Queen Mother is a Scientist

Chapter 262: On his way


"What's wrong?" Hua Qingxue looked at Su Shaowen who suddenly returned with some confusion.

"Master, where will these things be placed after they are made?" Su Shaowen suddenly realized this problem. These things seem to occupy a large area.

"You don't have to worry about this, just make it." Hua Qingxue was startled after hearing this, but she could only wait until it was made before making arrangements.

"Then I'll go first."

Hua Qingxue thought about what she said and started walking around the School of Science.

She remembered that she seemed to have left a playground specially when she first created it.

This entertainment setting can be placed on the playground. The playground is large and convenient for the children in the School of Science to play.

When Liang Wensheng woke up and went downstairs, Wu Zhuo had already packed up and was having breakfast downstairs.

"Why didn't you call me?" Liang Wensheng was a little unhappy looking at his leisurely look.

"Aren't you awake now?" Wu Zhuo glanced at him with an indifferent expression and continued eating.

Liang Wensheng looked at him like this, his expression was a little bad, and he couldn't say what he wanted to say, so he sat down.

"Why don't you have my chopsticks?" Liang Wensheng was very unhappy when he saw that there was not even his chopsticks on the table.

"You didn't get up just now." Wu Zhuo said calmly.

Liang Wensheng didn't bother to pay attention to him. He really didn't know how such a person became a secret guard.

He called the waiter, ordered a few more plates of side dishes, took a pair of chopsticks, and started eating.

"Eat quickly, we have to travel soon, and try to get to the military camp tomorrow night!" As soon as Liang Wensheng picked up his chopsticks to eat, Wu Zhuo put down his chopsticks.

Liang Wensheng gritted his teeth angrily. He wanted to say something but didn't dare to say anything. After all, he was good at martial arts.

Liang Wensheng took a few hasty bites and asked the waiter to prepare some dry food.

"By the way, help me fill this with wine." Liang Wensheng threw the pot of water in his hand to him.

"Okay, wait a minute." The waiter took it and ran to the kitchen.

Liang Wensheng packed up his things, and the waiter had already filled the bottle with wine.

"Sir, the total cost of food, wine and accommodation for these two days is twenty taels of silver." The waiter took out his abacus and calculated it, and said to Liang Wensheng.

"Are you trying to rob someone?" Liang Wensheng looked at him with a frown.

"Sir, this is money for the two of you." The waiter continued to smile.

"Wu Zhuo, why do you want me to settle the bill for you?" Liang Wensheng roared at Wu Zhuo, who was already sitting on the carriage outside the door.

"I have no money." Wu Zhuo looked at him innocently and shook his body.

Liang Wensheng couldn't bear it anymore: "Here you go." He took out two taels of silver from his pocket, put it on the table, turned around and went out to get on the carriage.

"Don't you bring any money with you? You have been a secret guard for so long and you don't have any monthly money? Is the general being harsh on you?" Liang Wensheng said so much at once.

"Didn't I just ask you to pay for it? It's my mother-in-law's. I'll give it to you when I get back to the military camp later." Wu Zhuo looked at him impatiently.

Liang Wensheng simply ignored him. This was the first time he saw a grown man being so stingy. Why hadn't he noticed that Wu Zhuo was so stingy before

Along the way, Liang Wensheng ignored Wu Zhuo and ate dry food and drank wine alone.

"There is someone!" Some rustling sounds reached Wu Zhuo's ears. Wu Zhuo pulled the horse and said with a solemn expression to Liang Wensheng, who was feeling uncomfortable beside him.

When Liang Wensheng heard this, he sat up straight, with no trace of panic on his face. He didn't speak, and the air instantly became quiet.

"More than one person." Although Liang Wensheng was not good at martial arts, he still had good ears. He put away the dry food and wine and got into a state of preparation for battle.

"I'll give you the reins and you come and drive the chariot." Wu Zhuo threw the reins to him and grabbed the sword in his hand, keeping alert.

"Do you think these people are from Liao?" Liang Wensheng couldn't help but ask.

"I don't know." Wu Zhuo frowned. Those people's footsteps were too chaotic, so they were not from the army.

Just when Liang Wensheng was distracted, a group of people suddenly rushed out.

The group of people blocked the direction of the carriage.

Liang Wensheng was startled by the sudden rush of people, and quickly pulled in the reins to stop the horse.

"Who are you?" Liang Wensheng looked at this group of people. They were dressed in a nondescript manner. They were either from Qi or Liao. Could it be that they were from Nanzhao

"You are so blind that you don't know our boss." A younger brother next to the leader said angrily.

"It looks like they are bandits." Wu Zhuo looked at the posture of this group of people.

"Weren't all the bandits wiped out?" Liang Wensheng remembered the last case of Yu Lian. Chen Yuan led a few people to wipe out the bandit nest.

"What are you two talking about?" A person shouted when he saw Liang Wensheng and Wu Zhuo whispering.

Liang Wensheng was silenced by this roar.

"Leave the goods behind you, and I will spare your life!" The leader took out his big knife and pointed it at the two of them, with a arrogant look on his face.

Last time, the imperial court wiped out their nest, causing them to hide everywhere and finally evade the imperial court's eyes. Now they are penniless and extremely embarrassed. They finally saw someone coming, how could they easily do so? Let go!

"Then let's see if you have the ability!" Wu Zhuo looked at them expressionlessly, his whole body exuding a cold aura, and he was holding the scabbard in his hand, ready to move.

"You're quite arrogant, come on!" The leader looked at him coldly.

At the command, the people behind him rushed out, waving their swords and slashing directly at Wu Zhuo.

Wu Zhuo jumped up from the carriage and fought with the bandits.

Liang Wensheng watched with fear, but although these bandits had some skills, some of them might be obese and clumsy in walking, but Wu Zhuo easily restrained them.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the leader was holding a big sword and was about to move. He caught a glimpse of Liang Wensheng sitting on the carriage. He rolled his eyes, flashed and flew directly towards Liang Wensheng.

Liang Wensheng hadn't noticed the approaching danger yet, and was still watching Wu Zhuo and the bandits fighting with all his concentration.

I have to say that Wu Zhuo's martial arts is really good. How could those bandits be his opponents

When Liang Wensheng was watching to his heart's content, a flash of sword light flashed into his eyes. He took a closer look and jumped out of the carriage: "Brother, you are doing something wrong!"

Liang Wensheng didn't expect that the bandit leader would fly directly towards him. He was really despicable!

When Wu Zhuo heard Liang Wenbo's exclamation, he turned his head and saw the bandit leader chasing Liang Wensheng when he was lost in thought.

"Be careful behind you!" While hiding, Liang Wensheng didn't forget to pay attention to Wu Zhuo. There was a person behind Wu Zhuo who slashed straight at him when he was distracted, causing Liang Wensheng to exclaim.

Wu Zhuo dodged, but his arm still didn't escape and was slashed.

Wu Zhuo's eyes sharpened, and his movements became more fierce.

"Wu Zhuo, save me!" Liang Wensheng exclaimed.

After Wu Zhuo hurriedly dealt with these people, he quickly flew over to rescue Liang Wensheng.

Liang Wensheng felt as if wind was blowing under his feet, and he ran away quickly. Suddenly, a strong force on his shoulders lifted him up.

"Let him go!" Wu Zhuo resisted the anger that was about to burst out. He held the hilt of the sword with blue veins popping out.

Liang Wensheng was imprisoned by the bandit leader, and the big knife was pressed against his fair neck.

He felt a panic in his head. He forced himself to calm down, and then quickly turned his brain to think about the next move.

The bandit leader looked at his brother lying on the ground beside him, his cold eyes filled with uncontrollable anger.

"You have killed so many of my brothers, it is not an exaggeration for me to kill one of you!" The bandit leader glanced at Wu Zhuo's sword that was still dripping with blood. The expression on his face was angry, and he put it against Liang Wensheng's neck. The knife came a little closer, and the blade scratched Liang Wensheng's neck, causing blood to ooze out.

Liang Wensheng frowned, but he didn't have much fear. After all, he had seen this kind of scene many times. After all, he came from the military camp, and he was not a person who was greedy for life and afraid of death.

Wu Zhuo frowned, his face gloomy, Liang Wensheng was Hua Qingxue's apprentice, he couldn't let him lose his life.

"What do you want to do?" Wu Zhuo stared at the bandit leader closely.

Liang Wensheng kept winking at him.

Wu Zhuo glanced at him and immediately understood what he meant.

"Kill him, and your goods will belong to me!" Although he didn't know what the goods were, he guessed that they must be good things, otherwise why would he send a person with such strong martial arts skills to escort them.

When the bandit leader wasn't paying attention, Liang Wensheng carefully took out the small dagger Hua Qingxue had made.

He exerted all his strength and hit the bandit leader in the stomach with his elbow!

The bandit leader's hand on the knife loosened, and Liang Wensheng took the opportunity to hit the bandit on the wrist, then turned around and struck again.

Upon seeing this, Wu Zhuo ran over quickly and pulled Liang Wensheng aside with one hand.

"Seeking death!" The bandit leader was so angry that he picked up the knife and slashed Liang Wensheng.

Liang Wensheng was frightened by his eyes that turned scarlet with anger and took a few steps back.

Wu Zhuo blocked the attack of the bandit leader Liang Wensheng with his sword.

The bandit leader saw this and started fighting with him, but Liang Wensheng wisely hid aside.

The bandit leader was very strong, and every time he slashed, he wanted to shatter Wu Zhuo's arm.

Wu Zhuo held the hilt of the sword tightly to block his attack, but it was obviously a bit difficult. He took a few steps back and his face darkened. He couldn't fight head-on. It looked like he had to outsmart him.

While fighting, he observed the bandit leader's path. He found that the bandit leader's belly was a place he couldn't take care of. Wu Zhuo curled his lips and attacked the bandit leader's belly with every movement.

The bandit leader also noticed Wu Zhuo's action, but it was too late.

Wu Zhuo stabbed his sword into his stomach.

"Poof!" The bandit leader let go of the sword, and a mouthful of blood spurted out. His eyes widened.

Wu Zhuo quickly pulled out the sword. The bandit leader staggered a few steps and fell to the ground.

He twitched when he fell to the ground. When Liang Wensheng came over, the bandit leader had already died.

"Is he dead?" Liang Wensheng said, not forgetting to kick the bandit leader a few times.

"On our way." Wu Zhuo put his sword back into its scabbard and got on the carriage without looking back.