Qixiu Royal Sister [Comprehensive Sword Three]

Chapter 7: Lord of Baiyun City


As soon as the two arrived, two rows of soldiers came forward neatly. They were wearing heavy armor, which could reflect shiny silver light in the rain. With hands and crossbows around his waist, he looked aggressive. They were just about to salute to their boss, Prince Nan, when they suddenly saw the half-covered face under Jiang Li's umbrella, bullying Shuang Saixue.

These dozens of people froze suddenly, and for a while, there was no sound except the splashing rain.

They were stunned, and the formation was slightly chaotic. Jiang Li keenly noticed that a left-handed man had mixed in among the group of right-handed men.

#There is a traitor among us#

Jiang Li's eyes paused on him for a moment, and after looking carefully, she discovered the difference between this man and the other guards. For example, there are three hideous scars on his face, which looks very terrifying. For another example, his fingers are thinner and longer than others, like eagle claws, so thin that the bones can be seen. No matter how you look at it, he doesn't look like an ordinary guard.

It wasn't until Nan Wang's son came forward that someone came back to his senses, bowed his head and said: "I have seen the son of the world."

If there is one, there are two. In this way, everyone can find back their souls that flew out of the sky.

Jiang Li noticed that her face seemed to be much more lethal in the rain. It really is a look at the city of Qingren, and then look at the country of Qingren, and when you meet a bewildered one. Jiang Li was very satisfied with her hard work being recognized by others, and it was not in vain that she pinched her face for forty-eight hours because of her obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Nan Wang's son was not easy to get angry in front of Jiang Li, he gave these subordinates a sinister look, and smiled at Jiang Li. Although he was soaked and his forehead hair was slightly loose, not only did he not look embarrassed, but he also revealed a trace of calm demeanor and nobleness, and said to Jiang Li: "I didn't make any preparations before, if there is any delay, Please don't blame the girl. Girl, please."

Jiang Li nodded, and took a step forward, thinking casually, speaking of it, these guards are not easy, they don't open umbrellas to greet people here on a rainy day, and I don't know if they have double salaries. Just at this moment, her gaze suddenly froze, looking through layers of rain curtains, she landed on a white shadow.

The white figure was facing her back at this time, looking a little thin and thin.

Jiang Li seemed to see Ximen Chuuxue again, and this man in white looked very much like Ximen Chuuxue.

Lonely, cold, clinging to the sword.

Even if he couldn't see what Bai Ying was holding in his hand at this moment, his intuition could tell Jiang Li that it was a sword.

This sword was made by overseas cold sword elites. It has a sharp edge of three feet and three feet and a net weight of six catties and four taels.

Compared with Ximen Chuuxue, the figure of this white-clothed man is thinner, and Ximen Chuuxue is colder, but this person seems to be in a high position all year round, and he is more dignified besides his indifference. So even though he resembles Ximen Chuuxue very much, he is not Ximen Chuuxue, he is Ye Gucheng, the lord of Baiyun City Ye Gucheng.

There is only one Ximen Chuuxue in this world, and of course there is only one Ye Gucheng.

Similar to what she thought, Jiang Li withdrew his gaze and asked knowingly, "That's it?"

Prince Nan looked at Jiang Li's eyes on the stone lion in front of the door, and was about to show off in front of the beauty, but suddenly he was also stunned. His martial arts are not as good as Jiang Li's, and his internal strength is not that deep, but looking over now, in the misty rain and fog, it is enough for him to get a rough idea. It turned out that there was a man in white standing on the top of the palace.

With an ethereal figure, riding the wind and crossing the clouds, he looks like a banished fairy.

As the most magnificent building in this place, the Nanwang Mansion not only occupies a very large area, but even its height is second to none. In this city, there is no other one that can match it. As the prince of Nanwang, this piece of fief belongs to him. Of course, no one would dare to build a house higher than him within his fief.

Seeing Jiang Li's curiosity, Prince Nan showed a little pride, and explained: "That's the teacher. The old man said something, and I'm afraid it will take a few days. I didn't expect it to arrive today." It seems a bit ridiculous to be called an old man by Nan Wangshizi because he is too old, at most thirty years old, but it seems reasonable in terms of his status.

Ye Gucheng is famous all over the world, but he is the top swordsman and the top master in the world today. Being able to become his disciple, Prince Nan is indeed something to be proud of. Moreover, Jiang Li seemed indifferent when his identity was exposed by his subordinates before. From this, it can be seen that Jiang Li may not be interested in identity and power. The Prince of the South guessed that Jiang Li should be interested in martial arts.

Of course there are people who have no desires and no desires, but they are really very few. Nan Wang Shizi felt that he would not meet one by such a coincidence.

At this moment, Ye Gucheng turned around. With such a long distance and low visibility, Jiang Li couldn't see his face clearly, nor his expression. Only those eyes that looked like cold stars were shining brightly, like To shoot directly into people's hearts. This pair of eyes seemed to be the only light in this palace in this gloomy rainy night.

The cold voice and silent shadow on Jiang Li's back twitched slightly. They seemed very happy to see two top swordsmen in one day. The awareness of these two swords is very hazy, probably only at the level of a child, so the likes and dislikes are very obvious. If you like it, you will encourage Jiang Li to do it, and if you don't like it, you will directly express your dislike in your heart.

Seeing Jiang Li not moving, Prince Nan asked softly, "Miss?"

Jiang Li came back to his senses and said, "Sorry, I was a little distracted for a while."

"It's okay, miss." Naturally, Prince Nan didn't care, he just laughed it off and spread his hands as an invitation.

Nan Wang Shizi led Jiang Li to the main hall, and after asking her to take a seat, he apologized: "My clothes are disheveled, please wait a moment, girl, and let me change my clothes before coming back."

Jiang Li nodded.

Prince Nan ordered his servants to serve Jiang Li some tea and fruit snacks before leaving.

At this time, someone came to Jiang Li and asked, "Miss, what kind of tea do you want?"

Jiang Li didn't have any requirements for tea, so he said, "You can do whatever you want."

Soon, two plates of candied fruit and a cup of scented tea were brought up.

Jiang Li took it, took a sip of tea, did not move the snack plate, and asked casually: "I heard that Baiyun City Lord is in the mansion at this time?"

"If you go back to the girl, there is indeed such a thing."

"I wonder if you can recommend one or two for me?"

When the servants heard Jiang Li's words, there was some hesitation on their faces. Ye Gucheng has a noble status, not only the lord of Baiyun City, but also the master of Shi Ziye, it is definitely not something that servants like them can talk about. He had already ordered that in the Nanwang Mansion not to be disturbed by anyone. But Jiang Li is their son's pampered guest, if they don't tell her the truth, they will be the ones who will be unlucky when the time comes.

Seeing that they didn't say anything, Jiang Li sighed, "Forget it, I won't embarrass you."

Only then did everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

After waiting for a while, the rain did not stop, but the thunder and lightning flashed in the sky, making it even more terrifying.

Prince Nan Wang walked to the main hall with an umbrella. He was still wearing a green robe, with a jade face and vermilion lips, and the sword was still hanging on his waist, but it was replaced with a simpler scabbard. In this way, the aura of wealth and nobility is less, and the demeanor of a young hero is more. He handed the umbrella to the servant next to him, and said with a smile, "Miss Lao has been waiting for a long time."

After saying this, he subconsciously looked at the folded blue umbrella in Jiang Li's hand.

Because there were outsiders present, it was not easy for Jiang Li to receive the Night Galaxy into the pendant, so he held it in his hand. Her pendants are quite special, they can only be used by herself, or shared with others, if they are given to others, or taken aside, they will automatically return to her pendant column, so Jiang Li did not put down the umbrella.

Jiang Li said, "It's okay."

Then, Jiang Li asked him about Ye Gucheng, saying that he had admired this overseas sword fairy for a long time, and wondered if he could recommend him.

The Prince Nan's admiration and pursuit of Jiang Li is palpable. If Jiang Li said such words, others would naturally retreat from the difficulties. However, the Prince Nan was the best choice no matter his background, talent or martial arts. Knowing that Jiang Lifei was an ordinary person, he was prepared in his heart and looked as usual.

Because Jiang Li's attitude was a bit wrong. The admiration she spoke of was not so much the love between a man and a woman, but rather a swordsman's admiration for a senior who stood at the pinnacle of swordsmanship. Every swordsman in the rivers and lakes would like to meet such peerless swordsmen as Ximen Chuixue and Ye Gucheng. The Prince Nan Wang understands this feeling very well.

He said to Jiang Li: "My teacher is happy and quiet, I never see outsiders, but since the girl mentioned it, I will try to scold him and ask the girl for the girl."

Jiang Li smiled slightly and said, "Thank you."

The prince of the Southern Prince was flickered by this gorgeous and incomparable smile. Jiang Li's not smiling is already a stunning beauty in the world, but at this moment, a slight smile is even more precious, as if the room is full of brilliance. After a pause, Prince Nan suppressed his faster and faster heartbeat, and said: "Whether you see the girl or not, you still have to look at the tutor, I'm just passing on the message for you."

"I know, thank you, young master." Jiang Li nodded slightly.

She is very confident that Ye Gucheng is willing to see her, not because of her appearance, but because of her two big orange weapons.

Although Jiang Li uses a sword, but I don't know if it's because of her special relationship. Unlike other people in the martial arts world, her body is full of sword energy. In the eyes of others, Jiang Li seems to be an ordinary person who doesn't know martial arts. When I met Ximen Chuuxue before, at such a close distance, Ximen Chuuxue didn't even feel the slightest sword intent on her body. Through the heavy rain, Ye Gucheng didn't open his eyes, so obviously he couldn't see it either.

The reason why Ye Gucheng turned his head back just now was because he felt the cold sound and lonely shadow on her back.

When a swordsman sees a peerless sword, he is always willing to take some time to see it.

Nan Wang Shizi said: "The dining room has already prepared meals, and it's almost time now, let's eat the meal first, and then I will introduce the girl to my teacher."

Jiang Li was not in a hurry, nodded and said, "Please trouble me, sir."

"Girl, please follow me."

The son of the Southern Prince led Jiang Li to the dining room, and the well-trained servants began to serve a table of meals.

After using it, he said: "Miss, wait a moment, I will go and ask my teacher."

Jiang Li nodded.

As soon as he got up and walked to the door, Prince Nan's footsteps stopped, he turned around, seemingly unintentionally: "By the way, I don't know the girl's name? I can also send a message to my teacher."

Jiang Li didn't expose her, he just said, "My surname is Jiang."

Prince Nan didn't ask any further questions, but just read it once: "Miss Jiang."

After all, he turned and left.