Qixiu Royal Sister [Comprehensive Sword Three]

Chapter 92


Nan Wang stood not far from the cabin where Gong Jiu was. With his hands behind his back, he looked indifferent, as if everyone owed him five million. In fact, if five million can buy a son, Nan Wang might go bankrupt and would be willing to buy a dozen. Unfortunately, many things can be solved with money, and this thing cannot be bought with money.

He said he was going to "please" Gong Jiu himself, but he couldn't save face, and he didn't want to bow his head to a junior. Although Nan Wang arrived, he still put on a show, stayed outside by himself, and ordered his subordinates to "please" Gong Jiu. "come out. In this way, naturally it was Gong Jiu who came to look for him, not Gong Jiu who he "condescends" to beg.

This deceitful behavior is ridiculous, but now apart from Nan Wang, only the butler is present, and this approach was proposed by the butler. Of course, he can't say that his opinion is stupid, so the two of them looked at each other for a while, Nan Wang Nodding his head, he agreed to this compromise, at least he could leave a fig leaf on his face.

What else can we do? If Huang Yaoshi can't be dealt with, even if the squad on the other side successfully lands, with the footsteps of a martial artist, if he can't spend a cup of tea, he will go there and play a song when he comes back, will he still want to attack the city? ? Nanwang didn't have a master who could deal with Huang Yaoshi, no matter how upset he was, he could only find Gong Jiu.

In fact, Nanwang should be glad that there is only news about Huang Yaoshi, and when news about Jiang Li also comes over, he shouldn't just have a headache. After all, Huang Yaoshi just repelled the attack from this side, but Jiang Li directly instigated all the soldiers under him to turn around and beat him, which is not at the same level.

However, the subordinate who was ordered to pass the message went down quickly, but came back even faster. He said in embarrassment: "My lord, the son of Prince Taiping said..."

"What did he say?" the butler asked for his prince.

Nan Wang also turned around, waiting for his reply.

"Returning to the prince," the other party cleared his throat, wondering why: "Prince Taiping said, the prince has brought so many people, and now he can't even get to the shore, so we have to rely on him, so it's better to go back to the house earlier. Don't worry about it, my lord." When he said this, his voice was a little trembling, and he couldn't fully show Gong Jiu's performance when he said this, but it was enough to make Nanwang angry.

It has to be said that although Gong Jiu is a psychopath, when he is not ill, it can be said that his behavior is very normal, at least there is no problem with killing the three Nanwangs. As a "prince son" who doesn't look down on his own father and wants to turn against him, would Gong Jiu care about such a grand uncle as Nan Wang? Obviously impossible.

Moreover, Gong Jiu's purpose for coming here is very clear. First, to carve up Baiyun City with Yuan Suiyun, and second, to find Jiang Li. Compared with Shaman, Gong Jiu obviously thinks that Jiang Li is good-looking. It's because he looks good and looks more like his mother. As for how much Nan Wang's subordinates have lost and what mood they have, what does that have to do with him

Yuan Suiyun is probably still in Baiyun City at this time, this is related to the issue of dividing up the spoils in the future, so we can't weaken his momentum in front of him.

First of all, you can't show weakness to Nan Wang. As soon as Gong Jiu's logic equation came out, it was not surprising to say such a thing. Of course, the main reason is that he has been drifting at sea recently, and finally made a mistake, and Sharman is asking him to whip him, so where is he free to do anything for King Nan? Everything else is just excuses and details.

Nan Wang didn't know what was going on, he was furious after hearing this, he patted the railing of the boat, and said: "Zhuzi, you are too deceitful!"

King Taiping and King Nan are both princes. In terms of status, they are almost equal. King Taiping holds a heavy army, and King Nan is separatist. He has to talk about who is up and down. No one will be afraid of anyone for a while. "Old and dead" type. Gong Jiu is still the heir of Prince Taiping at this time, not Prince Taiping, and he is a generation shorter than King Nan. How can King Nan tolerate such words

"I'm going to kill him!"

The housekeeper was afraid that his lord would get sick from anger, so he quickly comforted him: "Don't be angry, lord, calm down, don't hurt your body."

Nanwang got the steps, but he could only take a few breaths and said, "How shapeless you are!"

After all, no matter how angry he is, he must recognize one thing, that is, he cannot beat Gong Jiu. At least now in this vast sea, these mobs can't clean up Gong Jiu at all. In this way, if you can't kill him, you can only endure it, Nan Wang said through gritted teeth, "Why is this brat willing to take action?"

"Sub... This subordinate will ask."

Nan Wang waved his hand, just about to get angry at him, but felt that it was meaningless, and said in a low mood: "Go, go, go, come back, let his little boy give you an accurate word." It took half an hour to send Bulu the word, if it continues to delay, who knows what will happen? There are so many dreams in the night, how can he rest assured

At this moment, Nan Wang found that apart from the ships that went to Huang Yaoshi's side to attack the island, the ships from the other side also came back.

Nan Wang suddenly had a bad feeling. If they successfully landed, according to his instructions, they only need to send someone to report and let the follow-up soldiers follow up. Now that they all return to the voyage, it seems that they have returned in vain? Is it because the sound attack is not successful? Where did so many masters come from in Baiyun City

He looked intently, and vaguely found that there were no traces of battle on the ship over there. Those people were still those people, and several of them were familiar. He was sure that the ship was not captured by Baiyun City in such a short period of time. Only after he breathed a sigh of relief, he secretly thought that he was thinking too much. He said bitterly: "What happened again? They didn't make it?"

The housekeeper said: "This old slave is going to ask for the prince."

Because they are now on Gong Jiu's boat, and the people on those boats that Jiang Li instigated to rebel didn't know about it, so they sailed towards the big boat that belonged to Nan Wang, so it was said.

Nan Wang nodded slightly.

The butler rowed a small boat and returned to the boat that belonged to Nan Wang.

At this time, the distance between the two sides was already very close, but these small boats still did not slow down.

The steward felt that something was wrong, whether it was the speed of the ship or the expressions on the faces of the people on the opposite side, they all gave him a strange feeling. He yelled loudly: "What are you guys doing? According to the rules, the leader should just come and report back, and the others should return separately. What's the proper way?"

As soon as the words "Chenghe Titong" were written, he suddenly heard a voice muttering as if chanting a sutra: "Atone for your merits, tie Nanwang... redeem your merits, tie Nanwang..." These voices were very small and chaotic. It was noisy, so it was far away, and I couldn't hear clearly at all. The housekeeper's hearing is not so good, but at this moment, it is strange.

The butler's face changed drastically. He didn't know what happened, and he didn't know what crimes those people opposite him were atoning for, but he could still hear the words "tied Nan Wang" clearly, and there was absolutely no way he could make a mistake. He turned pale with shock, and quickly said to the archers beside him, "Let the arrows go! Quickly, let the arrows go! Don't let them get close."

There are archers on the main ship who specialize in guarding Nan Wang.

Although they are well-trained, they are human beings after all. It is impossible for them to concentrate and prepare to shoot arrows all day long. At this time, there is no danger. Although their own people come back, although they fail, it has nothing to do with them. They are not the ones being punished, who cares

Therefore, for a while, few people reacted at all. Only a few people shook their hands, and the arrows went out crookedly. Except for one or two blind cats and dead mice, most of them didn't know where they went. Moreover, inexplicably attacking one's own people is enough to cause riots.

Of course, only the main ship of the Nanwang Mansion questioned the steward's order, but it was calm on this side.

Because Jiang Li is here.

At this time, Jiang Li is the inner pillar of these people, Dinghaishenzhen, as long as she is here, everything is easy to talk about.

At this time, Jiang Li was hiding in the cabin of a small boat.

She is brave and confident, even if she is in the crowd, she will be fine, so seeing that these people really want to counterattack the main ship of Nanwang with her, and ask her to lead the team, she readily agrees. However, in order to allow the boat to approach smoothly and reduce the difficulty of cleaning up Nan Wang, she did not show up at this time.

The original leader, although he knelt down, was not being honest. He seemed to think that these soldiers had been "witched" and that as long as Jiang Li was killed, they would be able to return to normal. Eyeballs rolled around, looking for something bad. Seeing this, Jiang Li didn't bother to talk nonsense, just threw him into the sea and fed him to the fish.

In this way, if the dragons have no leader, then what Jiang Li said, these people are what they are. With such a row of boats, even dozens of people could not see them, not to mention she was the only one, of course she would not be discovered by the housekeeper. Now, the distance between the two sides is less than twenty feet, which is already the distance where Jiansan's long-range skills can be released.

Jiang Li knew that the time had come, so he tiptoed and stood in the waves.

Amid the uproar from everyone, she said: "To capture King Nan, the past grievances will be wiped out."

Originally, those soldiers were bewitched by Jiang Li, and believed that she was a real immortal descending to the earth. Now they saw that Nan Wang wanted to shoot them to death because they "failed" and failed to land on the island. People had some doubts in their hearts, but after being frightened by this, and seeing Jiang Li's magical skills, they immediately strengthened their hearts to follow Jiang Li.

"It's a write-off!" they yelled.

Even if Nan Wang is far away at this time, on Gong Jiu's boat, it is impossible not to see the accident now. He was dumbfounded, not knowing what happened, and in surprise, he subconsciously hunched his body, curled up and hid behind a wooden box, The first reaction was to not be seen by Jiang Li and those soldiers.

The next moment, he realized that this was wrong, but it was too late.

"Shoot the arrow! Kill that witch!" The housekeeper pointed at Jiang Li with trembling fingers. He didn't know what happened, but killing Jiang Li would definitely not be wrong.

The archers on the main ship finally fulfilled their duties. Even if they were amazed by Jiang Li, they felt that her movements were amazing. After all, they had never seen snow before, so they were cruel and rained arrows on Jiang Li. hit. This is the last time they shoot arrows.

Jiang Li moved his foot with a butterfly, and unexpectedly, he moved 20 to 30 feet horizontally, and all the arrows fell through the air.

The believers of the "Jiang Li Sect" who saw this scene cheered loudly and rushed aboard the main ship.

Before the housekeeper could react in time, he was overwhelmed by the pile of people.

He wasn't killed, but he was squeezed to death by countless soldiers whom he looked down upon.

The author has something to say: After writing, I want God to unfold as soon as Kawen unfolds, but what should I do when God unfolds and can't stop Kawen.

Because this chapter is very late, and it is not anti-theft, I will post the next chapter of anti-theft chapter now. After writing the replacement, don’t read it yet.