Qixiu Royal Sister [Comprehensive Sword Three]

Chapter 4: Bright Left Envoy


Yang Xiao had a grudge with Gu Hongzi, a big brother of the Emei School, earlier. Therefore, after talking about losing, Gu Hongzi proposed to end it with a contest. Not long ago, Yang Xiao competed with Gu Hongzi, easily won and even snatched the Yitian Sword. In this way, his arrogance became even worse, of course he looked down on the Emei faction whose elder brother was his defeated opponent.

It just so happened that Sixiu was "difficult" for Jiang Li at this time, and he appeared at this moment, so he was not a hero to save the beauty

At this time, Yang Xiao's romantic nature is beginning to emerge, and he has some ambiguous relationships with many women in the world, and now he just wants to add another romantic debt. In addition to looking down on the Emei School, it is only natural to talk about love by the way. If it wasn't for Jiang Li, Yang Xiao might not change his mind to flirt with Emei Sixiu, even though he didn't like them.

Now that the beauty is embarrassed by the Emei disciples he looks down upon, shouldn't he be the one to stand out

Yang Xiao's abacus was clattering.

Then he found out that Jiang Li had left.

Yang Xiao was stunned for a moment, he never expected that as a hero, he would come out to save the beauty, and the beauty would run away before the matter was settled.

But now all the hatred is on him, Jiang Li can leave, but Yang Xiao cannot.

When Sixiu heard Yang Xiao's words, when she guessed who he was, Ye Xiuzhu asked anxiously, "What did you do to Senior Brother?"

Sun Xiuqing and Shi Xiuyun also said: "You thief, did you steal the Yitian Sword?"

Yang Xiao frowned, and said: "The Yitian Sword is so famous! But in my eyes, it is just a pile of scrap metal! I did get it, but after looking at it, I threw it away. It should be Was it picked up by your senior brother? You Emei faction are the only ones who treat things I don’t want as treasures.”

Sixiu couldn't hold back anymore, she drew her sword and rushed towards Yang Xiao. His words were too much to be beaten, it was unbearable.

Yang Xiao turned around calmly, then avoided the attack of the four people, and said again: "Your narrow-minded elder brother, I heard that he is staying in the town to the east, and he is almost unable to get up. If you hurry up , I am afraid there is still time to collect the corpse with him, if it is too late, maybe we have to go to the mass grave to look for it."

Originally, Yang Xiao wanted to use a few beautiful moves to show off in front of the beauties, but when Jiang Li left suddenly, he lost that thought.

Sixiu didn't bother to ask Ximen Chuuxue and Yang Xiao to watch at this moment, from the move just now, it can be seen that Yang Xiao's skill is very good, they will not be able to take him down for a while, and insisting on making a move is just asking for humiliation. In any case, Gu Hongzi is also their elder brother, so he can't be left alone, he can only take care of his affairs first.

Shi Xiuxue suffered losses at the hands of Jiang Li and Yang Xiao one after another, the more she thought about it, the more she became unconvinced, and after walking a few steps, she suddenly turned her head and gave Yang Xiao a hard look.

Yang Xiao ignored her, turned around, and chased after Jiang Li who was leaving. He lightly brushed past her ear, and said with a smile, "Miss treats her benefactor without even thanking her, it's too ruthless." It's gone." His voice was extremely soft, as if a gust of wind was blowing by Jiang Li's ears, slightly numb.

Even if the Jianghu women are informal, such behavior seems a bit presumptuous.

Jiang Li brushed a strand of white hair that was blown by the wind around his ear, and didn't look at Yang Xiao at all, just sighed, "Your injury hasn't healed yet, has it?"

Yang Xiao's expression changed suddenly.

This sentence is even more lethal than being hit by a sword.

Yang Xiao has injuries on his body, and no one has noticed this except Jiang Li.

At least Emei Sixiu didn't see it, and their big brother Gu Hongzi didn't see it either.

There is a chilly internal force flowing through Yang Xiao's body, disturbing the meridians all the time, under such circumstances, 70% to 80% of the power of ten successes can be exerted at most. However, he had adventures when he was young, and he has made extraordinary achievements. Now he has become a young talent in the arena. Even with 70% to 80% strength, he is enough to deal with these Emei guys, and it is very easy.

As for why Jiang Li knew? Although Huahua from Wanhua Valley is a professional doctor, Qixiu is also a nurse after all.

Of course, this is just an official statement, and the actual reason is very simple, because she was the one who called.

If Jiang Li still can't recognize the wound she got, she can really go to sleep and don't have to mess around.

When he just crossed over, Jiang Li's mood was a little unstable. At that time, he felt that someone was spying on him, so he was confused and broke through with a sword. Of course right in the heart. Sword Breaking the Void has an enclosed effect, and it is just an interrupt skill in Sword Three, but if it becomes the real world, it will definitely suffer internal injuries.

In fact, Jiang Li didn't know who was hit by the trick before, because the other party's reaction was extremely sharp, and it was night and the visibility was very low, so Jiang Li paused and didn't chase him out immediately, so he let someone run away . But Yang Xiao jumped out by himself, so it was impossible to hide it from her.

Qixiu Bingxin Jue's internal strength is extremely cold, and Jiang Li hasn't worn it for a few days. I'm not sure that there must be no similar kung fu in the martial arts world, but this is too coincidental. It happened that Yang Xiao was also wounded, and the wound was also on his chest. Jiang Li didn't believe it was a coincidence.

Judging from the slight pause in Yang Xiao's previous movement, it should be related to the injury on his chest, which is why he reacted subconsciously, and this kind of reaction will not occur in other places. If Yang Xiao wasn't that person, there's no need for him to act like this in front of Jiang Li, it doesn't make any sense at all. Apart from Jiang Li and the injured party, no one else would know about it.

It happened before that if Yang Xiao approached her just because of her face, Jiang Li would never believe it. Jiang Li has enough martial arts to protect herself, she doesn't need to be too lazy to be considerate with Yang Xiao, and she calls it taking care of the overall situation, so she simply points it out and sees what Yang Xiao will do next.

Is it purely for the revenge of the sword breaking at the beginning, or because of her white hair, I also mistakenly thought that she was a white-haired witch who roamed the rivers and lakes more than ten years ago and later lived in seclusion in Tianshan Mountain. There is too little information, Jiang Li can't make a conclusion yet, but the purpose is definitely not pure.

Yang Xiao is still far from the point where he can't hide his emotions and anger, and he doesn't have the majesty and demeanor of the Mingjiao Guangming Zuoshi in the future. Now that he is young and vigorous, and being so provoked by Jiang Li, he knows that she has seen through his purpose. Naturally, there is no face left. He took a deep look at Jiang Li, turned around and left without any explanation at all.

It is coming fast and going faster.

But whether he plans to give up on him or not, only Yang Xiao knows. With his character, I'm afraid he won't give up so easily.

Jiang Li didn't care, and only then planned to continue the action interrupted by Emei Sixiu.

Although Yang Xiao's purpose is impure, it is also a fact to get rid of her. She is too lazy to chase after Yang Xiao to settle accounts, and she doesn't have the time and necessity.

Jiang Li decided to go shopping.

Now that I have decided to settle down, I should buy everything that needs to be bought slowly. Anyway, I am not short of money.

In the past few days, Jiang Li has become familiar with this street, and she can come here at this moment with just a word of mouth.

When they first came here, these people regarded her like a scourge, and when they saw her, they shouted that the witch is coming, even if they didn't shout, they thought so in their hearts. But these days, although Jiang Li's performance was a bit indifferent, there was no more weirdness, and he was no different from the rest of the city, and they gradually accepted her existence.

Jiang Li walked about dozens of steps, and saw a girl about five or six years old standing on the side of an old tree, looking at the ground aggrieved, as if she was about to cry. She had met this little girl before, and it was she who pointed the way to Jiang Li, so that she could find a place to live so that she would not sleep on the street. Compared with adults, children are obviously less wary of her.

Before Jiang Li remembered that this girl was followed by several servants who were skilled in martial arts, and when she saw her approaching him, they all looked defensive and disapproved. When Jiang Li left, they were relieved, and their defenses could be said to be strict. Why now that none of them are gone, why leave her here alone

Jiang Li walked over and asked, "Why are you here?"

Seeing Jiang Li, the little girl's eyes lit up, and she said aggrievedly: "Second Uncle has something to do, so he put me here, and asked me to wait for him to come back, and not let me wander around."

Jiang Li asked: "Do you want to come down?"

The little girl looked a little hesitant. Obviously, what the elders said to him before still had a certain deterrent effect. But although the tree is not too tall, it is not too low. It is scary for a five or six-year-old doll to stay on it all the time and look at the ground. She hesitated for a moment, then nodded cautiously.

Although Jiang Li has white hair, he is extremely beautiful. As an upright Yangou, the little girl decided to trust her.

"Sister, I want to come down. If you stay where you are after you come down, uncle won't be angry, right?" As she spoke, the little girl lacked confidence. Based on what she knew about her uncle, it would be strange not to be angry. Therefore, he looked at Jiang Li with big black eyes, hoping to gain some sense of approval from her.

Jiang Li nodded slightly, stepped on his feet lightly, and carried her down, placing her on the ground.

The little girl immediately forgot what happened before, her eyes sparkled, she clapped her hands and said, "Sister is really amazing."

Jiang Li casually took out a bunch of Uncle Dancha's candied haws and gave it to her, saying, "Take it and eat it."

"Sister is a good person." Taking the candied haws, the little girl took a mouthful unceremoniously.

Jiang Li said: "I still have to go shopping, can you stay here alone?"

She didn't ask the little girl if she would go with her. People come and go, and it's not easy for a kidnapper to abduct someone. Instead, she took the person away, and it would be a lot of trouble if they couldn't find them. But as long as she looked like anyone else would gnaw on a candied haws, she was really not on guard, so Jiang Li thought about something.

The little girl nodded heavily.

"You just wait here obediently for Second Uncle to pick you up, don't run around, do you understand?" Jiang Li asked again.

The little girl wanted to speak at first, but at this moment her mouth was full of sugar residue, she puffed her mouth and could only nod again.

Jiang Li patted her on the head, and said: "Wait here, I'll buy something later, I'll share some with you." After that, seeing the little girl agreed, she went to a shop not far away to order some desserts, and now her His body is semi-digitalized, so he won't gain weight, and he won't get tooth decay. As a sweet tooth, Jiang Li has bought a lot of desserts these days, and has become a frequent visitor to the pastry shop.