Qixiu Royal Sister [Comprehensive Sword Three]

Chapter 33: A box of deposits


Lu Xiaofeng suddenly remembered that before he and Huamanlou had heard the sound of falling into the water, which was neither light nor heavy.

This was on the surface of the sea, and because of the smell of blood, it attracted many schools of fish. It was quite normal to have the sound of falling into the water, so he naturally didn't think about it.

But at this moment, if I think about it carefully, if the sound was made by fish, it would be too loud. Where can there be such a big fish? But if it was an individual, then the voice would be considered soft. The night was inherently quiet, and it was almost impossible for people to dive into the water from the boat without making any noise.

Just thinking about it, Lu Xiaofeng suddenly remembered that Jiang Li walked on the waves on the sea before, and went there without even getting wet on the soles of his shoes. He immediately felt that the three words "impossible" seemed to turn into an eye, as cold as Jiang Li. Staring at him coldly, watching him "show off" his ignorance. If it's Jiang Li, then it can indeed be done.

Thinking of this, Lu Xiaofeng suddenly became nervous. He didn't know why he was nervous, but he just didn't want Jiang Li to notice.

Jiang Li looked at the vast sea level, she didn't look at Lu Xiaofeng, and Lu Xiaofeng had nothing to look at.

At this time, Hua Manlou spoke, his expression was gentle and calm, like the rising sun leaping from the sea level, tolerant and warm, not scorching. He said: "When I was chatting with Lu Xiaofeng, I heard the sound of falling into the water, about an hour and a half ago. If the boy you mentioned disappeared, I think it's time to leave."

Lu Xiaofeng nodded, indicating that he agreed with Hua Manlou's words.

Ximen Chuuxue was practicing sword at the side, his face was so indifferent that he almost wrote the words "nothing to do with me" on his face. As a matter of fact, Ximen Chuuxue couldn't have slept to death for what happened last night, and he generally knew about it, but he obviously didn't have much interest in such things, and Lu Xiaofeng was the only person on board the whole boat who would be aware of such things love interest.

After Ye Gucheng rejected Lu Xiaofeng's mediocre grilled fish, he took the helm in the cabin, not here.

Jing Wuming was grilling the fish seriously and focused. Obviously, this matter was not as important to him as grilling fish, even though he didn't seem to like fish very much.

Lu Xiaofeng felt a little bored, he looked left and right by himself, and quickly searched all the horns and bumps, some of these places were not big in the first place, even if it was only half a teenager, it would be impossible to fit them. Not to mention with Lu Xiaofeng's ear strength, as long as that boy is still breathing, he cannot escape his ears.

Although Hua Manlou couldn't see, his "eyes" kept moving with Lu Xiaofeng's movements. If you meet him for the first time, you can't imagine that a blind man like him can do things that many people with eyes can't do. Although Hua Manlou is blind, he can "see" more than many people with eyes.

Jiang Li said: "Since one person is no longer here, Daxia Lu should keep an eye on the other person, if he runs away again..."

Lu Xiaofeng quickly ran over as if waking up from a dream, squatting next to the middle-aged scholar, looking left and right. It seemed that he couldn't stand Lu Xiaofeng's stare, or it was really time, the middle-aged scholar who was stared at by Lu Xiaofeng suddenly stopped breathing, as if he woke up. But he didn't open his eyes and get up immediately, but continued to look like he was sleeping.

But this obviously cannot be hidden from the eyes and ears of the people present.

Lu Xiaofeng continued to stare at him.

The scholar finally couldn't bear this stabbing feeling, and had no choice but to "wake up" by opening his eyes.

"Are you awake?" Lu Xiaofeng said.

The middle-aged scholar stood up tremblingly. He had been lying down for too long, his limbs were already numb, but he had no martial arts, and just as he got up, he was about to fall to the ground again.

Hua Manlou flicked his sleeves, and immediately supported him.

"Thank you, young master." The middle-aged scholar stood up straight and thanked Hua Manlou.

Hua Manlou smiled and said, "You don't need to thank me for the effort."

Jing Wuming's fish was grilled, he turned it up and down, and there was a burst of aroma, he picked out the bigger fishbone, and then handed the fish to Jiang Li.

Jiang Li took it.

The middle-aged scholar swallowed. He hadn't eaten since he was knocked out. Of course he was very hungry. But the next moment, he suddenly remembered something, and suddenly began to scan his surroundings, and then rushed into the wooden box. He rummaged through several wooden boxes, and after changing several times, he took out a heavy flat box from one of the wooden boxes.

Lu Xiaofeng looked at him curiously.

The middle-aged scholar took a deep breath. He had no martial arts skills, and the actions just now consumed his remaining physical strength, so he was a little shaky when he walked. Because Lu Xiaofeng was the closest to him, he walked up to Lu Xiaofeng, took another breath, and said, "I've already brought it, when are you going to fulfill the promise?"

As soon as he finished speaking, his eyes fell on Jiang Li. Of course, what he was looking at was not the fish in Jiang Li's hand, but her. Of course fish are always available, but not beauty. Beauty is delicious, especially when you are hungry, you can fill your stomach more.

Lu Xiaofeng also took a look at Jiang Li, she was eating fish not far away at a leisurely pace, while eating, she complained to Jing Wuming that she still prefers to eat sashimi instead of grilled fish. Jing Wuming listened expressionlessly.

Now, the middle-aged scholar finally remembered what he was going to do. He opened the box in his hand, and suddenly a golden light dazzled people's eyes. Inside this box, rows of gold ingots were stacked neatly, and it was full. With just a glance, Lu Xiaofeng knew that there were at least hundreds of taels of gold in it.

It's not that Lu Xiaofeng has never seen money. On the contrary, he has seen a lot of money. The big ones are worth hundreds of thousands of taels of silver. Putting gold in front of you is even more shocking

Huamanlou couldn't see it, he could only hear the sound of the box opening, as for what was inside, his ears couldn't tell him, so he was waiting for Lu Xiaofeng to speak.

Jiang Li continued to eat fish, and there were hundreds of thousands of gold in the bag, which made her very calm.

Seeing that there was no reaction at all, the middle-aged scholar seemed a little anxious, held the box in front of Lu Xiaofeng, and said: "The five hundred taels of gold agreed upon, don't you guys want to renege on your debt?"

Lu Xiaofeng thinks this matter is very interesting, what is it that makes such a down-and-out person get so much gold at once, and what is his purpose? Why were they brought to this ship? Where did the missing boy go? And now the only breakthrough lies in the person in front of him.

Lu Xiaofeng thought about it, but he still decided to talk to this middle-aged man, because he was really curious about this matter.

"We never renege on our debts." Lu Xiaofeng said firmly, "If you can't believe it, why did you come here?" This sentence seems to say a lot, but it is actually nonsense, and there is no description of his identity.

The middle-aged man looked slightly hesitant, and he said, "Then, I have already brought the money, how about your sincerity in selling the gold cave?"

Just as Lu Xiaofeng was about to speak, Ye Gucheng walked over suddenly.

He said lightly: "I have already contacted my subordinates, and the ships from Baiyun City will come to pick them up soon." After entering the waters of Baiyun City, there are many domesticated seagulls nearby for scouting, and Ye Gucheng, as the city lord, can naturally Contact Baiyun City through these little guys.

Hearing Ye Gucheng's words, the middle-aged scholar suddenly remembered what the guide told him when he came. His complexion changed drastically, and he said, "This...isn't this the gold cave at sea?"

Lu Xiaofeng almost got out of the way, but when Ye Gucheng came in, the cooked duck flew away, and his expression was very sad. However, at least now they know that the person who intends to kidnap Huamanlou is likely to be the Gold Selling Cave in the Sea, but they never imagined that the plan would be better changed, and they actually made Lu Xiaofeng and Huamanlou reconcile.

"Why am I here?" The middle-aged scholar asked again. The guide clearly told him that as long as he had money, he would be able to fulfill his wish when he woke up, but it was obviously not the situation he had expected. The golden cave at sea was nowhere to be seen, and he was staying on a blood-stained boat.

When Ye Gucheng heard the words Haishangjincao, he slightly raised his eyebrows. Baiyun City lives far overseas and is a big force, so naturally there are other forces interacting with him. The force that sells gold caves on the sea had come to Baiyun City to contact and manage them before, and it was one of his neighbors, and Ye Gucheng had quite a few neighbors, and there were countless islands of various kinds.

However, the Golden Maritime Grottoes on the Sea still know how to measure. When they pull people, they will not attack those nearby. Instead, they will send people to the rivers and lakes of the mainland to fool people over. Therefore, without endangering the interests of Baiyun City Next, Ye Gucheng turned one eye and closed the other, and didn't interfere too much.

The middle-aged scholar looked a little frightened when he saw such a large group of people. He closed the lid of the box and hugged them tightly, looking at these people with a wary face. From his point of view, the people on Lu Xiaofeng's side were, of course, robbers The murderous "robbers", those who sold gold caves at sea, were killed by them just like that.

But thinking about it this way, Haishangjinku boasted how powerful and omnipotent they are, and now they can't even deal with this group of people, so it means that they are not so powerful? So in other words, it seems that giving them money yourself can also achieve their goals

Thinking of this, he took another step forward and said, "If I give you this sum of money, can you fulfill my wish?"

Huamanlou said: "We don't want your money, but if you need help, you can just ask." No matter what, Huamanlou is always willing to help people.

Lu Xiaofeng stroked his beard.

The middle-aged scholar insisted on pushing the box over, he said: "If you can help me avenge, this is what you have won."

Lu Xiaofeng said: "Revenge?"

"Yes," the middle-aged scholar gritted his teeth, and said, "You must take revenge for destroying your family! As long as you can avenge me, I can promise anything."

Huamanlou fell silent.

"Who is your enemy?"

"I don't know," the middle-aged scholar said in a low voice, "I didn't see my enemy, but when I came home, I smelled a faint smell of tulips." Selling Gold Grotto promised him that as long as he brought money Go, you can know the news of the enemy.

When Lu Xiaofeng heard this, a name suddenly appeared in his mind, a name that he couldn't even believe.

Chu Liuxiang wouldn't kill anyone at all!