Qixiu Royal Sister [Comprehensive Sword Three]

Chapter 63


Yuan Suiyun's heart was very complicated for a moment, probably only he knew the feeling.

Because he is blind, his understanding of the outside world, his understanding of the temperament and mood of others, all depend on his ears and voice. Even the slightest turbulence, the ups and downs of the voice, would be amplified a hundred times in his ears, not to mention that these attendants of Baiyun City did not hide their emotions at all.

Yuan Suiyun had heard that voice of doubt, disbelief, suspicion, but he was not sure about it too many times. Every time those who believed in him were betrayed and were about to die at his hands, the voice was even ten times shriller than it is now. Yuan Suiyun likes to hear this kind of voice very much, it will make him feel good.

When there was already darkness in front of him, he certainly hoped that more people would sink into the abyss like him. Yuan Suiyun and Huamanlou are like two sides of a mirror, one is bright and the other is dark. Hua Manlou was in the dark, and his heart was toward the light, while Yuan Suiyun chose the dark side, never turning back, and never regretting until death.

I often walk by the river without getting my shoes wet. Even if Yuan Suiyun is meticulous, not completely sure, and won't strike easily, he may be exposed at any time. The more things you do, the more holes you have. Therefore, when he heard the words of the attendant of Baiyun City, he adjusted his mentality in an instant and made mental preparations.

Yuan Suiyun never believed in the inherent goodness of human nature, he did not believe in anyone but himself, and Niu Suiyun was not related to him, at best he only knew the same person Gong Jiu, so naturally he could not gain his trust, so although Yuan Suiyun Yun felt that the people who came out of Wuming Island would not be unable to bear it for three or two days, but they were prepared.

At least, even Gong Jiu didn't have any real reasons for Yuan Suiyun, let alone beef soup. What is said verbally is a spittle and a nail, but in fact there is no real evidence. Just relying on a mouthful of nonsense, the credibility is extremely limited. Yuan Suiyun is very confident that he can break it out.

Despite the countless thoughts in my mind, the time has only passed a few breaths.

With the former Suiyun's city mansion, this trivial matter will naturally not change color.

"I don't know what happened?" Yuan Suiyun put down the things in his hands, turned sideways, and asked casually.

He has a gentle temperament and a handsome face. Although there is a hint of femininity that is biased toward women, he does not appear feminine. His gestures and gestures fully show the rich heritage of Wuzheng Villa for three hundred years. Just this one question makes people feel like a spring breeze, if it is not a holy land of martial arts, where can such a good son in troubled times be raised

The two guards were dubious about the nonsense about the beef soup, but now that they saw Yuan Suiyun himself, they only had admiration in their hearts. They just felt that their brains were trapped by the door, so they would believe the woman's nonsense. But after all, it was Ye Gucheng who asked them to come to invite people, and they didn't dare to slander their own city lord, so they could only respectfully say: "The city lord does things, I don't dare to figure it out."

Yuan Suiyun nodded slightly. With his temperament, he naturally would not embarrass these subordinates, and said gently: "My eyesight is inconvenient, please guide me."

"Don't dare, Mr. Yuan please."

Several attendants escorted Yuan Suiyun to the city lord's mansion. Those who knew knew they were "escorting criminals", and those who didn't know thought they were escorting some important person.

After walking like this for a while, they arrived at the side door of the small courtyard where Jiang Li was.

Yuan Suiyun is not here to be a guest, and now they are only listening to the one-sided words of beef soup. If it is a big fan, it is not beautiful, and Yuan Suiyun can't see it, so they plan to lure people through the side door. And passing through this door, of course, Jiang Li in the courtyard cannot be bypassed.

Jing Wuming is not familiar with Yuan Suiyun, it can even be said that he has nothing to do with him, so he can't speak at all.

Jiang Li usually pretended not to see Yuan Suiyun when she saw Yuan Suiyun, but today, she just listened to gossip and read Qiu Shuiqing's plan. At this time, seeing that the person involved was here, and was likely to be unlucky, it was inevitable that there would be some kind of sympathy (joy), (hearing), (hearing), (hearing), and therefore, she greeted Yuan Suiyun for the first time.

"Master Yuan."

Yuan Suiyun turned around, "looked" in Jiang Li's direction, and said with a smile, "Miss Jiang."

Compared with the first time we met, his voice at this time no longer contained that faint lingering meaning, but seemed clearer.

If we say that with Yuan Suiyun's exquisite mind, there are few people who can't see through it, and Jiang Li is definitely one of them. From Jiang Li's voice, he couldn't hear any emotion at all, like ice and snow, as if it was a stubborn piece of ice from beginning to end. At this time, Yuan Suiyun didn't have time to flirt with his sister, so naturally he became more "honest".

When many people saw Jiang Li, they would always be amazed by her unparalleled appearance. In comparison, although the voice of the jade inlaid with ice was extremely beautiful, it was far less eye-catching than her appearance. But Yuan Suiyun's world was only dark, he couldn't see Jiang Li's face, so he could only judge by his voice. Even so, Yuan Suiyun didn't know if Jiang Li was the most beautiful person he had ever seen, or at least the most beautiful voice.

For Yuan Suiyun, these are not important, what is important is Jiang Li's medical skills, Jiang Li's martial arts, and Jiang Li's attitude.

At this time, he must win all the votes he can win as soon as possible.

Women are always more emotional than men. Yuan Suiyun has met countless women, but none of them can resist his charm. Even Gong Jiu's lover Shaman.

Therefore, Yuan Suiyun sighed and said: "I never regretted that God made me lose a pair of eyes before."

Jiang Li listened to him quietly, like a beautiful painting.

The way she doesn't speak and her brows and eyes soften can make anyone who sees her happy.

Of course, if she is noble and glamorous, it is enough to make anyone feel amazing and shy away.

Jing Wuming stopped, he suddenly felt a little annoyed, he couldn't practice this sword anymore.

He decided to fetch water.

Although it was picked once in the morning, there was a light rain in the early morning, and the rain was not very clean, so it was better to do it again.

"But at this moment, I really regret it. Miss Jiang is standing in front of me, but I can't see it." Yuan Suiyun said quietly.

If the other woman heard Yuan Suiyun's heart-wrenching words, even if she didn't have her heart tied to him, she would still be a little bit fluctuated. If you are bolder, you might go up directly and say to him: "Since you can't see it, then I'll come over and let you touch it."

But of course Jiang Li would not do this, her voice was still very cold, she said: "If Mr. Yuan has eyes, maybe he will be disappointed."

Yuan Suiyun smiled, and said: "No, Miss Jiang's voice is the most beautiful voice I have heard in the past twenty years. To have such a voice, I believe that Miss Jiang's appearance may be more beautiful than her voice." , at least not worse than the sound, even if I can’t see it, I can think of it.”

Jiang Li sighed and said, "Although Mr. Yuan is blind, his mouth is really powerful."

It could be seen from these words that Jiang Li was already slightly moved.

Jing Wuming wobbled back carrying water, expressionless, and walked straight from behind Yuan Suiyun. When he was less than a step away from Yuan Suiyun, he turned slightly sideways and put the water in front of the water tank. Pour out the water and replace it with a new one. During the whole process, Jing Wuming moved very neatly, there was only the sound of water splashing into the water tank, and he didn't say a single word.

He didn't know why he was unhappy, but suddenly he felt that looking at Yuan Suiyun was very unpleasant, and he really wanted to stab his gentle face with a sword. The same person, but Huamanlou would not give Jing Wuming such a feeling of. It's a pity that Yuan Suiyun is chatting with Jiang Li now, of course Jing Wuming can't disturb him, he can only keep silent.

But even without saying a word, this person has the ability to destroy the atmosphere.

Yuan Suiyun: "..."

As a BOSS, Yuan Suiyun is very unaccustomed to having people so close to him. At that time, he wanted to make a move, but under the watchful eyes of the public, and now he is still involved in lawsuits, Yuan Suiyun must have some scruples, so he can only forcefully suppress it. This instinct, of course, is sure to be panicked.

When Jing Wuming did this, Yuan Suiyun really didn't want to say anything, but the most aggrieved thing was that he still couldn't get angry.

Yuan Suiyun said in a warm voice: "The message I got was that City Lord Ye invited me to this trip. As for what happened, I really don't know. After listening to the girl, I realized that it was a good thing." Said Then, he turned to the attendant and said, "I'll trouble you to make this trip."

The attendant was so flattered that he didn't even dare to speak. Thinking of Ye Gucheng's reason for inviting Yuan Suiyun, and thinking of what Yuan Suiyun said, they just felt embarrassed and didn't know how to speak. They didn't make a sound before because the atmosphere of the conversation between Jiang Li and Yuan Suiyun was too beautiful, they didn't dare to make a sound to destroy it, they could only be wallflowers, but now they have no face to speak.

Yuan Suiyun thanked them so much, but they were ordered to arrest him, so he couldn't think about it anymore.

But they didn't open their mouths, but Jiang Li did. She said, "I wrote the prescription, because I only took Mr. Lu's pulse, and it was specially prescribed for him. If Mr. Yuan needs it, I can also write a prescription for you." Son." To be honest, Jiang Li was a bit out of touch with Yuan Suiyun's fake talk, but it was worth the sacrifice in order to go to the big show in a legitimate way.

If she couldn't go with Yuan Suiyun, she was just a doctor, not a famous arrester, and Ye Gucheng wouldn't invite her to the theater even if she wanted to.

Yuan Suiyun came in such a hurry that he was not prepared to have his pulse checked. Although he knew how to change his pulse and achieve the desired effect, he didn't know Jiang Li's specific medical skills, so he rashly asked her to take his pulse. Something will happen, of course I dare not promise. But Yuan Suiyun didn't refuse, just said: "Then please trouble Miss Jiang."

The attendants of Baiyun City finally couldn't hold it anymore. Let them continue talking like this, and they don't know whether they should go to Ye Gucheng or the pharmacy in the end. The gap is still very big. They are very surprised why Jiang Li behaved like nothing happened. Could it be that the news of the beef soup hadn't reached her yet

I can only bite the bullet and say: "Young Master Yuan, we have been delayed for a long time. I'm afraid the city lord is in a hurry, so please come with us."

Yuan Suiyun was stunned for a moment, and then said: "It's my fault, it's a crime to forget that City Lord Ye is still waiting all of a sudden."

Jiang Li said: "In that case, I'm a doctor, so let's go with Mr. Yuan."

The author has something to say: Yuan Suiyun: If you can’t seduce people, you will be teased

Jing Wuming: Let it go, don't stop me from carrying water

Jiang Li: No life, let's go and watch the mentally handicapped

Yuan Suiyun: mentally handicapped.JPG