Quick Transmigration: Cannon Fodder Comes to Counterattack

Chapter 92: Her suffering15


Mother Li was anxious.

Her son was waiting in the hospital to ask for money for medical treatment, but she couldn't borrow a penny.

Mother Li also made the whole village know that Meng Li had run away.

Someone originally wanted to lend some money to Mother Li because she couldn't stand it, but when she heard Mother Li saying that Meng Li had run away while borrowing money, she was surprised and decisively put an end to the idea of borrowing money.

The Li family only makes money with their daughter-in-law. Since the daughters-in-law here have run away, who will pay them back the money they lent

Mother Li couldn't borrow money, so she cursed the person who didn't lend her money and held a grudge.

Finally, I had an idea and ran to the village chief's house to complain in tears.

Then he tactfully expressed his willingness to borrow money to the village chief. You are the village chief. The villagers are in trouble at home. Can you just stand by and watch

Mother Li's crying caused many people watching the show to gather around the door of the village chief's house and start talking.

The village chief looked embarrassed.

Of course the village chief didn't want to borrow money, but because of his face and reputation, he had no choice but to borrow money from Li's mother. He also wrote an IOU and asked Li's mother to stamp his fingerprint.

Li's mother borrowed the money, without saying a word of thanks, and hurriedly took the bus to the county seat to pay the money.

Meng Li found a house quickly when he arrived in the county. He had visited the county before and knew where the houses were cheaper.

Meng Li packed his bag and found a single room. The conditions were very poor. There was only a wooden board with two long stone pillars underneath. The landlord said that was the bed.

All right.

Because the rent was cheap, Meng Li believed that it was a bed.

The toilet is also at the end of the corridor. The landlord is a middle-aged fat woman. Looking at Meng Li with a sallow face and skinny face and a child with an equally sallow face and skinny muscles, he can tell that he is from the countryside.

His attitude also became arrogant in front of Meng Li.

He also told Meng Li a lot of rules.

Children are not allowed to draw graffiti on the walls, cooking is not allowed to be too spicy, and Meng Li has to clean the corridors himself.

Meng Li looked at the pits on the wall of the room, which were covered with graffiti, as well as the marks of mosquito corpses left on the wall after swatting dead mosquitoes, and said nothing.

The house is yours, you can make whatever rules you want.

And the tenants of several rooms in a corridor have to leave.

There were dead cockroaches on the floor of the corridor at the door. They had obviously been trampled to death. Moreover, the corridor was covered with floor tiles, but now it was so dirty that the original color of the floor tiles could not be seen clearly. Meng Li couldn't help but ask:

"With so many tenants, I can clean it by myself?"

The landlady rolled her eyes, fanned herself with a cattail leaf fan in her hand, and said impatiently:

"They won't sweep. If you can ask them to sweep, go ahead."

Meng Li was speechless, forget it, for the sake of the rent, he endured it.

Meng Li paid the money and bought some tools to clean the room. He also bought an electric wok so that he could make simple meals.

I also bought some necessary daily necessities.

By the time Meng Li finished all this, it was already dark.

In order to celebrate the successful divorce, Meng Li decisively took his child out to a restaurant, bought new clothes for the child, and bought some small toys for the child.

She didn't dare to choose one that was too expensive. She had just received her salary in her hand, and the factory was still holding some unfinished wages, and she would sneak back to collect them after a while.

During this time, she and her child had to stay close to each other.

Meng Li looked for a nursery for his child in the county town. The child was too young and some places were unwilling to accept it, and the fee was more expensive than in the town.

Meng Li was also worried that it would be difficult to find a job that the client could do even if he came back.

After all, the client has not even graduated from elementary school.

For some unsuitable jobs, once she leaves, the client will be confused when he comes back.

Meng Li finally found a job at the flower market, helping others look after the store.

The work is not very tiring for Meng Li. He just moves the flower pots and potted plants to the door of the store every day and then takes care of them.

When it's closing time, it's time to move things in again.

But many larger potted plants are not light, and medium potted plants weigh several dozen kilograms. Meng Li moved them around alone.

It will probably be a little difficult for the client to come back.

But she will save some money for the client. If the client comes back and no longer wants to do this job, she can change it at will.

Meng Li found a nearby nursery for her child. She sent her child there in the morning, took time to pick her child up to work in the afternoon, and asked her child to wait for her to get off work.

Meng Li had already discussed it with his boss about spending some time picking up the children every day when he was looking for a job. The boss understood this and said picking up the children for ten or twenty minutes would not affect anything.

It took Meng Li a few days to settle down her life with her child, but the situation at Li Pingkai's side was dire.

Li Pingkai stayed in the hospital for several days. Every day he said that he was dizzy, his whole body was sore and weak, and sometimes he felt like he couldn't breathe.

The doctor checked Li Pingkai several times and found no problems.

As for Li's mother, she was worried about Li Pingkai's daily hospitalization expenses. She borrowed money everywhere every day, and even went to some relatives' houses in the village next door to borrow money.

Li's mother put on all kinds of tragic performances to pay for Li Pingkai's treatment.

Mother Li felt exhausted both physically and mentally.

Li's mother even went to the place where Meng Li worked before and found the person in charge of the factory to ask if Meng Li had any unpaid wages.

You can give it to her, she needs it urgently.

Of course, she went in the name of Granny Mengli.

The people in the factory looked confused. Didn't they come to the factory two days ago to curse others and ruin their reputation

The people in the factory said that they could only receive the wages themselves, and Li's mother cursed and left.

Mother Li returned to the hospital and pestered the doctor to ask what was going on with her son.

The doctor just suggested that Li's mother and his wife take Li Pingkai to a large hospital in the city for a check-up, which has better equipment.

During this period, Li's mother and Li Pingkai kept asking the doctor whether he had been beaten like this.

The doctor looked at the two of them with crazy eyes, "Who hit you?"

There is no trace on the body.

He also told the Li family that this was definitely not the result of being beaten like this.

Being beaten like this can be detected.

The Li family is very disappointed. If it can be found out that Meng Li was beaten like this, they can sue the woman.

It is illegal to hit someone, and the woman will definitely have to pay for the medical expenses during this period.

Yes, she also has to pay for things like nutritional expenses.

And they can also take this opportunity to find her. Now that she has run away, they can't find her, but the police can definitely find her.

But the doctor said no, and his son bit him to death again, saying it was her who beat him.

What's going on

Li's mother and Li's father looked at their son who was gasping for air even after walking a few steps, and couldn't help but wonder in their hearts whether what their sons said was true, but they didn't dare to ask, and would definitely get angry if they asked.

The Li family's parents had no choice but to feel distressed for their son, but it would cost money to go to a major hospital in the city for a check-up.

Where does the money come from