Queen Mother is a Scientist

Chapter 270: Looking for Zhou Shanshan


"What's wrong with the prince?" Qi Liancheng was a little confused.

"Have you seen Zhou Shanshan?" Xiao Han finally understood why he was irritable.

Qi Liancheng thought for a moment and replied: "No, what's wrong?"

"Oops!" Xiao Han suddenly slapped his palm on the table, making a banging sound.

"Ask the soldiers to see who has seen Zhou Shanshan!" Xiao Han said as he put on his coat and hurried out.

Qi Liancheng took the order and immediately sent someone to ask the soldiers patrolling around who had seen Zhou Shanshan.

But nothing was found. During the war, no one paid attention to the whereabouts of a woman.

Xiao Han had a gloomy face and his eyes were cold.

The guards around him kept whispering: "What's going on?"

"I heard that the prince's woman is missing?" Another soldier replied softly.

"The prince's woman?"

"Yes, that's the very beautiful woman."

"Tsk tsk tsk...it turns out to be the prince's favorite..."

"No one saw it?" He asked Qi Liancheng with gloomy eyes.

"I just sent people to ask, and no one saw her." Qi Liancheng reported truthfully.

"A woman, no one noticed?" Xiao Han's whole body exuded coldness, but his heart seemed to be filled with anger, and his lungs were burning.

He glanced at the surrounding soldiers with a cold gaze.

When the soldiers came into contact with Xiao Han's inquiry, they couldn't help but shudder and lowered their heads. They felt that the prince's eyes were so terrifying that no one dared to say anything.

"Prince..." A soldier standing in the corner raised his hand tremblingly, "Are you talking about a beautiful woman? Wearing a sky-blue skirt..."

"Did you see it?" Xiao Han rushed to him in two steps and grabbed his collar.

"I, I..." The soldier was frightened by Xiao Han's appearance. His face turned pale, he spoke stumblingly, and there were beads of sweat on his forehead.

"Your Highness, you scared him." Seeing this, Qi Liancheng quickly went over and rescued the soldier from Xiao Han's hands.

"As a soldier of our Daliao Kingdom, you are so cowardly!" Xiao Han looked at the frightened and trembling soldier with a cold face, with a trace of disdain in his eyes.

"Did you see where she went?" Qi Liancheng asked Xiaobing coldly.

Although Zhou Shanshan seems to have big breasts and no brains, she has many fantastic ideas that are still useful to the Liao Kingdom, so no matter what, she must find this woman.

"I, I... I saw her leaving the military camp and going... to the northwest." Xiao Bing stuttered as he spoke, for fear that he might accidentally offend Xiao Han.

Qi Liancheng looked at Xiao Han, and Xiao Han glanced at the northwest. It was deserted and there was only a forest of trees. Zhou Shanshan was probably lost.

Xiao Han thought like this, the moon had already risen in the sky, the white moonlight was spreading, and the surrounding scenery became increasingly gray and hazy.

"Qi Liancheng, you take a team of people and follow me to find Zhou Shanshan." Xiao Han was a little worried about that woman. Damn that woman, she just knows how to run around. It's already so dark!

"Yes, Prince." Qi Liancheng quickly found a team of people and followed Xiao Han to find Zhou Shanshan.

At this time, the military camp of Liao State exploded. Everyone knew that the prince went to find a woman in person, and they raised the status of this woman a lot in their hearts.

"Zhou Shanshan!" Xiao Han, holding a torch in his hand and riding on a horse, called Zhou Shanshan while looking for her.

The surrounding soldiers got off their horses and looked for Zhou Shanshan carefully.

"Prince, there is none here."

"Prince, there is none here either."

A pair of people were divided into several groups, and then they looked for Zhou Shanshan. Whenever someone came to report that Zhou Shanshan was not found, Xiao Han's face would darken a little.

"Keep looking! Even if I dig three feet into the ground, I have to find this woman!"

Xiao Han rarely loses his temper. Qi Liancheng clearly saw Xiao Han's eyes flashing with anger in the dark night, burning very brightly.

Qi Liancheng couldn't help but frowned.

Everyone did not dare to neglect when they saw this, and carefully searched every place, for fear of missing something.

Zhou Shanshan slowly opened her eyes and found that the surroundings were pitch black.

She quickly crawled back a few steps, but there was a pain in her legs, which made her scream in pain.

This is where

Zhou Shanshan looked around tremblingly. She was now filled with fear and regretted running out alone. She really hoped that Xiao Han would find out that she was not here and send someone to take her out of here!

"Xiao Han..." Zhou Shanshan called out Xiao Han's name tremblingly, but no one responded, and she couldn't help crying.

"Am I going to die here?" Zhou Shanshan cried, feeling that her fate was bad.

She was most afraid of the dark, and the darkness around her made the panic in her heart deepen.

Looking up, she found that she seemed to have fallen into a pit.

The pit was very deep, and her leg was injured...

Zhou Shanshan became even more desperate.

"Have you found it?" Xiao Han asked the soldier with a frown.

"No… "

It was such a big place, and it was pitch dark late at night, so they could only use the light of torches to search continuously.

"What are they all doing for food? I can't even find a woman!" Xiao Han got angry and glared at the people around him with his scarlet eyes.

"Prince, it's too late now. It's understandable that the soldiers can't be found. Don't worry, they will be found eventually." Qi Liancheng comforted Xiao Han. His expression was a little complicated. He didn't know what Xiao Han thought of Zhou Shanshan. What exactly is the feeling.

Xiao Han didn't speak, his face was livid. He just wanted to find that damn woman as soon as possible.

"Zhou Shanshan!" Xiao Han also got off the horse and took the torch from Qi Liancheng's hand.

There were a lot of rocks on the ground, so he stumbled a bit while walking.

Where did this damn woman go

Xiao Han couldn't help but curse in a low voice.

At this time, he felt as if he had stepped on something. He took a step back and looked down at his feet.

This is…

Xiao Han moved the torch downwards, lighting up the road on the ground.

On the ground is a bracelet.

When he picked it up, his eyes couldn't help but become a little colder. It’s Zhou Shanshan’s bracelet!

Zhou Shanshan must be nearby. Xiao Han looked around. He stood up and walked a little faster.

"Zhou Shanshan! Zhou Shanshan!" He kept calling Zhou Shanshan, with a worried look on his face.

Zhou Shanshan's eyelids became heavier and heavier, her lips turned a little white, and her consciousness began to blur.

She bit her lip tightly to prevent herself from falling into coma.

So cold…

Zhou Shanshan hugged herself tightly. The temperature around her was getting lower and lower. She was shivering with cold, and her originally bright eyes were lifeless.

Is she going to die here

Zhou Shanshan felt a little bitter in her heart. It hadn't been long since she traveled to this place. Was she about to die like this? No, she can't die, she hasn't found her way back yet, she hasn't found her way home yet...

There were tears in the corners of her eyes, her lips had been bitten with blood, and a strong smell of blood spread in her mouth.

"Zhou Shanshan..."

Just when Zhou Shanshan was about to lose consciousness, she seemed to hear someone calling her.

"I'm here..." Zhou Shanshan's voice became hoarse, "I'm here... here..."

She wanted to shout loudly, but the sound she made with all her strength was so weak.

My eyelids are so heavy, so heavy...

Zhou Shanshan gradually lost consciousness, slowly closed her eyes, and passed out.

"Zhou Shanshan!" Xiao Han kept calling her.

There was a faint smell of blood filling the air, and Xiao Han's heart tightened. He used a torch to illuminate the road on the ground and found a pool of blood.

Xiao Han's pupils tightened, and he was already sure that the blood belonged to Zhou Shanshan.

Walking along the blood trail, I found a pit in front of me -

"Zhou Shanshan! Zhou Shanshan!" Xiao Han found Zhou Shanshan covered in blood and lying unconscious in the pit.

"Come, come quickly!" Xiao Han shouted to the soldiers in the distance.

"Has any of you seen the prince?"

Qi Liancheng suddenly discovered that Xiao Han was no longer where he was. He quickly asked the soldiers around him if they had seen Xiao Han, but the soldiers who were asked shook their heads.

"No, Lord Qi, isn't the prince with you?" A soldier looked at Qi Liancheng doubtfully.

Qi Liancheng's eyes narrowed slightly.

After losing Zhou Shanshan, and this time the prince, his heart suddenly rose to his throat, and he even wondered if this was a conspiracy against Xiao Han.

Just when he was confused and confused, a firework exploded in mid-air. That was Xiao Han's signal to him.

Qi Liancheng had no time to think and quickly said to the soldiers around him: "Follow me quickly."

The surrounding soldiers immediately followed Qi Liancheng.

Qi Liancheng was a little panicked at this moment, but his face was still as calm as before. He ran fast, with the wind blowing at his feet, hoping that nothing happened to the prince.

At this time, Xiao Han had already found Zhou Shanshan. He jumped into the pit and found Zhou Shanshan passed out. After a cursory inspection, he found that her leg was injured.

"Zhou Shanshan, wake up, Zhou Shanshan, I am Xiao Han." Xiao Han slapped her face and kept calling her.

Zhou Shanshan reluctantly opened her eyes: "I thought... you wouldn't come..."

After saying that, he fell into coma again.

"Prince!" Qi Liancheng arrived in time. He saw blood stains on Xiao Han's body with a trace of worry on his face, "Your Highness? Where are you injured?"

"It's not me, it's Zhou Shanshan." Xiao Han's eyes were solemn, and he came up from the pit with Zhou Shanshan in his arms.

Qi Liancheng's heart dropped when he heard that Xiao Han was not injured.

When the soldiers from behind arrived, they all breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the prince holding Zhou Shanshan covered in blood in his arms. No matter what, just found him.

"Call the military doctor over here!" Xiao Han hugged Zhou Shanshan and rushed into the tent. The people around him looked at each other. They had never seen the prince care about a woman...

"Where is the military doctor? Why haven't you come here yet?" Xiao Han was angry at the people around him, with an angry look on his face.

"Prince, the military doctor is here."