Qixiu Royal Sister [Comprehensive Sword Three]

Chapter 71


Lu Xiaofeng left with depression all over his body.

Yuan Suiyun's expression darkened after Lu Xiaofeng left.

Although he is blind, he is by no means a fool. On the contrary, he is a very smart and intelligent person. If Lu Xiaofeng didn't ask the last sentence, it would be fine, but once he asked this sentence, Yuan Suiyun didn't know, he suspected himself. But, what made him suspicious? Did the beef soup say something? Damn it, he might as well have killed this troublesome woman back then.

Yuan Suiyun felt a little regretful, because he studied the Zhenlong chess game all night, he was so excited that he couldn't sleep, and he didn't have time to kill people to silence him, so he got to today's situation. If he solved the beef soup earlier, he must have been promoted and raised his salary to reach the pinnacle of his life. Maybe Baiyun City is his, so why waste time here

Of course, Yuan Suiyun didn't know at the moment that there would be someone else without the beef soup. Qiu Shuiqing was in the dark, and he was in the light. The information was not equal, so he didn't know that someone was plotting against him behind his back, and one had already seen through it. Jiang Li, who has ruined everything, his wishful thinking is doomed to come to naught before it even starts.

However, there are rumors in the Jianghu that the Zhenlong Chess Game involves a shocking secret. This secret is of great value and has attracted countless people. However, no one has been able to solve it for so long. Being able to improve your reputation, the things behind it can bring a lot of help if you think about it, but it's worth the trouble now.

But after thinking about it, Yuan Suiyun felt something was wrong. What Lu Xiaofeng asked was if he hadn't left all this time, so it is very possible that he saw someone similar to himself, and the beef soup exposed his words, so Lu Xiaofeng would not ask such a question. With Lu Xiaofeng's temperament, if he knew what happened to him before, he would definitely investigate secretly instead of coming to him to ask for evidence.

Only when you are not sure, you will ask for confirmation. If you are sure, you will never say more.

Thinking about it this way, Yuan Suiyun felt much better. He was indeed here all the time, and he didn't disturb the wind and rain. Although the pharmacy was not used frequently, people came in and out frequently in the past few days. Those who testified for him could at least find a slap in the face. In this way, Lu Xiaofeng's suspicion was dispelled, he must feel guilty towards himself, and things would be much easier then.

Thinking about it that way, it might not be a bad thing.

But, who is that mysterious person who made Lu Xiaofeng suspect that it might be him? Lu Xiaofeng wasn't sure, it meant that this person at least covered his face, or hid his identity in other ways, and his martial arts were not weak. Judging by his appearance when he came, it seemed that he had used martial arts, but it shouldn't be very intense, which meant that the relationship between the two There was no fighting, it should be a chase.

Yuan Suiyun pondered.

Jiang Li and Jing Wuming's kung fu naturally met this standard, but the two of them left with Lu Xiaofeng, so they probably don't have time to do these things. As for Jiang Li's appearance, even if she has no eyes, Yuan Suiyun can also tell that she is very arrogant and absolutely disdains to show others with her face covered. Jing Wuming is with her, so naturally he doesn't mention it.

Ximen Chuuxue is currently in retreat, since Yuan Suiyun came to the City Lord's Mansion, he has not met him once, and if Ximen Chuuxue can change his face, he has also hidden it from Lu Xiaofeng, who is his closest friend, Yuan Suiyun doesn't believe it at all, there are not as many people in Jianghu who pretend to be so perfect and have different appearances.

Ye Gucheng and Huamanlou naturally have the same reasoning, Ximen Chuuxue doesn't know it, and the two of them naturally don't know it either, so there's no need to mention it.

Then, there is no one left to meet the conditions, could it be Gong Jiu? After Yuan Suiyun was cheated by beef soup once, although he did not reach the level of being bitten by a snake for ten years and fearing well ropes, his wariness against this group of psychopaths from Wuming Island has increased by at least eight levels.

No, even if Gong Jiu has some brain problems, the beef soup is his sister anyway, not a cat or a dog. If Gong Jiu is really here, he must get the beef soup out immediately at this time, so as not to Don't care about beef soup now, come to cheat him, and now Gong Jiu still needs to rent his Bat Island, so he shouldn't turn his face.

After thinking about it for a while, and eliminating all impossible candidates, the remaining one, no matter how impossible it is, can only be the only answer. The only one who meets the requirements, and who is currently in Baiyun City, is Huang Yaoshi, the lord of Peach Blossom Island, who played with him on the piano and was evenly matched. Other than that, there is no other suitable candidate.

Yuan Suiyun's temperament is always to make decisions before acting, and he doesn't like any variables, so after the incident of playing the piano that day, he ordered his subordinates to inquire about Huang Yaoshi's identity. There is nothing shady about his identity. Although he would not take the initiative to mention it, he would not deliberately conceal it. Yuan Suiyun successfully inquired about it.

Although there was no grudge in the past and no enmity in recent days, whether it is the identity of the young master of Wuzheng Villa or the identity of the bat boy, he has never had any feud with Huang Yaoshi before, let alone enmity. Yuan Suiyun didn't know why Huang Yaoshi wanted to "Framed" him, but he knew that he couldn't sit still and had to use some means.

Moreover, regardless of how generous Yuan Suiyun pretends to be, in fact he is quite narrow-minded, always counting pennies and pennies, and never willing to suffer even the slightest loss. To judge others by oneself, if he loses to someone in terms of rhythm, even if he doesn't say it on the face, he will be unhappy in his heart. As for whether this unhappiness will turn into hatred to deal with that person, it depends The situation, such as whether there is free time.

We can't let this matter continue to deteriorate, otherwise it will be difficult to get out of his control. Yuan Suiyun thought about it, got up and left the pharmacy. Since Huang Yaoshi attacked him first, don't blame him for being rude. But Lu Xiaofeng is staring at him now, it's better to be careful with his actions, if he catches the loophole, it will cause more trouble.

Huang Yaoshi, who was taking care of Huang Rong when her condition was getting better, was discussing the pharmacology with the pharmacist by the way, completely unexpected that he was so missed because he didn't do anything. Yuan Suiyun was tricked into joining Lu Xiaofeng's blacklist, and Huang Yaoshi was actually shot while lying down. In this step, because Yuan Suiyun had too much brains, he didn't even figure out who was behind the scenes.

Yuan Suiyun had taken the antidote at this time, and the symptoms of "poisoning" were relieved, so he asked his attendants to see Ye Gucheng.

This requirement was met.

This time the meeting was not so formal, it was in Ye Gucheng's study.

Yuan Suiyun finally brought up the reason for going to the island this time.

Of course, he didn't come to Feixian Island for sightseeing with nothing to do, but to remind Ye Gucheng of one thing.

Because Wuzheng Villa is located in Taiyuan Ethylene, bordering Sichuan and Shaanxi, so they also had some contacts with the green forest there, and then Wuzheng Villa intercepted a letter about the collusion between Nan Wang and Sichuan and Shaanxi Green Forest, and in it, Ye Gucheng was mentioned. It turns out that Suiyun came this trip to persuade Ye Gucheng to "get back when he lost his way".

Of course, with Yuan Suiyun's art of speaking, he wouldn't be so blunt, but very euphemistic. Yuan Suiyun originally planned for another reason, but now he has changed, there is no reason, it is better than this, and it will satisfy Ye Gucheng more. With Yuan Suiyun's intelligence network, he has naturally received the news that Prince Nan is dead, but Ye Gucheng will not know this, and he will definitely appreciate it.

Yuan Suiyun could directly report to the imperial court to solve the problem, so he made such a trip for Baiyun City. The young owner of the dignified Wuzheng Villa traveled thousands of miles to Baiyun City just to tell Ye Gucheng that he should not stay on the wrecked ship that was destined to sink in the Nanwang Mansion.

Who wouldn't be moved? Even Ye Gucheng will not be an exception, and he must feel that Yuan Suiyun's high righteousness is rare in the world.

After listening to Yuan Suiyun's words, Ye Gucheng's face was really moved. He nodded and said, "Thank you."

Ye Gucheng has always cherished words like gold, and the weight of these two words naturally weighs more than a thousand catties.

Yuan Suiyun smiled and said: "The words have been brought, I still have important matters, it is inconvenient to stay for a long time, and I will leave in ten days."

Ye Gucheng said: "There are ships parked at the port, the original Shaozhuang owner can choose one at will."

Yuan Suiyun didn't refuse, he said, "Thank you."

After such a passage in front of Ye Gucheng, Yuan Suiyun finished building his golden body and was ready to start. No one would have thought that a person like him who said he was going to leave immediately would be at the cusp of this crisis. Choosing to take "revenge", Yuan Suiyun is quite confident that there will be good results regardless of mental calculation or carelessness.

It is said that ten years is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge, but although Yuan Suiyun looks very gentlemanly, he is not a gentleman at all inside. Revenge is never something like this. Niu Niu Tang complained to him that Yuan Suiyun had a scholarly temper and was always slow in doing everything, so he was really inefficient. It's just that Yuan Suiyun was not active because Niu Tang had no relationship with him, and he was very efficient at this time.

Because Yuan Suiyun's eyes were inconvenient, Ye Gucheng ordered someone to take him back to the inn.

On the way, I happened to meet a group of guards who were ordered to turn back and report the situation to Ye Gucheng.

Yuan Suiyun was still very concerned about this matter, he wanted to know what happened to the beef soup, and also wanted to know what happened to make Lu Xiaofeng develop this attitude.

Of course the guards knew everything about Yuan Suiyun, and said everything in detail. But they don't know much, at least Yuan Suiyun's second doubt, they are unable to answer.

Yuan Suiyun thanked him kindly before returning to the inn.

The guards naturally went back and reported to Ye Gucheng not to mention it.

Ye Gucheng listened very carefully to what happened. Although he didn't say a word, this silence already showed his attitude. It wasn't until after hearing all this that he said: "You guys have done a good job, go down and rest." Gu Hong's temperament... also should suffer a bit, although the injury is indeed a bit serious, anyway, as long as people don't die.

The leading guard said again: "City Master, besides this, Lu Xiaofeng, Daxia Lu, asked his subordinates to give you something."

Ye Gucheng said: "What is it?"

The guard handed over a crumpled note.

Don't look at this note crumpled into a ball, it is actually very delicate, it is a common technique in the world, if the note is opened, it will leave an imprint, and it is basically impossible to completely repeat the imprint of the second fold, so it will leave This is already a very good means of preventing leaks if there are no conditions.

Ye Gucheng took it and opened the note, because this matter cannot be explained clearly in a few words, so it is very concise, only five words are written, be careful Yuan Suiyun.

The author has something to say: I forgot in the last update, I was too flustered, I wish you a happy birthday to the little friend who didn’t see you yesterday~

small theater:

Background, to undertake the first copy of Boneless Shocking Strings, because Kang Zhazha died, so the boss of Nanzhao Palace became Jiang Li, because Jiang Li was too buggy, so she kicked the egg out and hid herself below BOSS.

LZ: Great news, I found a bug in the hidden boss Jiang Li in the new Nanzhao Imperial Palace.

I don't know if you found out

LZ belongs to the top 5 land reclamation group of a certain server. Now the progress of each server is not the same, but the fifth is almost passed. Let’s start land reclamation and the last hidden boss, Jiang Li. The main reason is that the organs before Jiang Li are particularly difficult to open. Moreover, Li Yan, the fifth old man, is not able to live every time, especially when looking at his face, it is not uncommon for him to get stuck for a week if his face is not good, so Jiang Li is still in a state of groping for land reclamation.

LZ has fought Jiangli several times before, but her mechanism is too complicated, and her fault tolerance rate is also very low. If you don’t think it’s easy to cut it, it’s not so easy. Our team’s best result was once, and the blood volume dropped to 60%. In the transition stage, when she made a big move, the group was wiped out, but it digresses, this is not the focus of LZ's talk today.

What LZ wants to say is, it seems that the person who opened Jiangli is different, and her stats are also different. In the past, the head of LZ was a strategist T, and this week his account was hacked because of the rescue CD, and then he changed. Personal T, he opened a show and came over. It was no different before, just asking if you are ready to meet the challenge. This time, the head of the group, Xiuxiu, opened the boss, and found that Jiang Li's conversation had changed to: "You unworthy disciple, do you still want to deceive the master and destroy the ancestors? Are you the only one who dares to fight with me?"

Then we found out that Jiang Li had an extra buff, his attack doubled, and we died before we survived the first stage.

The group leader doesn't believe in evil, every time he develops, he finds this dialogue, and then Jiang Li is as violent as he is. We have killed more than a dozen times, and we haven't survived the first stage even once. Then I thought there was a bug, so I complained to the GM, and the GM said that this is a hidden easter egg setting, which is normal. In the end, we transferred the head of the group to someone else, and the effect was lost. The head of the group didn’t believe in evil, because Jiang Li was born in Qixiufang before, and thought it might be Xiuxiu who opened the monster to have this “surprise (scare)”, and then transferred one by one. To other Xiuxiu in the team. But except for the group leader Xiuxiu, the other three Xiuxiu did not respond, the same as before.

Screenshot 1.jpg This is a screenshot of Jiang Li's normal conversation. 2.jpg This is the conversation between the team leader and Jiang Li when he opened the show.

We thought that Xiuxiu, the team leader, was too dark, so we never used this account to open again, and continued to fight monsters, until one day, our other Xiuxiu found out that her conversation with Jiang Li was like this.

Screenshot 3.jpg

"Are you... Qinxiu? Are you a disciple of Sister Jiang Ting? Speaking of which, I haven't seen her for a long time. Sister Jiang Ting... is she... okay? That's all, the matter has come to an end, and it is useless to ask these questions. I want to see Look, how much of Jiang Ting's disciple has inherited her strength."

It's just this conversation, and if we open the monster, we will find a buff attached to us, Jinxiu's mercy, for Gao Jiangting's sake, all Jiang Li's attack damage will be halved. Then because the damage was reduced by half, we passed the BOSS for no reason, and then jumped to the first armor. Well, when it comes to this, LZ will not hide his identity. To LZ, he is one of the members who jumped to the first armor in the afternoon.

Afterwards, we took a look and found that the head of the group, Xiuxiu, was Jinxiu, who belonged to Jiangli's sect. No wonder he was beaten up. Didn't he deserve it for bullying his master and destroying his ancestors? And the Xiuxiu who runs the boss is Qinxiu under Gao Jiangting's sect. You know, before watching the plot, I thought Jinxiu and Qinxiu had a good relationship, but I didn't expect it to be this good.

In the end, the XX service group sincerely recruited the boss of Datie, and Bao Datie gave him a brand, and the speed came quickly.

Screenshot 4.jpg This is the pendant dropped by Jinxiu. We were lucky that although we didn't get Xuanjing for the first time, we did find a pendant that has a drop rate not much higher than Xuanjing.

Phoenix-headed harp

back pendant

Jinxiu searched all over the world, and found this phoenix-headed harp at one house, but in the end, it never reached the hands of the person she wanted to give it to.

There is nothing wrong with it.

Quality Level: 250

Since this incident was exposed, the Nanzhao Imperial Palace dared to fight the hidden boss Jiangli. The group has gradually increased, but they all have a request: "25YX Nanzhao Imperial Palace, 1-6 all-pass group, fight Jiangli, come to be sharp and double repair Xiuxiu, as long as Qinxiu comes, a little red hand piano show will open, there will be red envelopes, 24=1."

Since then, all Jiang Li's disciples have cried sadly, wet, how could you not take care of your disciples and turn your elbows out