Qixiu Royal Sister [Comprehensive Sword Three]

Chapter 213


Jiang Li didn't intend to make such a big fuss.

It is one thing for the local six sects to cooperate with her, but it is difficult for the whole organization to operate, spread a big net and tell a big lie. The six doors are spread all over the rivers and lakes. Although the high-level combat power inside is not enough, but if they really move, it is enough to set off a bloody storm.

Anyway, Jiang Li's goal was to deal with a Shi Guanyin, and he didn't even need to use the six doors to dispatch her. He only needed to use channels to lure her out, which was enough. But after this matter was reported, the senior officials of the Six Doors thought that this matter was a good opportunity for them to intervene in the arena, so they reported it layer by layer, and went directly to the emperor.

The recent rivers and lakes are too chaotic.

Of course the imperial court didn't like this situation, but there was nothing they could do. The lack of high-level combat power makes their deterrent power only effective against ordinary people and low-level people in the world. Who cares about the court if the real masters? Taking advantage of Jiang Li's opportunity, they can initiate a clean-up of Jianghu.

In fact, Jiang Li's sudden birth was also a part of the chaos, but it was only a very inconspicuous part, and because of Lu Xiaofeng's relationship, she had already been "recruited" and walked the rivers and lakes under the name of the imperial court. Therefore, of course, the six doors will not trouble Jiang Li, but will try their best to cooperate with her.

Using people from the rivers and lakes to deal with people from the rivers and lakes is the best way.

Moreover, Jiang Li's method is very clever.

Since ancient times, there is no first place in literature, and no second place in martial arts. If the imperial court imitates Bai Xiaosheng's weapon spectrum and ranks the martial arts and weapons of various people in the rivers and lakes, their first reaction is definitely not to fight for priority, but to rank first. people were wiped out. To write this, one must be qualified, at least to be recognized by most people in the Jianghu, and the reputation of martial arts cannot be low.

But for beauties in gossip, this kind of thing is suitable for sitting down and drinking tea and chatting slowly, so as not to disagree with each other, think who is more beautiful than whom, and who should be ranked above whom, and fight directly.

The one who cares most about this matter is of course Shi Guanyin. People like Lin Xian'er also have opinions about their own rankings. This turmoil, among other things, has a miraculous effect in expanding their reputation. In the future, when it comes to the number one beauty in the world, who wouldn't stop for it? For this reason, there is no need to go into details.

But the real Jianghu women don't care about this ranking, whether they are on the list or not has no effect on them. They even want to be on the list.

The same is true for Jiang Li.

Without her approval, the six doors naturally dare not involve her.

Finally, in addition to the fact that there is no such thing as "Yin Yuan Secret Book", which is always in the legend, this so-called Yin Yuan beauty spectrum is only a small part of it, and this time the layout is already perfect. Even if you are not interested in beauties, martial arts cheats, magical weapons, there will always be something that will impress you, right

Those who really have no desires and desires are not what the court wants to deal with. It is impossible to completely wipe out the entire rivers and lakes. We can only clean up the most restless ones.

Such a thing, even those who can hold their breath will be stunned, let alone Shi Guanyin is not able to bear it.

Jiang Li'an waited for Shi Guanyin to come to die with peace of mind.

On the way, she went out to get Bi Xiuxin back.

Bi Xiuxin teamed up with Zhu Yuyan to successfully ambush Shi Zhixuan. Zhu Yuyan and Shi Zhixuan disappeared together, but she was seriously injured and was rescued by people from the rivers and lakes passing by on the way.

Immediately, Jiang Li was notified from the six doors, and she went to treat Bi Xiuxin's internal injuries, and brought her back.

When he came back again, Jiang Li heard the news that Shi Guanyin had come to the Central Plains.

She was alone in an exquisite and luxurious carriage with a large mirror on it. Shi Guanyin can travel without anything, but the mirror is indispensable.

At the beginning, Shi Guanyin only went after the women recorded in Yinyuan's beauty book, and thought it was a sideshow before he troubled Jiang Li. But gradually, she felt that this was not enough, and it didn't take long for her to attack a beautiful woman.

The male relatives and friends of these women are controlled by poppies and charms, so that these women are disfigured by their relatives and friends, and they die in pain. Then Shi Guanyin will choose the one who is pleasing to the eye, drive for her if she is poisonous and dumb, and kill all others.

Coming all the way like this has ruined many families.

For all the beauties who are able to leave a name in the rivers and lakes but are safe and sound, either they have some skills, or their relatives and friends have some skills. But with this ability, it is a different matter when you meet a lunatic like Shi Guanyin, and a lunatic with high-end martial arts. Most of the resistance, to Shi Guanyin, is just the difference between a few more moves and less effort.

In the past, Shi Guanyin had some scruples and didn't dare to come to the Central Plains to stir up wind and rain, fearing that a great master would turn out and clean her up, but after being mad with anger, how can he control so much? She would never go back to the Western Regions unless she got rid of the women who were ahead of her on the beauty list and Jiang Li who sent the beauty picture.

Some people in the Jianghu are dissatisfied with Shi Guanyin's actions and want to get rid of this female devil, but Shi Guanyin's kung fu is considered to be the best in the world. In the absence of several great masters, there are not many who can match her. Let alone being able to take her down. Except for one who was suppressed by her and became a coachman, none of those who attacked her survived.

And those with bad intentions secretly followed Shi Guanyin. After she killed the family, they went to make up two more money to make some money, and they also made a lot of money in a short time.

Shi Guanyin didn't care about such things, on the contrary, she was happy to show her prestige to the people of Jianghu.

She went all the way south, invincible, and no one could stop her.

As a side of the imperial court, the six doors can't attack decent people, but these guys who made money have been targeted by them for a long time. The wealth of many martial arts figures fell into the pockets of the court.

Of course, there were also a small number of small fishes and shrimps that the six doors didn't care about managed to escape, and it was considered a windfall in exchange for their lives.

There are still not many real desperadoes, they can't do anything when they see things, and many people don't join in the fun anymore, the most important thing is to save their lives. Only those who want money but not life are still the same.

There are no great masters in the imperial court. At this level, money can no longer impress them. If you want to impress them, you can only rely on favors. Because Jiang Li wanted to deal with Shi Guanyin, no matter how big the trouble was, it would end in the end. The court didn't need to use favors, so there was no rush at all.

This wave of cleansing can at least calm the world for a few years, right? For the future, we can only talk about it later.

A few months after the incident, the six doors had made enough money and began to collect their nets.

There are rumors in the Jianghu that after the Six Doors went crazy, they finally got the news of "Yin Yuan Secret Mirror".

In order to get rid of the pursuit of the six doors, the bandits tried their best to lead them to several major martial arts sects and aristocratic families, trying to provoke a conflict between them and the imperial court, but in the end they still let the six doors catch their tails.

It is said that the pages of "Yin Yuan Mi Jian" are coated with a kind of juice, and after drying, there will be a vague fragrance. Ordinary people can't smell it, but there is a unique bird that likes the fruit of this flower very much. After training, it can use this smell to find it. This smell lasts for a long time, as long as the things are not burned to ashes, they can definitely be found.

In the end, this group of people had no choice but to flee to Yangzhou, hoping to interfere with the tracking by taking advantage of the dense population and overlapping smells of the big city. They hid the Yinyuan Mijian somewhere, and they wanted to escape first and come back to get it later, but they were discovered by the six doors, and they jumped into the lake in desperation.

The body was later salvaged, but no leads were found.

Six Doors was not disappointed either. With the shrewdness of that wave of thieves, it took so long for Six Doors to find someone for such a big move. Of course, nothing useful will be left behind, which is predictable.

After that, the clues to the six doors were completely broken.

This wave of people succeeded.

In the big city with mixed smells, the bird can only feel that things are here, but can't determine the specific location of "Yin Yuan Secret Jian". It must be within a very short distance to be possible to discover. The six gates simply declared martial law in the city, and stopped entering and leaving, intending to search the city. As long as things are in the city, you can't find them if you don't believe them.

Of course, Six Gates would not be so "stupid" that they took the initiative to spread the news. They used other excuses to seal the city, but at this juncture, no one with a brain would believe that perfunctory excuse.

Originally, the world was like a pot of boiling hot water, but when this news came out, the whole world went crazy.

A treasure map recording the burial site of the predecessors, or a magical weapon, or a piece of martial arts, are enough to make people fight endlessly, let alone "Yin Yuan Secret Book" has it all, and it makes the six doors like this. Pay attention, it is by no means an ordinary thing.

Although it may offend the six doors, but it is said that "Yin Yuan Mi Jian" records peerless martial arts, if they get it, they will turn over. Not to mention the rumors that there is also a treasure map, which records the burial location of the predecessor's master weapon. If you can't get it, the law doesn't blame the public, so many people can't care about each of the six doors one by one? Their move to seal the city is a joke.

Therefore, although the gate of the city is closed, capable people and strangers always have a way to enter the city by water or over the wall to find "Yin Yuan Secret Mirror".

For this reason, the six doors directly issued an order to kill those who blocked the official.

But no one cares. All the Jianghu people think that they will not be unlucky enough to die in the hands of Six Doors. There are so many people in Yangzhou joining in the fun, can they kill them all

Therefore, more and more people came to the Slender West Lake. Where there are people, there will be conflicts, but because of Jiang Li's pressure, Six Gates also sent people to block this area, except for a few who didn't have eyesight to die, with the lessons learned, the people behind will know not to offend.

And because the road was not smooth, Jiang Li simply ordered the policemen of Six Doors to buy food and send it over, so that the craftsmen who built Qixiufang could eat and live here directly, which also speeded up the progress of the construction.

Zhu Ting also ran over with his wife. He lives in the city, and now Yangzhou city is too chaotic, Zhu Ting doesn't know martial arts, people in the Jianghu are jealous, no one cares whether he and Lu Xiaofeng are brothers and friends who grew up wearing a pair of pants, for the sake of life, even He didn't need him, so he came here to seek asylum first.

For the sake of purity, Jiang Li allocated him a house in another Zhuangzi.