Qixiu Royal Sister [Comprehensive Sword Three]

Chapter 74


Yuan Suiyun's mentality was a little out of order.

If in the past, he did not have complete confidence in doing things, he would not make a move easily, but once he made a move, of course it would be a thunderous blow, and the opponent would be unable to resist, and it would be forever. Because of this, he has done a lot of bad things, but because the person involved is either dead, or will never be able to get out on Bat Island, and cannot leave, so it has not been exposed for a long time.

The rivers and lakes are huge, and there are a lot of unsolved cases. Although Yuan Suiyun has done a lot, compared with the headless cases in the whole rivers and lakes, it is just a drop in the ocean. Moreover, there are so many bosses, villains, and villains in the Jianghu these days, no one would have nothing to doubt such a good person like him, even if he is pretending to be a good person.

But this time, his original plan was all in vain because of the beef soup. After finally establishing a relationship with Lu Xiaofeng through the help of Huamanlou, when he further plotted against Baiyun City, because of Niu Tang's stupid and unbearable behavior, it was all ruined. It can't be washed clean.

At this time, Huang Yaoshi slammed into the door. From Yuan Suiyun's point of view, it was natural that he was weak and easy to bully, and now that things were busy, he wanted to bite him off. As soon as his wife passed away, he had the leisure to plot against him, so Yuan Suiyun decided that he must retaliate with an eye, and show some color to those who dare to plot against him.

Yuan Suiyun didn't directly fight Huang Yaoshi face to face.

This is Baiyun City, not Bat Island.

After all, Baiyun City is a well-known faction in the martial arts world, and although Bat Island is known as the gold-selling cave in the sea, it is not seen by anyone.

Yuan Suiyun likes to take advantage of other people's weaknesses, and he doesn't feel embarrassed at all, so he took aim at Huang Rong. Dealing with a baby who doesn't know anything is of course much easier than dealing with Huang Yaoshi. Moreover, Huang Yaoshi didn't take any precautions when he did the mental calculations.

Yuan Suiyun's method is very simple.

Huang Yaoshi borrowed to live in the medical hall, because he and Huang Rong depended on the doctor sitting in the hall for food and lodging. He was arrogant and didn't want to owe favors to others, so he offered to exchange medical skills. The doctor sitting in the hall admired Huang Yaoshi's medical skills, so everyone was happy.

Just the day before yesterday, a doctor came.

This is an old patient. He is suffering from a strange disease and has sought medical treatment many times because of it. However, the doctor who sits in the clinic has limited medical skills. Every time he checks, he thinks that he is very healthy and has no diseases, but the appearance of being tortured It is also visible to the naked eye that he is getting thinner and weaker day by day. Therefore, every time he comes, he treats him well, but if he treats the disease, it is naturally impossible.

It just so happens that this "patient" is naturally Qiu Shuiqing.

Qiu Shuiqing usually hides in the small courtyard closest to the Baiyun City pharmacy for surveillance, but as long as he is a normal person and has life needs, he needs to eat and drink, and there are various inconveniences. His identity is that of a down-and-out person suffering from illness.

Although such a person is very "conspicuous", it is precisely this conspicuousness that makes people less likely to suspect that there is something wrong behind him.

And when Qiu Shuiqing was doing other things, there were naturally people who acted in this capacity for him. Although the Peacock Villa was destroyed, the new generation of people in the Jianghu may not have heard of this name, but a skinny camel is bigger than a horse , One or two loyal people can still be taken out.

The medical clinic has been holding Qiu Shuiqing for this patient, and there is nothing he can do. He seeks medical treatment painstakingly. If he can't be cured, he has nothing to do. If he is driven out again, the shop will not need to be opened, so he can only delay and wait for him Impatient and left. Now that Huang Yaoshi came, and seeing Qiu Shuiqing coming again, it was natural for the doctor to sit in the hall, so I hoped Huang Yaoshi would take a look and see if there was any gain.

Huang Yaoshi is indeed an all-rounder, and his medical skills are not bad, but he has only heard about the poison of poppy in rumors, and has never seen the real thing, and the poison of poppy in Qiu Shuiqing is not pure poppy. It is not a poison, but an improved thing that is easier to control people. It is more like a mixed poison based on poppies.

So Jiang Li saw it at a glance, but Huang Yaoshi missed it this time. Jiang Li won this round.

A slight mistake, a thousand miles away, wrong at first glance, Huang Yaoshi thought of another disease that rarely appeared.

Since it is known as an intractable disease, of course it has baffled doctors of all generations. Even if Huang Yaoshi is a genius, he can't think of a good treatment plan for a while. And his temperament, the more he encounters this kind of problem, the more he will not give up, he must solve him, he doesn't believe that there are things in the world that he can't do besides bringing his dead wife back to life.

At least until now, this incident was the only one that made Huang Yaoshi powerless and regretted it all the time.

Huang Yaoshi pondered for a while, after several revisions, he finally came up with a prescription. This prescription is not perfect or symptomatic, but it should have a certain inhibitory effect on this disease, at least it should make people less painful. Although this did not satisfy Huang Yaoshi, he had tried his best.

At least when the doctor sitting in the hall saw it, he was astonished.

Because I didn't understand anything, I could only read the book that day, and the person who wrote the book is of course a celestial being.

Qiu Shuiqing's family knows his own affairs. Although his medical skills are not very good, as the saying goes, a long-term illness becomes a doctor. In order to solve this trouble, he has spent a lot of thought. After seeing Huang Yaoshi's prescription, he probably knows that he is a doctor. How come I misunderstood, before, other doctors misunderstood and went in this direction.

It just so happened that Qiu Shuiqing was planning to leave Baiyun City now, just missing a "reasonable" excuse. Before he came here to live in seclusion, he was tortured by illness and had nothing to love in life. Now he was prescribed by Huang Yaoshi, and he was cured. It's a good excuse to want to move and want to go out for a while, at least it's much better than the excuse of death escape.

Therefore, Qiu Shuiqing felt that it was a sleepy gift of pillows, and left with a lot of gratitude.

However, Qiu Shuiqing did not expect that his identity would be targeted by Yuan Suiyun.

Yuan Suiyun wanted to trouble Huang Yaoshi, if he didn't go out, he would naturally find an excuse. If something happened to Qiu Shuiqing because of this prescription, such as death, it would naturally be an excellent excuse. He knew that Qiu Shuiqing didn't have any relatives with his identity, and if there was no proof of his death, it would be up to him to tell the rest.

However, it may be that God can't stand him being so arrogant anymore. Thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi, he planned to deal with him. Yuan Suiyun's plan was just exposed in the eyes of the person who plotted against him. If it was someone else, Yuan Suiyun would have succeeded naturally, but Qiu Shuiqing found out that something happened to the subordinate who covered up his identity for him, so he was naturally very careful.

At first he thought that his scheming against Yuan Suiyun had been exposed. It seemed that Yuan Suiyun was not as harmless as he appeared on the surface. Qiu Shuiqing didn't feel much about the death of a subordinate, but he was worried that it would be implicated in him. He didn't want to confront Yuan Suiyun head-on. But looking at Yuan Suiyun's actions, he realized that he was thinking too much. Yuan Suiyun didn't follow him at all, on the contrary, he thought it was Huang Yaoshi who did it, and it was just a coincidence that he was here.

In this way, Qiu Shuiqing breathed a sigh of relief, and a new plan was born in his heart.

Yuan Suiyun ordered people to carry the corpse he had made, and went to the hospital to make trouble. As the relatives and friends of the deceased, no one knows who Qiu Shuiqing has. He doesn't have much contact with others, and the most frequent visits are the medical clinics. After his death, it is only natural to come to seek justice.

Although he didn't show up in person, a few of his subordinates are rare masters in the Jianghu. At least in Baiyun City, if a few famous people don't take action, they are enough to run rampant. The most difficult thing about Baiyun City now is that as long as something happens to Ye Gucheng, they are like fish on a chopping board and can only be slaughtered.

Huang Yaoshi was very confident in his prescription, and felt that even if the disease could not be cured, there would be no possibility of death, so he naturally came up with theories. The doctor sitting in the hall has seen his medical skills with his own eyes, so he naturally has great confidence in him, and Qiu Shuiqing's identity on the surface is originally a sick guy. If he dies, it can be said that it is Fang Zi's problem. Is the business still going

Therefore, the doctor sitting in the hall was very firm that it was not their problem, so he strongly stood by Huang Yaoshi, and then argued with Yuan Suiyun's subordinates. Huang Yaoshi also felt that this matter must be clarified, so they started to argue. From ancient times to the present, it is part of human nature to watch the excitement. Both sides say that the public is right and the woman is right. After such a toss, a circle of people surrounds them.

With Huang Yaoshi's martial arts, it's not a problem to deal with these people, but now he lives in someone else's place, if he does it directly, it will bring a lot of trouble here. Although he has an unruly temper and doesn't think much of secular etiquette, he is not ignorant of etiquette , the first time, did not choose to directly use force to solve the problem.

In this way, no one was watching Huang Rong who was staying in the backyard. Because her high fever has subsided before, and now she is in a very good condition. As a martial arts master, Huang Yaoshi, as long as there is movement in the backyard, of course he can feel it. Will there be a problem for a while? He never thought that someone would be like this Shameless, do something to a baby.

Yuan Suiyun's other subordinates took the opportunity to sneak into the backyard and captured Huang Rong. He didn't order people to kill Huang Rong immediately, it only takes one second to kill a baby, maybe even less than a second, but Yuan Suiyun wanted to give Huang Yaoshi a warning, let him know that there is nothing wrong with it His consequences would naturally have to torture him for a while to make his thoughts clear.

So, when the quarrel was very joyous and almost about to make a move, Huang Yaoshi's expression changed. He kept an eye on the backyard, and naturally felt that something was wrong when the other party didn't hide it. Huang Yaoshi couldn't take care of this anymore, and hurriedly rushed back to the backyard under the surprised eyes of everyone.

At this time, a person was pinching Huang Rong's neck, her face was blue and purple, and she was about to suffocate.

He was just waiting for Huang Yaoshi to come.

"If you move, I will strangle her right now."

Huang Yaoshi could only stop, he didn't care about anything else, but Huang Rong really made him dare not take any risks.

"What's the matter, come to Huang!"

"This is to teach you, you shouldn't meddle in your own business, don't meddle in it." As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood, and subconsciously threw Huang Rong out of his hands. Huang Yaoshi didn't make a move, but others did.

The author has something to say: It seems that no one is looking forward to tomorrow's small theater for players QAQ

My heart is bitter.

I'm so busy, I'm going to continue to vent my anger on Yuan Suiyun.