Qixiu Royal Sister [Comprehensive Sword Three]

Chapter 67


Ye Family Ancestral Temple.

It is located behind Baiyun City, the highest place on the island and the closest to the sky, and it is also a forbidden place on weekdays. Ever since the Ye family came to this deserted island and overcame obstacles, Baiyun City has been established for several generations. The seniors who have made outstanding contributions in each generation are all enshrined here.

The heavy rain outside the house was like a waterfall, hitting the roof, and the sound of splashing water also brought a bit of chill.

Ye Guhong was lying on the bed with difficulty, enduring endless pain in his heart. In order to look handsome, and to imitate Ximen Chuuxue, he wore white clothes as single clothes. As a martial arts practitioner, the cold and heat do not invade, which is fine on weekdays. suffered.

Jiang Li's sword was very ruthless, and the doctors in Baiyun City obviously didn't have her abilities. Although Ye Guhong couldn't die, he could still be regarded as living a life worse than death. Even if he could bear it, twelve hours of uninterrupted pain was enough to drive a person crazy. In addition, in order to make Ye Guhong reflect, Ye Gucheng threw him into this deserted and unpopular place, which was a double physical and psychological torture.

After several generations of operation, the Ye Family Ancestral Temple has been repaired several times and has become magnificent. But no matter how brilliant it is, it is also for the dead, not for the living. There will always be some gloom in this kind of place. And there is no one else here except for an elderly sweeper.

Ye Guhong was not a talkative person originally, he was an admirer of Ximen Chuuxue, and Ximen Chuuxue didn't like to talk, so he didn't like it either. But the neat tablets in front of him looked like pairs of eyes burning with will-o'-the-wisps. When they looked at him neatly, everyone felt a little empty in their hearts, and speaking could undoubtedly resolve it a little.

It's a pity that Ye Guhong was willing to talk, but people ignored him. Ye Gucheng asked him to think about the past, not to chat, so naturally he had to have an attitude of thinking about the past. So the old man was ordered, except to bring him some food at meal time, pour water a few times on weekdays, and not say a word at other times, just like a walking zombie.

Therefore, Ye Guhong didn't know anything about what happened outside, no one told him.

Ye Guhong didn't even know why Ye Gucheng asked him to come and think about his mistakes. Because Ye Gucheng was in a hurry, he just brought people and threw them into the ancestral hall. With his temperament, he would not explain to Ye Guhong that it was because you lured wolves into the house. The guests who come here must reflect on themselves.

So thinking hard for a while, Ye Guhong only thought it was because of his proposal to Shaman's mother. Now that he is also an adult, why not if he likes Shaman to propose to her mother in a fair manner? The cousin is in charge of the world, so does he even have to make decisions about his marriage? He didn't get married himself, but instead beat him up. Ye Guhong felt that he couldn't compromise and had to fight to the end.

He could only look out at the sky from the main entrance of the ancestral hall, and when he looked at it, he thought of Wudang. His master only gave him a one-month period, if he delayed in Baiyun City, it would be too late. Then he thought of Shaman, and then he thought of Jiang Li, thinking that since the "mother-in-law" had already agreed to him being with Shaman, he would go to Shaman to propose marriage when his cousin let go. If the cousin disagrees, he will go secretly.

Ye Guhong began to seriously think about where he should go to find Shaman. Shaman hadn't told him his address before. However, Shaman also said before that she has business contacts with Baiyun City, so if she wants to pay attention to the crowd, she will meet Shaman in a short time. Sharman has him in his heart, and he will never be willing to be separated from him for too long.

Thinking of this, Ye Guhong only felt a warmth rising from his whole body, and he didn't feel so cold anymore.

Beef soup is under such circumstances.

She is not as good as Jiang Li in terms of internal strength. Although she is very talented, she is at least 5, 6, 7 or 8 Jing Wuming behind Jiang Li. She has come all the way in the rain, and her body is already a little wet. Although she is a little petite , but under the thin fabric, the beautiful figure is looming. At first glance, it looks like a water elf haunting the rain.

Although she did as "Yuan Suiyun" ordered, she silently cursed Yuan Suiyun eight hundred times in her heart, dragged her feet in doing things, and must tell Master Ninth not to cooperate with such a scammer. To a certain extent, Beef Sheep and Yuan Suiyun wanted to go together, and they both felt that they were very wise, while the other side was a big fool.

Ye Guhong heard the movement, his eyes lit up, and said: "Shaman?"

At this time, the only person he could think of who came to find him was Shaman.

The beef soup pouted. Shaman is Gong Jiu's lover, but she is Gong Jiu's younger sister. Although Gong Jiu is a pervert, when he is not so perverted, he is still a bit likable. Although Niu Tang is afraid of him, it is impossible to say that he has no relationship with Gong Jiu at all, but this kind of relationship is quite The most complicated is not love.

But she and Sharman were not enough to deal with it, and this matter was real. Whether it's because of Shaman's liking of Gong Jiu, or her "half-heartedness", Gong Jiu is so "good" to her, and she not only doesn't want to repay, but is always calculating to leave, hoping that Gong Jiu will rise to bliss soon. It's all the reason why beef soup doesn't like her.

Girls can of course get along in harmony, but more often than not, they still tear each other up.

The beef soup fell down, and she dried the clothes with internal force, but the clothes were still tightly attached to her body. The original set of ordinary commoner clothes had the effect of wearing underwear. She blinked her eyes, stroked her body, looked at Ye Guhong affectionately and said, "Master, long time no see."

Ye Guhong thought the beef soup was ugly.

Of course, this is by comparison.

Jiangli>Shaman>>Beef Soup

Even if Niu Niu Tang is indeed a little beauty, but compared with a big beauty like Jiang Li, even Shaman would be ashamed to be set off by Jiang Li, and she really has nothing outstanding.

But Xi Shi is in the eye of a beholder, although Shaman is not good-looking, but since he has sworn an eternal alliance with him, Ye Guhong will never despise her, but he has to admit that she is indeed not as good-looking as Jiang Li. He felt that if he was born twenty years earlier, he would definitely pursue Jiang Li, what a beauty she is.

So, he looked at the beef soup and asked in disgust, "Who are you?"

The beef soup broke his teeth. She claims to be beautiful, even if she is not as good as Shaman, but a few months ago, when she sold beef soup in Baiyun City, she was also called Beef Xishi. Now Ye Guhong has no impression of her, it is not because she Relegated to the dust

Originally, the person Niu Niu Tang wanted to frame was Jiang Li, and she was humiliated by Jiang Li's exquisite harp, but Qiu Shuiqing didn't dare to provoke Jiang Li, so his goal was to frame Ye Guhong openly. In fact, the misfortune led Yuan Suiyun to the east, and Niu Tang had to compromise, but he was unwilling in his heart. Seeing Ye Guhong's incompetence at this time, he felt a three-point approval of this plan.

She squeezed her throat delicately and announced her family name.

Ye Guhong thought for a while, and realized that such a thing happened, he asked: "Why did you come here? Trespassing in the forbidden area, if my cousin finds out, I'm afraid I won't be able to protect you."

"I heard that the young master was locked up here and thought about it. I thought you were lonely by yourself, so I came over to have a look."

Niu Niu Tangxin said: "Those guards in Baiyun City, why are they dawdling like the scholar Yuan Suiyun? This meeting hasn't come yet? I waited deliberately. I really don't want to stay with this guy, I really regret listening to it." For Yuan Suiyun, if he doesn't hurry up, I really won't serve him."

Ye Guhong nodded and said: "Although I am the blood of the Ye family, you are the only one who comes to see me in this city." He had already forgotten what he said before at this time. If others really want to see him, it is impossible to trespass on the forbidden area. The beef soup is naturally different.

At this moment, Beef Soup finally hemmed and said his reason for coming. She came here to have a relationship with Ye Guhong, and then put the blame on him, and then she can take advantage of the chaos and leave. Of course, this must not be said directly to Ye Guhong, and a high-sounding reason must be fabricated.

At this time, Qiu Shuiqing had already thought about it for her yesterday.

Beef soup works hard in the kitchen, and has always been praised by others, but recently a distinguished guest came, because of the weird taste, he thought her beef soup was very unpalatable, so he was furious and asked Baiyun City to punish her This cook, she is just a little cook, without any power, so of course she can't think of a way, thinking that Ye Guhong introduced her, so she can only ask him to save her life.

When Ye Guhong heard it, he was taught by Wudang since he was a child, and his sense of justice suddenly came to his head, and he said seriously: "Don't worry, the sky is bright, if my cousin does such evil things, I will definitely not Allow him."

Beef soup heard the commotion outside, she trembled and said, "Mr...Mr., they are here!"

Sure enough, someone came outside, Ye Gucheng did not come, neither did Yuan Suiyun.

The former's injury was not healed, so he was spared this trip, and he didn't want to see Ye Guhong angry. As for the latter, of course, he changed his clothes, drank medicine and rested over there, and let a blind person, or a blind person temporarily unable to use his internal strength, to drive on a heavy rainy day. This is really an inhumane thing, and no one can do it.

Jiang Li followed. She was holding a red umbrella in her hand, and she was wearing a red dress of the same color. Even if she was walking behind, she still caught everyone's attention. The misty rain curtain could not stop the transmission of beauty at all. On the contrary, it covered her with a layer of mystery, appearing and disappearing from time to time.

Jing Wuming holds the sword and guards her at all times. He was worried that if Jiang Lijian was not in his hand, it might not be safe.

Guards with bows and crossbows surrounded the ancestral hall.

The door of the ancestral hall was wide open, and Ye Guhong and Niu Tang could be clearly seen. Their movements were too intimate, as if they were really a pair of lovers. At this time, Niu Tang was hiding behind Ye Guhong's bed. If he wanted to hurt her, Ye Guhong would not be spared. But Ye Guhong is the young master of Tang, while Niu Routang is a female assassin, how could it be so

But the next moment, without their asking, Ye Guhong opened his mouth, and he said coldly: "If you want to hurt her, step on me."

At this moment, Jiang Li also spoke, she said: "As long as there is still a breath, I will guarantee him not to die."

Her words seemed to have an invisible force, before Lu Xiaofeng, the deputy city lord, nodded, the next moment, all arrows were fired.

The author has something to say: Half a month has passed in a blink of an eye, and I actually updated 6666 for half a month, which is really amazing, and I admire myself so much.