Qixiu Royal Sister [Comprehensive Sword Three]

Chapter 97


Huang Yaoshi walked up to the old housekeeper and took Huang Rong from his arms.

Although Huang Rong can't speak yet, she should have some ability to remember things. She stretched out her small hand and grabbed Huang Yaoshi's body, showing a rare intimacy.

Huang Yaoshi hugged him very firmly. He is a big man, but he seems to be very skillful in the movements of holding the child. It can be seen that he has not missed a lot of hugs.

The old housekeeper looked at it, his eyes were a little dazed, and he didn't come back to himself until Huang Yaoshi asked him for some confusion, and quickly ordered his subordinates to do it now.

Huang Yaoshi said: "Huang should go in person, Rong'er is picky, if someone else made it, she won't eat it."

As soon as Huang Rong was born, her mother passed away, and she had no milk to eat, so Huang Yaoshi saw that her daughter was hungry and had no choice but to try to cook for Huang Rong herself. The girl refused to eat at first, but later she devoured it when she was hungry, but she was quite happy to eat it.

After saying that, he handed Huang Rong to the old housekeeper and went to the kitchen.

Lu Xiaofeng was shocked, he looked at Huang Yaoshi as if he was looking at a rare animal, never imagined that he could cook. At least Lu Xiaofeng only knows how to eat, he is considered a half foodie. If you ask him to say something delicious, or say it's a barbecue or something, it's barely okay, if it's anything else, then let's go to sleep.

Huang Yaoshi ignored Lu Xiaofeng's admiring look, thinking that he was hungry and wanted to go to the kitchen, so he went with him.

Lu Xiaofeng waved his hands again and again, thanking Bumin.

He said: "Since Mr. Huang is back, there may be a shortage of people in Ye Gucheng, so I will go first."

Hearing what he said, Huang Yaoshi felt a little guilty. He was entrusted by Lu Xiaofeng and Ye Gucheng to resist the Southern King's soldiers. Although he achieved his goal, he ran back to see Huang Rong halfway. So he quickly said: "Thank you, Brother Lu, let's go, there is Huang here enough."

Lu Xiaofeng was like a wild donkey, wanting to run immediately.

This time, of course Huamanlou would not stop Lu Xiaofeng, and watched him leave with a smile.

But just after running a few steps, Lu Xiaofeng suddenly remembered something, turned around and said, "Hua Man Lou, what did you want to say before?"

Hua Manlou said: "Let's talk when we have time." He looked very calm and not in a hurry.

Lu Xiaofeng felt relieved now, seeing that it was not a big deal, he rushed over immediately.

Because time didn't pass long, when Lu Xiaofeng passed, Ye Gucheng was still there, even the location didn't change. It's just that Lu Xiaofeng didn't come before, so he didn't know, compared to the atmosphere before, it's not depressed at all now. Although I don't know what happened, but something happened to Jiang Li, and it should be a good thing, Ye Gucheng already knows this.

He said, "Lu Xiaofeng?"

Seeing Lu Xiaofeng coming, Ye Gucheng naturally knew that Huang Yaoshi went back to replace him. But now Nanwangfu doesn't know what kind of wind is blowing, there is not only one place, but the whole line has withdrawn. Therefore, he felt no harm in whatever Huang Yaoshi did. After all, they have helped me a lot, so there is nothing to be picky about if there is a small flaw.

Lu Xiaofeng nodded, and greeted Ximen Chuuxue and Jing Wuming.

Of course, both of them ignored him.

Lu Xiaofeng didn't care about it, he just felt that the sky was blue and the water was clear, so he happily asked Ye Gucheng what he needed to do, which battlefield needed him

Ye Gucheng said: "In that case, Lu Xiaofeng, please pick up Miss Jiang for Ye."

If there was anyone Lu Xiaofeng didn't want to see at this time, Jiang Li must be the first one. Her mouth was really too poisonous, and Lu Xiaofeng was really hit too badly. If you compare the combat achievements, Lu Xiaofeng thinks that he is probably not as good as Jiang Li, who has the ability to attack with sound, so even if Jiang Li has a beautiful face that looks pleasing to the eye, he still hopes to see her again after a while.

However, when he thought that something might happen to Jiang Li, Lu Xiaofeng couldn't care less about it. He panicked at first, then saw Ye Gucheng's expression was extremely calm,

Lu Xiaofeng said: "Miss Jiang, is something wrong?"

"No, it's over." Ye Gucheng said, his voice almost sighed, because things were too unbelievable, even as calm as him, at this time there was a trace of complicated emotions, he said: "The war is over." The war came as expected, but went unexpectedly. It ended before it even started.

Lu Xiaofeng thought of countless answers, but he didn't expect Ye Gucheng to say that, so he was suddenly stunned.

This stunned, he was so stunned that Jiang Li returned to the shore.

He said he asked Lu Xiaofeng to pick it up for him, but now that the war is over, as the city lord, Ye Gucheng is free again, so he has to pick up the hero who made Nanwang retreat. And everyone present was very curious about how Jiang Li did it, not only made Nan Wang retreat, but also brought many people back.

Therefore, in the end, besides Lu Xiaofeng, Ye Gucheng, Jing Wuming, and some attendants from Baiyun City came to pick her up.

Ximen Chuuxue was not here at this time. Although he was also a little curious, Ximen Chuuxue said that he had to change his clothes first, and it didn't feel right to wear blood-stained clothes. Ye Gucheng understood this very well, because if it were him, they would have made the same choice on this point, so he asked Ximen Chuuxue to wash up first.

It was easy for Jiang Li to come back alone, but with so many soldiers picked up, it would be a bit troublesome. At least, when the King of Nan came, he ordered them to bring three days' worth of dry food, which would affect the draft of the ship, and they couldn't carry it. They walked on the sea for a day and a half, and now it's almost the second day It's over.

When Nan Wang came here before, he felt that Baiyun City was just a small island. Although the soldiers were skilled in martial arts, the number of them was small. It would take him a day's effort, but it would be enough for him to attack anyway, and the rest would die. Some people, the rations will be left over, I think very optimistic.

Now, of course, they couldn't be more optimistic. Most of the people followed Gong Jiu, and a small number of them left. Some of them couldn't find their rations due to such a mess. Now that she has moved to her side, Jiang Li can't let so many people starve to death. Of course, there are some snacks in her bag, but let alone a thousand people, it's not enough for a hundred people. In the end, it still had to fall on Ye Gucheng's head.

There are thousands of people permanently stationed in Baiyun City, and it is still more than a thousand to digest. It depends on whether Ye Gucheng accepts it. If she accepts it, Jiang Li doesn't bother to care about it. If she doesn't accept it, she has to go to the idea of Bat Island. Anyway, the dead have no human rights, and the protest can only be given to Lord Hades.

The biggest question Jiang Li is thinking about right now is that she knows that Wuming Island is about a half-day boat ride to the east from Baiyun City. But how to get to Bat Island, she really doesn't know. Although the location of Haishangjin Cave is never particularly secretive, it is still a half-open secret. Not many people know about it, but there is no Jiang Li, and no one she knows.

So Jiang Li's immediate decision is to see how Ye Gucheng responds. Wanting to save Baiyun City from the flames of war, there will be more than a thousand middle-aged soldiers as labor force to reclaim other barren places on Feixian Island. Not at a loss.

In order to avoid misunderstandings from Baiyun City, Jiang Li contacted Baiyun City first, briefly talked to Ye Gucheng, and then returned by boat.

The group watched the boat approach, Jiang Li got off the boat and landed lightly on the beach.

What she looked like when she went, she still looked like this when she came back. The red clothes are still as bright as the red of the setting sun, and the white hair is still whiter than snow. In contrast, Jiang Li didn't seem to be involved in a battle, but seemed to be on an outing. Even if you go out for a spring outing, there may be some accidents, but here in Jiangli, there are never any accidents.

At this moment, the attendants from the two rows behind Baiyun City all bowed to Jiang Li and thanked her for saving Baiyun City from the siege. They don't know the cause and effect, but it must be related to Jiang Li.

Jiang Li glanced over the three of them, and because he was in a good mood, he smiled slightly.

Before those soldiers, they only saw the peaceful scene of Jiang Li playing the flute of Xuefeng Bingwang in the ice and snow. Seeing her smile now, it seemed as if the ice melted and the world was filled with spring. They thought to themselves: "It turns out that Shangxian can laugh too? Since he laughed, he must have shown mercy and forgiven our offence, right?"

Jing Wuming didn't say a word, but the lines on his face softened unconsciously. Originally stretched tightly and hard, like a knife, like a stone, now it looks softer. As before, he habitually walked half a body behind Jiang Li's right, standing where he was supposed to be.

Lu Xiaofeng couldn't wait to ask Jiang Li what happened. As the person involved, Jiang Li should naturally have some unique first-hand information.

Glancing at him sideways, Jiang Li said, "It's like Wuming, I picked it up on the road."

Someone asked Jing Wuming how he got here before, and Jiang Li's answer was the same, he picked it up on the road. She was talking nonsense.

Lu Xiaofeng: "..." Who can pick up more than a thousand people while walking? Even fools don't believe it.

Of course Lu Xiaofeng is not a fool, he doesn't believe a single punctuation mark, but if Jiang Li doesn't say anything, he can't do anything about it. It was impossible to put a knife on Jiang Li's neck to force her to speak. In fact, it would be good if Jiang Li didn't bother him. Lu Xiaofeng also knew that he was a bit dishonest, if he was settled by Qiuhou, he deserved it.

Jiang Li didn't want to say it, not because the person who asked was Lu Xiaofeng, but no matter who it was, it made no difference to her. She doesn't want to and doesn't need to do things like boasting. Anyway, now she has more than a thousand die-hard fans. If she is fighting five scumbags, she will be overwhelmed by the crowd. If her fighting power is higher, she will shoot herself to death.

If the people present wanted to know what happened, besides her, there were more than a thousand parties involved, and she did not ask these people to keep it secret. It is not difficult to pry their mouths open, just ask them casually. It's not a problem to be extravagant in other people's mouths, but it's a bit bad to boast about yourself. And Jiang Li was very satisfied with himself, he didn't want to be humble or even self-deprecating, so he didn't mention it at all.

Jiang Li and Ye Gucheng walked in the front row. Ye Gucheng kept what he said, and never broke his promise. Since she agreed, she left her instructions with confidence and asked them to obey Baiyuncheng's command and dispatch. They briefly chatted about the placement of these people brought back by Jiangli. But when they found that there was a disagreement, they tacitly shut up and didn't mention it again. We'll discuss it later.

The author has something to say: There is still the last day, waiting to let myself go.