a "magic" turning point.

Immediately afterwards, the leader asked his subordinates to evacuate the crowd, saying that he needed to talk to Jiang Li about something.

Jiang Li nodded.

After a while, the crowd dispersed, and Lin Pingzhi was forcibly carried away by the bodyguards below, and the others didn't want to participate in this matter, they ran as far as they could for their own safety.

In this way, the door was closed, leaving only Jing Wuming and this person to talk about the cause and effect.

It turned out that this had something to do with Lu Xiaofeng. After Jiang Li left, Lu Xiaofeng and Chu Liuxiang joined together and left Baiyun City together.

After the two returned to the Central Plains, Lu Xiaofeng fulfilled what he had promised, and went to Beijing to rehabilitate Baiyun City. After arriving, explain the reason to the emperor. His majesty is quite open-minded now, and promised to reverse the case. As for the meritorious personnel, all of them will be rewarded.

However, Lu Xiaofeng, Ye Gucheng, Ximen Chuuxue and others are all standard Jianghu people and have no interest in court affairs, so Lu Xiaofeng thought about it and started to blow Jiangli away. Although he always felt that Jiang Li was a bit scary, especially the force value, but that was just thinking about it. In front of outsiders, it is naturally a good thing. In this way, most of the credit goes to Jiang Li in the end.

The emperor was naturally very happy to be able to get rid of such a major disaster in the Nanwang Mansion, so he was also very generous. Seeing that Lu Xiaofeng insisted on giving all the credit to Jiang Li, he also felt aroused by Jiang Li, a strange woman in the world. A little curiosity. In the end, he simply gave Jiang Li the title of county head.

Now this decree has already been spread throughout the world. As the department closest to Jianghu, Six Doors, it is of course impossible for this person not to recognize it. I couldn't recognize those hidden stumps before, but they didn't reach that level. With Jiang Li's current status and her martial arts, let alone Yu Renyan, even if Yu Canghai died, who would care

Nobody cares.

The author has something to say: The author updated the code words for you on the train, and it was also spelled out.

I'm roughing it out, it's released, and the update is uncertain.