Qixiu Royal Sister [Comprehensive Sword Three]

Chapter 208


Xue Yiren finally realized Jiang Li's purpose.

There is no complicated reason, it is simply to destroy his treasure house. Sometimes, things are so simple, you don't need to think too complicated, there must be many intrigues.

However, a person like him always thinks complicatedly at first.

These things took him most of his life to collect, and he spent countless mental and material resources, which shocked many people, such as Chu Liuxiang who is still sitting here. Chu Liuxiang, as the bandit commander, even went in and out of the imperial palace a few times, and saw a lot of things, but he was still moved. Their value, in the eyes of those who know the goods, is immeasurable.

Perhaps, when fighting with others, a magic weapon is a life.

Nothing is more important than life.

Before Xue Yiren planned to exchange tokens with Jiang Li, he only came up with a weapon, and he felt that this was an equal transaction, which shows the value of these things.

It's all ruined now.

Xue Yiren's face turned pale suddenly.

His hands trembled slightly, he was angry, as if he was about to draw his sword in the next moment.

But Xue Yiren still endured it.

He is a rational person, and Jiang Li is fighting desperately at this time, and the outcome is unknown, or they may both lose. This is really not worthwhile. To be able to get to this point, he has many enemies and many people staring at him, Xue Yiren will not give others a chance to take advantage of him.

Xue Yiren moved his lips and said, "If the county lord thinks it's not enough, you can mention it."

He still has to face. At this point in the matter, there is nothing more to say.

You can't slap yourself in the face, can you

It was obviously he who proposed it, but in the end Jiang Li's weapon was too sharp and broke all of his weapons, so if he died, he could only continue to do it while kneeling.

Hold on for a while at the end.

At this time, Xue Yiren had no hope.

Seeing that Jiang Li didn't respond, he just sighed.

So when Jiang Li left, no one stopped her anymore.

Don't stop, dare not stop, can't stop.

The boat swayed toward the shore.

Jiang Li stood at the bow of the boat, holding the oar with one hand, and moved it lightly without using any force.

Jing Wuming stood at the stern of the boat, his sword hadn't been sheathed yet, with a killing intent that hadn't completely dissipated.

The water in the West Lake was long, and the killing intent seemed to have faded when it fell into this water. Turned into a gust of wind.

Even so, the boat quickly landed.

It's just that the place where you dock is not the side you came from.

Jiang Li walked under the shade of the tree, gently pushed aside the branches blocking his eyes, turned around, looked past Jing Wuming, and landed on the boat.

She suddenly asked: "Wu Ming, I remember, only you and I, Xiu Xin, Song Que and Shi Zhixuan, the five of you know about the token, right?"

Bi Xiuxin and Jing Wuming definitely wouldn't say anything.

Jiang Li didn't doubt them.

But where Xue Yiren got this matter is a bit interesting.

Song Que may know, he may not have noticed the token, and he may not know what the token is for. Song Que, who also owes Jiang Li a favor, is even less likely to tell Xue Yi about it. people. The possibility of saying is too small.

Then Shi Zhixuan should have said it.

Bi Xiuxin then walked along the Three Gorges Waterway with Jiang Li, so she lost contact with Shi Zhixuan and never saw him again.

Where Shi Zhixuan went, whether he met Xue Yiren, or even hooked up, and reached an agreement, that is unknown.

Jing Wuming heard Jiang Li's words, nodded and said, "Other than this, there is no one else."

Jiang Li didn't speak anymore.

She focused her attention on the movement on the painting boat.

Lu Xiaofeng and Chu Liuxiang ignited a fighting spirit that couldn't be more obvious.

It seems to be about to start.

A slight smile appeared on Jiang Li's face, and she said to Jing Wuming, "Let's go."

Lu Xiaofeng said before that they couldn't beat Xue Yiren and could only run for their lives. To some extent, this matter is not wrong, but it is definitely not completely right.

Rather than saying that you really can't fight, it's better to say that you don't want to fight.

Xue Yiren had suspected him of killing his younger brother, but if there was another fight, the matter would really be irreversible. Lu Xiaofeng and Chu Liuxiang are both extremely smart people, they would definitely not do such a thing. Even if he was forced to run away in a little embarrassment, as long as Xue Yiren calmed down, things would be fine.

However, the two of them didn't expect that Xue Yiren's personality was clearly a guaranteed template for a swordsman. Although compared with Ximen Chuuxue and Ye Gucheng, he was not so cruel, and he was older and looked down on many things, but In fact, he had other plans, in order to lure Jiangli out.

In this way, being led by the nose all the time, it is inevitable that he will lose.

When they understand it, they naturally have a way to deal with it.

To put it bluntly, that's what happened.

They were also considered friends, and now that he was sure everything was fine, Jiang Li could leave with peace of mind.

There will be no problem with these two protagonists. Their lives are very hard, and Lord Yan will not accept them, but instead opposes them, maybe something will happen.

Jing Wuming didn't ask any questions, but nodded, silently put his sword back into its sheath, and left with Jiang Li.

There is only one branch that hangs down slightly, showing that Jiang Li once stopped here.

After Jiang Li left, Xue Yiren looked at Chu Liuxiang and Lu Xiaofeng next to him.

Although the hope was slim, he always felt that Jiang Li might come back. In the rivers and lakes, the weight of friends is still very important. For Lu Xiaofeng's request, he did not hesitate to come here, how could he just leave like this? Perhaps, Jiang Li was waiting for him to ask for a guest. The fact that his face was completely swollen from the beating.

After making sure that Jiang Li's sword intent was too far away to be felt, Xue Yi opened his mouth. His eyes were gloomy, and he said: "I have heard for a long time that the two of you are very good at investigating cases, and I also believe that the two of you did not do it, but...you have to explain to me." .

Xue Yiren had nothing to do with Jiang Li, so naturally he would speak in a tone that would not be too polite.

Xue Xiaoren did not commit suicide.

Xue Yiren's words at this moment were obviously "hinting" at this point. It can even be said to be explicit. How could a well-known swordsman, the brother of Xue Yiren, the owner of Xuejiazhuang, commit suicide in his dozens of years? The murderer may not be either Chu Liuxiang or Lu Xiaofeng, but if they want to escape, they must give an explanation.

Chu Liuxiang and Lu Xiaofeng looked at each other.

The former couldn't help touching his nose.

The latter shrugged helplessly.

Although the two of them have no similarities in their bodies, but at first glance, they look like twin brothers.

It can be said that such a thing is a disaster without reason.

Originally, it had nothing to do with them. If it wasn't for Xue Xiaoren's inexplicable investigation, how could there be such things? Who would have known that Xue Xiaoren's psychological quality was so poor that he couldn't bear to commit suicide

The two have been partners for so long, and they have a little understanding of each other's temperament. Just at this moment, they have reached a tacit understanding.

Whether it's Lu Xiaofeng or Chu Liuxiang, neither of them would wrong innocent people. From their point of view, most people in Xue Yi committed suicide. Where can they find a "murderer"? Even with their abilities, it is too easy to find a scapegoat. But a man can do something and not do something.

Even if for this reason, I have to suffer an indiscriminate disaster, what I shouldn't do is just not to do it.

Especially Xue Yiren, who was choked up by Jiang Li and destroyed all his weapons. It can be said that he was furious. His swordsmanship must be terrible, and he will even exert power beyond the limit.

But the persistence of the two prevented them from quitting.

Xue Yiren's eyes froze.

He quietly looked at the two "defeated generals" in front of him.

After watching for a long time, invisible pressure pressed towards them like a tide.

Lu Xiaofeng and Chu Liuxiang shared the pressure tacitly. In this case, once one person withdraws, the other must be unlucky. It is better to retreat first than to retreat, at least it will not be injured. But they firmly believe that the other party will not retreat, and neither will they. No one is selfish, they trust each other and their friends.

Xue Yiren's aura was like the sea, but the two of them seemed like fish in the sea. Even if there are huge waves, how can it hurt the free fish

Realizing this, he calmed down and reached out to pick up the jug on the table.

Between the movements, something seemed to have changed.

"That's right, as expected of Chu Liuxiang, the famous bandit commander, and Lu Xiaofeng with four eyebrows." Xue Yiren said, "I'm not mistaken."

Xue Yiren began to pour wine into the cups in front of Chu Liuxiang and Lu Xiaofeng. But at this moment, it seemed that even the jug was against him, but it couldn't be shaken.

With the weight of the jug in his hand, Xue Yiren can be sure that there must be wine in it.

A swordsman, if he is not sure about this, he might as well go home and farm.

He shook and heard a very dull sound.

It turned out that the wine inside had already frozen into solid ice in silence.

Ice, of course, cannot be poured out.

This was naturally done by Jiang Li.

The internal energy of "Bing Xin Jue" is extremely cloudy and cold, freezing everything, and a mere pot of wine is naturally no problem. She did it very easily, without the slightest fumes. Only now did the people present realize that she knew the trick.

You know, Jiang Li has never touched that jug from the beginning to the end. It is not a simple matter to exert force from a distance, without making the slightest noise or hurting the flagon.

Xue Yiren asked himself, he couldn't do it. Not only because of the attribute of the skill, but also because of his control over the internal force, he can't reach the point where Jiang Li can lift weights lightly.

Jiang Li did it, even though she left, people feel that she is still there, as if she never left.

Xue Yiren didn't send anyone to get another pot.

If you go to get it again, it will appear timid in the eyes of the two people in front of you.

Xue Yiren forcibly sliced through the solid ice with his internal force, poured warm wine into the cups of the two of them one by one, and said: "The food is already cold, let's have a glass of hot wine, please."

Chu Liuxiang and Lu Xiaofeng didn't expose him, they drank it in a face-saving manner.

Since Xue Yiren said soft words, whether it was sincere or unintentional, they always felt good that they could not fight to the death.

He said: "If you have momentum, the old man appreciates people like you."

"It turned out to be so, the old man strikes out another sword. If you take it, it will be unlucky for him. From now on, I will never ask about this matter again."

The author has something to say: Let me go, I forgot to set the time for the article I put in the manuscript box more than ten days ago, and it has not been sent out.

I have been in poor health recently, and I have never logged in to Jinjiang. I am already exhausted from work. I climbed up and took a look, and found that I hadn’t sent it.

There is no time on weekends. The unit has hired some famous lecturer from Beijing at a high price. The class has been closed on weekends. It has been three weeks. If you leave, you will be deducted from your salary. This training will last for two months. is broken.

I didn't get enough sleep in the first place, and now I don't have time to catch up on sleep.

Let's talk about it.