Qixiu Royal Sister [Comprehensive Sword Three]

Chapter 69


When Jiang Li said these words, layers of rain fell from the front of the beef soup, coupled with the pain, her vision was already a little blurred, and she could only vaguely see the beautiful face of the white-haired woman opposite, There seemed to be an eternal coldness, like ice and snow, and the red clothes on her body seemed to be dyed with blood, her blood.

Beef Soup suddenly thought of Shaman. If Shaman looked like Jiang Li, she wouldn't find him so annoying.

She coughed, and blood foam gushed out of her mouth, saying: "You are more cruel than me."

Niu Niu Tang always thought that she could be regarded as ruthless. If you are a killer, if you are not ruthless, you will die. If you are ruthless, someone else will die. This sentence, her father, the little old man Wu Ming, the owner of the nameless island, often said, and the beef soup was always in his heart. Therefore, when she did something to Ye Guhong, she didn't have any soft-heartedness or hesitation.

Even if Ye Guhong was always on her side.

But Niu Tang didn't expect Jiang Li to be more ruthless than her. Niu Niu Tang had a deep understanding of how deep this move was. But Ye Guhong's experience must be deeper than hers. After being injured several times, he had already fainted, his face was pale, he looked like he was about to die, and he was not taking a breath.

The guard next to him reminded: "Miss Jiang, if there is any further delay, Master Tang may..."

Jiang Li said indifferently: "I claim that the living can't be treated, and I don't wait for my last breath. Isn't it a bad reputation?"

"What reputation do you have?" Seeing that Jiang Li was still talking big, Niu Niu Tang thought to himself, but her skills are not as good as others, and she was defeated by Jiang Li. If she belittles Jiang Li, then what is she? And now every word she utters is a great burden on her body, so she naturally won't use her words at this time.

Lu Xiaofeng quietly breathed a sigh of relief, he wanted to bring this up at first, but someone else mentioned it to him, and it saved him from complaining once.

The guards looked at each other, seeing that Jiang Li was full of confidence, they naturally didn't dare to mention it.

Only then did Jiang Li answer the beef soup question, saying: "If Wuming, I wouldn't do this." Jing Wuming was picked up by her anyway, able to resist and fight, hardworking, is a very qualified violent DPS, If he was in danger, Jiang Li would naturally think of other ways, a little more detour, not so simple and rude.

Jing Wuming didn't expect that Jiang Li would call his name at this time, his eyes lit up slightly, and his head was raised a little bit higher.

Because of these words, Lu Xiaofeng was finally freed from petrification.

"But what is he?" Jiang Li said indifferently, not paying attention to Ye Guhong at all.

The guards of Baiyun City only hope that Ye Guhong will not die, otherwise they will not be able to explain to their own city lord. In fact, they see Ye Guhong in the same way as Jiang Li. If he is not the blood of the Ye family, the cousin of the city lord, who would serve this idiot every day? ah? But as subordinates, they couldn't criticize Ye Guhong like Jiang Li did, so they could only keep silent.

Ye Guhong had already passed out at this time, otherwise he would have had nothing to love again after hearing Jiang Li's words.

Qiu Shuiqing has been hiding aside.

He didn't dare to go into the City Lord's Mansion, but the final destination was the Ye Family Ancestral Temple, so he naturally wouldn't miss this opportunity.

Qiu Shuiqing is not good at martial arts, but his patience is top-notch, and what happened before is too much and too chaotic, and there are also many people here, many guards are breathing together, coupled with the sound of rain, he is a person with sensitive ears , I can't feel that there is a person hidden nearby.

Everything ahead was originally in his plan, but as soon as Jiang Li's words fell and the arrow rained out, even he could only be dumbfounded. To be honest, this god Kai Qiu Shuiqing is very convinced, he deserves to be the one who asked him to find Shi Guanyin to die. To be honest, Qiu Shuiqing didn't care whether the beef soup died or not, it had nothing to do with him anyway, but if he died here, how could he blame Yuan Suiyun

Qiu Shuiqing had no choice but to take the risk and communicate with Jiang Li once. As for Jiang Li's face, it was resigned to fate.

Jiang Li gave Qiu Shuiqing this face.

It's not because of anything else, it's just because he cheated Yuan Suiyunkeng so unobtrusively and skillfully. If she hadn't been in the middle of the game and was considered an insider, Jiang Li would have stood on the same front with Lu Xiaofeng and suspected Yuan Suiyun. One size counts for one size, Yuan Suiyun did a lot of bad things, and no one will clean him up, but he didn't do it, and it makes sense that he must recite all of them just because he is a bad person.

Jiang Li was very happy to see the play, so he decided to pay for the ticket. But put the water back into the water, and the beef soup will not seize the opportunity, so there is no way.

Jiang Li tapped several acupuncture points on Ye Guhong's body to stop the bleeding, and took out the panacea Jiuhua Yulu pill and Jiansanjiaxuelan pill from his bosom, mixed them together and stuffed a few for him. Of course, this is a palliative, not a permanent cure, but at least his condition is beginning to be brought under control instead of continuing to deteriorate. But who knows that Jiang Li hasn't cut the milk yet, so Ye Guhong can only hold on for a while.

Although Bing Xin is not incapable of treatment, at least Jiang Li is not in the mood to read a heart drum string to Ye Guhong to make him jump up and down immediately. If he doesn't lie down for a year or so, he won't know what's good or bad. Of course, the most important thing is that if Ye Guhong gets better and shows up in front of Jiang Li every day, asking Jiang Li to marry Shaman to him, Jiang Li will definitely go berserk.

In this way, Jiang Li safely pulled out the blood-stained Juantihong and put it aside.

She looked at the umbrella, and a mist seemed to form in her eyes.

Jiang Li's pendants, interesting items, etc. have a characteristic, that is, they can't leave her for too long. Once they exceed a certain distance, or if they are in the hands of others, they will automatically return to her package. Of course, they still have their own refreshments. of. So as long as the drama is over for a while, her cuckoo red will become a new one and come back.

This is the reason why Jiang Li dared to do this, otherwise she would have to find something else, such as a branch, a stick or something.

Of course, Beef Soup will not give up. She went through killer training back then, and her injuries were much more serious than this time. Although the opponents at that time were not as terrible as they are now, there are countless bowmen and crossbowmen. Lifeless, Lu Xiaofeng who is not below her, and Jiang Li who is unfathomable.

When Jiang Li stopped Ye Guhong's bleeding, he seemed to "ignore" her.

Beef Soup was behind Ye Guhong, her injuries were lighter than his anyway, at least she hasn't passed out from the pain yet, and she can still think.

The time Jiang Li ignored her was enough for her to catch her breath and gather some strength.

Such an injury, if it was on the Ninth Young Master, with his resilience, naturally it would not be a problem, but on Ye Guhong, even if he had heard about Jiang Li's extraordinary medical skills, he had never seen it with his own eyes. Niu Niu Tang thought, This man cannot be saved. Jiang Li killed Ye Guhong "with his own hands", which offended Ye Gucheng to death, and trouble would definitely be inevitable.

Niu Niu Tang felt that she only needed to get out, even if she didn't do anything in the future, Baiyun City would find her a place again. Originally, she was counting on Yuan Suiyun to help her out, but this wave of arrows woke her up, and now she has no one to rely on but herself. At that time, she will find Yuan Suiyun to settle this account!

As a killer, his tolerance for pain is still very strong. She held back her trembling, flicked the belt that was still in her hand, and hooked it to the corner of the roof behind her. The beef soup pulled violently, and with the force of the counter-shock, it went up to the roof in an instant. At this time, everyone realized that countless bows and crossbows were aimed at her again.

Jiang Li was "busy" treating Ye Guhong, and couldn't get away, so naturally he didn't have time to do anything.

Lu Xiaofeng raised his head and was about to chase after him.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis coming from behind, and a ray of light bloomed.

Qiu Shuiqing made a move, and he created an opportunity for Beef Soup.

Lu Xiaofeng subconsciously rushed to the side, and suddenly three large characters appeared in his mind: "Peacock Ling."

Peacock Ling, the number one hidden weapon in the world, can hurt Ye Gucheng and Ximen Chuuxue's Peacock Ling.

If Lu Xiaofeng didn't hide, maybe he would really become a dead phoenix, and Jiang Li's look of not wanting to see him, maybe it was really "a living person who can't be treated".

Qiu Shuiqing really couldn't make a second peacock feather, even if it was an imitation, but as a manufacturer, he could imitate a defective product that looked very similar but was far less lethal. I believe that anyone in the world who has heard of the power of peacock feathers will not dare to try it for themselves after seeing this brilliant light. What is the power of the legendary number one hidden weapon in the world

As a result, Lu Xiaofeng gave up the beef soup and chased after his attacker.

He had a hunch that if he caught up with this person, maybe he could find the answer to all the things he had doubts about before. In this way, the beef broth is not so important. It doesn't matter whether she is dead or alive, whether she can be caught or not. Moreover, there are so many bowmen and crossbowmen here, it is not so easy for her to leave even if she wants to.

Moreover, Lu Xiaofeng felt that this person, perhaps very likely, was Yuan Suiyun! If he caught someone with stolen goods and got them, he didn't need to think so much, and Yuan Suiyun didn't need to explain anything. If this opportunity is missed, Lu Xiaofeng will not be the famous detective who can find friends every time he investigates a case.

Qiu Shui was prepared early in the morning, so naturally he would not let Lu Xiaofeng chase him, he was wrapped in night clothes, even his own father would not be able to recognize him at this time. Moreover, he has been lurking in Baiyun City for many years. With his familiarity with this place, if he can't get rid of Lu Xiaofeng, he can sleep well.

The two went forward and back, and disappeared after a few vertical jumps.

Beef soup reacted quickly, no matter who is still helping her at this time, she must seize this opportunity.

Regardless of her injuries, she rolled on the ground and rolled from one side to the other side of the roof, leaving a fresh bloodstain, but using the height difference of the roof, she successfully blocked the sight of the bow and crossbowman. From this angle, they couldn't hit her. If it weren't for the heavy injuries, her movements shouldn't be so ugly, but at this time, she doesn't care so much.

Next, the beef broth whipped out that girdle again. The belt is really a good thing. She feels that after successfully escaping, every time she goes out in the future, she must wrap it around her body ten or eight times, otherwise she will not feel safe when going out.

The Ye Family Ancestral Temple was built behind Baiyun City, that is to say, although the slope below is not as steep as the place where Ye Gucheng was attacked before, it is still inclined, and there is a vast sea below. Normally, with this small slope, the beef soup can come and go freely, but with such a serious injury, it can only be a gamble.

Beef soup gritted his teeth and jumped down.

The author has something to say: I just saw it, and I wish my friend Huayue Lingfeng a happy birthday.

After going out for a while, I ordered a plate of spicy crayfish, but my appetite was too small, and I couldn't eat a third of it, so I had to pack it up and go home and stare in a daze.