Qixiu Royal Sister [Comprehensive Sword Three]

Chapter 48: Bihai Chaosheng


Yuan Suiyun has a handsome appearance, a gentle smile, and comes from a great family. This seems to be similar to Huamanlou, but compared with the Yuan family, the wealth of the Hua family is naturally far superior, but the background is slightly insufficient. Therefore, Yuan Suiyun always carried a bit of nobility when he raised his hands and feet. As for Huamanlou, because his eyes were injured when he was young, and he was supported by his elder brother, the Hua family never restrained him, and he was more casual than his temperament.

However, they have one thing in common, none of them feel complacent or look down on others because of their identities. Treat people with peace and politeness, so that people can't find any mistakes. Anyone is willing to make friends with such a person, anyone will like such a person, of course Lu Xiaofeng will not be that exception.

Lu Xiaofeng is not a perfect person, on the contrary, he has many, many shortcomings, and these shortcomings are too numerous to count for three days and three nights.

But he has a friend like Hua Manlou, and now he knows Yuan Suiyun again. From Lu Xiaofeng's point of view, this two friends, the old and the new, are undoubtedly perfect people, nothing could be more perfect, anyone who casts critical eyes on them will not be able to say no to them. If kindness can be regarded as a shortcoming, this is the only shortcoming that can be found in them.

But kindness has never been a shortcoming, and it is even more precious in this bloody arena, and it should be cherished in the first place. Lu Xiaofeng was very happy that he could make such two friends. If it wasn't for the fact that he still has a friend Ximen Chuuxue who is still in a critical situation and his life or death is uncertain, Lu Xiaofeng would be able to jump up happily.

Therefore, pretending to sigh, when others do it, it will make Lu Xiaofeng feel that he is putting on an act, but Yuan Suiyun does it like a natural thing, there is no deliberation at all, it will only make people worry for him. Therefore, when Lu Xiaofeng saw Yuan Suiyun in trouble, he really fell for it.

But fortunately Lu Xiaofeng is still a bit sensible and knows how to measure, so he didn't promise to help him solve it, but asked: "I wonder if you are looking for Ye Gucheng, what's the matter?"

Yuan Suiyun shook his head, he smiled and said: "There is nothing urgent." His voice and tone were very calm. If it was someone else, it seemed that they were just meeting each other for the first time. Although they were friends, they had just met each other. I am still not familiar with it, so I will never ask more questions in order not to talk too much.

But Lu Xiaofeng is different. Lu Xiaofeng's suspicious temperament, who insisted on getting involved when he didn't want to do anything, was destined to feel something from it, so although he stopped asking, he kept thinking about it in his heart. Although Ye Gucheng was in a coma, the butler was still there, and it didn't take much effort to pass on a message for Yuan Suiyun.

The corner of Yuan Suiyun's mouth curled up, and he met Hua Manlou's eyes without any concealment. Why, also blind, Hua Manlou can develop such a flawless temperament, but he must be immersed in the boundless darkness and emptiness, waiting to be burned by the light? God, why is it so unfair

If they really saw it, they would find that the arc was very strange, with an indescribable coolness, and it should definitely not be the expression that the former young village owner who was so beautiful and beautiful in the legend should have. The thrill of walking on the steel wire made the blood in Yuan Suiyun's body seem to burn.

It's a pity that Hua Manlou is blind like him, so it's impossible to see. As for Lu Xiaofeng who has eyes, it is impossible to see because of the angle.

Yuan Suiyun smiled and said: "Today I made two friends, but I have nothing to show for it. If you don't mind, I will play a song for you two."

Hua Manlou said: "I have a lucky ear today."

Although Lu Xiaofeng is not an elegant person, he is willing to listen to the piano played by the world-famous former Shaozhuang owner, and he agrees: "What Hua Manlou said is very true, so I will listen with all my ears."

Yuan Suiyun lightly clapped his hands.

As the young master of Wuzheng Villa, it was impossible for him to come alone. Soon, a servant came in and bowed down to listen to the order.

After listening to Yuan Suiyun's order, it didn't take long before he brought a Guqin.

Yuan Suiyun sat at the table, plucked the strings, and said: "Playing the piano is an elegant thing. You should take a bath and burn incense to show your sincerity. It's inconvenient at this time, so I can only save it for the time being."

After finishing speaking, with a flick of ten fingers, a quiet piano sound came out.

It is said that the piano is born from the heart, but the sound of Yuan Suiyun's piano is extremely beautiful and quiet, as if making people break into the deep mountains, secluded trees, and white forests, away from the hustle and bustle of the world for a while. It seemed that he was supposed to be a leisurely hermit who didn't want to get involved in the affairs of the world, but just accidentally entered the rivers and lakes, and never got out again.

Hua Manlou smiled and immersed himself in the sound of the piano. Although he is blind, he can see too much in the sound of the piano. Such a beautiful piano sound made his heart calm down all of a sudden.

Lu Xiaofeng also closed his eyes unknowingly. At this moment, he would rather be a blind man. To the ears of a blind man, the sound of the piano should be more beautiful. He suddenly remembered the sound of Jiang Li's piano that he had heard before, and found that there was no comparison at all.

Yuan Suiyun looked calm, but his heart was completely opposite to what he showed. The quieter the sound of the zither, the more restless his heart became, as if a stormy sea would choose someone to devour him at any time. Extreme stillness and extreme movement show extreme disharmony. Under such circumstances, it is really a very challenging thing for him to restrain himself.

The song was about to end, and at this moment, there was a burst of high-pitched flute sound.

Originally the sound of the flute should be deep and melodious, but the sound of the flute at this time was uncharacteristically high-pitched.

Originally, the sound of Yunqin outlined the greenery and a forest, but the sound of this Xiao's Xiaomiao depicted the vast blue and vast sea.

The moon rises and the moon ebbs. The waves are continuous and ups and downs.

Yuan Suiyun seemed to be aroused. Since ancient times, fighting music has been an elegant thing and is very popular. He smiled slightly, and turned his fingertips, and at the end, he started playing backwards. There are often palindrome poems, but this time Wenle is more difficult than palindrome poems, which is the first time in the world.

Lu Xiaofeng was taken aback, and suddenly opened his eyes.

The sound of the piano and the sound of the flute are entangled together, but it doesn't appear to be messy at all. On the contrary, it gives people a double enjoyment of beauty.

Yuan Suiyun met his opponent on the audio channel for the first time, and his face was slightly moved. He was originally engaged in intelligence work, and the information he got now is outdated. Unexpectedly, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in Baiyun City, besides Ye Gucheng, a peerless swordsman, also has a peerless musician. Moreover, this musician must not be weak in kung fu, and in terms of depth of internal strength, he will never be inferior to him.

The sound of the flute was still rising, as if it had broken through the barrier and was about to go straight into the sky. He seemed determined to decide the winner instead of dancing with the sound of the zither. People who were originally immersed in the beautiful music only felt that their hearts were beating like drums, following the rhythm of the flute. It's as if the waves are beating against the rocks, as if the sun is rising out of the sea, faster and faster.

Based on this, it can be seen that the master of Xiao Sheng has reached the stage of perfection in Xiao Yi, and can be called the master of the previous generation. It's just that, although the master's skills are good, the song is intermittent and even has occasional repetitions. It can be seen that it is not finished, it is only a semi-finished product, and it may even be created on the spot. After all, this piece of music is about the sea, about Baiyun City on the sea.

If it is a complete song, I am afraid that the power will be doubled. Now that these people can carry it down, it is also thanks to the blessing that the song was not completed.

Hua Manlou's expression also changed, his understanding of rhythm was still higher than that of Lu Xiaofeng, and he was the first to realize that if the master of Xiao Sheng was allowed to continue, those martial arts practitioners with deep inner strength would not be afraid, but those Ordinary people can't bear the flute sound mixed with internal force.

Yuan Suiyun also moved. If it's just a contest of skills, he's no problem, even if he loses, it's just that his skills are not as good as others, so there's nothing to care about. But since the other party is so competitive and even affects the people nearby, it is naturally impossible for the "kind-hearted" original Shaozhuang owner to ignore it.

The sound of his qin became deeper and deeper, as high as the sound of the flute, the sound of his qin was as low as it was. The voice was extremely thin and low, yet extremely penetrating. In front of Xiao Sheng, it was not inferior at all. Even the sound of the flute is enough to deafen the deaf, but it cannot suppress the sound of Yuan Suiyun's piano. He just stood there tenaciously.

Use softness to overcome rigidity, and weak to overcome strong.

Xiao Sheng was talking about the vast ocean and rough waves, but at this time Yuan Suiyun was talking about a frozen lake. Like ice and snow, like condensed jade.

Such as resentment, such as admiration, such as weeping, such as complaining.

No matter how hard you are underwater, you will not be able to break through the solid ice on the lake.

The people who had been tugged at the heartstrings by the sound of the flute, felt that they were slowly getting rid of the influence of the sound of the flute, and their heartbeats returned to normal when they heard the whispers. But before they could breathe a sigh of relief and pat their chests, the situation changed again.


A man's cold snort came from nowhere, the master of Xiaoyin seemed unwilling to let Yuan Suiyun gain the upper hand, the sound of Xiaoyin changed again!

At this time, the sound of the flute was tuned up again, just like the waterfall of the Yellow River rushing down thousands of miles, every note was moving with joy, as if it was fleeting waves. Every time a note bursts, it seems to make people dazzled and tinnitus. This has reached a new level. Under the stimulation of Yuan Suiyun, this piece of music has been completely completed!

It turned out that he hadn't tried his best just now, but was just testing.

The shadow of the peach blossom falls and flies the magic sword, and the tide of the blue sea presses the jade flute.

This is naturally the Bihaichao Shengqu, and the person who played it is naturally the owner of Peach Blossom Island, Huang Yaoshi.

Huang Yaoshi smiled brightly, and said: "Thanks to Your Excellency, I can comprehend this song of the blue sea tide. Now, please teach me!"

Yuan Suiyun replied: "I will accompany you!"

The sound of the piano remained the same, the sound of the flute remained the same, and they started a new round of confrontation.

Lu Xiaofeng frowned, what he wanted to say, at this moment there are so many people outside, if the competition doesn't stop, it might be inappropriate.

At this moment, Lu Xiaofeng saw Yuan Suiyun's abnormality. On Yuan Suiyun's forehead, there was continuous sweat dripping out, from the original ruddy to now pale. The two of them put in too much internal energy in the competition, and now it is difficult to get off the tiger, the one who stops first has only one result, and if they don't die, they will be seriously injured.

Yuan Suiyun had no choice, he could only grit his teeth and hold on.

Seeing this, Lu Xiaofeng could only turn around anxiously.

At this moment, a third voice suddenly appeared.

It was a very beautiful konghou sound.

It is not in a hurry, neither high nor low, and at the most appropriate time, it blends into the confrontation between the two people.

"It should be enough." Jiang Li said lightly.