Quick Transmigration: Cannon Fodder Comes to Counterattack

Chapter 55: Sil continent 11


The two returned to the room. Meng Li sat down and drank a glass of water. Qiao Yu asked eagerly:

"Miss, what's going on?"

Meng Li smiled and released a burst of spiritual energy, which is what this world calls fighting spirit, and hit the water glass. The water glass instantly turned into powder and scattered on the table.

Qiaoyu was very happy when she saw this. She jumped up and clapped her hands and said:

"Miss, can you really practice fighting spirit?"

Meng Li nodded, "Yes."

"It's great, it's amazing, it must be blessed by God." Qiaoyu put her hands together, raised her head and bowed to the sky.

Meng Li smiled and agreed:

"Maybe it's really God's blessing."

"They don't dare to call our young lady a waste anymore." Qiaoyu couldn't get the words out of her mind, but she immediately realized what she was saying and quickly covered her mouth to apologize:

"Miss, I said the wrong thing."

Meng Li just shook his head and did not blame Qiao Yu.

Qiao Yu excitedly pulled Meng Li and asked him to release a few more spiritual energy. She also muttered and fantasized a lot, imagining the future scenes.

He said that no one would dare to bully the young lady anymore.

He also said that it was impossible for the young lady to go to the academy to study in the future.

Meng Li listened quietly to Qiao Yu's chatter and looked at Qiao Yu.

Qiaoyu cannot practice fighting qi, which is different from the situation of the client. The client can cultivate, but his meridians have been blocked since he was a child, so he is classified as an ordinary person.

In fact, as long as one of the parents can practice, basically all children can practice.

The speed of cultivation and understanding can only depend on talent and hard work.

But Qiaoyu was really born unable to practice, otherwise she wouldn't be such a warrior.

Qiaoyu's parents are also ordinary people, and they didn't even become warriors because of their family background.

Warriors also need certain conditions to become warriors. They must at least ensure food and clothing. If you don't have enough to eat, how can you practice

Just being tired of living every day consumes all my energy.

As for the reason why this kind of people cannot practice, Meng Li really doesn't understand. Could it be explained by genes

Many things couldn't be explained, and Meng Li didn't force himself to figure them out.

Therefore, Qiaoyu rarely came into contact with Dou Qi and felt very surprised. Meng Li followed Qiao Yu and released a few more spiritual energy.

Many maids and servants in the family can actually practice. Even if they cannot practice fighting spirit, they can still become warriors.

Even if the warrior's combat effectiveness is weak, even if ten first-level combat masters are unable to defeat one first-level combat master, they can still be considered a combat effectiveness, and they can help their master withstand critical moments.

Generally, people with prominent talents and highly valued families and their servants can practice fighting spirit.

At that time, I probably thought that since the client couldn't practice, I would send a maid who couldn't practice to serve the client.

But Qiaoyu can become a warrior.

Meng Li always felt that the client's feelings towards Qiao Yu were a bit complicated.

The client had a very good relationship with Qiaoyu in the past and rarely regarded Qiaoyu as a servant. However, when the client was trapped in the body and watched the various interactions between Qiaoyu and Yuejiu, Qiaoyu also felt sincere towards Yuejiu. .

This feeling made the client feel very uncomfortable, especially since she was trapped in it, but her maid could not feel the changes in her master at all.

There's a new person inside.

Although the client knew that this was not all Qiao Yu's fault, he felt that if Qiao Yu had been more alert and could help her find someone to deal with Yue Jiu and let her take back her body.

Very mixed emotions.

In the mind of the client, Qiaoyu is more than just a maid.

As for whether Qiao Yu will become a warrior, after the client comes back, he will provide resources to make Qiao Yu a warrior.

Meng Li felt that it was better not to meddle in other people's business.

After a while, Qiaoyu said she was tired and her excitement subsided. She said she would not disturb Meng Li's fighting spirit training and left Meng Li's room.

After Qiaoyu left, Meng Li began to practice cross-legged.

Her current strength is not strong. If divided according to the levels of this world, she should be considered a first-level fighting master now, which is a little stronger than an eleven or twelve-year-old child. This is the result of her endless training day and night.

Compared to Yue Jiu's strength, there is still some gap.

Meng Li had a sense of urgency and didn't want to give Yue Jiu a chance to grow, but there was nothing he could do about it. After all, Yue Jiu now...

He was already stronger than her.

And she hasn't seen Yue Jiu's new summoned beast yet. She just heard that it is stronger than before, but she doesn't know what it is like.

Yue Jiu's new favorite is very mysterious. Yue Jiu now competes with others by relying on her body and weapons.

Yue Jiu probably thought that her opponent was too weak to be worthy of her summoning a monster.


But Meng Li also felt that it was a good deal. Although she was not as strong as Yue Jiu now, Yue Jiu also lost a huge golden finger.

She couldn't believe that rings like hers were everywhere on the street.

Thinking of that ring, Meng Li felt powerless. She then tried to contract the ring without giving up, but Meng Li suspected that what she got was a fake ring and there was never any reaction.

No reaction at all.

This made Meng Li feel hurt and felt the malice coming from the ring.

I don’t know if this ring has spirituality. Can I make it contract with this body through threats

Although the twisted melon is not sweet, it is still a melon.

Don't care if it's sweet or not, it's delicious even if it's not sweet.

Meng Li did it as he thought. He took out the ring and talked to it for a long time, making various threats, but the ring remained indifferent.

6018 was in the system space, silently watching Meng Li talking to himself about a ring, and threatening a ring. He wanted to laugh a little. This idea was too simple.

If this ring has spirituality and consciousness, it is an artifact. Can an artifact scare her

If there is no aura, what is the use of talking so much

This guy is so funny.

Meng Li, who had no idea that he had been laughed at by 6018, wiped his face and sighed.

Forget it, even if she couldn't get the ring, she wouldn't let Yue Jiu get it.

In the future, when the entruster comes back, this ring can only stay with the entruster forever.

However, after Meng Li practiced for a while, Qiao Yu said there was someone outside. Meng Li got up and walked to the door, where he saw a servant sent by Master Sa.

When the servant saw Meng Li, he bowed and said to Meng Li:

"Miss, this is what the head of the family asked me to send."

As he spoke, he took out several bottles of elixirs, a bag of gold coins, and two introductory exercises for practicing fighting spirit. Meng Li stretched out his hand to take it, took out a gold coin from the bag and handed it to the servant, saying politely:

"Excuse me."

The servant received Meng Li's gold coin and smiled sincerely. He immediately felt that the eldest lady was approachable, had a good personality, and was beautiful. Now that she was free from the title of trash, her future was bright.