Qixiu Royal Sister [Comprehensive Sword Three]

Chapter 20: Starry Plains


I don't know if it was a conflict with a restaurant today, Jiang Li couldn't find a place to eat in such a big Wuyang City.

When she actually had lunch, that time could almost be considered dinner.

Fortunately, I bought some snacks along the way, so I didn't starve myself.

Since there was still something to do in the evening, Jiang Li didn't delay any longer, packed some food and went back to the house.

When Jiang Li pushed open the door, both Jing Wuming and Lu Xiaofeng were sitting on the stone benches in the yard, one on the left and the other on the right, staring at each other.

"Girl." Jing Wuming got up and said. He didn't know when he hung the remaining part of the sword with only the hilt and a bit of the remaining blade on his waist. It seemed that there was no weapon, which made him very uncomfortable. But the sword was broken like this. Although the cut looks quite sharp, it is still too reluctant to continue to use it as a weapon.

Lu Xiaofeng seemed much more casual. He lay lazily on the stone table, moved his nose and said, "It smells like roast chicken."

Jiang Li did come back with the roast chicken.

"Lu Xiaofeng's title shouldn't be Four Eyebrows," Jiang Li said, "Your nose is also very good, how about changing your name to Dog Nose?"

Lu Xiaofeng laughed, didn't care about the ridicule, and said: "It's a pity that there are food but no wine, it's not good."

Jiang Li said lightly: "This is for Wuming, not for you."

Jing Wuming has sold herself to her as a thug. These days, she doesn't need to pay five social insurances and one housing fund, and she still has to take care of her food.

As for Lu Xiaofeng, it is only natural to pay off debts and do hard work without money to wash dishes.

A swordsman like Jing Wuming doesn't know how to drink. Alcohol will paralyze his consciousness and make him unable to control the long sword in his hand.

For a swordsman, this is more terrifying than anything else.

With that said, Jiang Li took out the roasted chicken, without the barrier of the bag, the aroma became more intense.

Lu Xiaofeng had only eaten half full in the morning, and his stomach was already empty. Now he took a breath of the aroma, and his mouth was full of saliva.

Jiang Li handed the roast chicken to Jing Wuming, and said, "I don't know what you like, you can buy it at will, and you don't have to force it if you don't like it."

Lu Xiaofeng came over.

Jiang Li said, "My roof?"

"It's been fixed a long time ago." Lu Xiaofeng patted his chest to claim the credit.

Jiang Li nodded. Although Lu Xiaofeng was unreliable sometimes, she didn't dare to talk nonsense about such things. She didn't check, she just said: "There's a big meal waiting for you in a while, why bother with Wuming?" How about just roast chicken?" Nanwang Shizi definitely couldn't ignore the meal when he issued the invitation card, and Jing Wuming's identity is more sensitive, so there is no need to join in the fun.

As for Lu Xiaofeng, it's about Ximen Chuuxue anyway, no one can make him change his mind, so let him go.

Back in the house, Jiang Li looked up and saw that the hole had been repaired properly. As for whether it can withstand the rain, that's another matter. All things being one thing, Jiang Li was quite satisfied with the repaired roof, so he decided to keep his previous promise and not to embarrass Lu Xiaofeng anymore.

She thought for a while and started rummaging through her backpack.

Jiang Li is a collection party that integrates appearance, pendant, and achievements. When Jiansan first rubbed the appearance, he needed to take pictures of the corresponding equipment. Later, it was updated, and it became a direct extension in the mall. However, after Jiang Li wore it, she didn't bring the mall here, but returned all the appearances of the previous rubbings to her in kind, and stuffed them all into her backpack.

So not only did she have countless sets of clothes in her backpack, but she also had a variety of weapons. It's just that no weapon can compare to a big orange weapon like Han Ji, and she has been using this all the time. Jiang Li remembered that Jing Wuming didn't have a weapon, so he planned to find him a long sword similar to the one he used before.

However, Qixiu's kungfu is more light and agile, and to be precise, Qixiu uses two soldiers, not two swords, deducting those weird weapons that cannot be seen, such as soul-calling banners, meteor hammers, mountain axes and so on. Ghost, Jiang Li searched for a while among the women's swords with tassels hanging on them, and picked out a pair of sky blue long swords without tassels, just a pair of buckles on the hilt.

Jiang Li went out, handed the sword to Jing Wuming, and said, "Your sword is broken, use this."

Jing Wuming took it to try the feel, nodded and said: "Okay."

Lu Xiaofeng was fighting with roast chicken, he was really good at dealing with taciturn swordsmen, and successfully "cheat" food from Jing Wuming.

Jiang Li and Jing Wuming explained about watching the battle, and then asked him if he wanted to go. Although his identity is a little troublesome, but if he wants to go, Jiang Li will not stop him, at most it will be a little troublesome.

Jing Wuming shook his head, he just got a new sword and needs time to get used to it, if Jiang Li needs his guard, he will naturally be willing to do so, if not, he will not go.

Jiang Li nodded, bid farewell to Jing Wuming, and prepared to leave.

After all, she left directly.

Lu Xiaofeng froze for a moment, wiped the oil on his mouth, and followed immediately.

By the time we waited for the coast of the South China Sea, the sky had already darkened. Although it is not completely black, the stars can already be seen twinkling.

It's a very beautiful night.

The starry sky is vast, and the silver moon is like a disk.

Looking from a distance, the sky is full of stars reflecting the sea, the waves drag the stars up and down, dancing with the full moon, the eyes meet the water and the sky, and the sky is boundless.

In order to prevent idlers from disturbing the decisive battle, the Nanwang Mansion has closed the streets, and even the cruise ships that were docked on the shore have all been cleared away.

Therefore, Jiang Li didn't see anyone except the Nanwang Mansion along the way, and when he arrived, it was even more quiet and noisy.

What is quiet is the human voice, and what is noisy is the sound of nature.

Except for a round of pleasure boats on the sea level in the distance with dim candlelight burning on it, and a black-covered boat bumping in the wind and waves in the distance, there is no sign of any other ships.

At this time, Ximen Chuuxue hadn't arrived yet.

Ximen Chuuxue is a very punctual person, he is never late, but rarely early.

The Prince of Nan is on the cruise ship.

Ye Gucheng was on the boat.

This place is where the Haihe River meets, the wind and waves are neither too fast nor too high, and can't hurt the cruise ship, but it's a bit bumpy if it's a black awning boat.

But Ye Gucheng sat very still. He grew up in Baiyun City since he was a child, and his water skills are excellent. Not only was the white clothes not wet in the slightest, but even his figure didn't move a bit. The whole person is like a sharp sword standing in the sea, no matter how the wind blows and the waves beat me, I will stand still.

After half a day of adjustment, Ye Gucheng let go of all his miscellaneous thoughts, and he has reached a state where his mind is clear and his sword is as one.

Seeing Jiang Li arriving, Prince Nan was not unhappy in his heart even though he was followed by Lu Xiaofeng who was an eyesore. If you invite one, you are welcome, and if you invite two, it is already very good to be able to come. Because the tide was low, he didn't park the boat on the shore. Just as Prince Nan was about to order someone to pick him up, his eyes widened suddenly.

Jiang Li stepped onto the sea like a stroll in the courtyard, and just walked towards the cruise ship. She was wearing a red dress tonight, she was as fierce as a flame, she didn't say a word, she even closed her eyes, and walked step by step, as if a gorgeous flower was blooming on the sea.

The reflection of the full moon landed on Jiang Li's body at some point, and the light moonlight covered her with a layer of gauze. It followed her footsteps and walked all the way, as if leaving an inhuman trail behind. The light path that can be walked, the dots of light gradually disperse as Jiang Li goes away.

Prince Nan was stunned and forgot to breathe for a moment.

He thought that on that rainy night, he had already seen the most beautiful moment in his life, but now that he saw it, he was not only wrong, but also completely wrong.

Ye Gucheng suddenly opened his eyes, and those star-like but cold eyes fell on Jiang Li.

Even this earth-shattering lightness skill is worth opening his eyes. Ye Gucheng's special skill is called Flying Immortal, many people know that his swordsmanship is peerless, but many people don't know that his lightness kung fu can also be called unique in the world. Many people praised him that "the sword is like a flying fairy, and the man is like a flying fairy". But Ye Gucheng thought he couldn't do it, and there was no wave in the water.

He wanted to know what Jiang Li had said to Ximen Chuuxue this time, and if he had said anything.

But at this moment, his eyes couldn't move away.

Such a fire-like color, as if even sea water could be dyed bright red.

Eye-catching red.

Not only looking at Jiang Li, but also looking at her sword.

Beauty is like jade and sword is like rainbow.

Lu Xiaofeng's eyes widened, but his mouth was wider than his eyes. Of course he didn't do this because he was left on the shore. Even if it is said that the Patriarch Bodhidharma crossed the river with a reed, at least he has something to rely on. In this vast sea, this girl's kung fu is really so good? There are people with deep inner strength in the Jianghu who can cultivate for a hundred years, but none of them can do it.

This scene is like falling into a dream.

When Jiang Li walked between the pleasure boat and the black-covered boat, she stopped suddenly.

Han Ji appeared in her hand, Jiang Lijian pointed at Ye Gucheng, and said, "While Master Ximen is coming, why don't Master Ye warm up first?"

As a swordsman, of course one must have a determination to forge ahead. From the very beginning, Jiang Li had no intention of watching the battle!

The sword energy spans thirty thousand miles, and the light of one sword chills the nineteen continents!

This is what she wants to do, what she wants to do.

Although Jiang Li's answer to Ximen Chuuxue was "I hold a sword and learn to dance." But now thinking of the decisive battle, he wished to replace it with his own body. Perhaps in her bones, she also has a bit of the heart of a swordsman, the foundation of a swordsman. After all, Jiang Li swung his long sword, and the still water was filled with waves. Suddenly, there was a huge wave, and he just pushed towards Ye Gucheng like this.

Of course, this can't hurt Ye Gucheng, but if he is not careful, he will be ruined.

Jiang Li chose to use this trick to test.

Ye Gucheng suddenly moved.

No one saw how he got up, how he moved, only saw a white cloud passing by, and a gust of wind. But the wind blows all the time on the sea, and any wind is somewhat different from what it is at this time. Because this is the wind caused by the extreme speed, it does not exist naturally.

The next moment, the wave dissipated in an instant, turning into a continuous drizzle in this world.

Ye Gucheng returned to the original place. If the huge wave hadn't dissipated, some people would think that he hadn't moved at all.

If it wasn't for Ye Gucheng still needing the help of this boat, if he was on land, he would have been by Jiang Li's side just now.

Jiang Li put his sword back into its sheath, and said, "City Master Ye is good at swordsmanship."

After all, she didn't make any more moves, jumped a few times, and arrived on the cruise ship.

Because the master, Ximen Chuuxue, has arrived.