Qixiu Royal Sister [Comprehensive Sword Three]

Chapter 68


Lu Xiaofeng was dumbfounded.

The beef soup was dumbfounded.

Ye Guhong was also dumbfounded.

Apart from this word, it seemed that nothing else could describe their nearly broken hearts.

No one thought, not even many guards themselves, that they really dared to shoot arrows. Jiang Li's cold and clear voice seemed to have a deceptive magic power in the rain, making them unable to refuse, and they couldn't bear to refuse, they unconsciously obeyed her orders, even though their temporary boss was Lu Xiaofeng, not her.

These are all high-quality crossbows, and they are extremely powerful within three hundred steps, not to mention that Ye Guhong and Niu Niu Tang are less than fifty steps away from these guards. The coldness is dazzling, rustling through the air, it is really frightening enough. Even Jiang Li, at such a short distance, might not be able to retreat completely from such an arrow array, let alone the two of them.

Of course, Jiang Li would never let himself fall into this situation. It was impossible for the opponent to use crowd tactics to surround her. She would step aside before attacking them one by one, and wiped out all these crossbowmen. Of course, Ye Guhong is already a wounded person, and although Beef Soup is not injured, his kung fu is not good enough to leave the range of the gun in an instant.

Ye Guhong was startled and angry, his voice trembled a little, if it wasn't for the expert who can see through life and death, with so many arrows flying, everyone would have to change his face. He had just uttered harsh words just now, and now he wished he could take them back immediately, but he gritted his teeth and said bravely: "Are you really going to kill me? Could it be against the sky? Cousin... does cousin know?"

Although he was sent to Wudang at the age of four, and grew up there, he rarely came to Baiyun City except during the holidays, and every time he came, he was caught and educated by Ye Gucheng, and because of this, he even rebelled against his heart and did not worship swordsmanship. The cousin Ye Gucheng, on the contrary, regards his cousin's "rival", Ximen Chuuxue, as an idol.

Sometimes, he had conflicts with Ye Gucheng, and he also said that he wished he was not an asshole of the Ye family, but in fact, Ye Guhong still had a sense of identity with this place and his blood in the bottom of his heart. At least when facing the ancestors of the Ye family in the ancestral hall, he was still very honest and did not dare to make mistakes.

Ye Guhong never expected that his cousin would insist on doing things his own way and just persecute the orphan girl, but he would even want him to die!

In addition, with Jiang Li's words, he originally thought that after the "mother-in-law" sword, he had agreed to marry him and Shaman. At this moment, it seemed that Jiang Li didn't want to see him at all, and wanted him to die. How could it be possible? Agree to marry Sharman to him? His sword was really in vain, and he didn't gain any "mother-in-law" favorability.

The combination of these two things made Ye Guhong's heart feel ashamed, plus he was injured and unable to move, so he didn't even hide.

He said ruthlessly in his heart: "A man should stand upright, there is that girl behind me, how can I retreat?"

Ye Guhong didn't hide, he didn't want to live, but the beef soup did. She also plans to leave here and go to find the ninth son, and never stay with Yuan Suiyun, a procrastinating scholar. She is so unhappy in doing things, why would she want to die here? It was only when Jian Yu appeared that she realized that Yuan Suiyun was not procrastinating at all, but was secretly shady. He hoped to catch all of them, even his own people.

He even dared to attack Ye Gucheng, the lord of Baiyun City, and almost succeeded. If it wasn't for Jiang Li, he might have succeeded. Would such a person care about a mere Ye Guhong? Facts have proved that Yuan Suiyun's blame is very solid, not only Lu Xiaofeng doubts him, but even Niu Niutang thinks that no one will do this except Yuan Suiyun.

Yuan Suiyun: I feel so wronged, crying.jpg

The beef soup also got angry, Yuan Suiyun wanted her to die more, but she wanted to live a good life and sold him out.

Just at the very moment, Niu Routang put his hands on Ye Guhong's back lightly. She didn't use much force, but only with palm strength, Ye Guhong suddenly moved towards the place where the arrows were densest. In this way, the beef soup was given the emptiness of reaction, the emptiness that was exchanged for the human shield.

This "teammate" sold it decisively, because she didn't take Ye Guhong seriously at all.

Ye Guhong only had time to say "you" before an arrow fell on him. A few arrows passed through the body, fortunately they didn't hit any particularly vital parts, but the pain was inevitable. Under the severe pain, Ye Guhong's mind naturally became extraordinarily clear. At this time, he naturally knew what beef soup meant.

If he didn't know, he was really stupid as a pig. But knowing so what, it was already too late.

Although the arrows have a front and a back, they basically came out at the same time. The luck just now did not hit the vital point, and the luck later is not so good.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Niu Tang turned over and pulled out his belt. With just a slight shake and injection of inner strength, the soft belt becomes a sword. Even such a sword can kill in her hands. Leaping forward, she slashed several times, disconnected the arrows flying towards her, and jumped onto the beam. Thanks to Ye Guhong's block, she could move so freely.

Originally, what Niu Tang is best at should be Fairy Ruyi's famous stunt, Ruyi Orchid Hand, but this does not mean that she has no knowledge of swordsmanship. And to deal with things like arrows, using bare hands is really a disadvantage. It is safer to have a weapon, even if this weapon is just a belt.

Because of the angle, she is safe for the time being, but obviously if she continues to stay here, she will only end up being caught again.

Wealth and wealth are sought in insurance.

Niu Rou Tang gritted his teeth, jumped off the beam again, and swooped down, landing right behind Ye Guhong.

One time was not enough, she even wanted to use Ye Guhong as a human shield to leave, Qiu Shuiqing sent someone to say that Ye Guhong was the mastermind behind the scenes, and it would be better to cause internal fighting in Baiyun City, she had completely forgotten Cloud Nine. Now that the catastrophe is imminent, it is good that she can escape, so how can she care about other things

Ye Guhong wanted to struggle, but now he looks like a rag doll that has been trampled, with blood holes all over his body, looks extremely terrifying and miserable, how can he have the strength to resist? Niu Niu Tang said sweetly: "Young master, you are going to die anyway, so why don't you stand in the way for others."

This sentence made Ye Guhong's face flush with anger.

Beef soup is holding Ye Guhong hostage, so only when he climbed over the beam before, there were five arrows passing by, with some flesh wounds, other places are clean.

She walked to the gate, at this time, Ye Guhong was already like an archery target, or a hedgehog, he was breathing but not breathing.

Seeing this situation, the other guards were afraid to move.

At this moment, Lu Xiaofeng moved.

With a flash of his figure, he suddenly appeared behind the beef soup, and tapped lightly with two fingers.

Lu Xiaofeng was thinking about Yuan Suiyun all the way, and he was already restless. He really didn't want to doubt his friend, but compared to Jin Jiuling who was impeccable, Lu Xiaofeng felt that "Yuan Suiyun" revealed too many flaws, so he couldn't help doubting, had to doubt.

One or two things, Lu Xiaofeng can still turn a blind eye to them, but the sum of all these things happened, it's like a big doubt about me. Lu Xiaofeng endured it a few times, but finally couldn't help it, and turned his thoughts to Yuan Suiyun. And the more I think about it, the more I feel that there is a ghost in it. Yuan Suiyun is definitely not as rumored, on the contrary, it is not simple.

If Yuan Suiyun knew what Lu Xiaofeng was thinking, he would definitely vomit a few mouthfuls of blood. He has always been impeccable in his work and never gives people the slightest chance of doubt, but Naihe has a group of psychopathic partners, Sharman has not cheated him much, she has always been smart enough and aware of current affairs, but one palace nine, one palace Jiu Tamei, especially the latter, made Yuan Suiyun's face bloody.

Although Yuan Suiyun is indeed a BOSS, and a BOSS of BOSS, but the biggest problem is that he has not exposed himself at all. What Lu Xiaofeng saw was basically either beef soup nonsense, or Qiu Shuiqing's fabrication, but it was crooked. Under the circumstances, Lu Xiaofeng was getting closer and closer to the truth.

Therefore, Lu Xiaofeng was in a trance, and he didn't come back to his senses until the accident before him happened.

"It's over." Lu Xiaofeng thought in his heart, Ye Gucheng regarded him as a friend, but he beheaded his cousin, and he was bound to end his hatred. Now that Baiyun City is surrounded by the sea, he can't even run, and it's impossible to grow two wings , Turn into a real phoenix and fly away. He also doesn't have the ability for Jiang Li to walk on waves, if Ye Gucheng gets angry and wants to kill him, he has nowhere to run.

Looking at it now, I found that Ye Guhong, who was held hostage by the beef soup, was still alive, and Jiang Li said that as long as there was still a breath, she could be rescued. Thinking about claiming that the living can't be healed, she is definitely not bragging. The previous incident also showed Jiang Li's superb medical skills, so Lu Xiaofeng could only put Bao on her.

Niu Niu Tang sneered, and the soft sword that she transformed into a belt flicked, like a spirit snake spitting out a letter, and hooked towards Lu Xiaofeng.

What is hooked is not a person, but a life.

This sword made a semicircle, not only attacking Lu Xiaofeng, but she could also attack Ye Guhong at any time.

Lu Xiaofeng had to retreat, if he didn't retreat, Ye Guhong might lose his last breath.

Jing Wuming glanced at Jiang Li's expression, and planned to make a move.

But when the beef soup is in full bloom, he is not so afraid of Jing Wuming. In this case, how can he fight him? When Jing Wuming was about to move, he said: "If you don't want him to die, just stand there obediently."

Of course Jing Wuming didn't care whether Ye Guhong died or not, but Lu Xiaofeng winked desperately, for fear that Jing Wuming's impulsiveness would really take his last breath away, injury is one thing, death is another up. He rarely looked at Jiang Li with some hesitation, and retreated to his original position.

At this time, Jiang Li moved. She is like a group of flames blooming in the rain, as if replacing the setting sun, dyeing the whole world orange red. Niu Niu Tang only has two eyes, so when he was on guard against Lu Xiaofeng and Jing Wuming, it was inevitable that he would be a little negligent towards Jiang Li. At this time, it was enough for Jiang Li to bully her within ten feet.

At this moment, the cuckoo red in Jiang Li's hand came out and threw it straight at it. It first passes through Ye Guhong's body, and then submerges into Beef Tang's body, once through twice.

Jiang Li said quietly: "You don't care if he dies or not, do I care? It's just a pity that I lost my umbrella."

The author has something to say: If I say there is no second update today, you will save money, are you happy? I have committed a lazy cancer, and I want to get rid of it.