Qixiu Royal Sister [Comprehensive Sword Three]

Chapter 45: Bat boy


When Jiang Li was treating Ximen Chuuxue and Ye Gucheng, Lu Xiaofeng had already taken over Baiyuncheng's work.

Ye Gucheng did what he said, and all the secrets of the operation of Baiyun City were piled up on the table in front of him. If Lu Xiaofeng is a bad person, the internal agent of the group of enemies who attacked him, then as long as Lu Xiaofeng is willing, he can destroy this pearl on the sea at any time. But unfortunately, Lu Xiaofeng was not.

In heaven and earth, looking at the entire world, there is only one Lu Xiaofeng, he does what he says, and he cherishes his friends very much. If you promise your friend, even if you risk your life, you will definitely do it.

Therefore, now Lu Xiaofeng can only look at the pile of documents piled up on the entire table in front of him, and his scalp becomes numb. As someone with ADHD, but now he has to sit on a chair honestly, Lu Xiaofeng feels uncomfortable. When he looked through the documents on the table and found that most of them were recording some trivial matters in Baiyun City, he finally couldn't help it.

Lu Xiaofeng asked: "Ye Gucheng... Does he usually do these things?"

The name Baiyun City Lord sounds extremely elegant, but if the job is to deal with the owner's dog fighting with the West's cat every day, and then disagree with each other, asking the City Lord to uphold justice, Lu Xiaofeng is very strange, Ye Gucheng really Do you still have time to practice martial arts? Could it be that his peerless swordsmanship was brought out of his mother's womb

The guard next to him replied: "Returning to your lord, the city lord takes care of everything every day, so naturally you don't have to deal with these small things yourself."

Lu Xiaofeng was really not used to being called an adult, so he rubbed his hands and asked, "Then why do I have to deal with these things now?"

The guard replied: "Because the city lord previously ordered that all matters in the city should be decided by you... and the city lord has been away for many days, and many things in the city are still waiting for him to deal with, so there are so many piles up."

Lu Xiaofeng understood.

The people in Baiyun City are very rigid, and they don't know how to adapt at all. Since Ye Gucheng talks about big and small things, then naturally everything is piled up on it. He hurriedly said: "Who handled these small matters before?" Lu Xiaofeng specially emphasized the sound of the three words "small matter", presumably the other party should understand.

"Responding to my lord, in the past, after the stewards sorted them into different categories, they were handed over to the subordinates. Only matters that could not be decided were left to the city lord to decide." The attendant of Baiyun City replied truthfully.

Lu Xiaofeng nodded vigorously, and said: "This is very good, very good, let's do it this way. What you did before, let's continue to do it now."

The attendant hesitated and said, "But the city lord ordered..."

"Now I'm the acting city lord. I'll take care of the things that Ye Gucheng dealt with before. You can do the rest as before. That's it!" Lu Xiaofeng made the decision, and the next moment the person flew out of the window, Baiyun City All of his attendants were armed with impressive force, and they didn't even see how he got out. They only had one sentence, which slowly floated over from the air.

"Now you guys are going to get rid of the redundant documents, I'll go to Huamanlou first."

Lu Xiaofeng was free, and immediately became happy, like a big bird, "flying" straight towards Huamanlou.

He and Hua Manlou were discussing the similarities and differences between Baiyun City, an overseas city, and the Central Plains mainland, but who knew that he was called over halfway, and the other party insisted on repeated orders, and only wanted Daxia Lu to go alone. Hua Manlou has always been very considerate, since people have said so, he will not be ignorant.

So when he was invited to the City Lord's Mansion, Jiang Li only saw Lu Xiaofeng.

Lu Xiaofeng was worried that something would happen to Huamanlou, so he "flyed" very quickly.

After all, I am not afraid of thieves stealing, but I am afraid of thieves thinking about it. There is Shaman who is thinking about Huamanlou, and the mysterious Ninth Young Master. Lu Xiaofeng is a little worried no matter what. Although Hua Manlou is good at martial arts, he is blind after all, and he still has some defects of blindness, and his heart is too kind, and kind people are always easy to be deceived.

But after Lu Xiaofeng went back, he never expected that what he saw was such a scene. In Lu Xiaofeng's heart, Hua Manlou must be very lonely at this time, but now he has made friends. Not only has he made friends, but he is still playing chess with them. The most frightening thing is that he is also playing chess with a blind man.

Lu Xiaofeng and Hua Manlou are best friends, so he naturally has rich experience in identifying whether a person is blind or not. In the past, Lu Xiaofeng never thought about what two blind men could do, but now he knows, at least he can play chess, and he can play chess very well.

At this time, the person playing chess with Huamanlou was a young man who looked very young. He has a delicate appearance, even with a trace of delicacy that should belong to a woman, but at this moment, he doesn't show the slightest femininity, on the contrary, it adds two points of charm. The smile on his face was warm and friendly, like the warm but not glaring morning sun.

The first time Lu Xiaofeng saw him, it was as if he saw a second Huamanlou.

He froze outside the door.

Huamanlou and that young master are both people with sensitive ears, but one recognized Lu Xiaofeng, and the other just happened to be looking for Lu Xiaofeng, so naturally they didn't change their faces, and continued to play their chess seriously, as if they had been engrossed in their chess. Among them, and know nothing about the changes in the outside world.

Two blind men played chess without even using the board and pieces, even if they used them, they couldn't see them, so they didn't need to do anything extra.

They are playing chess with their hearts.

Hua Manlou held the white, and the one who held the black reported the positions of the pieces one after another, and the chessboard naturally existed in their hearts.

Therefore, Lu Xiaofeng didn't actually "see" them playing chess, but heard it with his ears.

When Lu Xiaofeng came, the game of chess had come to an end.

After a long pause, Hua Manlou smiled and said, "I lost."

He has a calm personality, and even if he lost the game, he didn't seem to care. Instead, he seemed very happy because he met a new friend.

The young master also smiled and said: "A game of chess, you care about your heart. When the young master outside the door comes, your heart is not on the chessboard. Although I won this game, it is not justified. If you have time in the future, you might as well give it a try again." Before, he looked like Huamanlou with his gestures and gestures, but now that he said this, it doesn't seem so resembling now.

But when he spoke, his voice was gentle but firm, and it looked powerful, which was really hard to refute.

The wrong position of Huamanlou's move was precisely because he sensed Lu Xiaofeng's approach, so he hesitated for a moment, then made a wrong move, and lost the whole game. Therefore, if Huamanlou lost this game of chess, Lu Xiaofeng had to pay at least half of the responsibility, or more, and it was right to blame him.

Of course Lu Xiaofeng knows chess, although he doesn't like to play chess, and he is a stinky chess player, but at least he can understand what he said, so he rushed in quickly and said: "Huamanlou lost in chess, so naturally It should be his fault, why should it be blamed on me. Hua Man Lou, you judge?"

When Huamanlou heard Lu Xiaofeng's words, an expression almost sighed appeared on his originally smiling face.

He said: "Lu Xiaofeng, if you didn't show up, I wouldn't have left like that."

Lu Xiaofeng's face fell, and he said, "Hua Man Lou, you have changed."

Hua Manlou looked at him with a smile.

The young gentleman turned his head to look at Huamanlou, and said: "My surname is Yuan, and the cursive character is Suiyun. I have admired the name of the seventh son of the Hua family for a long time, and seeing him now, he really deserves his reputation." Immediately afterwards, he looked at Lu Xiaofeng again, and said : "This must be Lu Xiaofeng with four eyebrows, but it's a pity that you have eye problems in your lower body, so you can't see your beard that is the same as your eyebrows."

Lu Xiaofeng and Hua Manlou had already guessed the identity of this young master. There are so many young heroes emerging in the rivers and lakes, it is not so easy to judge, but if the condition of being blind is added, then there are very few candidates, and it can even be said that there is only one left. Naturally, it was Yuan Suiyun, the young owner of Wuzheng Villa.

Moreover, Hua Manlou still has some affection for Yuan Suiyun, which comes from fellow-sickness. They all lost their light due to accidents and could no longer see them, but they all had a gentle and tolerant heart, and they always faced the world positively. He had long wanted to meet Yuan Suiyun, but he had no chance, but now The unexpected got what it wanted.

Hua Manlou smiled, and he said: "I never blame God for making me blind, but every time I think of four eyebrows, I can't wait to take a look at them."

Yuan Suiyun sighed, and echoed, "It's such a pity."

Lu Xiaofeng has a big heart, and the rebuttal before was just arguing with Hua Manlou, so he naturally knew that Yuan Suiyun was joking, and he was very capable of joking. In addition, Lu Xiaofeng also has a good impression of people like Yuan Suiyun in his heart, and he is willing to make such a friend, so he immediately cupped his fists and said, "I have met Yuan Shaozhuang."

Hua Manlou also greeted Yuan Suiyun.

Yuan Suiyun smiled softly, like a gust of spring breeze blowing across his heart.

He said: "Why are you so polite? I thought we were already friends."

Lu Xiaofeng loves making friends the most, so he even said: "You and Huamanlou have played such a game of chess, so you have naturally become friends. And Huamanlou's friends are naturally my Lu Xiaofeng's friends."

Yuan Suiyun said: "In this case, you can just call me by my name."

Naturally, Lu Xiaofeng had no objection, and called Yuan Suiyun generously, followed by Hua Manlou. Yuan Suiyun also called Lu Xiaofeng and Hua Manlou by their names. Sometimes, making friends is such a simple thing, and it only takes such a short time, and it is enough.

The three chatted.

Lu Xiaofeng first told Hua Manlou about what he had seen in the City Lord's Mansion, because he didn't know about Ximen Chuuxue's condition, he became a little depressed while talking. He couldn't imagine how uncomfortable he would be if something happened to Ximen Chuuxue or his friend, even if the injury had nothing to do with him at all, and it wasn't his fault.

Hua Manlou comforted him, "Miss Jiang is very skilled in medicine, and the owners of Ximen Villa and Yecheng will be fine."

Yuan Suiyun listened carefully to every word Lu Xiaofeng said, and kept it in his heart. At this time, he also comforted: "Lu Xiaofeng, auspicious people have their own aura, don't worry."

Under the comfort of an old friend and a new friend, Lu Xiaofeng's mood improved a bit.

On the contrary, Yuan Suiyun seemed to be preoccupied, he said: "I came to Baiyun City because I need to see City Lord Ye for an urgent matter. Now it looks like I'm afraid..."