Qixiu Royal Sister [Comprehensive Sword Three]

Chapter 5: The Golden Whip


Seeing Jiang Li coming from afar, the proprietress of the dim sum shop showed a welcoming smile, not minding her white hair at all.

In the past few days, Jiang Li has become a regular customer of the pastry shop, and he got acquainted with the proprietress, and she gradually receded from her previous panic.

After buying desserts, Jiang Li went to buy some melons and fruits, gave them to the little girl, and then slowly returned to his yard. Today was originally a sunny day, but when Jiang Li went shopping, it gradually turned cloudy. She had just entered the yard, and she didn't know whether the weather was good or bad, but it started to rain.

Looking at the sky, Jiang Li put things inside the house to avoid getting wet.

Originally, it was still early, and Jiang Li planned to go out for a walk, but now that it rains, the plan will be ruined.

Originally seeing the rain, Jiang Li didn't plan to go out, but after thinking about it, he wanted to give the little girl an umbrella, so he changed his mind. On rainy days, you can still go out, just need an umbrella. After all, that little girl is so young and a bit silly, she probably won't go to the nearby shop to hide from the rain, it's not good to let her get drenched like this, she will definitely get seriously ill.

Jiang Li has a lot of umbrellas, all of which belong to Jiansan High School. Now that she has traveled through time, she can change one by one every day, which is enough for a long time.

Misty Rain Love, Golden Snake Dance, Play Yuyuan, Butterfly Love Flower, Empty Valley Orchid, Moon Rong, Lin Yuchun, Swordsman Love, Tao Li Qing, Cuckoo Cry Red, Nian Shi En, and Shu Ling. Shu Ling's umbrella is for a limited time. Jiang Li liked it very much at first, but it was a pity that she couldn't keep it for a limited time. But now that she has traveled through time, the outdated item has become a permanent item and returned to her.

However, some of these umbrellas are pendants, some are props, and they are all included in Jiansan. They cannot be sent to anyone, and if they are a little farther away from her, they will automatically return to her pendant column or package. Therefore, if he wanted to deliver an umbrella, Jiang Li had to buy an umbrella for the little girl, or put her in a nearby place where he could see her and shelter from the rain.

Jiang Li thought about it, but he couldn't remember where the umbrella shop was, so he chose the latter option.

After choosing among the umbrellas, Jiang Li finally chose Yemu Xinghe.

This is her current favorite or this one, after all, it is not easy to come by.

Holding an umbrella, Jiang Li went out the door.

At this time, the pedestrians on the street were all in a hurry, some were in a hurry to go home, some were looking for a place to shelter from the rain, it seemed that Jiang Li was a bit out of tune with this world. But if she doesn't change her hairstyle and hair color someday, it's not easy to blend in. Thinking about it this way, Jiang Li was also a little thankful that she thought red hair was too ugly back then, so she didn't buy it, otherwise she would definitely be regarded as a monster.

There are also white hairs that are born with less gray hairs, and the so-called white hairs that are hurt by love overnight, but there is really no reason to explain the red hair.

Jiang Li quickened his pace, and when he got under the tree, he happened to see a blood-stained, rather embarrassed man standing in front of the little girl with several subordinates similar to him. He had seen that person before, and it was indeed her second uncle. Jiang Li saw that someone had found him, and secretly thought that he had something to do, so he planned to leave.

The little girl hadn't finished eating the candied haws, so she held it in her hand and shook it at her.

At this moment, the man got a reminder, turned around, stopped her, cupped his fists and said: "Before Xiaofu was taken care of by the girl, the Ji family will remember it in his heart. If you come to a place that is useful in the future, please feel free to speak up." "If you just look at her face, Jiang Li would naturally be able to call her a girl, but just looking at her white hair, he was afraid that she would not be respectful enough to annoy Jiang Li, so he changed his name to senior.

Jiang Li said: "It's just a matter of convenience."

After that, she turned and left.

After walking a few steps, Jiang Li suddenly recalled what that person said just now, Ji Jia, Xiao Fu, didn't think about it before, after all, what they call has nothing to do with her, even Xuanyuan's dog is fine, now I see, The sum of these two pieces of information is not Ji Xiaofu? So now should be the time for her to go to Emei to learn martial arts

I don't know if I didn't read the almanac when I went out today, but after meeting Yang Xiao, I even met Ji Xiaofu.

It's not surprising that Yang Xiao in his thirties fell in love with Ji Xiaofu in his twenties, but at least the current Yang Xiao would never be so cruel that he would attack a little girl. Now that Yang Xiao is twenty, and Ji Xiaofu is still so young, I'm afraid they don't even know that the two sides who can be said to be in a bad relationship met so early in the first place.

Originally, these were all idle things and had nothing to do with her. Jiang Li didn't want to worry about it, and she couldn't worry about it until more than ten years later, but since the Emei Sixiu made her trouble, she naturally didn't have to be polite to them. Emei is not soft-hearted. Jiang Li didn't stop, just turned his back to a few people, and said, "If I'm right, Mr. Ji is going to send Xiaofu to Emei to practice martial arts, right?"

Of course there is nothing to hide about such a small matter, Ji Xiaofu's second uncle nodded frankly. It was only at this time that he really noticed Jiang Li's complexion. He didn't expect his niece to meet such a beautiful woman in such a short period of time. He suddenly became a mute, unable to speak.

Jiang Li didn't care too much, he just said: "Then what happened in the restaurant across the street, I guess you might be interested, so why not ask about it."

After all, she didn't stay any longer.

It is enough to tell him about this kind of thing so far, let him inquire about the rest, otherwise it will be superfluous.

Second Uncle Ji Xiaofu wanted to ask again, but seeing Jiang Li's gradually shrinking back, he could only swallow his words helplessly.

There are a lot of strange people in Jianghu. Compared with other people, Jiang Li's hair color is a little more conspicuous, and his appearance is too outstanding. Others are not abnormal. In addition, Jiang Li helped Ji Xiaofu again, seeing that she refused to talk anymore, he couldn't force him, so he could only shake his head and continue to comfort Ji Xiaofu. Ji Xiaofu was obviously resentful for being left here for so long due to an unexpected situation.

After coaxing for a long time, he finally made sense of her, hugged her and prepared to stay nearby, naturally he didn't forget to inquire about what Jiang Li said before. After all, Jiang Li is Ji Xiaofu's benefactor, and also a great beauty who fascinates him, so the impression is naturally very deep, and he can't forget it even if he wants to.

Later, after Ji Xiaofu's second uncle heard about the wonderful performance of Emei's four shows, his face suddenly turned black, and he really began to hesitate about Ji Xiaofu's decision to go to Emei to apprentice.

This incident happened not long ago, so everyone still remembers it fresh and thinks it can be used as a talking point. In the original book, the Emei Sixiu who doesn't stick to small details can break out directly when Lu Xiaofeng is taking a bath. In comparison, such things as chasing men on the street are not unacceptable.

Although the sons and daughters of the rivers and lakes are informal, but when he thinks that his niece will follow such senior sisters in the future, the one who is close to the red and the one who is close to the black is not sure what it will be like, Ji Xiaofu's second uncle hesitated deeply. Now go to Emei, if someone ruins him, how can he explain to his brother? He thought for a while, and said to Xiaofu: "Xiaofu, let's not go to Emei, shall we go home?"

The world is so big, although the Ji family's martial arts are not very good, it is not suitable for Ji Xiaofu, but if you want to find a good school, relying on Ji Xiaofu's roots, there is absolutely no problem. There is no Emei, but there are others. Although the Ji family is not a big force, it is still somewhat weak. It is not difficult to find a reliable school for Ji Xiaofu to learn martial arts.

Ji Xiaofu was still a little ignorant about these things, so she just clapped her hands and replied, "Okay, Second Uncle, let's go home."

Jiang Li didn't expect that her words would have such a big effect, but that's for later, so I won't mention it for now.

At this moment, Jiang Li was holding onto the night sky to prepare to go home.

As she was walking, Jiang Li noticed something. She was planning to go home, but just now in order to create her aloof image, she walked fast and not chaotically, so she went in the wrong direction, not only did she not go home , on the contrary, it went farther and farther. At this time, I don't know if the people from Ji's family have left or not. It is obviously not good to go back now.

How could something like self-slapping happen to her

Since there is only one straight street on this street, if it is raining, don't go around and go back, or turn around and walk back, Jiang Li thought about it, but he didn't choose either. In fact, shopping in rainy days has a special taste, anyway, idleness is idleness, so Jiang Li decided to go shopping for a while before going back.

Jiang Li took an umbrella and walked from the street to the end of the street calmly. The rain became heavier and the sky was gloomy. At some point, the whole street became quiet. In such a heavy rain, in order to avoid getting wet for himself and his belongings, he should Those who closed the stalls closed the stalls, and those who should close the doors closed, leaving her alone.

It was clearly still afternoon, but the sky was so dark that it seemed that it had already entered the night.

The road is a bluestone road, the rain fell on it, there was no dust splashed, only the endless sound.

Jiang Li was walking in the rain, but the rushing rain did not get close to her body at all.

Walking along the way, the curtain of rain seems to obey Jiang Li's order and automatically separate for her.

Such an effect can be achieved when the inner strength is completed and the true energy is released outward.

Her feet are extremely light, stepping on the thin water surface, her feet are slightly suspended in the air, but it is like walking on flat ground, without splashing the slightest splash.

The galaxy in the night glowed faintly, and the faint blue-white light shrouded her side, making Jiang Li look more ethereal and unreal.

Jiang Li is wandering in the sky.

This street is mainly where shops, taverns and inns are located. After walking to the end, a crossroad appeared in front of Jiang Li.

Under such circumstances, a young man appeared not far from Jiangli's left front.

He still needs to hurry on such a rainy day, so it can be seen that he is definitely not out to play, he must have something to do.

Jiang Li walked over vertically, while he walked from left to right.

The young man has a handsome appearance, and his whole body is full of nobility and restraint, which makes people see that he is of extraordinary background.

In normal times, young men would surely attract the favor of many girls and daughters-in-law, but now that it is raining, only Jiang Li is left on the road. Jiang Li was a little indifferent, she felt that no matter whether the other person looked good or not, he was far inferior to her anyway, so she stopped paying attention.

The young man stopped suddenly because he saw Jiang Li.

The two were so close that even the curtain of rain could not stop them.

If someone saw such a beautiful woman and didn't react at all, then he must not be a man.

A young man is, of course, a man.

It's not like he hasn't seen beauties before, but at this moment, he felt his heart skip a beat.