Qixiu Royal Sister [Comprehensive Sword Three]

Chapter 210


Ximen Chuuxue was willing to fight every swordsman.

It's like a gourmet tastes a variety of delicious dishes, each of which will bring him different feelings. Thinking about it, Ximen Chuuxue would not give up this opportunity to meet Xue Yiren and fight him. Even without Lu Xiaofeng, he would still come. Lu Xiaofeng thought about Ximen Chuuxue coming to rescue him, but he was thinking too much.

Xue Yiren said, "Ximen Chuuxue."

"Yes." Ximen Chuuxue replied.

Xue Yiren looked carefully at the person in front of him, and then exclaimed: "Young people are awesome." Even if he didn't make a move, he still saw Ximen Chuuxue's sword. Even the wind and dust, even exhaustion, can't cover up the sharpness of this sword. Immediately afterwards, he continued: "The old man's grievances with Lu Xiaofeng and the Bandit Commander have been settled, so it's worth your trip."

His purpose was to lure Jiang Li out. Although he failed, that was another matter.

This time, Xue Yiren didn't want to fight anymore.

Like a battle of wheels, they fought with Jiang Li, with Lu Xiaofeng and Chu Liuxiang, and then with Ximen Chuuxue. You know, he is already dozens of years old, and his physical strength is not as good as before. Every time he makes a move, it is a blow with all the strength of his heart.

He is not sure that he will win against Ximen Chuuxue.

Maybe it will become the opponent's record.

Maybe it was before, but after meeting Jiang Li, he had already lost confidence in his swordsmanship. It is better to live for twenty years than to live for decades. Wouldn't it be the dog who lived? A swordsman loses his confidence, how terrible can his sword be? Moreover, the older a person gets, the less he wants to die and the more afraid he is of death.

There may be some reasons why Lu Xiaofeng took the previous move so easily.

Xue Yiren has passed the era of being fearless and walking the rivers and lakes with one sword.

He thinks too much and worries too much.

Because of this sentence, Lu Xiaofeng finally came to his senses.

To be honest, he didn't want them to fight anymore. Now that this matter has come to this point, Xue Yiren is willing to take the initiative to settle his grievances, so there is no need for extra complications.

Lu Xiaofeng is a very generous person, he never minded when his friends tricked him, otherwise he wouldn't have been tricked again and again. Although Xue Yiren is not his friend, but Lu Xiaofeng really wants to turn the enemy into a friend, and he also thinks this is a good opportunity. Letting go of the past may be difficult for others, but for him, it is very simple.

But he couldn't influence Ximen Chuuxue. Ximen Chuuxue's devotion to the sword was beyond the comprehension of ordinary people. However, as Ximen Chuuxue's friend, Lu Xiaofeng understood it and could not understand it any more.

Lu Xiaofeng sighed.

He respected his friends, so in the end, he didn't say anything and could only hope that Ximen Chuuxue would win. It is a common thing for two swordsmen to compete with swords, and one will live and the other will die. Ximen Chuuxue is a friend, but Xue Yiren is not, Lu Xiaofeng's heart is biased, so it goes without saying which side he is on.

However, the next moment the problem came.

Xue Yiren was on a boat in the center of the lake.

Lu Xiaofeng and Chu Liuxiang were beside him.

Ximen Chuixue is by the lake embankment.

Half of the West Lake is separated in the middle, although they can see each other clearly and even talk to each other, but they are not flying swords, so they can't hit people.

At such a long distance, even if the sword qi crossed the sky, it would be very powerful when it reached the opposite side.

Killing is not enough, perhaps killing chickens.

And the only small boat, supported by Jiang Li, docked on the other side.

Xue Yiren obviously revealed that he didn't want to do anything, and it was impossible for him to drive the boat back to the shore like this.

Ximen Chuuxue has already raised his fighting spirit, if he circles around, how much will he have left

Then, the only option is Ximen Chuuxue riding the waves. His lightness kung fu is very good, and it can be considered top-notch in Jianghu, but it is obviously not as good as swordsmanship. If one's breath is unstable and falls into the water, he will really lose his lord.

Lu Xiaofeng's mind turned quickly, and he quickly understood this point.

This time he persuaded a fight, he was full of energy, and the effect was outstanding.

Seeing this, Chu Liuxiang also offered a few words of help.

In the end, Xue Yiren and Ximen Chuuxue still did not make a move.

The straightforward reason was that there was a lack of a ship, and Lu Xiaofeng persuaded them to join forces, so there was no fight. To be more tactful, of course there is an explanation.

Neither of them are at their best.

One was exhausted because of the travel, and the other was exhausted because of the fight with Jiang Li, Lu Xiaofeng, and Chu Liuxiang.

This kind of unfair competition is an insult to kendo, it is better to continue the next day.

Therefore, Xue Yiren and Ximen Chuuxue made an appointment to fight again later.

Next, they left.

It is impossible for Xue Yiren to rely on martial arts to forcibly keep Chu Liuxiang and Lu Xiaofeng behind.

Because of this, Jiang Li met Ximen Chuuxue at the inn. There was still a hidden killing intent between his brows, it could be seen that he didn't make a move, otherwise he wouldn't be able to come back so quickly.

This inn is considered to be the largest one here, and it is not surprising that they also stay here.

She didn't rest on the way, and it's already afternoon. If she goes back, she might sleep in the wild on the way, so she might as well rest for one night and start tomorrow morning.

Seeing Jiang Li, Ximen Chuuxue nodded.

"Miss Jiang."

When the two icebergs collided, the bystanders felt as if frost was about to form under their feet, and there was an inexplicable chill.

Jiang Li likes this kind of environment. She said, "Master Ximen."

After Ximen Chuuxue finished speaking, he turned around and went upstairs.

Lu Xiaofeng followed behind Ximen Chuixue, but strangely, Chu Liuxiang disappeared. They used to hang shoulder to shoulder and were inseparable, they could almost compete for the best partner, but now they are separated.

Seeing Jiang Li, he said in surprise, "Miss Jiang, are you still here?"

Jiang Li said indifferently: "Could it be that what Lu Daxia sees at this moment is a ghost?"

Where in this world is there such a beautiful ghost

Lu Xiaofeng choked.

This meeting also discovered that what he said was indeed nonsense. Every time he talks to Jiang Li, he doesn't seem to be able to take advantage of it. This situation seems to have started since the first meeting. Lu Xiaofeng unconsciously began to think about what he did at that time to make Jiang Li have such a "bad" impression of him.

But Lu Xiaofeng thought about it for a long time, and he only felt that he was handsome and handsome, and he had nothing else to gain.

He had to give up.

There are other things to say, you can't waste all your time here.

Lu Xiaofeng winked and said to Jiang Li, "Miss Jiang, I have something to ask."

Jiang Li said lightly, "Say."

Judging by his serious look, it's probably serious business.

Lu Xiaofeng waved his hand and pointed to the backyard. There are so many people here, it's hard to talk.

But Jiang Li walked to the second floor and said, "Let's go."

The backyard is messy and she doesn't want to go.

Lu Xiaofeng didn't care, so he followed.

After entering the room, Jiang Li sat down first.

She said, "Sit down."

Jiang Li poured himself a glass of water by the way.

Jing Wuming sat down.

Lu Xiaofeng looked left and right, looked around, then sat down and talked about what he wanted.

He first told Jiang Li about what happened after she left. Xue Yiren finally accepted the fact that Xue Xiaoren might have committed suicide, but he wanted to know what incident Xue Xiaoren was involved in and how he would rather He didn't ask his brother for help if he committed suicide. There was always a reason for suicide. It was impossible to wipe his own neck for no reason.

Xue Yiren still asked the two of them to investigate the case. But this time, the tone was much more genial, and it was no longer a commanding tone. If he could talk like this before, it is estimated that there would not be so many things.

"in addition… "

After talking about this matter, Lu Xiaofeng hesitated to speak.

Come to think of it, I want to be a lobbyist and talk about that token.

Jiang Li didn't hide anything, and said, "That thing wasn't on me. I got it at the time and threw it away. I don't know where it is now. If he wants it, it's useless to find me. It's better to get it from me." Whoever got the news, ask that person, maybe there are two chances."

She didn't know who disclosed this matter, but it didn't prevent Jiang Li from turning around.

Xue Yiren asked, she didn't need to tell him, it's not a secret, if Lu Xiaofeng wants to know, then tell him.

After Lu Xiaofeng heard this, his mouth opened wide.

He doesn't look at foreign objects.

But with hundreds of thousands of taels of silver in front of him, he wouldn't even blink. But with Xue Yiren's status, he was willing to pay such a high price for this token, so he knew how important it was. But this thing was casually thrown away by Jiang Li, as if it was something insignificant.

Jiang Li really has such a personality, and he would do such a thing.

If it was him, it seems to be the same.

The children of the rivers and lakes have always been chic.

Thinking of this, Lu Xiaofeng felt relieved.

They all call Jiang County Lord Jiang County Lord, but in fact, Miss Jiang is a Jianghu person after all.

He didn't think about it anymore, let alone mention it, but said: "There is one more thing. I always heard that doctors with excellent medical skills always have one or two homemade pills. I don't know Miss Jiang..."

Another purpose of Lu Xiaofeng's coming here is to find Jiang Li's life-saving pills. I have experienced how good Jiang Li's medicine is before, so I came here with the cheek. He felt that this investigation was full of dangers, especially when facing some people who were good at using drugs, it was always good to be prepared, so he came here with a thick skin.

Jiang Li thought for a while, took out three bottles from his arms, and said, "Choose one."

One red, one blue, one white.

Lu Xiaofeng subconsciously asked, "Can I have both?"

"Yes." Jiang Li was very generous and agreed directly.

Now, it was Lu Xiaofeng's turn to be stunned. You know, he just said it casually.

Jiang Li was very efficient, he threw all three bottles to Lu Xiaofeng and said, "Take it."

After all, she said, "I'm tired."

Directly and unceremoniously chasing guests away.

Jing Wuming immediately looked at Lu Xiaofeng coldly.

Lu Xiaofeng said: "Miss Jiang, these three bottles of medicine are..."

You can't help but tell him the effect of the medicine, right? You can't take medicine indiscriminately. Could it be that he was here waiting for him so readily

Jiang Li said flatly: "Eat it and you'll know, you won't die."

She will not tell Lu Xiaofeng that the three bottles of medicine are actually the same.

Lu Xiaofeng could only smile wryly, without asking any more questions, and silently backed out. If Jiang Li didn't answer, he could ask someone else to ask. Only when the medicine ran out did he have to cry.

The author has something to say: Codewords are things like writing when you want to write them down. You are tired, but you can still hold on.

But once you stop, the onset of lazy cancer cannot be cured.

A lazy bone, there is no cure.

I couldn’t keep writing until after ten o’clock in the evening yesterday, so I continued to write today, and one chapter in two days feels okay.