Qixiu Royal Sister [Comprehensive Sword Three]

Chapter 214


The unrest in Yangzhou lasted only a few days.

For such a big city, it is impossible to close the city for a long time.

Moreover, there is no such thing as "Yin Yuan Secret Jian" in the world. Except for Jiang Li, the six sects thought it was just mentioned by her casually, and they used it as they saw it.

A few days later, the six gates searched the city, and there was nothing else to be gained except that the officials in Yangzhou city would be suppressed and petty thefts would not appear again.

Such a big city cannot be closed forever. After the pressure could not be withstood, the six doors had to be withdrawn. They couldn't hide the news that they hadn't gained anything.

Jiang Li asked Jing Wuming to see Zhu Ting, and told him that he could go home, don't stand around eating rice, and he is not needed now.

Zhu Ting naturally refused.

Although the situation seems to have calmed down, there is an undercurrent surging underneath, so many people from the rivers and lakes have not left yet, who knows what will happen? County Lord Jiang, the scenery here is beautiful, and there are security guarantees, no money will be exchanged.

He understood what Jiang Li meant.

There is no such thing as a free lunch, and now is the time to pay for it.

Zhu Ting didn't come here to eat and drink for nothing.

Of course it wasn't money. Just looking at how much Jiang Li spent to build this Qixiufang, you can tell that she is not someone who is short of money. Although Zhu Ting is not short of money, he is definitely not as rich as Jiang Li.

Jiang Li is willing to take him in precisely because of his organizational skills, and it is enough to devote himself to this aspect.

Zhu Ting inspected the entire Slender West Lake these days, walked all the places, and then discussed with the professional craftsmen Jiang Li invited, and started to work.

However, trouble soon ran into problems.

Zhu Ting's strongest ability is indeed the organ, but it is the kind of small organ, especially the hidden weapon. The real large organ is not good at it. It is not false to say that one can do everything. But it was worse. Moreover, it is another difficulty to expect him to take care of both the mechanism and the beautiful scenery of the pavilion.

In terms of the overall situation, Zhu Ting is lacking.

Zhu Ting told Jiang Li about this, and asked her if she would just make do with it, or think of other ways.

As a matter of course, the word make do not appear in Jiang Li's dictionary, if she wanted to make do, she would not go this far.

Jiang Li asked: "If you were about to die, would Lu Xiaofeng come to save you?"

When she said this, her expression was cold, her eyes were cold, and her heart was also cold. The coldness seemed to seep from the skin to the bone.

Even in midsummer, Zhu Ting felt like falling into an ice cave. Obviously the answer was irrelevant, but he seemed to understand what Jiang Li meant. Even though he felt in his heart that Jiang Li would not do anything, Zhu Ting subconsciously shivered. He said helplessly: "As long as the county lord asks, Lu Xiaofeng will definitely help."

Jiang Li said flatly, "That's right."

Then she left.

Zhu Ting held his breath in his heart, not knowing what Jiang Li meant.

But after that, Jiang Li asked Jing Wuming to pass on the message, temporarily suspending work, Zhu Ting knew that he had escaped the disaster, finally he was relieved, and made up for the flesh he lost due to fear.

Jiang Li went to find Bi Xiuxin.

Bixiu was heartbroken on the way back, and was healed by Jiang Li, and she was watching the scenery by the lake.

Her swordsmanship is getting closer to nature, imitating heaven and earth, and imitating nature. Sometimes she just stays for a day without doing anything, but her martial arts has greatly improved. If you haven't reached this level, you can't figure it out. Once you reach this level, you don't need to understand it. Everything happens naturally.

Seeing Jiang Li approaching, she smiled and asked, "What's the matter?"

"That's right." Jiang Li pushed aside the willow branches hanging into the lake, sat down beside her, and asked, "The one who saved you earlier claimed to be Lu?"

Bi Xiuxin nodded: "As for the name, I don't know."

Lu is not a very common surname, but there are quite a few people. It is such a huge river and lake, covering everything, it is not surprising to encounter people with surnames.

But if it's related to Bi Xiuxin, it's probably Lu Miaozi.

Jiang Li had thought of looking for him before.

Compared with Zhu Ting, Lu Miaozi has profound attainments in large-scale architecture, which can be reflected in the fact that he can independently build the Yang Gong's treasure house. Of course, there is still no trace of Duke Yang's treasure house. But there was no news about him in Jianghu before, and he couldn't find it even if he tried to find it. In addition, it was not time to hire someone, so this matter was temporarily stranded.

Firstly, Bi Xiuxin has friendship with Lu Miaozi, and secondly, Jiang Li still needs to be in charge here, and Shi Guanyin will be here soon. Jiang Li couldn't leave at this time, and she didn't allow anything to happen to Qixiufang.

After talking about the matter with Bi Xiuxin, she nodded and said: "Young Master Lu once said that he was invited to go to Luoyang for a while, so I will go. But I don't know if I can invite you over gone."

Jiang Li didn't say much. They are friendly, so there is no need to be polite in words.

After all, Jiang Li said again: "If he doesn't want to come, I can teach you a way."

Lu Miaozi hasn't got mixed up with Zhu Yuyan yet, and he hasn't received a trick of Heavenly Demon True Qi. This person is a little arrogant and has a high self-esteem. If he is only invited to be a house builder, he may not agree.

Therefore, if it doesn't make sense for Jiang Li to ask Bi Xiuxin, then just tie her up and talk about it. Rivers and lakes matter. Lu Miaozi is actually a very "sensible" person, and will cooperate in the face of violence. With Bi Xiuxin's current martial arts, there is no big master, at least there is no problem in getting away, and it is even more trivial to deal with Lu Miaozi.

After hearing Jiang Li's "method", Bi Xiuxin was stunned for a moment, hesitated, and said, "If Xiuxin has nothing to do, then try it."

Jiang Li said, "Waiting for your good news."

Bi Xiuxin left.

The last period of stability passed, and the six-door fast horse changed from every three days to every day, and finally changed to every hour.

Shi Guanyin is getting closer and closer. Whether it's based on her travel route or Jiang Li's past grievances with her, it is certain that her end point is Slender West Lake.

The news that Jiang Li is here has never been concealed.

After building Qixiufang, they will definitely open their doors and set up sects in the future. It is not Jiang Li's temperament to hide and hide, and there is no need for it. It's just that Jiang Li's enemy is either dead, or he doesn't dare to trouble her. It's good that she doesn't bother anyone. It can be seen that there has been no defeat so far.

But let the little apprentice prepare for the opening of the big show, and see how her enemy died. At this moment, Shi Guanyin suddenly disappeared.

Jiang Li was a little surprised.

With Shi Guanyin's kung fu, it is very difficult to follow her. But she is not in the right state now, she doesn't care about it at all, she hasn't covered up her whereabouts along the way, she didn't seek death to join her, or she was the target of her jealousy, and she didn't bother to pay attention to it if she stayed away. Shi Guanyin never paid any attention to the six doors that followed her to pick up cheap ones, and later followed her to eat black ones.

This disappearance is also very strange. Shi Guanyin didn't bring the precious mirror on her carriage. The carriage was still there, but the person disappeared directly.

The carriage stopped in place for two days and one night without moving. Because the owner of the car was Shi Guanyin, although it was a bit strange, no one dared to go up and find out.

Until it rained.

It was a torrential rain, and after the carriage was soaked, with the eyesight of martial arts practitioners, the outline of the inside could be seen.

No one is inside.

Only at this time did everyone know that Shi Guanyin had disappeared at some point. No one knew when she left or how long she had been away.

Now things are big.

A lunatic Shi Guanyin is easy to deal with, but if she falls into the sea and turns into a drop of water, she secretly wants to do something, how many people can stop her? Or perhaps Shi Guanyin is not crazy, she came to the Central Plains for another purpose, and her crazy actions are just to cover up her purpose.

At this time, no one can tell.

The person in charge of the local Six Doors had no choice but to order someone to report to Jiang Li when they encountered such a thing.

Because Jiang Li was the master planner of this incident. Although the later part was not her idea, the six doors still found it. Apart from Jiang Li, there was no one who could deal with Shi Guanyin for a while.

Jiang Li is only good at swordsmanship, not good at finding people, not to mention that she set up this trick in the first place to avoid going to the Western Regions to find Shi Guanyin, so how could she give up everything

In short, don't care.

She recommended Lu Xiaofeng to Six Doors. In fact, even if Jiang Li doesn't mention it, the six doors will soon think of Lu Xiaofeng. But it is not easy for Lu Xiaofeng to agree to this trouble. So, Zhu Ting was hanged on the city tower for two days, and after losing a lot of fat, he met Lu Xiaofeng who rushed over in a hurry.

After receiving the news that Zhu Ting had committed a major crime and was about to be executed, Lu Xiaofeng couldn't care about anything else, and immediately ran back.

Lu Xiaofeng also brought a teammate, Chu Liuxiang.

However, because the thief and the officers and soldiers were not on the same side, Chu Liuxiang hid in the dark and did not show up. Lu Xiaofeng took care of the six doors.

Zhu Ting complained to Lu Xiaofeng, these days his life is really miserable, it's fine for him to be a little miserable, how can the proprietress follow him to live such a life

Lu Xiaofeng ignored him. If he had known that Zhu Ting was not in danger, he would not have come. But since he came, Lu Xiaofeng couldn't leave.

Lu Xiaofeng took a group of people from Six Doors to investigate the news of Shi Guanyin's disappearance. They followed the clues all the way, and soon discovered that Shi Guanyin really hadn't played any conspiracy. He took the initiative to leave with someone. As for who and how he took Shi Guanyin away from everyone's sight without anyone noticing, I don't know.

At this point in the investigation of the matter, it is enough to have an explanation. If you check further down and it involves a great master, you will be in big trouble.

Jiang Li saw that Lu Xiaofeng brought back a few things that Shi Guanyin had left behind in the carriage, except for the mirror, everything else was trivial.

After reading it, she was sure who would do it this time. It was none other than Huang Chang, one of the top masters in Jianghu, who had met Jiang Li several times before.

Huang Chang was supposed to be in Fujian. As the prefect of Fuzhou, he is also a very responsible person, so he shouldn't leave his post without authorization. Even if he received the news that Shi Guanyin was in trouble in Fujian, it would be too late if he wanted to come here to kill demons. It could only be that Huang Chang had already arrived in the Central Plains before Shi Guanyin went south.

Jiang Li decided to meet Huang Chang again.

Tell him that it is wrong to rob monsters, and he will be killed for revenge.