Quick Transmigration: Cannon Fodder Comes to Counterattack

Chapter 105: Let me help this prince11


Although this body was not the one who commissioned it, it was still the original owner. People were kind enough to lend her the body, so she couldn't leave a lot of trouble for them.

Forget it, Meng Li hesitated for a moment and took out the pills on her body. This was something she usually made in case of emergencies. It could cure a little bit of common poisons.

But Princess Pingxian's poison cannot be completely cured by taking this antidote pill.

Princess Pingxian can only handle the rest.

Meng Li poured some water in the room, dissolved the pills in a cup, and fed them to Princess Pingxian.

Princess Pingxian took the medicine and her body was not so hot.

Meng Li checked the jewelry on Princess Pingxian's body, then searched around the bed to make sure that nothing belonging to Princess Pingxian was missing, and then helped Princess Pingxian simply arrange her clothes.

After waiting for a while, he felt that Princess Pingxian's body was no longer so hot. Meng Li pressed several acupuncture points on Princess Pingxian's body.

Princess Pingxian should wake up after she leaves for a while.

After Meng Li dealt with all this, he left Princess Pingxian's room.

Not long after Meng Li left, Princess Pingxian woke up with a frown on her face.

Princess Pingxian opened her eyes and felt something bad in her heart.

He quickly looked around the room and checked his clothes. Seeing that there was nothing strange in the room, and seeing that his clothes were neatly arranged, Princess Pingxian felt relieved and let out a long breath.

My memory was fragmented, and I felt something was wrong after lunch.

Caishan asked someone to take her to this room to rest for a while.

It seems that a maid came in after that

Pingxian rubbed her swollen head, her body was still a little abnormal, and she knew in her heart that she was being plotted today.

Pingxian endured his body's desire, knowing in his heart that he couldn't stay in this room for long. He straightened his clothes, adjusted his facial expression to make his complexion look normal, and left the room quickly.

But Meng Li was still walking around the house wearing the maid's clothes.

I don’t know what the prince told Qin Yi to do.

I don't know what kind of gift the prince wants to give Wei Zining.

Meng Li guessed that Wei Zining must have drugged the prince during the banquet, but the prince discovered it instead.

Xu Caishan was probably driven to panic, so she decided to risk everything and take such a gamble.

Meng Li just wanted to walk around to see if he could meet Qin Yi.

But in a moment, people in groups of three or three were heading to a distant place, and even the emperor was alarmed.

Because there were so many people around the emperor, the queue was the largest wherever he went.

Also heading in that direction.

Although Meng Li was far away, Meng Li could feel that the atmosphere in the team there was not very good.

The maid in front of Meng Li and another maid whispered:

"Something happened, let's go take a look."

Meng Li's heart moved and he followed the two maids away.

It should be a good show arranged by the prince.

The crowd was crowded, and it was unclear who could attract so many people in a short time. Meng Li could only hear the voices inside the crowded crowd.

Can't see the screen.

Meng Li originally wanted to try to use his mental power to look at it for a second, but before he could release his mental power, a voice came into Meng Li's ears, which almost startled him.

"Book one?"

The voice was very low, very small, and it was Qin Yi's voice.

Meng Li followed the direction and saw Qin Yi in the crowd wearing the clothes of a servant of the Prime Minister's Mansion.

Qin Yi looked surprised, looked Meng Li up and down, and shouted uncertainly again:

"Book one?"

Meng Li pursed his lips and said helplessly in a suppressed voice:

"Stop shouting."

"But do you want everyone to know who I am?"

Qin Yi stretched his neck, tilted his head back slightly, his eyes were full of disbelief, and his whole body expressed one meaning that he never expected.

"Why are you dressed like this?"

Qin Yi couldn't help asking, and he couldn't help but want to laugh.

If it weren't for the inappropriateness of laughter now, he would have burst into laughter.

Shuyi’s dress was truly unforgettable for him.

Wearing a maid's outfit, the cuffs can't hide her hands, the skirt can't cover her legs and wrists, and she has a decent maid's bun.

The face was painted with makeup and powder. If he hadn't grown up together, he wouldn't have recognized it.

Even so, it does not affect Qin Yi's determination to make fun of Meng Li in the future.

Meng Li said calmly:

"Don't worry about these details, what's going on?"

Qin Yi still couldn't help laughing and asked Meng Li:

"Men can enter the backyard today, why are you pretending to be a maid?"

Meng Li wanted to cover his face.

Can she say that she is used to wearing women's clothing

What I think about at the critical moment is dressing up as a maid.

Meng Li looked uncomfortable, Qin Yi looked around, and then whispered to Meng Li:

"Just watch it."

Qin Yi's face looked confident, as if he was watching a good show. Although his facial expression was proud, there was a trace of ruthlessness in his eyes.

Meng Li nodded. Now was not the time to talk. Although they were very careful to talk quietly, they still needed to be cautious to avoid being overheard.

Surrounding these people were maids, servants, or ladies.

They were chatting and playing in the backyard and arrived very quickly. Although everyone gathered around the door of the room, no one dared to open the door and go in.

Just because the sound coming from inside was really hard to hear.

It made everyone blush and be at a loss.

But curiosity drove everyone to stay where they were. Although they didn't dare to open the door, they didn't leave either.

Everyone is guessing in their hearts, the battle inside is so fierce, who is the protagonist

The emperor, a group of ministers, and the prince also rushed towards this direction. The emperor's face was gloomy, and behind him was the prime minister, whose expression was also unhappy and uneasy.

The people outside the door here knelt down when they saw the emperor coming, and the emperor walked straight over.

He glanced at the people kneeling on the ground and did not ask anyone to get up.

The prince glanced at Meng Li and Qin Yi in the crowd, and their eyes met for an instant.

The prince was about to look away, but glanced at Meng Li again, frowning with some uncertainty.


What's this

Book one

Meng Li saw the prince's suspicious eyes, raised his head and gave the prince a confirming look.

That's right, I am your sincere subordinate Shuyi.


Qin Yi, who was kneeling next to Meng Li, buried his head and shook his body. It was so funny, so hold it back...!

When the emperor heard the sound coming from inside, his face turned pale. With a wave of his hand, the eunuch beside him went to kick the door open.

The door was kicked open, and the sound inside was even more unobstructed, and the clear and clear sound reached everyone's ears.

Some young ladies who had not yet left the court quietly raised their heads to look, with astonished expressions on their faces. They suddenly felt their cheeks burning and wanted to run away.

When the emperor saw the scene clearly, his eyes widened, he became angry and roared:

"Evil son!!!"

"Why don't you stop quickly?"

The emperor roared angrily, and everyone lowered their heads even lower. When the emperor was angry, everyone felt frightened and frightened.