Qixiu Royal Sister [Comprehensive Sword Three]

Chapter 15: Passionate


Jiang Li asked Jing Wuming: "Are you going to rest, or go to have breakfast first?"

Jing Wuming chose to go to sleep.

Jiang Li nodded and said, "There are not four hours, don't get up."

According to scientific research, a person must sleep at least eight hours a day to ensure the body's needs.

Jing Wuming was silent for a moment, and replied: "Okay."

Now that you have agreed, you have to do it even if the sky is falling.

Satisfied, Jiang Li went to the house to grab some pastries. By the way, she stuffed more important things such as house deeds and land deeds into two compartments in her backpack, and said to him, "Just go as long as you want."

Jing Wuming nodded, took it, turned and went back to the room.

Lu Xiaofeng didn't know when he stopped his hands, glanced out the window, and watched the play with great interest. Lu is a restless person. Although repairing the roof is not difficult, it is a bit boring. It would be too embarrassing for him to keep doing it. What happened below will undoubtedly arouse Lu Xiaofeng's raging heart of gossip.

But Jiang Li didn't own the zoo, nor the animals in it, so she didn't want Lu Xiaofeng to watch the show.

Jiang Li said: "How exciting is this excitement?"

Lu Xiaofeng immediately felt a strong crisis.

He was just about to shake his head, a man can bend and stretch, at this moment Lu Xiaofeng doesn't want to get into trouble at all.

But it's too late!

Jiang Li tapped his toes, Lu Xiaofeng didn't even hear the wind, she was already behind him.

It was so fast that it even left afterimages in the air.

The ice-blue chill pierced Lu Xiaofeng's back with a deep chill.

Jiang Li drew his sword when he disagreed, because Lu Xiaofeng could stand it, otherwise he wouldn't be Lu Xiaofeng, and he wouldn't be alive now. Lu Xiaofeng is a thick-skinned person who is good at climbing along poles. Now that the roof has not been repaired, Jiang Li doesn't want to give him this chance. The roof was repaired, and Jiang Li didn't bother to care about what he wanted to do.

Lu Xiaofeng's two fingers appeared behind his back at some point.

He didn't see how Jiang Li moved, and Jiang Li didn't see how his hands appeared, as if they were supposed to be here.

This attack was resolved by two fingers.

It's just that Lu Xiaofeng underestimated the sharpness of Han Ji, and Jiang Li's weapon made him suffer a small loss. Jing Wuming's previous sword was originally made of 100-forged fine iron, but it was also shattered by Han Ji in a single blow, and it became fragments, no matter how hard Lu Xiaofeng's fingers were, they couldn't compare to the sword.

With a twitch, Jiang Li took Han Ji back.

She said: "If Daxia Lu can take this seriousness to repair the roof, I think he can leave now."

Just as Lu Xiaofeng was about to speak, Jiang Li said again: "Don't worry, Mr. Lu, I don't have any important tasks to restore the country, but no country needs you to run around. I have some sense of what two bowls of wontons can be exchanged for. Or, Mr. Lu doesn't mind." Pay me back sixteen taels? If you pay back, you can leave."

As soon as these words came out, Lu Xiaofeng immediately looked like a dehydrated dried flower, listless. People who owe money can't straighten their backs.

Suddenly, at this moment, Jiang Li turned his head and looked outside.

Lu Xiaofeng's expression also became serious.

At some point, the street fell silent.

It's eerily quiet.

This street can also be regarded as the main street of Wuyang City. On weekdays, pedestrians come and go like a weaving, and it can be regarded as a bustling crowd. Now it is quiet in broad daylight, and there is a reason why needles can be heard.

Things that are abnormal are demons.

This city is all the fief of King Pingnan, and his treatment here is similar to that of the Tu Emperor. Even today, the voice here may not be as loud as that of King Pingnan. As the only heir to the palace, Prince Nan can do whatever he wants, let alone block the streets.

Moreover, King Pingnan is preparing for a rebellion recently, so he is very busy and has not returned to the palace for many days. He didn't know that his son was not doing a good job or doing good things, but at such a time, he would startle the snake, and instead of trying to win connections, he would pursue beauties instead.

The prince of Nan Wang is now in Wuyang City, and he is the biggest one. He is about to go to Beijing to pursue a great career, he can't stay here for long, and he will take Jiang Li away, Jiang Li will definitely be able to and won't go with him, so he can only take advantage of this time to hang out in front of the beauty for a while, and prepare for the future. The foundation is over.

Jing Wuming used to be his subordinate, and Jing Wuming "offended" Jiang Li. Although he had kicked him out, Jiang Li "didn't know" about it. In order to show a sense of presence, Prince Nan specially cleared out the idlers and others, not even taking a single subordinate with him, and sent them to let the wind out in the distance, and came here alone.

At this moment, he changed into a white dress of the same style as Ye Gucheng, and his figure was tall and straight. At first glance, he was actually somewhat similar to Ye Gucheng. Knowing that Jiang Li admired Ye Gucheng's swordsmanship, Nanwang Shizi had more contact with Ye Gucheng because of his proximity to the water, so he took great pains to join Jiangli in his favour.

At this time, he didn't have a sword on his waist, but he was holding a guqin in his hand, sitting on the ground, and just played "Feng Qiuhuang".

There is a beautiful woman who will never forget. I don't see you for a day, and I think like crazy. The phoenix returns to its hometown, and travels all over the world to seek its phoenix.

Nan Wang's son's piano skills are not top-notch, but the faint sound of the piano is pleasant to the ear, and there is nothing wrong with it. In his capacity, to achieve this level, many people may be moved.

Lu Xiaofeng looked at Jiang Li with a teasing smile. He himself was originally a very attractive guy, many women liked him, and he owed some romantic debts outside, but at this time Lu Xiaofeng discovered that there are mountains as tall as mountains, and there is someone who is more attractive than him. But with this face, I don't think it's strange after thinking about it.

Jiang Li frowned.

She doesn't have a high level of appreciation for music, because she thinks Lao Wang's Hongchen music is very good, so she entered the Valley of the Evil. Just to listen to the flute, she also died a relative or friend who didn't agree with her aesthetics. Therefore, Jiang Li only felt that the tune was a bit familiar, as if he had heard it before, but he didn't recognize that it was the famous "Phoenix Seeking the Phoenix". He just thought about it, and Jing Wuming might not be able to sleep today.

Who can sleep with such noise? Not to mention people in the martial arts world with keen eyes and ears, even ordinary people may not be able to sleep.

After playing the song, Nan Wang Shizi showed a handsome smile and waited for Jiang to leave the door.

At this moment, his attire looked a bit nondescript, not at all like Ye Gucheng.

Although this song is not super-performed, it is above the standard, and he is basically satisfied. Although he didn't say a word, thousands of words have been expressed in the sound of the piano. Boya was born in Ziqi, looking for a bosom friend in high mountains and rivers, Jiang Li thought it must be his bosom friend.

But he didn't wait for Laijiang to leave the door, but he waited for the sound of a piano. A tune he had never heard before, a piano sound that made him feel ashamed. Since he expresses his heart with the piano, the people in the house will return with the sound of the piano. It can be seen from this that the attainments of the qin player are far above him, and he stands out from the others. He is playing tricks in front of the experts.

The sound of Lu Xiaofeng hammering and repairing the roof also stopped, so that the sound of the qin cannot be polluted by other noises.

Thinking of the sound of the piano that he was proud of, but in Jiang Li's ears, it was like a magic sound, full of flaws, and the face of Prince Nan's face turned blue and white. Jiang Li was less than thirty steps away from him. Of course, Prince Nan could go up and knock on the door, but he couldn't afford to lose this person. Now that he is like this, what face does he have to meet Jiang Li? But he was naturally not reconciled to asking him to leave in such a disgruntled manner.

Prince Nan hesitated for a moment, and he left. In the end, he still has to lose face, he doesn't want to embarrass himself in front of Jiang Li in this situation.

Originally, Prince Nan's plan was to sing "Phoenix Seeking the Phoenix" first to impress the beauty's heart, and then invite the beauty to go boating on the lake and tell each other their hearts, and finally take Jiang Li away to watch Ye Gucheng and Ximen Chuuxue's discussion on swords. Such a beautiful day plan was cut in half before it even started.

But if he doesn't come, he can send his subordinates down.

But when it was time for tea, there was a light knock on the door.

The piano was playing non-stop in the room, and Jiang Li came out of the room after the song ended.

Since Nan Wang Shizi sent someone to knock on the door, if she ignored it, the other party would definitely keep knocking, so it's better to settle it sooner.

"Meet Miss Jiang." The man who knocked on the door outside the house saluted Jiang Li.

Jiang Li had never met him before, so naturally he had nothing to say, and said indifferently, "What's the matter?"

The man lowered his head and said respectfully: "Miss Jiang, the son knows that the girl admires the sword skills of the Lord Ye, and tonight, the Lord Ye sent a message to Chuuxue at the west gate of Wanmei Villa. The son has prepared a place. If the girl is interested, You can go to watch the battle." Because of the previous incident, he no longer mentioned the embarrassing thing about playing the piano for Prince Nan, and briefly mentioned it.

The reason why Ye Gucheng made an appointment to fight Ximen Chuuxue was because Jiang Li was at his root.

Originally, as two peerless swordsmen, it was best for them to save this meeting for the real decisive battle.

As soon as they meet, it will be an eternal secret, one life and one death, one win and one loss.

However, Ximen Chuuxue only has the sword in his heart at present, but Ye Gucheng does not.

Jiang Li and Ye Gucheng only met once, but she revealed a lot of information in her words. Ye Gucheng was implicated in the rebellion with Nanwangfu, and a very important part of it was his decisive battle with Ximen Chuuxue. Jiang Li pointed out this matter, and she mentioned that she had seen Ximen Chuuxue, so Ye Gucheng must also meet Ximen Chuuxue.

If it is not certain whether Ximen Chuuxue knows the inside story of this matter, then this rebellion will become empty talk. After all, their purpose was to use the opportunity of the two swordsmen's decisive battle on the top of the Forbidden City as a gimmick to enter the palace.

But this matter, Ye Gucheng did not mention it to Prince Nan. They are called masters and apprentices. In fact, although they are connected by a rope, they are not of one mind. I was skeptical about it, although I felt that it was impossible for him to regret it at this time, but I couldn't help worrying about it.

Therefore, inviting Jiang Li to watch the battle was not only to curry favor with her, but also to use Jiang Li's name to monitor Ye Gucheng's activities.

#All are scheming boys#

Jiang Li was not interested at first, and planned to dismiss the matter regardless of what the other party said, but the other party mentioned that Ye Gucheng and Ximen Chuuxue were about to meet, which was enough to arouse her interest.

When Lu Xiaofeng heard this, he couldn't bear it any longer, and rushed over to ask: "What did you say? Ximen and Lord Ye have an appointment to fight?"