Qixiu Royal Sister [Comprehensive Sword Three]

Chapter 84


There is Lu Xiaofeng's hand in the front, and Ximen Chuuxue's sword in the back.

For Yuan Suiyun, this is not a dead end, but if Jiang Li throws an Emperor Dragon Xiang over, it will be a bit dangerous. Lu Xiaofeng's move is not bad if he has not practiced hard skills such as golden bell cover and iron cloth shirt. If he wants to take Ximen Chuuxue's sword hard, he should do it without internal protection, even for someone with a special physique like Gong Jiu. , and dare not pick it up easily.

Therefore, he didn't even say a lot of things he wanted to say, and he didn't do what he wanted to do, so he fell down so lightly. He was handsome in life, but after death, the posture of falling cannot be determined by him. First there was a "bang" and he hit the old, worn-out wardrobe behind him with paint peeling off. Then the door of the cabinet opened halfway, and he fell headlong into it.

Lu Xiaofeng froze in place.

He didn't expect that the previous two fights with Yuan Suiyun had failed, but this third time, it was as easy as cutting tofu. Because it was so easy, he even felt like he was dreaming. Lu Xiaofeng looked up at the sky, only saw a hole, along the hole, he could see the blue sky outside.

Lu Xiaofeng looked at the people on both sides again, Ximen Chuuxue and Jiang Li, he couldn't afford to provoke them, so he could only pinch himself desperately. After exerting strength, it will naturally hurt. After the ouch, he found that he was not dreaming. But it is so simple, it is not easy to dispel his doubts.

Originally, Yuan Suiyun's figure was not considered strong, but he was definitely not thin, and his muscles and bones were well-proportioned. But at this moment, not long after, he suddenly deflated like a leaky ball. It was unbelievable that he was alive before and had spoken to Lu Xiaofeng.

Lu Xiaofeng shivered subconsciously, he suddenly thought of a quack thaumaturgy.

This thaumaturgy was born out of the art of disguise, but compared to the art of disguise, it is much weirder. Because of a friend who is very good at disguise, Sikong Zhaixing, Lu Xiaofeng still has some understanding of this school. Because Yirong usually works on the skin, other places are easy to show flaws, and those who are a little higher will spend some effort on the hands and neck, which is already very troublesome.

But Sikong Zhaixing said before that, apart from this method, the most brilliant disguise technique is to cut a living person in half, starting from the scalp, and take a piece of complete human skin to concoct it. When holding it, put the whole human skin close to the person's surface, and then make some preparations, ordinary people may not be able to see the mystery even if they look at it for a lifetime.

And the most cruel thing is, in order to keep the whole human skin alive, the person to be skinned must be alive when doing it, and he will not be allowed to die until the whole skin is completely peeled off. Such pain is definitely not inferior Yu Lingchi was punished. If he couldn't bear it and died halfway, this piece of human skin would be considered useless and peeled in vain.

When Lu Xiaofeng doubted Yuan Suiyun before, he only thought that he was evil in every possible way and did all kinds of evil, but when he died so easily, he thought of Yuan Suiyun's behavior before, if he hadn't seen the true face, how could he It was also unexpected that the heir to Wuzheng Villa, praised by everyone in the world, would look like this.

Thinking about it this way, Lu Xiaofeng suddenly felt that he seemed to be affected by emotions before, and was too arbitrary, and there were still some doubts that he could not explain thoroughly. According to his original plan, he wanted to know the cause and effect from Yuan Suiyun's mouth, and then lead him to sincerely apologize to Master Huang Yao and his daughter, and then to the old owner of the original village to explain everything, so as to correct the evil and return to the right.

To be honest, Lu Xiaofeng really didn't expect Yuan Suiyun to die like this! When a person dies like a lamp goes out, he inevitably begins to think about Yuan Suiyun's goodness again. How could Wuzheng Villa cultivate such an heir? And Yuan Suiyun's previous reputation seems to be very good, and he has never heard of him doing evil. Acting can be performed for a while, but can't it be done after more than 20 years of acting

Then, could it be that the real young owner of Wuzheng Villa died at some point, and an unknown person or organization quietly took over his identity, which is why he did such evil deeds? Thinking of this, Lu Xiaofeng rushed up subconsciously, wanting to verify his guess. If this is the case, he must pay his innocence for the real "original Shaozhuang owner".

Ximen Chuuxue looked at his actions strangely. Having been friends with Lu Xiaofeng for so long, he first discovered that Lu Xiaofeng actually had a hobby of whipping corpses. Ximen Chuuxue was thinking, for such a Lu Xiaofeng, should he slash him with a sword, and let him get rid of this bad habit.

Jiang Li also felt a little strange.

The person died, what did Lu Xiaofeng rush forward with a look of anxiety? In the original book, it doesn't say that he has any special hobbies.

The real owners of the house, the two old couples huddled silently in the corner of the bed, and the old man stood outside the old lady, hugging into a group. Baiyun City is usually quite safe, and this is the first time they have encountered such a brawl, but Yuan Suiyun's intention to hold them hostage before is clear, so it stands to reason that Lu Xiaofeng should be a good person.

Moreover, Jiang Li's face is very recognizable in Baiyun City. Basically, the common people know that she has excellent medical skills and is the savior of the city lord. Therefore, the old couple does not feel that they will be harmful to them. Therefore, They weren't worried, but they still didn't dare to speak, trying to reduce their sense of presence. The appearance of Yuan Suiyun's death was extremely horrific, which made their old hearts a little bit unbearable.

No matter how slow Lu Xiaofeng's reaction was, he still felt a little strange when Jiang Li and Ximen Chuuxue's eyes swept him away.

He paused, not knowing why the two of them looked at him like that.

Therefore, Lu Xiaofeng decided to continue with the previous work.

With a flash, Jiang Li landed in front of the old couple in the corner, and touched their sleeping holes. There are some things that the elderly should not look at. Then, she took some money from her bosom and put it in the hands of the two, so that they could see it when they woke up. If it wasn't for Jiang Li not lacking in money, he could spend whatever he wanted, and Yuan Suiyun demolished the roof, but asked her to deal with the aftermath, Jiang Li would also feel unhappy.

Lu Xiaofeng glanced at Jiang Li's movements, and said to himself: "Miss Jiang is kind. I don't know if she paid for the roof at the inn? I only owed her two bowls of wontons before, and I suffered a lot. How much money do I have to repair the roof with her? Does she have so many roofs to repair?" Thinking about it this way dispelled the anger in the two distracted hearts.

Ximen Chuuxue didn't want to see Lu Xiaofeng whipping the corpse, he thought about it, because of Yuan Suiyun's character problem, he didn't give Lu Xiaofeng a sword after all. And now that Baiyun City was in critical condition, he knew that Ye Gucheng was injured, and he was afraid it would be inconvenient, so he planned to go back to help first. So he tiptoed to the ground, jumped up, and left simply.

Lu Xiaofeng: "..."

Jiang Li said: "Hero Lu, since the matter is over, the dead are the most important, you still..." Although Jiang Li knew that although Lu Xiaofeng was a bit mean-spirited and sometimes a bit mean-handed, he was indeed a good person who couldn't be better,

Before the words were finished, Lu Xiaofeng immediately understood what the two of them meant.

He looked hopeless, as if he really wanted to explain, but when he opened his mouth, he found that he didn't know what to say. For this kind of thing, if he really didn't have this idea, wouldn't it be getting darker and darker? Will Jiang Li believe it? Lu Xiaofeng thought about it for a while, and found that he didn't know whether others believed it or not, but if it was him, he would probably believe it.

Jiang Li said: "Hero Lu can do as he pleases, and I'll take my leave too." After finishing speaking, as expected, he mentioned Qi Yun Gong and left too.

Lu, penniless, has no money, eats Yegucheng and lives in Yegucheng. Xiaofeng unconsciously breathed a sigh of relief, and thought, "It's a good thing that Miss Jiang didn't mention money." But he thought about it , "It's not a good thing not to mention money, this matter is so troublesome, Simon will think of me the same way, right?"

Thinking of him, Lu Xiaofeng, a great hero and famous for a lifetime, it seems that he was ruined in one fell swoop.

Now that the matter has come to this point, Lu Xiaofeng has a feeling of being broken, and it is irreparable anyway, so it is better to go to the dark all the way. Although there is no evidence now, if he continues to investigate, he should be able to find out something, and then he will naturally be able to wash away his "grievances" and feel proud.

Thinking this way, Lu Xiaofeng walked up to Yuan Suiyun's corpse.

Jiang Li calmly took her Luan back.

Thanks to the sudden arrival of the Nanwang Mansion, the people of Baiyun City had already received the news. At this moment, all their doors are closed. The idler is short of money, he only needs to stroll around this street, and he can make a small fortune if he wants to.

However, at this time, obviously no one dared to do this, otherwise Ye Gucheng would definitely use it to establish his prestige.

She didn't go to see the excitement of Nanwang Mansion, but returned to the previous inn.

Qiu Shuiqing sent a message for the last time before, saying that after Yuan Suiyun's true face was revealed, he took this opportunity to plan to leave Baiyun City. There is no future trouble. Before leaving, he gave Jiang Li a gift as a thank you for her guidance and help.

Jiang Li once said: "Are you going to give Peacock Ling to me?"

There were very few things that interested her, but Peacock Ling was definitely one of them, not for power, and with Jiang Li's martial arts, Peacock Ling was not needed to fight against the enemy at all. She just set off fireworks every day just for the beauty of the hidden weapon blooming for a moment. Although there are many fireworks in the package, there are various types, but one is less.

And even if the pet baby is summoned to buy things, a vow of eternal love is more than 50,000 yuan, a sincere heart is 10,000 yuan, and Jiang Li's backpack contains hundreds of thousands of gold, which can spend a lifetime in the real world, but if you use it to buy fireworks, you really can't buy much. , and new types of fireworks are still unavailable.

Qiu Shuiqing said: "The peacock feather has been destroyed, and there will be no second one. Otherwise, I would like to give it to the girl. But I think the girl will be interested in the things I prepared." He spoke very confidently, This made Jiang Li a little curious to see what he had prepared.

Jiang Li didn't go through the main entrance this time, and floated lightly through the window into the Tianzi No. 1 room that he had visited once. The room was empty, no one was there. On the round table in the middle of the room, there was a light yellow note pressed by a paperweight, and a pot of tea was still brewing beside it, which was still steaming. It seemed that the owner had just left.

The author has something to say: Lu Xiaofeng's brain is too big to stop.

Recently Jin (the river crab crawled over) Jiang pumping is so powerful, I often can’t open the background, I have to go to the APP and see if it can be updated, the background comments are completely invisible, I have to go to the front desk to see some, some It doesn’t show up yet, it’s almost killing the obsessive-compulsive disorder. If you continue to smoke like this, you really can’t survive. I’m willing to donate the manuscript fee to let Jin (the river crab climbed over again) Jiang change the server. I really don’t love smoking.

Calvin, there is probably another update. If you can survive it, it may be very late. It is recommended that the babies go to bed early and don't wait.