Qixiu Royal Sister [Comprehensive Sword Three]

Chapter 51: Who wins and who loses


Although the attendants of Baiyun City are a bit rigid from top to bottom and don't know how to adapt, they are still very efficient in handling things.

The beef soup cook that Lu Xiaofeng and the others were looking for was quickly brought over. Surprisingly, the cook was very young and a beautiful maiden. Although compared to Shaman, her appearance is a little less attractive, she doesn't have the attractiveness of a mature woman, and she is far inferior to Jiang Li, but she still has a bit of girlish vigor, which can be regarded as very beautiful.

At least she is not necessarily the best cook among the cooks, but she has a high probability of becoming the most beautiful. With this beautiful face, she could have gained more, but she became a cook. This is really a puzzling thing, at least Lu Xiaofeng couldn't figure it out.

But Lu Xiaofeng didn't ask. Although many questions should be asked if he can't figure it out, if he asks this question, maybe the girl in front of him may slap him directly, and Lu Xiaofeng who is wronged will most likely not be able to fight back. Because he doesn't care and never hits a woman. Therefore, despite the itch in his heart, Lu Xiaofeng still kept his mouth tightly shut, to avoid saying what he should not say.

"Do you like the beef soup I made?" The girl smiled brightly, like a blooming flower, and after bowing to several people, she asked generously.

Lu Xiaofeng nodded involuntarily, he really couldn't say no to such a girl, and this beef soup was indeed delicious. He just has such a bad habit, when he meets a beautiful girl, he can't move his feet, but now Lu Xiaofeng has restrained himself a lot.

Because after meeting Jiang Li, Lu Xiaofeng realized that no one was considered pretty in his eyes. But now Jiang Li is in the back room, not here, there is no comparison, naturally there can be no gap.

Huamanlou remembered that when Shangguan Feiyan broke into Baihualou, she was also very lively. His mood suddenly sank down.

Yuan Suiyun had a standard smile on his face, no one knew what he was thinking. But at least one thing, he must know this cook, not only knowing, but also having a close relationship. If he hadn't raised this matter, a cook would not have been able to overcome many obstacles and stand here successfully.

At this moment, Jing Wuming's expression moved slightly, and he stood up. This action was undoubtedly very conspicuous, and everyone turned their attention to him. Jing Wuming has never been a person who likes Bo's presence. Most of the time, he appears to be very non-existent. Therefore, now everyone wants to know what he is going to do.

But in the next second, Jing Wuming showed a stiff expression on his face, which could almost be called cramp, and then he sat down.

Lu Xiaofeng: "..." What are you going to do, can you tell me exactly

In the past, only Ximen Chuuxue made Lu Xiaofeng speechless, then Jiang Li was added, and now Jing Wuming was added.

Lu Xiaofeng's nemesis is increasing day by day.

Hua Manlou and Yuan Suiyun didn't say anything about it.

Jiang Li stood behind the screen.

Here is the backlight, and her figure cannot be reflected on it.

There was a big play going on outside, and it was refreshing to listen to it from across the room, of course not to watch it directly.

Jiang Li originally planned to come out, she had nothing to be ashamed of, but Jing Wuming seemed to have misunderstood, that's why she acted like this. Therefore, Jiang Li changed his mind, in order not to disappoint Jing Wuming after all the "hard work", she simply remained motionless and decided not to come out.

After this episode, Jing Wuming fell silent again, if he wasn't still breathing, there seemed to be no one like him in this room.

The girl who cooked the beef soup showed a big smile, and she stretched out a hand to Lu Xiaofeng.

This is not a pampered hand, with a layer of calluses growing on it, it is actually the hand of the cook, which is enough to dispel some of Lu Xiaofeng's doubts.

Lu Xiaofeng was still struggling with what Jing Wuming wanted to do, and didn't understand what she meant.

The girl wondered: "Since you like my beef soup very much, and you called me over again, shouldn't you give me some money?"

This is undoubtedly true.

And even for a philistine thing like asking for money, it looks very pleasing to the eye and the mind when this girl does it.

Lu Xiaofeng touched his pocket unconsciously.

Up to now, he was penniless, if it wasn't for this, Lu Xiaofeng would be happy to give all his money to the girl in front of him.

Huamanlou wanted to help Lu Xiaofeng very much. But ever since he was "deceived" by Sharman out of Baihualou, even though he didn't enjoy the food, clothing, housing and transportation all the way, the other party paid for it. Bring money, there's nothing you can do about it.

Yuan Suiyun took out a bank note, and he handed it over.

The girl glanced at it, smiled dazedly, and said, "You guys are really generous."

Of course it can be considered generous, things like bank notes usually start at a hundred taels, and Yuan Suiyun, as the young master of Wuzheng Villa, couldn't be more stingy with his hand. Lu Xiaofeng was so busy teasing girls that he forgot about "business", but Yuan Suiyun didn't. After he gave the silver ticket, he asked, "This beef soup tastes so delicious, but how is it made? What ingredients are added?"

It was about a bet, Lu Xiaofeng became serious now.

"This is an exclusive secret. If I tell you all, what else will I do?" The girl showed an unhappy look on her face.

Yuan Suiyun took out another bank note.

Money can turn ghosts around, and of course it can make a person talk.

"I met a nobleman today." The girl took it over, her face was flushed, and she looked very happy.

"In this case, it's okay for me to tell you." She finally let go, and revealed a series of ingredients, which were very detailed, and even said what parts of the beef were used. No matter how precious this craft is, it cannot be worth so much money. It must be worth the money spent.

As Lu Xiaofeng listened, his heart sank.

Because except for the individual order, it is exactly the same as what Yuan Suiyun said. Because of his preconceived impressions, Lu Xiaofeng ruled out the fact that Yuan Suiyun and this girl knew each other at first. He still can't figure out why Yuan Suiyun's nose can be so powerful, and he can tell everything just by smelling it. up.

This was the first time that Lu Xiaofeng was not happy at all when he won the bet.

Yuan Suiyun said calmly: "I am willing to bet and admit defeat." After finishing speaking, he asked Lu Xiaofeng to make an offer.

The girl asked, "What kind of bet?"

Yuan Suiyun answered every question, and patiently explained to her.

Hearing this, she laughed and said, "For the sake of money, I have to tell you a secret."

"What secret?" Lu Xiaofeng finally raised his head and asked.

"A shocking secret, do you think this beef soup is delicious, right? Do you know what is added in it? In addition to the above, there is one more thing that I didn't intend to tell you. Poison and medicine are beef Among the soups, the best seasoning. In other words, you lost the bet." The girl smiled and said something very scary with a different expression from hers.

Lu Xiaofeng's expression changed, because he felt that this girl was not joking, she was very serious, very serious.

The next moment, the girl's hand came towards Lu Xiaofeng.

She spent so long planning and managing, and managed to sneak into the kitchen of Baiyun City with the craft of beef soup, and now she was exposed so easily, it seemed like a joke. But to her, as long as the goal is achieved, what does it matter? not related.

Her hands are extremely fast and beautiful, like a faintly blooming orchid.

This is exactly the unique skill that Fairy Ruyi became famous in the old world, Ruyi Orchid Hand.

This kind of kung fu was extremely difficult to practice. It took Fairy Ruyi three years to complete it, and it has been practiced across the world. However, Fairy Ruyi's daughter did not inherit her mother's talent. She spent thirty years and still achieved nothing. Since then, this kung fu should have been lost, but now it has reappeared in the arena.

Lu Xiaofeng was the first to experience this famous stunt.

He originally had a consonant finger that could hold the world's weapons, and he shouldn't have been afraid of this girl, but the girl's kung fu was by no means low, on the contrary, it was very high, and it came too suddenly. Most importantly, it was just like what she said. , Lu Xiaofeng suddenly felt that his whole body froze for a while, and it was very difficult to mobilize his internal energy, as if a thousand catties of weight was suddenly added to his body, as if he was really poisoned.

Lu Xiaofeng, who was poisoned, of course had no ability to clamp this finger, and also had no way to dodge the attack.

But the attack was still caught.

Just when she was about to hit Lu Xiaofeng, she was pinched by another pair of hands.

Huamanlou is Lu Xiaofeng's friend, Lu Xiaofeng's consonant point, he just happens to be able to do it too, although it's not good enough, but it's enough for the moment.

The girl was very strange, she said urgently: "Are you not poisoned?"

Hua Manlou said, "I'm poisoned."

He was very honest, and the girl also noticed this, she only used light force to pull Hua Manlou's two fingers back.

As long as it happens again, Lu Xiaofeng will definitely become a dead Xiaofeng.

At this time, if Yuan Suiyun made another move, attacking inside and outside, most of the people who wanted to come here would be wiped out.

But Yuan Suiyun didn't do anything.

He felt that Gong Jiu and his subordinates were really idiots, so impatient. At least put in the beef soup, see Jiang Li use it. It is unreliable to cooperate with an idiot, and sooner or later he will be dragged to death, so Yuan Suiyun gave up this girl without the love of her companion. You know, there is still an unfathomable "Jiang girl" in the house, how could it be possible to do it so early

In fact, the poison is not only in the beef soup, but also in every dish, with one exception. It's just that the poison in other dishes is only an inducement, as long as the beef soup is used again, it will completely break out. Enough to turn a martial arts master into a lamb waiting to be slaughtered. At such a high price, there is always something to be gained.

The only exception was the pickled cucumber that Jing Wuming ate. Because this poison is colorless and tasteless, but it is extremely overbearing. The only nemesis is vinegar. If it is in vinegar, this poison will be abolished. The reason why Jing Wuming only served the dish in front of him, except himself, no one knew whether it was a coincidence or other reasons.

If it was a coincidence, it must also be said that his luck was really good.

After the others lost their combat effectiveness, Jing Wuming drew his sword.