Qixiu Royal Sister [Comprehensive Sword Three]

Chapter 56


Jiang Li said: "The more poisonous poison is often the best seasoning."

Niu Rou Tang said this to Lu Xiaofeng before, and now Jiang Li said it to Jing Wuming. Because this is actually true, but most people don't have the guts to use poison as a seasoning. Jing Wuming fell silent, Jiang Li had told Lu Xiaofeng before that she was invulnerable to all poisons. However, even if a hundred poisons are invulnerable, maybe that kind of poison happens to be the one hundred and one kind

Jing Wuming would not refute Jiang Li's words, so he could only remain silent.

Whether it is martial arts or medical skills, Jiang Li is naturally superior to him, but if the level of martial arts can determine everything, then this Jianghu is another look. Sometimes, the power brought by intrigue is even far superior to martial arts. Although Jing Wuming is not very old, he has been in the rivers and lakes for a long time, and he has a good understanding of this.

Of course, Jiang Li didn't care about his silence, she asked: "Wu Ming, have you used your dinner yet?"

Jiang Li really fell asleep afterwards. She is a little tired today, and it is relatively safe here. If there is any accident, she can wake up immediately, so after the group of gift givers in Baiyun City came, she fell asleep, and even the food box later I have a vague impression of when it was delivered, but I can't remember the specifics.

Jing Wuming nodded.

While Jiang Li was asleep, many things happened.

When Ye Gucheng and Ximen Chuuxue woke up, the first thing they did was of course to sort out the situation, who was the one who attacked them.

The place where the two of them were attacked was a cliff, the cliff was quite high, and there was a vast ocean below. When Ye Gucheng practiced his sword, he often watched the changes of the sea of clouds here. This matter is not a secret, everyone knows. But everyone knew it in the past, but no one was able to take advantage of it.

Although Ye Gucheng likes to be quiet and usually doesn't take his subordinates with him, his subordinates will also guard on the road that must pass through the cliff to prevent pedestrians from entering by mistake. It's called tough. No matter what, Ye Gucheng couldn't be so stupid.

Baiyun City has been able to stand as a sea power until now, and it always has some background. If you really have to fight hard, it is too difficult to win. The best result is that both sides will suffer, and it may not be possible to win.

But this time the enemy was very clever, and did not choose to sneak attack, but attacked from the front alone.

The protection on the top of the cliff is tight, but no one cares about it below. It is too high. Even with the lightness kung fu, it is impossible for ordinary people to climb up from such a high and steep place, but the other party is alone. When Chuuxue was not vigilant, she suddenly jumped up and unfolded her peacock feathers at the critical moment.

The incident was too sudden, even though Ye Gucheng and Ximen Chuuxue drew their swords in time, they could not stop the world's number one hidden weapon.

The other party had made precise preparations, and even wanted to make up for it again, except for Peacock Ling, but it was only because the attendants of Baiyun City found something wrong and came up to check, which shocked him away. He was wearing a black night clothes, with a bamboo hat on his face, and a stiff mask under the hat, so it was impossible to distinguish his identity, only knowing that his lightness kung fu must be very good.

The identity of the instigator cannot be found out, but life is still passable, I can only be vigilant about this matter, and I can't keep entangled in it. Ye Gucheng and Ximen Chuuxue will never fall twice on the same matter. Since the mastermind behind the scenes cannot be found out temporarily, it is good to pay attention to the movement. Since the other party has made a move, he must have something to ask for, and it is impossible to do nothing afterwards .

Therefore, after that, they went to their own business.

Ye Gucheng carried Ye Guhong to the Ye Family Ancestral Hall to face the ancestors. He originally wanted to hold a banquet to thank Jiang Li for saving his life, and by the way, continue to entrust the things that Baiyun City needed to do to Lu Xiaofeng, while he was doing civil work . Because now Ye Gucheng really can't use force at all, and his body may be weaker than ordinary people. But being pissed off by Ye Guhong, he immediately decided to deal with this scam first.

The first time Ximen Chuuxue was injured more seriously than Ye Gucheng, but the second time because the attack was mainly aimed at Ye Gucheng, his injury was lighter. In comparison, he and Ye Gucheng were about the same. After coming here, he retreated, intending to carefully appreciate the gains from the sword competition and discussion with Ye Gucheng.

Lu Xiaofeng, who was struggling, hadn't fully recovered his skills yet, and he panicked when he was looked at by the pleading eyes of Baiyun City. Playing chess with Yuan Suiyun was very harmonious, and did not save him. In the end, Lu Xiaofeng could only go back to work honestly.

While playing chess with Hua Manlou, Yuan Suiyun was also thinking about how to get the beef soup out, or shut up. Of course he didn't come alone, he has already contacted his subordinates, and he can pass the news of the beef soup to Gong Jiu, but whether Gong Jiu will come to rescue him, when did he come, and how long it will take to receive the news is still a question. unknown.

He never counts on others, especially Yuan Suiyun, Gong Jiu and his group of pig-like subordinates. He has already planned for himself, and he has already made a plan. Forget it, only the dead will keep secrets forever.

As for Hua Manlou, he was really simply playing chess with Yuan Suiyun, and enjoyed it very much, feeling extremely happy.

Therefore, the dinner party that was originally planned was gone, and something happened in the kitchen. I was checking the other cooks for problems, and there were not enough manpower, so I simply found some reassuring people to make some refreshing porridge and side dishes, They were sent over one by one. Of course it was two servings, and he had already eaten Jing Wuming's.

Jiang Li got an affirmative answer, sat down opposite Jing Wuming, and started to eat dinner.

After eating, she put the food box aside and officially began to unpack the gift box.

The two gift boxes look very big and beautiful, but they are actually not heavy. If you weigh them a little, after deducting their own weight, there is not much left. There was a row of gold needles in the first box, Jiang Li glanced at it and knew the quantity, no more, no less, it was indeed a hundred. But the purity is definitely not as good as what Jiang Li used before, so it doesn't matter, as the technology can't reach it, and there's no way to force it.

Jiang Li took the handful of gold needles, went back to the house, pretended to put them away, but actually stuffed them into the package to occupy a space, and only then opened the other one. The previous one was just compensation, the real thank you gift is here. In another box, there are three huge pearls, each of which is almost exactly the same size.

Even one is enough to be called invaluable, but three together, the value has to be doubled. I am afraid that someone is willing to pay an unimaginable price for these three South Pearls.

Baiyun City is located in the South China Sea. Pearl mining has always been a big business. I don't know how long I have been saving these three identical beads. They may even be used by the royal family. They may not be as good as Jiang Li's here. At this time, I gave them all. It can be seen that because they are grateful to Jiang Li for saving Ye Gucheng, they in Baiyun City are also more guilty of the mess, this time it can be said that they have paid a lot of money.

It stands to reason that as long as it is a woman, most of them should like some jewelry, but at this moment Jiang Li's gaze on this bead has nothing to do with liking, on the contrary, it seems that there are some doubts that have not been answered. Jiang Li pondered for a moment, then asked, "Do you think this bead looks familiar?"

Jing Wuming shook his head.

Although these three South Pearls are not any secrets of martial arts, if people die for money, if they appear in the rivers and lakes, it will inevitably cause a bloody storm. With them, you can change too many things. And with his many years of experience in the world, he has never heard of such a big and beautiful pearl appearing in the world.

Jiang Li was actually just asking casually. Although her memory is not very good, it can't reach the level of photographic memory, but she can't just forget what just happened. She probably hasn't seen Pearl in the past few days. Thinking of this, Jiang Li suddenly thought of something, she put down the box, and walked into the room again.

She remembered where she had seen it. When she first came here, in order to know what she had, Jiang Li sorted out the package and remembered the location of some things so that it would be easier to pick them up and find them later. It was probably at that time that I saw something similar. This time Jiang Li rummaged through the package, she skipped the miscellaneous things, and fell into the classification of materials.

Jiang Li used to specialize in pharmacy in the game, so there are also some blue and purple materials used in pharmacy, as well as various medicinal materials in the bag. These things can't be exchanged for much in the store. It's only a dozen or twenty gold, and she sometimes has leftovers. If there is room in the bag, she will put it in a corner. What she was looking for at this time was the Pearl Embellishment.

Originally in Sword Three, the blue material was worthless, but now in reality, the value of the pearl alone is immeasurable. It's a pity that Jiang Li lacks everything, except money. After having money that can't be used up in a lifetime, money is just a number to her, and she doesn't feel anything when it increases or decreases.

Jiang Li thought for a while, and let out the door with a handful of pearls.

Of course Jing Wuming was still in the yard.

His gaze fell from Jiang Li's body to her hand.

Jing Wuming: "..."

"Wu Ming, look, doesn't it look familiar?" Jiang Li asked.

What Jiang Li said was correct, the pearls of Baiyun City's Xie Li look very similar to the pearls in her hand, no matter in size or color, the ones in her hands are not inferior to those in Baiyun City. But Baiyun City sent a thank you gift, and solemnly took a precious rosewood box, covered with red silk, and Jiang Li grabbed it casually, without any protective measures at all.

Even with Jing Wuming's very honest temperament, he felt for a moment that Baiyun City was too stingy to take such a small thing as a gift in return, but reason told him that these things are very precious, but the girl's status is extraordinary , there is no shortage of these extraneous things. After thinking about it, Jing Wuming was almost distracted by two diametrically opposite thoughts.

Jiang Li said: "Forget it, you can keep it for me."

Jing Wuming didn't refuse this time, he nodded and took the box back to his room.

Jiang Li said again: "It's getting late, you should go and rest too."

Jing Wuming nodded and said, "Girl, I've filled up the water tank at the gate of the courtyard."

"Yeah." Jiang Li responded, "Go to sleep."

Jing Wuming turned around and entered the room, after a while there was no movement, and he really went to sleep.

Jiang Li jumped lightly and left the courtyard.

She is going to do something.

The author has something to say: Sorry for the late update.

It’s the once-a-month Angel Hour with Broken Wings again, and the pain is so painful that I’m shivering all over while sitting, but I have to do my work without changing my face.

In order to praise my efficiency, the leader asked me to stand for half an hour.

When I went out, I felt like my lower body was numb.

I was in a dazed state all day, and it took an hour to go home leaning on the wall.

Usually I only need twenty minutes.

After rolling on the bed for half an hour, I got up and wrote an update.

If I can hold it, I will write the second update for you, if I can’t hold it, there is nothing I can do.