Qixiu Royal Sister [Comprehensive Sword Three]

Chapter 22: Thrilling


The stars and the moon hang high, and the night is as cool as water.

Ximen Chuuxue's voice was cold and chilling, even carrying a rare sense of anger. He and Ye Gucheng are meeting for the first time now, but they are not only rivals, but also friends. Ximen Chuuxue doesn't have many friends, but he cherishes every one of them. How could such a beautiful swordsmanship, such a peerless swordsman be bound by the world

This is a blasphemy against kendo.

What Ye Gucheng wanted to do but couldn't because of scruples, he did it for him! This is a kind of "gentleness" that belongs to Ximen Fuxue. There is no need to say it, those who can understand will naturally understand, and others, Ximen Chuuxue, don't need them to understand. And Ye Gucheng was obviously the first person to understand.

He said, "Thank you!" No need.

Before he could say these three words, the boat that was originally on the bow of Ye Gucheng's black-covered boat moved. Ximen Chuuxue was still standing on the bow, but the whole boat suddenly reversed rapidly. At this speed, he could reach Prince Nan in less than fifteen seconds. And Nan Wang's son is not Lu Xiaofeng, with his kung fu, obviously he can't dodge or pinch Ximen Chuuxue's sword.

If this was on land, when Ximen Chuuxue said those words, Prince Nan Wang would have died. But this is in the sea, Jiang Li can ride the waves, relying on Qixiu's martial art of lightness, but obviously not everyone is Jiang Li, can do this.

If Jiang Li doesn't use skills, her kung fu is almost a top-notch master. For her age, it is indeed very extraordinary. However, compared to Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in the entire rivers and lakes, many real old monsters who have lived for decades are not easy to deal with. But once the skills are used, then there is no need to reason. After all, Jian San's skills are unreasonable.

Lu Xiaofeng could feel this deep and introverted emotion, Jiang Li could feel it, and Ye Gucheng could feel it too.

But at this moment, Prince Nan obviously couldn't feel it.

Prince Nan was targeted by a strong killing intent, he really wanted to move, and asked Ye Gucheng for help.

He wanted to say that his father was the King of the South, and he was the future Ninth Five-Year Lord, a mere Wanmei Villa, and when he came to the throne, he would definitely level it. He wanted to say that Ye Gucheng was a top swordsman, a top light kung fu master, as long as Ye Gucheng wanted to leave, the Nanwang Mansion couldn't help him, but Baiyun City couldn't escape. If you don't want Baiyun City to be destroyed, then act quickly and kill Ximen Chuuxue!

Nanwang only has such an only son, if something happens to him, he wants to be buried with Wanmei Villa and Baiyun City, how dare you? But under such a strong killing intent, he couldn't even open his mouth, let alone ask for help, he could only look at Ye Gucheng with a hint of threat and pleading in his eyes.

In fact, he still wanted to see Jiang Li. Jiang Li's martial arts is undoubtedly very high, but turning his head is too difficult for him at this moment. And if there are people who can save him here and are willing to save him, Nanwang Shizi understands rationally that it can only be Ye Gucheng.

Ye Gucheng was an extremely proud person, so proud that he would rather die at the hands of Ximen Chuuxue than accept the humiliation after defeat in the decisive battle of the Forbidden City. He didn't need and couldn't accept anyone's kindness, but when the person was Ximen Chuuxue, he hesitated after all.

Although he is known as an immortal beyond the sky, Ye Gucheng is still in the world of mortals. He is still a human being, not an immortal. He didn't have the slightest affection for Nan Wang Shizi, and accepting him as his apprentice was a complete deal. It's just that with Ye Gucheng's temperament, he can't do perfunctory things. Since he has accepted an apprentice, no matter what the reason is, he will teach what should be taught with all his heart.

As for Ximen Chuuxue, from speaking to drawing his sword, the short time was only enough for a few thoughts to come to mind.

Because of this, Ye Gucheng did not stop him immediately. From the bottom of his heart, he didn't want to stop it at all. That's right, the future plans still need Prince Nan, but so what? Ximen Chuuxue hoped that Prince Nan's son would die, but how could he see Prince Nan's son be any better

The boat quickly backed up, Ximen Chuixue opened the empty door wide, and this was a good opportunity for Ye Gucheng to make a move.

Ye Gucheng's hand was already on the hilt of the sword, and his move would definitely be earth-shattering.

With the bright moon reflecting the sea, it seemed that the sky was getting brighter, which was just suitable for those present to see clearly the move of the Flying Immortal.

Jiang Li stood up, she couldn't sit still at this moment. Lu Xiaofeng was circling around the beach excitedly, wanting to jump into the sea all at once. Both of them could see that this was Ye Gucheng's decision, whether he should be a swordsman or a hero. But none of them opened their mouths. Words can't affect Ye Gucheng, only his own heart can.

Ximen Chuuxue could also see it, but he was still defenseless, and locked on the Prince Nan with killing intent. This trust is really very heavy. Ye Gucheng's hands were so heavy that they trembled slightly. He has been practicing swords since he was young, and he has been practicing swords for twenty or thirty years. Today is the first time he can't hold the sword steadily. Even when his father died and there was chaos everywhere, he never took over Baiyun City as a young man.

Ye Gucheng sighed, and stroked lightly towards the sea water. I saw a sea wave rushing towards the wupped boat where Ximen Chuuxue was, causing it to deviate from the direction. Although he chose to attack, he did not attack Ximen Chuuxue. Ye Gucheng doesn't know how to sneak attack, and of course he doesn't bother to sneak attack. This was even more so when the opponent was Ximen Chuuxue.

Ximen Chuuxue looked at Ye Gucheng.

"He can't die." Ye Gucheng said. "At least not now."

Prince Nan's legs were trembling, and it was a blessing to be able to stand on the bow of the boat and not fall into the sea.

Compared with the awning boat, the cruise ship is obviously much more stable, at least there will be no problem in the coastal waters where the wind and waves are not strong. The son of the Southern Prince has not been a teacher of Ye Gucheng for a long time, and he mostly got instruction in swordsmanship, but in fact, he didn't get the real teaching. The lightness kung fu is neither high nor low, but it is not likely to fall. But seeing Ye Gucheng finally made a move at this moment, he was relieved, and fell into the sea just like that.

Ximen Chuuxue still looked at Ye Gucheng, did not speak, he was still waiting for Ye Gucheng's explanation.

But Ye Gucheng did not explain. He couldn't tell the truth to Ximen Chuuxue, but he would never lie, so the only choice was silence. Silence already represented his attitude.

The son of the Southern Prince was splashing in the water. He was good at swimming, although his swimming skills were not very good, but the water near him was not deep enough to drown him. But just now he was so frightened by Ximen Chuuxue that his whole body became paralyzed. After he got out of the crisis, his whole body was drenched in cold sweat, and then fell into the cold sea water at night, and he felt a sense of powerlessness all over his body.

"Hurry up and save me!" Nan Wang Shizi shouted hoarsely.

But there is no one who can listen to him here, except for the two men who were left behind on the shore. The two of them froze there for a while, and then they came back to their senses when they heard the order from their eldest son, gritted their teeth, rushed into the water, and swam towards the direction of Nan Wang's eldest son. But at that speed, when they arrived, the day lily would be cold, and Prince Nan had no choice but to struggle to climb onto the cruise ship.

He knew that Jiang Li would not save him, so he didn't speak at all. It seemed that every time he met Jiang Li, although he wanted to show his majesty in front of her, he never succeeded. Now that he doesn't speak, he has preserved the last bit of his pitiful face. If he still has face.

His whole body was soaked and he had nowhere to use his strength, so he managed to climb halfway, and Nan Wang's son accidentally fell back into the water, which seemed very funny. When struggling with the cruise ship, he did not realize that the direction of the ocean current had changed, and the ship was moving slowly but firmly with the current. The direction of movement happened to be the direction of Ximen Chuuxue and his boat that was deflected by Ye Gucheng.

Jiang Li was on the boat, so he could sense it. She was also the only one who noticed that the cruise ship was drifting.

Lu Xiaofeng and Ye Gucheng, one is too far away, and the other is a little confused, which is not the intention.

Therefore, at this moment, Jiang Li met Ximen Chuuxue's eyes.

In the darkness, Jiang Li couldn't see Ximen Chuuxue's expression clearly. The two of them met once and exchanged a few words, but in terms of friendship, there was really no such thing as friendship. But at this moment, she could understand Ximen Chuuxue's thoughts. Jiang Li spread his hands, indicating that he would not intervene.

Ximen Chuuxue nodded slightly.

Prince Nan finally climbed up, collapsed on the chair and gasped for breath, like a salted fish out of water.

Suddenly, he froze. He felt the sharp sword intent that seemed to tear the air apart, even causing waves in the sea.

Ximen Chuuxue's sword stabbed over like this. With such a distance, it was too late for Ye Gucheng to save him.

Jiang Li's eyes lit up, she had seen Ye Gucheng's swordsmanship before, and now she was going to see Ximen Chuuxue's swordsmanship.

Ye Gucheng's swordsmanship is extremely beautiful, even a layman will be amazed by the thrilling arc. This is the way of changing the sea of clouds taken from nature. But Ximen Chuuxue's swordsmanship was different. His sword is fast, swift, and sharp. In the eyes of outsiders, if he is strong, he is strong. In any case, it cannot be regarded as a beautiful word.

Only fellow swordsmen can know what a sublime sword move this is.

Jiang Li couldn't describe the brilliance of this sword technique when it splashed in Ximen Chuuxue's hands, because it didn't need any words to add color to it. At first glance, it is obviously just an ordinary straight stab, but it has a charm that seems indescribable. As long as you see it, you will not be willing to take your eyes away.

If Jiang Li's swordsmanship is the pinnacle of skill, then Ximen Chuuxue's swordsmanship is the pinnacle of mind. Jiang Li is not a swordsman, at least there is a lack of charm in her swordsmanship. If you hear the Tao in the morning, you can die in the evening with the firmness and determination to seek the Tao. Jiang Li controls the sword with a human being, while Ximen Chuuxue himself is a peerless divine sword.

This sword is like a furious torrential wave on the sea, or a raging storm. It can also be said to be thunder, a thunderbolt, and a morning light that cuts off the yin and yang. The distance of several zhang was reached in an instant, the sword was withdrawn when the sword was drawn, and Ximen Chuuxue had already started to blow away the blood on the sword.

The expression on Nan Wang Shizi's face was completely frozen for a moment.

"You..." His voice came out after Ximen Chuixue drew his sword because the sword was too fast.

It wasn't until Ximen Chuuxue blew away the splash of blood that the corpse fell on the bow with a bang.

It seems unbelievable that Ximen Chuuxue really dared to do something, and Ye Gucheng really didn't save him.

Ye Gucheng sighed and said, "You shouldn't have killed him."