Qixiu Royal Sister [Comprehensive Sword Three]

Chapter 49: Yulu Huangyin


This voice was too cold, like ice like a spring, it chilled Lu Xiaofeng who was on the verge of getting angry. It seems that the previous panic, worry, and worry, these complex emotions, have all disappeared with these four words. It wasn't the first time he heard Jiang Li speak, but this time it was as if he heard it for the first time, and he was dazed.

Lu Xiaofeng was in a state of confusion, he thought carefully about the things related to Jiang Li before, but found that his mind was blank, he couldn't remember anything, he couldn't remember anything. What did she say before? what does she look like Who are you? What should I do? It's all blank.

No, it's not like I can't remember anything.

"The building is full of flowers." Lu Xiaofeng paused, and finally remembered the name of his friend, and finally came to his senses.

"It's okay." He sighed.

Next, Lu Xiaofeng remembered that Jiang Li also played the piano very well. Although one skill is mastered and all skills are mastered, Lu Xiaofeng never thought that she could play the harp, and her performance was no worse than that of the piano. Xue Bing can only embroider, but other than that, he is fierce, like a tigress. She doesn't know how to play the piano, let alone a harp. But why, now I feel that Miss Jiang is better than Xue Bing? why is that

Hua Manlou looked in Lu Xiaofeng's direction, his originally frowning brows relaxed.

The surrounding people will not be affected by the war between the two sides, and this matter can certainly make Huamanlou happy. And it is also a happy thing to hear three different instruments playing at once, but all of them are extremely beautiful music. He is always easily satisfied, even because of such small things. It was because of the loss of his eyes that he was able to focus on these little things.

"Lu Xiaofeng, what's the matter?" Hua Manlou looked at his friend who was a little bit wrong with the usual smile on his face. He was blind and couldn't see Jiang Li's face, and Lu Xiaofeng didn't tell him that this Jiang girl had white hair, so he still didn't know about it until now, except that Jiang Li's voice was a little special, He had no other feelings, so naturally he didn't think as much as Lu Xiaofeng.

Lu Xiaofeng suddenly didn't know what to say. He originally wanted to ask Hua Manlou if he thought Jiang Li's voice seemed particularly pleasant just now, but the next second he realized that this was just nonsense and he could only scratch his head , Changed the subject and said: "Why do I always run into so much trouble..." Even listening to the piano once, such an accident will occur.

If Jiang Li hadn't made a move and let Yuan Suiyun and the mysterious man with the flute fight to the end, no matter whether Yuan Suiyun was injured and the people were affected or the other side was injured, the people were affected, or even both sides were hurt, and the people were greatly affected. It wasn't what Lu Xiaofeng wanted to see, but he really couldn't do anything about the rhythm.

The only thing Lu Xiaofeng knows about rhythm is that he can sing, but his voice is not good, and he can only speak one sentence. After anyone has heard it once, he will not want him to listen to it a second time. Relying on this broken gong voice, if you want to participate in the previous Qinxiao match, you can only ask yourself to humiliate yourself.

Jiang Li was able to intervene because she chose the right timing. Of course, her ability to play konghou was also a factor.

The battle between Yuan Suiyun and Huang Yaoshi has reached an extremely stalemate stage. Any external force may become the last straw to make their victory or defeat, and Jiang Li's strength is not only comparable to straw, but It was like a mountain, a river, no less than the two people present.

The most important point is that her konghou voice is very quiet.

Music is born from the heart, whether it is Yuan Suiyun or Huang Yaoshi, their music contains their state of mind. Although Huang Yaoshi is true, Yuan Suiyun's is fake, so there are ups and downs, there are The sound is melodious and melodious, the sound follows the heart, the sound moves with the sound, but Jiang Li's konghou sound is extremely pure, and she can't hear her mood at all.

A picture scroll depicting the prosperous place of Yanliu was unfolded. It was clear that such a cold person, but the sound of the harp seemed surprisingly warm.

All of a sudden, the mood of the two people who made the music were relieved.

Without the will to fight, this competition would naturally not be able to go on.

Yuan Suiyun took a step back first, hooked his little finger, broke the strings of the qin, and the sound of the qin stopped abruptly.

Hearing Jiang Li's voice, Huang Yaoshi had to give face to his savior no matter what, and he was confident in his strength before, thinking that he could let go and take back, and at the critical moment he would definitely be able to stop without hurting nearby pedestrians. And Huang Rong was right next to her. If something went wrong, she would be the first to suffer.

But later, the comparison became a bit real, and it was really hard to ride a tiger. Huang Yaoshi couldn't stop even if he wanted to, and had to protect Huang Rong with his hands. Although he didn't want to admit that his skills were not good enough, Jiang Li's move really did him a favor.

Huang Yaoshi thought to himself: "I didn't expect this white-haired woman to be so extraordinary in harp skills. If I have a chance in the future, I should ask for advice. Let's see how my Blue Sea Tide Sheng Song is."

Moreover, the reason why Huang Yaoshi went to sea to seek death before was because he watched the ebb and flow of the tide, felt something in his heart, was inspired, and planned to create a song based on it, but he had no inspiration before and was upset. For a moment, I lost my mind and had a will to die. At this time, Bi Haichao Shengqu has been completed, and he has accomplished his goal, and he did not suffer such a crime in vain.

Therefore, after Jiang Li made a move, Huang Yaoshi didn't say much, took Yu Xiao away, turned around and went to tease his girl Rong.

After taking the medicine, Huang Rong refused to sleep, but her spirits improved a lot, and she babbled words that no one could understand except herself.

Huang Yaoshi's hand passed between her eyebrows, her heart felt soft.

When Yuan Suiyun's hand broke the strings of the piano, it was torn apart by the aftermath and a bloody mouth was cut. He didn't care at all, he just sighed and said: "I lost my composure and almost hurt the innocent nearby." His expression was extremely sad, and he seemed innocent From the bottom of my heart, I had a three-point doubt about him before, but seeing this situation, I suddenly dispelled it.

Hearing what he said, Lu Xiaofeng would not blame him, so he quickly took the blame and said, "If you hadn't played for me, this kind of thing wouldn't have happened." Lu Xiaofeng, who was afraid of trouble, took the initiative to take the blame, and by the way filled the building with flowers It was the first time that he had picked it out, and it could be seen that he really took the soft rather than the hard, the more kind he was to him, the more helpless he would be.

Hua Manlou shook his head, he understood Lu Xiaofeng very well, because he and Lu Xiaofeng were friends, so he didn't say a word at this time.

But Yuan Suiyun spoke up, and he said: "If I don't know the two of you this time, I will lose two friends. This is a huge loss. If you still think so, then you don't treat me as a friend gone."

Lu Xiaofeng was taken aback.

Yuan Suiyun's words almost reached his heart, and he quickly said, "We are already friends."

Said categorically.

Yuan Suiyun said: "Yes, we are already friends. Of course we should play for friends. Even if we don't become friends, I play the piano for self-entertainment, which may cause this matter. In this way, how can we say Is it your fault? If Lu Xiaofeng doesn't make trouble, then it's not Lu Xiaofeng."

At the end, Yuan Suiyun's joke made everyone present laugh.

Hua Manlou smiled happily, Yuan Suiyun himself smiled softly, and Lu Xiaofeng as the person involved smiled wryly.

Yuan Suiyun said: "I don't know if Lu Xiaofeng is willing to do a favor for my friend?"

He had rejected Lu Xiaofeng's offer of help before, but now he took the initiative to ask for help, which is really intriguing.

Lu Xiaofeng had lost his mind at this time, so he patted his chest and agreed decisively.

Yuan Suiyun smiled and said: "Trouble Lu Xiaofeng, introduce Miss Jiang for me. I really want to see what it is like to be able to play such a harp."

Lu Xiaofeng was stunned for a moment, he didn't know why, he suddenly didn't want to agree, but in fact, he found himself uttering a decisive word from his mouth, he said: "Okay."

Jiang Li, who was missed by Yuan Suiyun, just came out of the house at this time.

Jiang Li is not in a good mood right now.

Anyone who is hungry and intends to eat, but finds that there is a mess to be cleaned up, can still feel better. Jiang Li didn't know that Yuan Suiyun had come, but she could still recognize Huang Yaoshi's Bi Hai Chao Sheng Song. And those who can compete with Huang Yaoshi are by no means ordinary people.

Although Baiyun City sounds fairy-like, it is a small town on an island after all, and it is only that big. Two people compete in rhythm, and the sound spreads everywhere. It is impossible for her not to hear it. Although the old butler didn't know much about martial arts, but his eyesight was not bad, so he was in a hurry at that time.

In the end, of course only Jiang Li came out to deal with it.

She found an empty room, and originally planned to ask for a piano, but unexpectedly, the servant who moved the things brought a harp instead of knowing if it was a misunderstanding. The old housekeeper saw that something was wrong, so he wanted to replace it for Jiang Li, but to Jiang Li, it didn't matter whether it was a piano, a flute, or even a harp, so he just used it.

In Jiang Li's eyes, it is a general, but in the eyes of others, it is naturally a manifestation of versatility. Although one skill can master all skills, but if you give him a knife with a sword, you will definitely not be unable to use martial arts with a knife. But there is always some influence. Since Jiang Li dared to take over this challenge, his accomplishments are definitely not low.

In fact, higher than anyone present thought.

After entering the house, take out Yulu Huangyin from the pendant column, and then it's over. It only takes two steps, simple and easy. Because she wasn't the one playing the harp, Jiang Li wouldn't suffer backlash just because he rashly participated in the fight between the two. Therefore, as long as Yuan Suiyun and Huang Yaoshi still consume their internal energy, Jiang Li will definitely not lose.

Jiang Li saw Jing Wuming at the door, so when she entered the loaded harp, she couldn't take anyone with her.

Therefore, at this time, Jing Wuming stood by the side of the yard, motionless, as if planning to wait until petrified.

Jiang Li called him: "No life."

Jing Wuming looked over.

"Does the harp sound nice?"

Jing Wuming: "..." nodded slightly.

Jiang Li said, "I also think it sounds good."

Jing Wuming: "..."

"Let's go."

Jing Wuming followed Jiang Li without saying a word.

When Jiang Li and Jing Wuming arrived at the dining room, Lu Xiaofeng also rushed in. Not only came by himself, but also brought two blind friends.

"This is my new friend, the young owner of Wuzheng Villa, Yuan Suiyun." Lu Xiaofeng introduced to Jiang Li.

Yuan Suiyun smiled slightly and said, "Miss Jiang."

In just three words, there seems to be endless tenderness.