Qixiu Royal Sister [Comprehensive Sword Three]

Chapter 64


Naturally, Baiyun City has a grand hall for entertaining guests. It’s just that Ye Gucheng doesn’t have any friends. Baiyun City’s maritime trade is quite developed, but they are all merchants. Naturally, they are not qualified to meet the face of Ye Gucheng, the city lord. Those who have occasional contacts are all informal people in the rivers and lakes, so there has been nothing. Opportunity to use.

Now Ye Gucheng and Lu Xiaofeng are sitting here.

Hua ManLou is not here, he went to the flower house, and as a flower lover, he went to discuss life with the gardener. Baiyun City lived far overseas, with a peculiar geography, and naturally there were some unusual flowers that he had never seen before. Huamanlou is very interested in this, even if he can't plant it, he still wants to know more about it.

Although Ye Gucheng didn't mind his coming, Huamanlou had always faced the world with absolute kindness. He didn't want to act like an interrogator and say something to Yuan Suiyun, a friend who had only played chess with him before. Words of doubt. But Ye Gucheng's suspicion is not without reason, this suspicion is legitimate and reasonable, so Huamanlou chose not to come here.

He believes that those who are clear will clear themselves, and Yuan Suiyun is definitely not that kind of person. For things he has not done, even if that girl spread the word and blamed him, there must be a loophole. Ye Gucheng and Lu Xiaofeng would never wrong him casually. In this way, it doesn't matter whether he is there or not.

Lu Xiaofeng wanted to go with Huamanlou very much, but it was a pity that Huamanlou could go and he couldn't. He has never doubted his friends. Although Yuan Suiyun has not known him for a long time, because of his personality similar to Huamanlou, Lu Xiaofeng has long been famous. When he met him before, he felt that the rumors were true. How could such a person be in the What about plotting against Baiyun City secretly

What's more, Wuzheng Villa is thousands of miles away from Baiyun City, so it doesn't matter at all. Even if something happened to Ye Gucheng, Yuan Suiyun wouldn't be able to get any benefits. Only a fool would do such a thankless thing. Do. In this way, Yuan Suiyun could not be the murderer based on emotion and reason.

But now the problem is no longer with Yuan Suiyun, even if Lu Xiaofeng thinks that Yuan Suiyun, like Hua Manlou, is a person of incomparable glory and glory, and he will definitely not be able to do such a thing, he must stay here. What he promised his friend had to be done no matter what, even if it was a cutscene, he had to sit here and wait for the cutscene to finish.

Ye Gucheng sat on the left, his back straight, like an ancient pine. Next to him was a small table with tea and snacks, and Lu Xiaofeng sat on the right. He kept his word, since he entrusted Baiyun City to Lu Xiaofeng, he was given the same treatment as himself, what he had, Lu Xiaofeng had, there was no preference at all.

But obviously Ye Gucheng could sit still, but Lu Xiaofeng couldn't sit still. He first leaned on the chair, which was made of good wood and was very comfortable to lean on. Lu Xiaofeng became a soft ball, as if he had no bones, and he was lying on the ground, almost shrinking to the ground. At this time, Ye Gucheng glanced over, under the gaze that seemed to be ice water, Lu Xiaofeng straightened up like a carp, and immediately stood up again.

"Isn't it here yet?" Lu Xiaofeng suddenly felt that the time had passed so long, rubbing his hands together, he couldn't help asking.

Although Baiyun City is a city, it is actually not that big. Not to mention martial arts practitioners, it is ordinary people. Such a long time is enough to walk back and forth and take a breather. Lu Xiaofeng had walked around before, so he had a good understanding of these things. He didn't know what he wanted to do right now, but he definitely wasn't just sitting, it was too difficult.

"Back to Mr. Lu, there was a message just now that I met Miss Jiang at the door. After a little delay, she should be arriving soon."

When Lu Xiaofeng heard Jiang Li's name, he immediately shut his mouth. The smell of the medicinal juice that was more terrifying than Coptis chinensis just now flooded into his mind. Although the poison was indeed being slowly unraveled, Lu Xiaofeng still felt a little uncomfortable when he thought of having to drink twice a day for several days in a row.

Especially when I made a bet with Yuan Suiyun before, if I lost, I was not allowed to drink for half a month, although things happened one after another, like an endless wave, I don’t know where to take pictures of this matter It's gone, but Lu Xiaofeng, the person involved, definitely remembers it. Lu Xiaofeng didn't intend to renege on his debts, so after he drank the medicine, he couldn't drink to satisfy his cravings, and he couldn't drink water because of the medicine's properties, so he could only hold back.

In such a comparison, in fact, there is not much difference between being poisoned and detoxified because of the smell of medicine and the smell of vinegar.

At least Lu Xiaofeng is not happy, when people are unhappy, they always feel that everything is not going well.

Ye Gucheng spoke suddenly, and he said, "I naturally believe that the original Shaozhuang owner is not that kind of person."

Lu Xiaofeng froze for a moment, then vigorously nodded in agreement.

Ye Gucheng said again: "I didn't want to spread the word about this matter, which would damage the reputation of the original Shaozhuang owner, but since it has already been spread, it's better to call him over with great fanfare and confront him face to face. Ziqing will not tarnish his reputation." He didn't like to talk, but seeing that Lu Xiaofeng seemed to be entangled in this point, he still opened his mouth to explain one or two things.

Lu Xiaofeng is not Ximen Chuuxue, even if Ye Gucheng doesn't say a word, Ximen Chuuxue knows what he is thinking, because they are both swordsmen and have very similar moods and thoughts, if you want to know what the other is thinking, you just need to think for yourself That's fine, but Lu Xiaofeng obviously doesn't have the ability to understand his mind.

Now that the incident has gotten out of control, it might as well make the incident even bigger, so as to clarify Yuan Suiyun's reputation. From Ye Gucheng's point of view, he had good intentions, but unfortunately, sometimes things are not that simple, for example, when Yuan Suiyun had a ghost in his heart.

At this moment, someone outside announced, saying: "City Lord, Mr. Lu, Mr. Yuan Shaozhuang, Miss Jiang, and Mr. Jing are here."

Lu Xiaofeng woke up all of a sudden, his eyes were bright, and he couldn't see the slightest tiredness before.

Ye Gucheng nodded and said: "Please come in." After finishing speaking, he ordered: "Bring that woman up too."


After finishing speaking, Ye Gucheng got up, followed by Lu Xiaofeng, and the two went to the door to meet people.

From entering the door to the main hall, this section is very short, but there are only a few turns, a few times through the wall and the door, but for some people, it is extremely long.

For example, Yuan Suiyun.

Yuan Suiyun really didn't want to go in, but unfortunately he had no choice, so he could only cross the threshold carefully under the reminder of his attendants.

Jing Wuming usually followed Jiang Li, maybe because of the fact that Baiyun City's attendants were following behind, he walked in front, squeezed between Yuan Suiyun and Jiang Li.

Jiang Li walked behind Jing Wuming, and he could see that his muscles were tense for some reason, and every step he took, he felt a little heavy when he landed.

After all, she was pretending to be stupid, not really stupid, so she didn't ask why this was not the way to the pharmacy along the way. If it is really brought up, Yuan Suiyun will make use of the topic, and maybe some other moth will be made. Jiang Li had already achieved his goal of hitchhiking and watching a movie, so naturally he didn't say a word.

At this moment, the originally bright sun receded, and the sky suddenly became cloudy, as if the next moment, there would be a heavy rain. Just like the current atmosphere, it was very stagnant. The weather at sea is always unpredictable, but it is very rare that it is as suitable as today, and it is like the calm before the storm.

"I have met the city lord, Mr. Lu." The guard who led the people saluted first.

Ye Gucheng nodded and said, "The original Shaozhuang owner, Miss Jiang, Mr. Jing."

Yuan Suiyun was slightly taken aback.

He didn't seem to expect that he would see Ye Gucheng in the "pharmacy", but he still bowed to return the salute, turned to Ye Gucheng's direction, and said, "Master Ye." After finishing speaking, he turned to Lu Xiaofeng's direction again, although Lu Xiaofeng remained motionless , but the smell of medicine on his body undoubtedly betrayed him, Yuan Suiyun smiled and said: "Lu Xiaofeng."

In contrast, the greetings to Ye Gucheng were still a matter of etiquette, and Lu Xiaofeng was his friend, so he should be happy to see him. Yuan Suiyun grasped this speed very well, so good that Lu Xiaofeng felt sore for a moment in his heart. Probably, people treat me as a friend, but I suspect him here, it is really not a son of man.

"Yuan Suiyun." Lu Xiaofeng could only spit out these three words in the end, he was always good at talking and talked a lot, but now he didn't know what to say.

"Has your poison been cured?" Yuan Suiyun asked with concern.

Lu Xiaofeng said, "It's solved."

"I heard that the prescription was prescribed by Miss Jiang. She is really skilled in medicine." At this time, Yuan Suiyun was fond of Lu Xiaofeng and did not forget to give Jiang Li a hand.

Lu Xiaofeng glanced at Jiang Li unconsciously, shrank back abruptly, and said awkwardly, "Yes, yes, Miss Jiang's medical skills are indeed excellent."

Jiang Li nodded to Ye Gucheng and Lu Xiaofeng, pulled Jing Wuming, and sat on a chair beside him.

At this time, there is no need for Jiang Li to say anything, just wait and watch the show.

Jing Wuming only had time to nod to Lu Xiaofeng and Ye Gucheng, then he froze and silently stood beside Jiang Li.

"Sit down." Jiang Li said.

Only then did Jing Wuming sit down stiffly, even the chair shook slightly.

The attendant next to him served tea for the two of them, then stepped aside.

At this time, Yuan Suiyun finally "perceived" that the atmosphere was not right. If it's a pharmacy, why is this place very spacious, with a high gate, and apart from the smell of medicine on Lu Xiaofeng's body, there is no smell of fireworks at all. No matter how you look at the situation here, something is wrong, it doesn't look like a pharmacy.

Ye Gucheng also owed Jiang Li a favor last night, and now Jiang Li is only watching the show and not causing trouble, so he naturally doesn't care, and he is ready to talk about business, saying: "Mr. Two things, one, you were poisoned in Baiyun City, I naturally need to give you an explanation, and now that the antidote has been formulated, you should have a share."

Yuan Suiyun nodded with a smile, and said, "Thank you, City Lord Ye."

Ye Gucheng said again: "Secondly, regarding the girl who poisoned, she said not long ago that you are behind the poisoning."

Yuan Suiyun's out-of-focus, empty eyes suddenly widened, as if he had heard something unbelievable. He had prepared for this moment for half an hour. Now that his acting skills were displayed, he was so impeccable that he almost fooled himself. He said in horror: "That girl, she said that I am..."

Before she finished speaking, the beef soup was brought over. She saw Yuan Suiyun, remembered the previous explanation, her eyes lit up, and she pretended to say: "Young master, have you come to save me? I knew you would not give up. mine."

The author has something to say: I don’t know if the APP is smoked, I found that many babies say that the APP can’t read Chapter 63.

No wonder I only clicked 200 for Chapter 63, I feel so sorry for myself QAQ

I will not stop updating. Sometimes I am too busy to finish writing and may be late, exceeding zero, but I will not stop.

If you haven't seen it, try the next chapter. I really have no choice but to draw the author, I'm so tired.

If you find that there is no APP, you can try it, although I think Jinjiang will not let it go.

Calvin, plus the power outage lasted until eight o'clock, although there will be a second watch, it will be very late, baby, don't wait