Qixiu Royal Sister [Comprehensive Sword Three]

Chapter 94


Gong Jiu said this to Jiang Li, but Nan Wang is closer to him and has grown ears, so of course he can hear it.

The anger in Nanwang's heart surged again.

The next moment, he suddenly realized that he was still in someone else's "territory", life and death were beyond his control, even if there were still some people who should be loyal to him, but now that it fell into the hands of Gong Jiu, even loyal people would not be able to He got out. There is no use in being angry, it would be nice to save one's life, let alone revenge. Now he is indeed not qualified to take revenge.

Nan Wang fell silent.

He tentatively stretched out a hand, intending to push away the wire that Sharman was holding in front of his neck, and said, "This old man can't run, I just find a place to sit down, I'm too tired to stand." Calling himself the king, so as to separate himself from other people. Now that he didn't want to provoke Shaman, he changed his title. Before he was fifty years old, he also began to call himself an old man.

Shaman saw it and smiled charmingly, but did not take any further action.

She said, "My lord, please sit down."

Because of this moment, Nan Wang's mood subtly coincided with Shaman's. If it weren't for Nan Wang's being too careless, so that she couldn't see the slightest hope of getting rid of Gong Jiu, Shaman wouldn't mind turning around and relying on Nan Wang to bring down Gong Jiu and get away. It's just that since Nan Wang has already fallen, she certainly doesn't mind adding insult to injury and making him miserable.

Nan Wang sat down and watched the activities outside through the open door of the boat.

For Jiang Li and Gong Jiu to face each other, this is of course a good thing for him, but it is also a difficult thing. Because Nanwang hated both of them deeply at the moment, he didn't know who to cheer for. And both sides will suffer, let him take advantage of such a good thing, even dare not even think about it, because he doesn't even have the capital to take advantage of it.

Even if both were dead, Sharman alone would be enough to control him.

Instead of being controlled by Gong Jiu, when he thought that Shaman was just a plaything of Prince Taiping's son before, he could ride on his head when he turned his head. Nan Wang's deep-rooted thoughts made him unable to tolerate this kind of thing. On the contrary, if he is controlled by Gong Jiu who is at the same level, at least he can say with emotion, the good son born to King Taiping.

As a result, Nan Wang didn't even want to look at it, but his eyes seemed to have taken root for some reason, and he couldn't move them away.

After Gong Jiu finished speaking, she stared at Jiang Li for a moment, waiting for her answer.

His face was full of indifference, like the tip of a sharp knife, if it were a timid person, his legs would tremble from the fear from far away. But what was strange was that his eyes were full of fire, completely opposite to his expression, as if a spark could be ignited in the sea, and when it fell on Jiang Li, there was still enough heat to burn people.

This is a very strange, thoughtless look, mixed with tenderness and hatred. It seems that Gong Jiu cares about her very much, and also seems to see through her some past that he is unwilling to face but has to face, so he feels resentment and shame. Except for Gong Jiu himself, no one can see what he is thinking at the moment.

The taste of the two heavens of ice and fire is really uncomfortable, at least Sharman who has experienced it has a deep understanding. Gong Jiu just forced himself to whip him up before, and now he doesn't know if the problem has gone away, I really hope he is still abnormal now. Therefore, she turned her head away, preferring to set her sights on Nan Wang, rather than looking at this psychopath.

Jiang Li did not hide.

Above the vast sea, there was nothing that could block his gaze, and there were so many people behind Jiang Li. Although they were still hostile to her before, but now that they have obeyed her orders and came to counterattack Nan Wang, then she is responsible to them. Not to mention taking all the safety away, at least you can't throw them here and run away by yourself.

Jiang Li couldn't do this kind of thing.

So she said, "It's a little too hot now."

This sentence has no beginning and no end, even Gong Jiu showed a hint of astonishment.

Gong Jiu knew that Jiang Li was speaking to him, but he didn't understand what Jiang Li meant.

It's early spring now, but it's never cold above the South China Sea, and the four seasons are like spring, and now is the most comfortable time. When it comes to bitter summer, it is actually hot. At this time, if it is hot, what should we do if it is summer? This is simply nonsense, but would Jiang Li be a nonsense person

At this time, it was the soldiers behind Jiang Li who showed excitement.

What do you need when it's hot? Of course it's snowing.

How long has it been since the miracle before? I'm afraid they won't forget it in ten years, twenty years, even before they die, not to mention that now is the most fanatical time. With Jiang Li in front, they didn't dare to make a commotion, but Gong Jiu had already heard countless people talking, and they all said one word, Xue.

"Snow? Is it related to what happened before?"

In fact, Gong Jiu couldn't figure out what method Jiang Li used to make so many people swear by her and obey her instructions. You know, these people are all in Wuyang City, and they dare not be unfaithful to King Nan. He only thinks about Baiyun City, not Nanwang. It's not because Nanwang is a powerful prince after all, and Baiyun City has only one Ye Gucheng.

Frankly speaking, Gong Jiu couldn't do it by himself. If he could do it, he wouldn't be living on a mere nameless island now. It's just that he has never been a very curious person. Although this situation is very different from what he thought before, it is also extremely beneficial to him. In this case, there is no need to get to the bottom of it.

So Gong Jiu maintained an attitude of not asking for further understanding, but it didn't mean he wasn't curious.

Gong Jiu thought about it, and replied: "If the girl thinks this place is hot, go eastward for half a day accordingly, and there is a remote island, which is where I live. Don't dare to say anything else, at least it is a place to enjoy the cool air."

Compared with Baiyun City, which is much more developed, Wuming Island is still in a very primitive state. There are so many vegetations that at first glance, it looks like a deserted island, but in fact it has a hidden cave. You only need to drill through a vine-covered cave to reach Gong Jiu's lair. The prosperity inside is the same as the original Suiyun's Bat Island, inside but not outside.

On the surface, they are far inferior to Baiyun City, but only a few know the actual inside story.

Jiang Li said lightly: "It's not worth spending half a day just to enjoy the cool air."

Gong Jiu actually thought it was worthless, he was very busy with his affairs, how could he have time to enjoy the cool air in spring? But when Jiang Li said that, he felt a little subtle. Is it time that is not worth it, or is it not worth it because you go to his place? He said: "The land of immortals in Baiyun City, my small place is still incomparable."

Jiang Li nodded.

When Gong Jiu said that, she agreed.

Subconsciously self-effacing words were accepted by Jiang Li, and Gong Jiu didn't get cheap this round. He had only met Jiang Li once before, and he hadn't spoken a few words. He didn't have time to investigate Jiang Li's information, so his understanding of her was limited to this face. In his memory, Niangqin should be a very gentle woman, who has nothing to do with Jiang Li.

However, as a superficial person who just looks at faces, Gong Jiu prefers this. With just this face, Gong Jiu has infinite patience and tolerance. With a smile on his face, he brought up the old matter again: "If the girl is unwilling, then that's all. I don't dare to force it. I don't know how you thought about the previous proposal?"

The Xuefeng Bingwang flute at the waist appeared in Jiang Li's hand again, as if the flute made of white jade was not as white as her wrist. With the addition of the red dress, the red was redder and the white was whiter. Jiang Li said calmly: "You have to do things first and then, one by one, right? Since it's getting hotter today, let's go down first."

The sound of the flute penetrating the heavens and the earth sounded again, and for a moment, even the choppy sea became quiet.

Jiang Li felt that the big flute was really easy to use. When he was in Jiansan, he couldn't use it because of his mentality, but now he can. Anyway, she took it out, and she decided to use it a few more times until she got tired of it.

Before Gong Jiu had time to mention it, it was he who first proposed to hold Nanwang hostage and order the troops attacking Baiyun City to withdraw, and never violate Baiyun City again, in exchange for Jiang Li's withdrawal. It's getting hotter. But in the current situation, there is no need for him to speak anymore.

Once again, there were flying snowflakes in the sky. Perhaps it happened once not long ago, and it might be because Jiang Li was a little far away from Gong Jiu, and her output of internal energy reached the maximum, this time the snow seemed to be a bit heavier.

The snowflakes fell on Gong Jiu's palm, leaving only some residual water marks when they melted away.

Gong Jiu looked at the scene in front of him in shock.

He has grown so big, he has never seen anything unusual, but this is the second time he was so shocked. The first time, it was about his mother.

The memories about those things have been blurred, but amidst the snowflakes, Gong Jiu seemed to start to recall them again.

The soldiers behind Jiang Li knelt down again, their expressions were pious and crazy. If it's a coincidence once, is it really a coincidence that it snowed in a place like the South China Sea twice in a row? Even in a hundred years, even in a thousand years, such a coincidence cannot happen once. Even at this time, if Jiang Li asked them to line up and jump into the sea to die, he probably would not have the slightest hesitation.

Gong Jiu could only feel his heart beating thumping, as if it was about to jump out of his heart. Unknowingly, a smile appeared on his face, and it slowly expanded, getting bigger and bigger.

Countless snowflakes fell centering on Gong Jiu, piling him up into a snowman outline, although there were also other places, but there were much fewer.

At the end of the song, because of the snow, the temperature of this world dropped, and finally brought a bit of chill.

Gong Jiu stood quietly.

He put his left hand on his heart, feeling somewhat lost. Hongchen Song can make people see what they least want to see, but coincidentally, what Gong Jiu wants to see the most is also what he most wants to see. Gong Jiu saw his mother who he thought about day and night smiling back, and it turned out to be exactly the same face as Jiang Li.

After a while, he shook his body lightly, shaking off the snowflakes on his body, and wiped his face.

Jiang Li said, "It's not so hot now."

Whoever is covered in snowflakes, even if the martial arts masters are not exposed to cold and heat, will feel a bit chilly.

Gong Jiu was by no means the exception, but he didn't catch a cold. This kind of miraculous encounter made him feel interesting. So he said: "Young lady's method of enjoying the summer heat is really clever. If you want to enjoy the cool air, you really don't need to go to my small place."

"Since that's the case, if you want to come to Jiu Gongzi, you won't talk nonsense anymore."

The author has something to say: Sustained mental depression, unable to write anymore, almost wanted to stop updating, all lay in bed, and abruptly got up.

The next chapter is waiting for me to replace it, and I will not sleep until I finish writing it. At least I will give up the treatment after this month is over.