Quick Transmigration: Cannon Fodder Comes to Counterattack

Chapter 173: Not to be the Crown Princess17


Meng Li nodded:

"What daddy says is right is true."

Marquis Xuanyang:…

But that’s it.

The reason why difficult things are called difficult things is that they are things that people cannot do, or it is very difficult to do.

If you just give up, the difficulty will no longer exist.

This can also be understood emotionally.

If you don't care about someone, you won't feel upset and depressed, and you won't have to cry.

Just enjoy the glory and wealth quietly.

Hou Xuanyang thought for a while and said:

"Then you go back, you still have things to do as a father."

Meng Li saluted and replied:

"Okay, Daddy."

Xuanyang Hou took the lead and left, and Meng Li took Chunlu away.

Back in his yard, Meng Li ate the candied haws. It was sour and sweet, so delicious.

Then I asked about Jiang Yizhi's situation.

Jiang Yizhi didn't make any move, she just liked to get angry at the maid and find faults in various ways.

Jiang Yizhi had a stubborn temper and would rather be imprisoned than bow his head.

But I feel really annoyed.

Chunlu told Meng Li about the situation there. Meng Li raised his eyebrows and told Jiang Yizhi to go.

There will come a time when you can't stand it any longer.

Meng Li was not surprised by Jiang Yizhi's apology. The apology was not sincere anyway.

On the contrary, Meng Li wanted to delay for a while and let Jiang Yizhi be detained for a longer period of time.

The more stubborn Jiang Yizhi becomes, waiting for the old lady to let go, the old lady will probably follow suit.

Doesn't the old lady know Jiang Yizhi's thoughts

It was because she knew that Jiang Yizhi relied on her favor to think that this matter could be dismissed lightly, so the old lady used the excuse of worshiping Buddha, firstly to appease the Wang family, and secondly to avoid Jiang Yizhi.

After some time, Meng Li slipped out of the Hou Mansion while Chun Lu was not in the courtyard.

It's very inconvenient to follow her around all day long.

Sneak out first, and when you come back, just find some excuse to excuse yourself.

Meng Li still wore a curtain hat, and the clothes he wore were more comfortable and simple, a bit like the clothes worn by the young master, and he did not wear any jewelry on his head.

Meng Li went to a teahouse and found a private room. There was also a screen prepared in the private room.

She also hired a waiter who was simply literate to work as a temporary worker for her.

The place she made an appointment with Jiang Tiancai was today.

I wonder if Jiang Tiancai will come.

According to Jiang Tiancai's character, Meng Li thought he would come.

Jiang Tiancai was also very hesitant at the inn, should he go or not

In order to deal with this matter these days, I don’t think about food or tea, and I don’t want to read any books.

In the end, Jiang Tiancai couldn't help but think of the Hou Mansion. The Hou Mansion looked down on him because no one in his family was an official in the court.

He was going to be the first.

By the time Jiang Tiancai arrived, Meng Li had been waiting there for almost an hour.

Meng Li wrote a sentence on the paper and asked the waiter to read it to her.

The waiter said to Jiang Tiancai behind the screen:

"I can't speak, so I let my second generation read it. If there are important things, I can write them down on paper and use paper to communicate."

Jiang Tiancai sat awkwardly in front of the screen, not knowing who was sitting across from him.

Hearing what Xiao Ernian said, Jiang Tiancai thought to himself: Could it be that he is a mute

Jiang Tiancai has a very impatient temper. Since it is not convenient for the other party to talk, the red tape can be dispensed with.

Looking at the pen and paper on the table in front of him, Jiang Tiancai picked up the pen and wrote:

Is this true? How to trade? Money is not an issue, I just hope you won't lie to me. If it happens, I will be grateful afterwards.

Then he shouted:

"Everything I have to say is on paper."

Meng Li nodded towards the waiter, who looked at the man wearing a curtain hat. The clothes were made of materials worn by nobles, but the materials were simple, like men's clothes.

But this figure looks like a woman.

The waiter couldn't see his face clearly and didn't say a word. He couldn't figure out whether he was a boy or a girl, but he obediently took the paper written by Jiang Tiancai for Meng Li and turned his back to Meng Li knowingly.

Meng Li opened the paper and looked at what Jiang Tiancai had written. It was really straightforward.

Meng Li replied: Of course it is true. My father prepared the things for me, but I have no intention of becoming an official, and I need some money. A few days ago, I heard that you told others that you were coming to Beijing to take the examination. , I want to make friends with you.

Meng Li waited for the ink to dry, folded the paper, and asked the waiter to take it over.

After Jiang Tiancai got it, he quickly opened it and looked at it.

After seeing it, my doubts were relieved a lot.

The handwriting is crooked and crooked like last time, and it looks like an uneducated person at first glance.

It turns out that this is a dandy in the capital. His father bought him a way, but he is still unwilling to leave.

It's really enviable to have a good life.

Jiang Tiancai wrote and asked: How much silver

Meng Li looked at it and curled his lips, the fish took the bait.

Reply: One hundred taels.

In this world, two or three taels of silver can allow an ordinary person to live for a year. One hundred taels seems like a lot, but Jiang Tiancai will definitely be able to figure it out if he works hard.

Jiang Tiancai was a little surprised when he saw one hundred taels. One hundred taels was quite a lot, so he was given it at home so that he could take care of himself in Beijing.

Jiang Tiancai wrote again and asked:

The young master has a distinguished family, why is it so difficult for you to get a hundred taels of silver

Meng Li smiled, Jiang Tiancai, a scholar, has a flexible mind.

Written reply:

I have a loved one and I want to redeem her life... My father doesn't allow it.

Meng Li's few and cliché excuses made Jiang Tiancai believe him.

He immediately imagined a place where a young man from an aristocratic family fell in love with the woman, and had a relationship with the woman. The two fell in love deeply, but the madam used it to increase the price in order to blackmail the young man.

So because the reality is in front of him, this dandy has no choice but to go out of his way to sell this!

It is understandable to say so.

When love is deep, it is easy to do any stupid things.

The waiter next to him was also confused when he saw two people communicating through letters.

But dare not say anything.

He could only run back and forth between the two of them and pass the paper.

Jiang Tiancai thought for a while, then wrote fifty.

Meng Li opened it and was speechless.

He really knows how to do business, and the price is worth it.

Meng Li replied: One hundred.

The two of them went back and forth in a stalemate for a long time, and in the end the price was settled by Meng Li.

Jiang Tiancai said that he didn't have that many banknotes, and it was just a question, not worth a hundred taels.

Meng Li said there was no need to worry since he didn’t know what the question was yet.

The people in the court haven't discussed it yet.

Meng Li spoke loudly, as if it was her father who asked the question.

In order to sell for a hundred taels, Meng tied the topic to the article and sold it.

But let Jiang Tiancai make a deposit of twenty taels of silver first. The question must be reserved for him and not given to anyone else.

Jiang Tiancai thought the article was written by this playboy and even said no.

Meng Li said of course not, and took out an article she had made from her body. The words were also written by her in a serious way. The handwriting was very beautiful, and Meng Li wrote it like a dragon and a phoenix.

Let Jiang Tiancai read it first. This is the article written by the person she found to solve the problem in the future.

Jiang Tiancai took a look at the article and read it carefully. He couldn't help but marvel at the talent of the person who wrote the article.