Quick Transmigration: Cannon Fodder Comes to Counterattack

Chapter 99: Let me help this prince5


Xu Caishan was cared for by the maid, and something unexpected happened. Of course, other ladies came to care for Xu Caishan.

Regardless of whether they were sincere or not, everyone gathered around Xu Caishan.

Xu Caishan's hands were shaking with pain, and her heart was also shaking. She was really embarrassed this time.

Seeing a group of people around her asking her what was going on, Xu Caishan had no choice but to deal with it.

But someone took issue with it:

"Ms. Xu's hand hurts out of nowhere. Could it be that she has some hidden illness?"

The one who made the incident was also a young lady, who usually disagreed with Xu Caishan.

Xu Caishan immediately became angry after hearing this, but because her rank was higher, she immediately suppressed her anger. She pursed her lips and said nothing, but her eyes were a little red.

Xu Caishan's maid blushed when she heard this:

"My young lady doesn't have any hidden illness, don't talk nonsense."

Miss Ning looked at Xu Caishan meaningfully:

"Then why are your hands shaking like this all of a sudden?"

Xu Caishan's eyes were red, she turned around and saluted everyone, saying:

"My little girl is ashamed. I'm afraid I won't be able to play the piano for everyone."

Xu Caishan tried to move her hand, but a burst of pain hit her at the slightest movement. Xu Caishan did not dare to move anymore, feeling extremely regretful in her heart.

The good opportunity was gone.

Everyone expressed their understanding and offered a few words of comfort.

Some people also said that they called a doctor to come for diagnosis. Xu Caishan was not sure what was wrong with her hand, so she could only politely refuse.

Miss Ning spoke again at this time:

"Ms. Xu didn't dare to invite the doctor. Could it be that she was worried about diagnosing a hidden disease?"

Xu Caishan looked at Miss Ning, feeling irritated in her heart, thinking that I will let you be proud today, but I will make you suffer tomorrow.

Although she thought of this, Xu Caishan's eyes turned redder and she looked aggrieved. The woman next to her started to tell Miss Ning to stop saying a few words.

But most people just thought that Xu Caishan was not good at playing the piano, so they used the excuse that their hands hurt.

Her hand hurt out of nowhere, and no one hurt her.

How could it happen

Wei Zining was a little disappointed. He originally thought he could listen to a song, but something unexpected happened.

Is there really a hidden disease

Still don’t want to play the piano

This made Wei Zining feel a little guilty.

Not sure what's going on.

The prince's expression was indifferent, but deep down he felt that Xu Caishan felt strange to him today.

But I can't tell what's wrong.

Meng Li looked expressionlessly at Xu Caishan with his peripheral vision. Xu Caishan's plan failed this time.

The prince will definitely not treat Xu Caishan differently this time.

The piece played by Xu Caishan in the plot was made by an unknown person later and spread to the palace. The luthier who played the piece at that time even received a reward from the emperor.

Things that emperors like must be nice and elegant.

Later, there was a big fire in the capital, and noble ladies from aristocratic families rushed to study.

So in the plot, Xu Caishan's song ended, attracting the favor of many young men and making many jealous women jealous.

Xu Caishan felt that her hand hurt so much that she had no choice but to leave first without engaging in any verbal entanglement with the person who was embarrassing her.

On the contrary, it seemed that she was generous and the other person was mean.

The other party was so angry that he almost lost his temper.

Xu Caishan glanced in the direction of the prince before leaving, but met Wei Zining's eyes. Their eyes met. Xu Caishan looked a little complicated and embarrassed, her face was reddish, and then she hurried away with her maid.

Xu Caishan went home and sat in the sedan, but she broke a silver tooth.

Why is everything so troubled even after being reborn

Her plan was obviously perfect, but none of it could be implemented properly.

The arranged child was rescued by the prince's bodyguard, and she was not given a chance to save her life.

I originally planned to sing a great song to show off my talent, but something like this suddenly happened.

Now he is returning home in despair, causing many jokes.

Xu Caishan felt really bad.

She was also suspicious, who was plotting against her

But there is no trace again.

Xu Caishan raised the hand that Meng Li had beaten. It was still in pain even now. Damn it.

Could it be that she really has some hidden disease that she didn't know about in her previous life

Xu Caishan returned to the mansion early, and people in the mansion wondered why she returned without visiting the lake.

Xu Caishan finished explaining the matter in a few words. The family took it very seriously and quickly called a doctor to see Xu Caishan.

Xu Caishan took out her hand and felt that she could move her hand again, and the pain was not too obvious.

I also felt a little regretful about why I didn't keep some for a long time.

But then I thought about it, if she stayed, it would be more embarrassing. Should we wait for her hand to heal and let everyone take time to listen to her playing the piano again

The doctor made a diagnosis and only said that Xu Caishan had been hit by something hard, and there were some faint bruises on the back of her hand.

But the doctor actually had some doubts in his heart. For such a pampered young lady, with her delicate skin and tender flesh, she would often get a pimple if she was gently pinched, and it would take half a day to dissipate.

How did this large area of faintly visible bruises occur

However, the doctor was still very sure that it was hit by something, so he prescribed some ointment to Xu Caishan to ask her to stop working as a female worker.

After Xu Caishan left, everyone began to discuss Xu Caishan's situation in a low voice. After playing for a while, the boat came, and everyone boarded the boat and played in the lake.

Meng Li stood expressionlessly on the deck. Hua Yi pushed Meng Li with his body.

Meng Li moved his body.

Asked: "What are you doing?"

Meng Li looked at Hua Yi's fair face and asked again:

"Why is your face so white?"

The look on his face instantly made him feel resentful:

"What are you doing? Don't call me pale. I'm not a pretty boy."

Meng Li smiled and said nothing.

Hua Yi couldn't help but ask:

"What happened to that child today?"

Meng Li looked back at the prince in the cabin and whispered:

"We'll talk about it later."

Sometimes Meng Li thought she was a woman, but now that she was in a man's body, her speaking voice became that of a man's, which felt a bit strange.

Moreover, Meng Li glanced at the woman who was supposed to become the crown princess in the original plot.

Her face was like a peach blossom, her skin was like cream, and her appearance was not inferior to that of Xu Caishan. She glanced at the prince from time to time, and the prince's eyes accidentally met hers. She blushed with embarrassment and quickly turned her eyes elsewhere.

As the sun set and twilight fell over the wild fields, everyone dispersed after having enough fun. The prince took Meng Li and his party back to the prince's residence.

After the prince had finished his dinner, he called Meng Li into the room.

The prince looked at Meng Li and asked:

"What happened today?"

Meng Li replied:

"The material of the child's clothes is very new, and I don't know whose son he belongs to."

The prince raised his eyebrows, looked at Meng Li, and said:

"So Shuyi, do you mean that today's events were arranged by someone?"

Meng Li lowered his head and replied:

"My subordinates guess that this is what happened."

The prince pondered for a moment and said:

"Go check it out."

Meng Li responded yes, it is always good for the prince to attract attention.

When they know Xu Caishan's true purpose, they probably won't like Xu Caishan anymore.