Qixiu Royal Sister [Comprehensive Sword Three]

Chapter 72


The rain didn't last long, but it wasn't short either, but at least it was enough to detour to the guards at the bottom of the mountain and run back and forth.

Beef soup is not the protagonist after all, she danced simply, and died even more simply, the guards found her under the cliff.

Therefore, jumping off a cliff is risky, and lives are still precious. However, if the things that beef soup did fall into the hands of the guards of Baiyun City, they would definitely not be able to survive. No matter how unlovable Ye Guhong is, he is still the young master of Baiyun City Hall. If she treats her like this, it is impossible to forgive her once. After all, it is a death. Although such a death was more painful at the time, it can be considered once and for all, and there will be no future crimes.

Hearing these news, Lu Xiaofeng was in a trance for a moment. But Niu Niu Tang has done countless evils by himself, even if Lu Xiaofeng has the heart to pity her, his heart would tremble when he met such a cruel girl, he just couldn't move his legs when he saw the pretty girl, but it didn't really make his legs weak. What's more, he was completely absorbed by Yuan Suiyun's matter, and the last thing was just a sigh.

The matter has come to this point, although the clues have been cut off because of Niu Niu Tang's death, Yuan Suiyun was obviously included in the list of key suspects by Lu Xiaofeng. The behavior of beef soup did not bring any benefits to Yuan Suiyun. Although the process was far behind, Qiu Shuiqing's goal was finally achieved.

Lu Xiaofeng suspected that he had fallen in love with Yuan Suiyun. In order to prevent Ye Gucheng from being cheated by Yuan Suiyun, he planned to talk to Ye Gucheng.

But before, Lu Xiaofeng felt that he had to talk to Jiang Li.

When Yuan Suiyun showed his friendship with Jiang Li before, Lu Xiaofeng didn't think there was anything wrong when he didn't suspect him, but at this moment, it also made Lu Xiaofeng feel that he had malicious intentions. Although Jiang Li's attitude towards Lu Xiaofeng does not seem to be "kind", but since Lu Xiaofeng no longer doubted Jiang Li, he naturally regarded her as one of his own. It might be inappropriate to call her a friend, but he didn't want Jiang Li to be tricked heart is true.

Lu Xiaofeng turned to look at Jiang Li.

Jiang Li seemed to be a little tired at this moment. She was laying a futon under her body, leaning against a pillar beside her and closing her eyes to rest her mind. Those cold and ironic eyes were closed. At this moment, she was as quiet as an ink painting. Although it was raining outside, there was no wind. Her white hair was draped softly behind her, only a few strands were hanging on the front of her neck, which made Lu Xiaofeng want to reach out and touch it.

It was just a thought, Lu Xiaofeng knew that if he dared to reach out, Jiang Li would dare to chop off his hand.

Lu Xiaofeng shook hands, but finally let go.

Because of treating Ye Guhong before, Jiang Li's body was also stained with blood at this time, but it was not conspicuous on her red dress. But knowing what happened, Lu Xiaofeng's eyes fell on the bloodstain, and he felt a faint throbbing pain, which was not strong, let alone thrilling, but unprecedented.

Lu Xiaofeng had experienced heart-piercing pain before, but this feeling was really the first time. He opened his mouth, suddenly he didn't know what to say, so he touched his heart subconsciously, and found that it was beating extremely violently. It's abnormally severe, he has deep inner strength, even if he had a fierce chase before, his heartbeat at that time was not as fast as it is now.

Perhaps it was because Lu Xiaofeng's gaze was too obvious, Jing Wuming moved in front of Jiang Li without a trace, and blocked her gaze.

Lu Xiaofeng smiled wryly.

At this moment, he suddenly envied Ye Guhong a little bit. Even though he was injured so badly and was still in a coma, at least he and Jiang Li were the closest to each other, and it was almost an hour. Lu Xiaofeng thought, if it were him, he would probably be willing to go through this, at least the current him is willing.

However, many things cannot be solved by thinking. Lu Xiaofeng had been thinking about the dead Xue Bing before, but now he doesn't think about it anymore, he knows that he is a bastard, but the situation is easy to change, and the nature is hard to change, if Lu Xiaofeng becomes a non-brick, changes his mind, and starts a new life, then he is not Lu Xiaofeng .

Lu Xiaofeng decided not to look for Jiang Li anymore, even if he did, he didn't know what to say.

"Jing Wuming." Lu Xiaofeng shouted.

Unexpectedly, when Lu Xiaofeng called him, Jing Wuming glanced over indifferently.

"Take a step to talk." Lu Xiaofeng rubbed his hands together and said with a dry smile.

Jing Wuming looked at Jiang Li.

Different from Lu Xiaofeng, Lu Xiaofeng is not a person who can suppress his emotions very much, most of the time, he is too straightforward. When he suspects a person, Yuan Suiyun can clearly see the ups and downs of his voice, so his eyes have already said too much.

And Jing Wuming's mood has always been very restrained, most of the time he is silent. To him, there is no difference between a person and an object, and the way he looks at them is exactly the same. Only when it fell on Jiang Li's body would it appear a little warm. The difference is subtle, but it does exist.

The reason why Jiang Li doesn't want to see Lu Xiaofeng is very simple.

When Lu Xiaofeng looked at her, he was just amazed by this appearance at first, as if watching a rare animal in a zoo, after getting familiar with her later, he restrained himself a lot. And Jing Wuming looked at her, as if he was looking at the faith he lived for. Only when there is a comparison, there is a gap. Compared with the latter, who would like to see the former

She still closed her eyes and said lightly: "Go."

Lu Xiaofeng and Jing Wuming walked to a corner.

Jing Wuming waited for Lu Xiaofeng to speak.

Lu Xiaofeng stopped rambling, straight to the point, and said straight to the point: "Jing Wuming, I found something wrong with Yuan Suiyun."

Before Jing Wuming, he didn't want to see Yuan Suiyun.

This feeling of disgust is inexplicable. If you have to say it, it may be because of Jing Wuming's previous experience that he has a natural feeling for some people on the dark side. Even though Yuan Suiyun pretended to be impeccable, but to those who were also in the dark, he was as conspicuous as a lighthouse. They were born with the same kind of people, but Jing Wuming came out, and Yuan Suiyun let himself sink.

It's just that there is no proof, and Jing Wuming is not a talkative person, so naturally he wouldn't mention it to Jiang Li, but he was careful to guard against it. Seeing Lu Xiaofeng mention it now, he looked a little more serious.

Lu Xiaofeng didn't go into too much detail, he briefly talked about his discovery, and then said: "After I go back later, I will talk to Ye Gucheng about this matter, and you should be more careful here. I think Yuan Suiyun I talked to Miss Jiang before, and it seems that there is a plan, although Miss Jiang's martial arts is very good, but if there is no precaution, maybe something will happen."

Jing Wuming nodded solemnly and said, "Thank you."

Lu Xiaofeng said: "It's okay, we are friends."

Jing Wuming originally wanted to say that he had no friends, but at this moment, he could only be silent for a while. In any case, he at least waited for Lu Xiaofeng's favor.

After speaking, they came back, and the rain stopped at this time.

It was sunny after the rain, the rainbow was in the sky, the blue sea and blue sky, and the white clouds were long. Looking at this scenery is really refreshing.

Jiang Li got up, planning to go back and take a shower. Besides, she could have cleaned it with one click. Anyway, her appearance, pendants, interesting items, etc. can all be refreshed. If she brushed it, she would have to do a massacre to silence her, so she could only endure it, it was a bit uncomfortable after all.

The guards also came to carry Ye Guhong and planned to go back.

Lu Xiaofeng originally thought that Jiang Li would ask them what they said before, but Jiang Li didn't ask anything, so he was a little disappointed. Jing Wuming was very calm, he didn't talk much, and he would not take the initiative to say it, but when Jiang Li asked, he would answer, and he would not hide it from her. However, Jiang Li was half of the troublemaker about Yuan Suiyun's nonsense, so he naturally knew much more than them, so why would he need to ask them

There was nothing to say all the way, and when they returned to the City Lord's Mansion, Jiang Li found that it was surprisingly lively.

Before Ye Gucheng was poisoned and injured, the city lord's mansion was filled with gloom and mist, and the guards didn't see any smiles on their faces. Now, she only left for a while, and she turned into a red and green dress, decorated with lights. If Jiang Li didn't know what happened now It was still early spring, and the Chinese New Year had just passed, so she would have thought it was the Chinese New Year.

Naturally, Lu Xiaofeng couldn't sit still about the things that could arouse Jiang Li's curiosity. He was thinking about Yuan Suiyun's matter so much that he was about to lose his hair. The guards who came back with him, but seeing that they were also confused, had no choice but to arrest one who had been in the city lord's mansion for questioning.

The guard had a bit of excitement on his face, but he hesitated to say anything, no matter how intimidating Lu Xiaofeng was, he just shook his head.

Jiang Li waved his hand, telling Lu Xiaofeng to get out of the way, and she asked herself.

Lu Xiaofeng had no choice but to step aside.

Even though Jiang Li was quite embarrassed at the moment, when she stood in front of the attendant, the attendant still seemed embarrassed.

Jiang Li only repeated the question once, her voice was neither high nor low, her expression was neither cold nor cold, just right.

The attendant lowered his head and told Jiang Li what he knew very respectfully.

Few people can say no when Jiang Li is standing in front of him.

Before Lu Xiaofeng finished listening to what he said, his expression began to change.

Jing Wuming pursed his lips tightly.

Jiang Li looked the most natural, she said, "Is that so?"

It turned out that Ye Gucheng had assumed the responsibility of Baiyun City since he was a child. Apart from that, he only had a love for kendo, and he had no interest in anything else. He had planned to hand over Baiyun City to Ye Guhong when he participated in the Southern Palace, but Ye Guhong's previous performance really disappointed him, so Ye Gucheng dismissed this idea.

Since Ye Guhong couldn't be counted on, Baiyun City must have an heir, so the old housekeeper ran over to persuade Ye Gucheng to get married. Knowing it with reason and moving it with emotion, to him, besides Ye Gucheng's life, of course only Baiyuncheng's heir is the most important. As for Ye Guhong's scumbag, who wants to talk to him

If it was normal, Ye Gucheng would naturally refuse to agree. But now that the war is imminent, he originally wanted to block the news, but now it has leaked out. Knowing that King Nan is about to send troops, people in the city were already in a panic. The release of this false news at this time can stabilize the hearts of the people, so they let go.

The old butler has been preparing for this for a long time. Seeing Ye Gucheng let go, he immediately ordered someone to arrange it, which is surprisingly efficient, but after a while, the basic framework was set up, and it looks like a model. Kind of. At this moment, the old butler appeared at the door, seeing Jiang Li's eyes brighten, he stepped forward and said, "Miss Jiang."

The author has something to say: Me: Editor, I found that I can only flirt with girls, so I would like to ask how to write romance.

Editor: There must be a Shura field.

Me: Shura field

Editor: Yes.

I stared at the computer screen in a daze for a long time, but I still couldn't write Shura field.

When I woke up and needed code words, it was already nine o'clock in the evening, and I was tired.

The author tried to change the style of painting, non-combatants please evacuate quickly.

I found that I can only write about the small theaters of yesterday, not Shura.