Qixiu Royal Sister [Comprehensive Sword Three]

Chapter 6: Prince of the South


Jiang Li could see that the young man still had a very gorgeous scabbard decorated with pearls and gemstones around his waist. No matter how good his sword skills were, at least this scabbard was very valuable, not something ordinary people could afford. There is a faint sense of fortitude in the scabbard, it can be seen that the sword in it is also considered extraordinary, and it is not something that is golden and jade, and it is even more rare.

The swords and scabbards carried by many dandies are more gorgeous than the last, and even the swords are covered with gold and gemstones. His iron sword, which breaks at the touch of a touch, can be used as a plaything, but it is completely a joke to hurt the enemy and kill people.

Not only that, but the young man was followed by several guards, all of whom were tall and thick, and looked fierce, so they were not easy to provoke. A few people still carry evil spirits on their bodies, which shows that they have two hands. But at this moment, the young man waved his hand, ordering them to retreat, so as not to disturb Jiang Li. Under his order, all these people were as obedient as rabbits, and stopped one by one.

In this kind of rain, Jiang Li's appearance like this is indeed easy to be misunderstood, whether it is a mountain spirit or a water charm, anyway, it is not like a human being.

Beauty, if it reaches Jiang Li's level, it is enough to become a powerful weapon. Apart from the young man, the group of subordinates behind him were also not spared. It's just that they would never dare to think about the woman their master liked, so they simply lowered their heads and pretended to be dead.

But what if it's a goblin? Whether it is a mountain spirit or a water charm, such a beauty, no matter what it is, he wants it. The young man's eyes were full of admiration and amazement that couldn't be more obvious, and there was even a slight gasp that he didn't notice. Born in a wealthy village, he has seen countless so-called beauties, but only today did he know what a real peerless beauty is.

The right time, the right place, the right people and everything in place, he may never see a scene in this life that can impress him more than this. At this time, the young man came up with an idea, to get her, he must get her at all costs. What power, what status, what plan, where is the beauty in front of you important

Otherwise, he might regret it for the rest of his life.

Behind the young man, a slightly more clever subordinate finally held back his gaze and kept his gaze away from Jiang Li, so as not to be sued by the beauty, and his family's heir would settle accounts after autumn. Seeing the young man's movements, he bowed slightly and asked : "Master, you have taken a fancy to that girl, do you want to be subordinate..."

The young man woke up like a dream and said: "No, you back off..."

He was here in a daze, but Jiang Li had no time to wait, since he had reached the end, he turned around and planned to go back.

"Girl!" the young man shouted.

He originally wanted to say a lot, but when it came to his mouth, looking at Jiang Li's back, he couldn't say a word.

Just a girl.

Just this one sentence, but it also yelled with sorrow, as if there were thousands of words that could not be said.

Jiang Li heard the sound and almost got goosebumps. She naturally knew that in the heavy rain, he would definitely not call others, so she turned slightly sideways and looked at him.

Her white hair was draped over her shoulders, and it was not tied up. There was only a hair band, which tied the ends of her hair lightly, and swayed gently between her forehead with the undulating wind. The rain brushed by, as if they didn't dare to touch her, so as not to cover up Jiang Li's beauty. That beautiful and beautiful face officially appeared in front of the young man's eyes.

It is said that looking at a beautiful woman under the light always makes her more beautiful and more attractive. But the beauties in the rain don't give in too much.

Seen from the front, Jiang Li carried two long swords of the same color as the Night Galaxy in the rain, as if matching ice-blue long swords, only the hilt was exposed, but they were still shining brightly. That jade-like slender hand gently held the light blue umbrella handle. Although she used the unparalleled sword in the world, her fingertips did not leave the slightest thin callus that a swordsman should have. Lady.

With such bare hands, people have to praise him for his icy skin and jade skin, his spirit is clear and his bones are beautiful.

When did such a beauty appear in the rivers and lakes

The young man originally mustered up his courage and wanted to talk to Jiang Li, but when Jiang Li's cold eyes fell on him, his face suddenly flushed red and his heart pounded. He was originally considered a seasoned veteran, and had seen quite a few beauties, but now when he saw Jiang Li, he acted like a kid, unable to speak at all, for fear of offending the beauties.

Seeing that he didn't speak or urge him, Jiang Li gently turned the handle of the umbrella in his hand, and turned around in the splashing rain.

Even the side face reserved for the young man showed that she had a radiant complexion and a noble temperament, and she was beautiful in every way, and she couldn't pick out a single flaw. In this way, people couldn't tell whether the umbrella was shining, or the sword was shining, or Jiang Li's unparalleled complexion, coupled with the gloomy heavy rain, made him hallucinate

It's really true that people who are not intoxicated by wine are intoxicated by themselves, and those who are not attractive in sex are intoxicated by themselves. At present, the young man is obsessed with beauty, but he can't help but come up with such a funny idea. When he thought about it, coupled with the cold rain splashing on his face, he was no longer a brat after all, but he regained some composure.

I thought to myself that this kind of beauty dares to walk alone in the rivers and lakes, and she can still have such a sharp weapon. Presumably, her martial arts are not weak and her background is good. If she wants to force her to stay, on the one hand, she will offend the beauty, and on the other hand, he may not be able to stay. Huairou is the top priority. Although his martial arts are slightly inferior, he is still one of the best young fighters, and he has great opportunities waiting for him in the future, so he doesn't worry about not being able to impress the hearts of those in front of him.

As long as people want something, they can be persuaded, but how can there be so many people who want nothing in this world? The young man changed his mind, only to feel that the beauty in front of him had become his own. But good things have to be enjoyed slowly, which is good enough, and he is not the kind of person who waits for a cow to chew peonies. In this way, he naturally regained his previous demeanor.

Thinking of this, he opened his mouth and said: "Girl, I saw you walking alone in the rain earlier, so I took the liberty to bother you and looked at Haihan. Now that the sky is dark and the rain is falling heavily, you might as well go to the humble house to take shelter from the rain until the rain stops Do you care about it? The humble house is not far away, just ahead. When you meet a girl for the first time, let me do my best as a landlord.”

The young man said this frankly, without concealing his admiration for Jiang Li, being upright and generous, it is easy to attract people's favor. After all, the sons and daughters of the world don't care about trivial matters. If he is sneaky, he can't escape the evaluation of a treacherous villain, but when he says this, he becomes a fair lady.

Of course Jiang Li doesn't have to like him, this is Jiang Li's freedom, but Jiang Li doesn't care if someone likes her, the most he can do is say, you like me, that's your business, what's wrong with me? I'm so good, isn't it normal to be liked? Therefore, the young man's words blocked Jiang Li's refusal in his throat.

Jiang Li wanted to refuse, but after hearing what he said, he immediately said, "That's fine."

It wasn't because of the young man's ranting words, Jiang Li has always been willful, even if he was ran out for a few words, it would be fine, or even a hair would not be lost. She doesn't care at all. Just because of his last sentence, "The humble house is not far away, just ahead." The road is not long, and it will end soon. There is only one mansion, Nanwang Mansion.

Then the identity of this person can be imagined.

Prince of the South.

Only then did Jiang Li take a serious look at the young man. According to the original book "Legend of Lu Xiaofeng", because the son of the Southern King was born exactly the same as His Majesty today, the Southern King's family came up with the idea of Li Daitao, planning to plot rebellion and join hands with Ye Gucheng, the lord of Baiyun City. He planned the battle on the top of the Forbidden City and planned to replace His Majesty with him. In other words, today's face looks like this too

The prince of the Southern King still can't attract her interest, but Jiang Li is very interested in the master of the Prince of the Southern Prince, Ye Gucheng, the lord of Baiyun City who taught him. She has met Ximen Chuuxue before, and she has to praise that it is better to meet each other than to be famous. He often exaggerates, but when he meets Ximen Chuuxue himself, he knows that it is not an exaggeration. So what does Ye Gucheng, who is as famous as Ximen Chuuxue, look like

In any case, he must be a magnificent swordsman, and as a swordsman, it would be a pity if he didn't see him last time.

There are also rumors in the world that Ximen Chuuxue only goes out four times a year to kill four people he thinks should be killed. So this time, is he here to kill people, or to see Ye Gucheng? Although in the original book, Ximen Chuixue and Ye Gucheng had never met before the decisive battle at the top of the Forbidden City, but now this world is not only about the legend of Lu Xiaofeng, and there may be changes in the future.

After all, Ximen Chuixue is to Ye Gucheng, Pang Ban is to Lang Fanyun, Ziyihou is to the man in white, Xie Xiaofeng is to Yan Shisan, they are all destined opponents. In life, a confidant dies without regret, and they are not only opponents, but also confidants. Although the two of them did not meet in the original book, it is very normal if they want to meet.

Therefore, Jiang Li wanted to take a look at the Nanwang Mansion.

Unexpectedly, Prince Nan whose identity had already been guessed by Jiang Li was overjoyed when she agreed, secretly thinking that his idea was really good, and he needed to make persistent efforts, but Jiang Li's eyes suddenly fell on him, neither cold nor warm, neither cold nor cold. It's cold, but it seems that there is some heart-penetrating power filling it.

Even with the mental preparation, Nan Wang's son suddenly froze, and then said: "It's not far ahead, girl please."

After all, Nan Wang Shizi led the way ahead, he was not as good as Jiang Li in terms of internal strength, so the rain fell on his body, and his whole body was wet in a blink of an eye. It's just that the beauty is behind him at this time, in order to make a good impression with the beauty, he naturally put on a heroic image, without even holding an umbrella, just walking in such strides.

Jiang Li followed him, her steps were slow, but every time Prince Nan turned his head, he could see the same distance between her and him. That beautiful blue umbrella was still held in her hand, so every time he turned his head, he almost felt dazzled, not knowing what year it was.

Far behind Jiang Li, these were the subordinates before Prince Nan, and they followed silently without saying a word.

When he turned his head for the thirty-first time, Prince Nan pointed to the building far ahead and said, "Girl, this is it."