Qixiu Royal Sister [Comprehensive Sword Three]

Chapter 60


Ye Gucheng has been waiting for some time.

He never liked to put on airs, so he was alone and did not bring his subordinates. After returning from the Ye Family Ancestral Temple, he came here directly.

Ye Gucheng had heard about Lu Xiaofeng's poisoning before, but now he is injured and unable to use force, it is very dangerous for Baiyun City to have no one with high force. This can also be seen from what happened one after another, the other party has become a little unscrupulous. His injury could not heal in a day or two, so he had to change the person in charge, or he had to find a way to get rid of Lu Xiaofeng's poison quickly.

Ye Gucheng chose the latter. He is not very familiar with Jiang Li, except for the time at the Nanwang Mansion, he didn't talk to each other a few times, and there was a difference between men and women, after begging Lu Xiaofeng, he hastily troubled the two masters, and then entrusted him to Jiang Li Well, with Ye Gucheng's temperament, he definitely can't do such a thing.

And most likely, Jiang Li would not agree, at least think about it differently, Ye Gucheng is Jiang Li, he would never agree. Then, the second best thing is to hope that Jiang Li will detoxify Lu Xiaofeng, which is a compromise strategy. With Lu Xiaofeng's kung fu, it is enough to deal with some monsters and monsters who are making trouble at this time.

But to Ye Gucheng's surprise, Jiang Li was not there. Although he was seriously injured and unable to use force at this time, he could still sense if there was anyone in the yard, and how many people there were. If Jiang Li fell asleep, Ye Gucheng wouldn't bother him, and he would just come back tomorrow, and he wasn't in a hurry, but since Jiang Li had gone out, he planned to wait for her to come back, just to talk about it.

Ye Gucheng never spoke much, so after finishing these two sentences, he closed his mouth and quietly waited for Jiang Li's answer.

He didn't ask Jiang Li why he wasn't there, how long he had been away, and where he went.

For him, these are not important.

Although Jiang Li's words and deeds made him suspicious when they met for the first time in Wuyang City, Jiang Li saved his life twice. Here it is, since this is the case, what Jiang Li does is her business, it has nothing to do with Ye Gucheng, he doesn't want to control it, and he can't control it.

Jiang Li had just met the murderer behind the scenes who injured Ximen Chuuxue and Ye Gucheng, and when he returned to the house, he saw one of the victims. Although he didn't feel guilty, he felt a little weird after all. She didn't want to waste time in the evening, so she agreed very readily, saying: "I will write Zhang Fangzi tomorrow."

Ye Gucheng nodded slightly: "I'm sorry."

Jiang Li thought for a while, then she asked, "City Master Ye?"

Ye Gucheng was going to say goodbye, but he paused and signaled that he was listening.

Jiang Li thought for a while, but he still asked Ye Gucheng, is there really no clue about him being attacked during the day? After all, Qiu Shuiqing's side is only one-sided, and Ye Gucheng, as the party involved, and a party who can't lie, has more value in what he says. Although Jiang Li felt that Qiu Shuiqing's words were probably true, she would not believe them all.

Ye Gucheng said: "I let them not have to investigate."

It's not that I don't check it, but I don't need to check it. There is only one word missing, but the meaning is completely different.

Usually the person who knows you best is either your friend or your enemy. Ye Gucheng cooperated with Nan Wang before and participated in many things. Although the news came out that no suspect had been found yet, Ye Gucheng actually knew it very well.

Once friends, they are now enemies.

Even if in the past it was just for profit, each took what he needed, and there was no actual friendship. But they also understand each other's temperament.

At this time, there is no one else who is willing to pay such a huge price to do such a thing except Nan Wang. Nanwang didn't trust him. Ye Gucheng knew about the fact that he had eyes and ears in Baiyun City, but he just turned a blind eye, but he didn't expect that Nanwang's backhand was quite terrifying, although there was no one who could restrain him in terms of martial arts. People, but have a hidden weapon like peacock feathers.

It's just that Baiyun City is already in the midst of war preparations. In order to avoid causing panic among the people, this matter was not announced with great fanfare. Since Jiang Li asked, Ye Gucheng said it directly. He only intends to hide it from the people of Baiyun City. Of course Jiang Li is not an ordinary person. Ye Gucheng will not intentionally tell you too much, but since Jiang Li asked, he will answer.

Seeing Ye Gucheng's indifferent expression, Jiang Li finally understood why Qiu Shuiqing stayed in Tianzi No. 1 room with such a big fanfare. Because of the tacit understanding, Ye Gucheng will not do anything, and Qiu Shuiqing also knows that Ye Gucheng will not do it. There is no point in catching him. Instead, he will die and lose some subordinates.

If the King of the South is not dead, there will always be one, two, or even more dead men like Qiu Shuiqing who will come out.

In fact, every role is not a fuel-efficient lamp. It's just that they often don't show it.

After all, Ye Gucheng wanted to turn around and leave, but he thought of something, and added, take a rest earlier, and left after seeing Jiang Li nodding his head. At the beginning, Prince Nan seemed to be saying goodnight to him like this, but not long after, Ye Gucheng also felt as if he was a world away.

Jiang Li went back to the house, scooped up water from the water tank in front of the door to wash, and lay down on the bed again. She got enough sleep in the afternoon, so she wasn't too sleepy at night. She counted the stars in the sky along the window, and then she felt a little sleepy. In a daze, the night passed, and the sky suddenly became bright.

Jing Wuming went to bed early, so he woke up early. He got up and went to the well to fetch a jar of water. In order not to disturb Jiang Li, he went out of the yard to practice swords outside. After yesterday's practice, his sword dance with his right hand was like a tiger, and he didn't dare to say its power, but at least it looked quite capable of bluffing.

Lu Xiaofeng also came not long after, and he came very early. He not only came, but also pulled Huamanlou up. He felt that Jiang Li's detoxification of one person was also detoxification, and detoxification of two people was also detoxification. He originally wanted to get Yuan Suiyun, but it was a pity that Yuan Suiyun was only a friend of Lu Xiaofeng's acquaintance, not a guest of Baiyun City, so he did not He doesn't live in the City Lord's Mansion, but in an inn.

That's right, it was the inn that Jiang Li went to before, and there might have been only two or three walls or even one wall between the two of them before.

Ye Gucheng notified him about the detoxification. Lu Xiaofeng was not a flower man, he lost most of his internal energy, he felt something wrong all over his body, and he was tied up in everything he did. Moreover, the smell of vinegar all over her body really made Lu Xiaofeng feel uncomfortable. Now that she can take a shortcut, of course she is very happy.

Hua Manlou and Yuan Suiyun played that game of chess for a long time yesterday, and the battle was tense, from afternoon to night. Originally, Yuan Suiyun had a few chances ahead, but because of Hua Manlou's magical strokes, he blocked Yuan Suiyun's dragon, put him to death and reborn, turned the tables from desperation, and finally counted Tiemu, just won half of the eyes.

Yuan Suiyun lost the chess game, not only did he not care, but he was very happy, he walked with wind, and said goodbye to Huamanlou. Because of the chess game with Huamanlou, after replaying the game in his mind, Yuan Suiyun suddenly thought of another very famous chess game. The Zhenlong chess game set up by Mr. Congbian, the head of the deaf-mute sect, Su Xinghe. Although there is a big difference in small places, in the general trend, it is almost exactly the same.

In the past, Yuan Suiyun was conceited of his cleverness, and he also ordered people to narrate and try to solve this chess game that the whole world could not solve. He didn't think much about what would happen after the solution, but just wanted to win this breath. But after thinking hard for three days and three nights, he only came to the conclusion that this chess game is dead and he can't find a way out. This game of chess with Huamanlou now seemed to open up a new world before his eyes.

Yuan Suiyun didn't bother to care about beef soup, Gong Jiu, etc., and even Baiyun City didn't bother to care about it. He originally planned to kill beef soup at night, so that the girl wouldn't get caught. But at this moment, his heart and eyes were occupied by the chess game, and when he returned to the inn, he immediately started playing with himself to make sure whether his thinking was correct.

A mere Baiyun City will end up with Gongjiu in a half-and-a-half split. It is likely that due to the uneven distribution of spoils, there will be a fight. Compared with cracking the Zhenlong chess game, what is more important? in conclusion. Yuan Suiyun felt that his journey was the sea of stars, the entire rivers and lakes, and a small piece of the South China Sea, which was not worth paying attention to.

If it wasn't for the many preparations made before, it would be a pity to give up halfway. Yuan Suiyun still wanted to check the situation and prepare to adapt to the situation. Moreover, he rented the Bat Island to Gong Jiu. He might not be able to go home for a while, but he couldn't go too far. He has to keep a close watch to avoid Gong Jiu's brain twitch, otherwise he really wants to go directly to Leigu Mountain to solve the Zhenlong chess game.

Therefore, last night was calm and calm, and Huamanlou must take the lead.

Unfortunately, apart from Yuan Suiyun himself, no one else knew about it.

Because playing chess is extremely exhausting, when Lu Xiaofeng came over in high spirits, Huamanlou hadn't gotten up yet. Lu Xiaofeng was in a hurry, he insisted on pulling and pulling, and pulled Hua Manlou up, and the two of them ran towards Jiangli's yard hand in hand. That is to say, Hua Manlou has a good temper, if it were another person, he would definitely kick out Lu Xiaofeng who disturbed people's dreams.

When Jing Wuming saw Lu Xiaofeng, he immediately looked on guard, as if if you dare to wake up the girl, I will kill you.

Lu Xiaofeng's skill is not yet complete, so naturally he didn't dare to be tough with Jing Wuming, he still hasn't forgotten the experience of being slashed by Jing Wuming's sword yesterday. And seeking medical treatment naturally has the attitude of seeking medical treatment, and he didn't come to fight. So Lu Xiaofeng didn't make any noise, and led Hua Manlou aside to sit down, and quietly made friends with Jing Wuming at the door.

Jing Wuming felt that Lu Xiaofeng was annoying, so he remained silent with a paralyzed face.

Lu Xiaofeng talked with relish, and while talking, his face darkened, and he took out a small flagon from his cuff. The small flagon should have been filled with wine, but at this time, in order to detoxify, it had been filled with vinegar by the maid of Baiyun City. Drinking alcohol is enjoyment, but drinking vinegar is of course suffering. With a bitter face, Lu Xiaofeng glanced at it for a few times, and gulped it down cruelly.

When Jiang Li opened the door, she happened to see this scene, and the strong smell of vinegar in her nostrils made her frown slightly.

Jing Wuming nodded and said, "Good morning, girl."

"Ms. Jiang, good morning." Hua Manlou smiled.

"No life, young man." Jiang Li nodded.

Lu Xiaofeng asked: "What about me?"

Jiang Li didn't even look at him, just found a pen and paper, and wrote a prescription to Lu Xiaofeng, saying: "According to this prescription, make the medicine, just boil it and take it."

Lu Xiaofeng nodded again and again, and didn't bother to ask questions. After thanking Jiang Li, he dragged Huamanlou again and ran away.

The author has something to say: Kawen, Kawen's desire! Fairy! want! die! middle!

And Qingyuan also sent me an invitation, you allow me to do a Tanabata mission first.